67 resultados para p-Adic field


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A sandwich structure consisting of Ag nanoparticles (NPs), p-aminothiophenol (p-ATP) self-assembled monolayers (SAMs), and Ag NPs was fabricated on glass and characterized by surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). The SERS spectrum of a p-ATP SAM in such sandwich structure shows that the electromagnetic enhancement is greater than that on Ag NPs assembled on glass. The obtained enhancement factors (EF) on solely one sandwich structure were as large as 6.0 +/- 0.62x10(4) and 1.2 +/- 0.62x10(7) for the 7a and 3b(b(2)) vibration modes, respectively. The large enhancement effect of p-ATP SAMs is likely a result of plasmon coupling between the two layers of Ag NP (localized surface plasmon) resonance, creating a large localized electromagnetic field at their interface, where p-ATP resides. Moreover, the fact that large EF values (similar to 1.9 +/- 0.7x10(4) and 9.4 +/- 0.7x10(6) for the 7a- and b(2)-type vibration modes, respectively) were also obtained on a single sandwich structure of Au NPs/p-ATP SAMs/Ag NPs in the visible demonstrates that the electromagnetic coupling does not exist only between Ag NPs but also between Au and Ag NPs.


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The cloud-point temperatures (T-cl's) of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and poly(ethylene oxide)-block-polydimethylsiloxane (P(EO-b-DMS)) homopolymer and block-oligomer mixtures were determined by turbidity measurements over a range of temperatures (105 to 130degrees), pressures (1 to 800 bar), and compositions (10-40 wt.-% PEO). The system phase separates upon cooling and T-cl was found to decrease with an increase in pressure for a constant composition. In the absence of special effects, this finding indicates negative excess volumes. Special attention was paid to the demixing temperatures as a function of the pressure for the different polymer mixtures and the plots in the T-phi plane (where phi signifies volume fractions). The cloud-point curves of the polymer mixture under pressures were observed for different compositions. The Sanchez-Lacombe (SL) lattice fluid theory was used to calculate the spinodals, the binodals, the Flory-Huggins (FH) interaction parameter, the enthalphy of mixing, and the volume changes of mixing. The calculated results show that modified P(EO-b-DMS) scaling parameters with the new combining rules can describe the thermodynamics of the PEO/P(EO-b-DMS) system well with the SL theory.


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A liquid crystalline (LC) copolyether has been synthesized from 1-(4-hydroxy-4'-biphenyl)-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propane with 1,7-dibromoheptane and 1,11-dibromoundecane with a 50/50 (both in %) equal composition of the 7- and 11-methylene monomers [coTPP-7/11(5/5)]. A mono-domain with a homeotropic alignment can be induced by a thin film surface in the LC phase. When an electrostatic field is applied to the surface-induced mono-domains parallel to the thin film surface normal, the molecular alignment undergoes a change from the homeotropic to uniaxial homogeneous arrangement. However, when the field is applied to a direction perpendicular to the thin film surface normal. the molecular alignment is about 10 degrees -tilt with respect to the homeotropic alignment toward the a*-axis. This is because the permanent dipole moment of the copolyether is not right vertical to the molecular direction. The calculation of molecular dipoles indicates that the permanent dipole moment of this copolyether is about 70 degrees away from the molecular axis, which leads to a negative dielectric anisotropy. It is speculated that the 10 degrees- rather than 20 degrees -tilt is due to a balance between the alignment induced by the electrostatic field and the surface. In the electrostatic field, molecules are subjected to a torque tau, which is determined by the permanent dipole moment P and the electrostatic field E: tau = P x E. The molecular realignment in both parallel and perpendicular directions to the thin film surface normal is determined by satisfying the condition of tau = P x E = 0. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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China locates between the circum-Pacific and the Mediterranean-Himalayan seismic belt. The seismic activities in our country are very frequent and so are the collapses and slides of slope triggered by earthquakes. Many collapses and slides of slope take place mainly in the west of China with many earthquakes and mountains, especially in Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces. When a strong earthquake happening, the damage especially in mountains area caused by geological hazards it triggered such as rock collapses, landslides and debris flows is heavier than that it caused directly. A conclusion which the number of lives lost caused by geological hazards triggered by a strong earthquake in mountains area often accounts for a half even more of the total one induced by the strong earthquake can be made by consulting the statistical loss of several representative earthquakes. As a result, geological hazards such as collapses and slides of slope triggered by strong earthquakes attract wide attention for their great costs. Based on field geological investigation, engineering geological exploration and material data analysis, chief conclusions have been drawn after systematic research on formation mechanism, key inducing factors, dynamic characteristics of geological hazards such as collapses and slides of slope triggered by strong earthquakes by means of engineering geomechanics comprehensive analysis, finite difference numerical simulation test, in-lab dynamic triaxial shear test of rock, discrete element numerical simulation. Based on research on a great number of collapses and landslides triggered by Wenchuan and Xiaonanhai Earthquake, two-set methods, i.e. the method for original topography recovering based on factors such as lithology and elevation comparing and the method for reconstructing collapsing and sliding process of slope based on characteristics of seism tectonic zone, structural fissure, diameter spatial distribution of slope debris mass, propagation direction and mechanical property of seismic wave, have been gotten. What is more, types, formation mechanism and dynamic characteristics of collapses and slides of slope induced by strong earthquakes are discussed comprehensively. Firstly, collapsed and slided accumulative mass is in a state of heavily even more broken. Secondly, dynamic process of slope collapsing and sliding consists of almost four stages, i.e. broken, thrown, crushed and river blocked. Thirdly, classified according to failure forms, there are usually four types which are made up of collapsing, land sliding, land sliding-debris flowing and vibrating liquefaction. Finally, as for key inducing factors in slope collapsing and sliding, they often include characteristics of seism tectonic belts, structure and construction of rock mass, terrain and physiognomy, weathering degree of rock mass and mechanical functions of seismic waves. Based on microscopic study on initial fracturing of slope caused by seismic effect, combined with two change trends which include ratio of vertical vs. horizontal peak ground acceleration corresponding to epicentral distance and enlarging effect of peak ground acceleration along slope, key inducing factor of initial slope fracturing in various area with different epicentral distance is obtained. In near-field area, i.e. epicentral distance being less than 30 km, tensile strength of rock mass is a key intrinsic factor inducing initial fracturing of slope undergoing seismic effect whereas shear strength of rock mass is the one when epicentral distance is more than 30 km. In the latter circumstance, research by means of finite difference numerical simulation test and in-lab dynamic triaxial shear test of rock shows that initial fracture begins always in the place of slope shoulder. The fact that fracture strain and shear strength which are proportional to buried depth of rock mass in the place of slope shoulder are less than other place and peak ground acceleration is enlarged in the place causes prior failure at slope shoulder. Key extrinsic factors inducing dynamic fracture of slope at different distances to epicenter have been obtained through discrete element numerical simulation on the total process of collapsing and sliding of slope triggered by Wenchuan Earthquake. Research shows that combined action of P and S seismic waves is the key factor inducing collapsing and sliding of slope at a distance less than 64 km to initial epicenter along earthquake-triggering structure. What is more, vertical tensile action of P seismic wave plays a leading role near epicenter, whereas vertical shear action of S seismic wave plays a leading role gradually with epicentral distance increasing in this range. On the other hand, single action of P seismic wave becomes the key factor inducing collapsing and sliding of slope at a distance between 64 km and 216 km to initial epicenter. Horizontal tensile action of P seismic wave becomes the key factor gradually from combined action between vertical and horizontal tensile action of P seismic wave with epicentral distance increasing in this distance range. In addition, initial failure triggered by strong earthquakes begins almost in the place of slope shoulder. However, initial failure beginning from toe of slope relates probably with gradient and rock occurrence. Finally, starting time of initial failure in slope increases usually with epicentral distance. It is perhaps that the starting time increasing is a result of attenuating of seismic wave from epicenter along earthquake-triggering structure. It is of great theoretical and practical significance for us to construct towns and infrastructure in fragile geological environment along seism tectonic belts and conduct risk management on earthquake-triggered geological hazards by referring to above conclusions.


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Nowadays, the exploration of fractured reservoir plays a vital role in the further development of petroleum industry through out the world. Fractured hydrocarbon reservoirs are widely distributed in China. Usually, S-wave technique prevails, but it also has its disadvantage, prohibitive expense in S-wave data acquisition and processing. So directly utilizing P-wave data to detect fractures, comes to our mind. We briefly introduce theoretical model (HTI) for fractured reservoir. Then study Ruger’s reflectivity method to recognize reflection P-wave reflection coefficient of the top and bottom interface of HTI layer respectively, and its azimuth anisotropy character. Base on that study, we gives a review and comparison of two seismic exploration technologies for fractures available in the industry-- P-wave AVO and AVA. They has shown great potential for application to the oil and gas prediction of fractured reservoir and the reservoir fine description.Every technique has its disadvantage, AVO limited to small reflection angle; and AVA just offering relatively results. So that, We can draw a conclusion that a better way to any particular field is using synthesis of multiple data sources including core、outcrop、well-test、image logs、3D VSPs, generally to improve the accuracy.


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As far as the architecture of the south Dabie metamorphic terrain is concerned, there have been lots of different opinions for a long time. Wang et al. (1990, 1992) thought of it was a continuous terrain. Okay (1993) held that it consistes of two different tectonic terrains: the 'hot' and 'cold' eclogite belt. Liu and Wang (1998) held that it is composed of different metamorphic blocks through 'melange' in depth. For this reason, we have choiced Hualiangting reservoir of Taihu county as the study area treat eclogite as the investigated objection in this thesis, and employ the detailed 1 :10000 geological mapping, methods of Petrography and electonic probe anaylsis to probe into the architecture of the south Dabie metamorphic terrains. In the light of the eclogite occurrenc in the field, the analysis of Petrography, the research on metamoiphic P-T path and condition of the peak metamorphic P-T condition, the eclogite in the Taihu area of Dabieshan have been classified into three types eclogite from the south to the north: The zhujiachong type eclogite; The Daba type eclogite; (3) The Jinheqiao type eclogite, their mineral composition, structure, and mineral component vary continuously. These eclogites have the same rnetamoiphic stages, P-T evolution pattern, and their peak P-T condition varies continuously. The zhujiachong type eclogite is formed in the high pressure metamoiphic environment. The Jinheqiao type eclogite is formed in the typical ultra-high pressure environment. The Daba type eclogite is formed in the transformed metamorphic environment between high pressure and ultra-high pressure metamorphism. All these evidences show that the south Dabie metamorphic terrain is a continuous metamorphic block and no large fault ever existed.