90 resultados para ion source
离子源发展存在两大热点问题:其一强流高电荷态离子的产生;其二强流金 属离子的产生。为了获得强流高电荷态离子,我们设计制造了全超导 ECR 离子 源 SECRAL(Superconducting ECR ion source with Advanced design in Lanzhou) , 该离子源采用了全新的超导磁体结构形式,工作于 18~28GHz 的微波频率。根据 scaling laws 和实验经验,我们确定了 SECRAL 离子源所需要的约束磁场场形, 并针对新的磁体结构设想,通过 TOSCA 程序进行了详细的计算,成功地设计出 满足我们场形要求的超导磁体物理模型。据此,我们进一步进行了超导磁体的力 学结构分析,为磁体机械工艺设计提供了参考依据,保证了超导磁体结构设计的 可靠性。源体建成后,经过一系列的测试和调束实验,不但验证了我们的设计和 分析是合理的、可靠的,而且创造了许多项束流调试的新世界纪录,我们分别获 得了 810 A eμ O7+ 、730 A eμ Ar 11+ 、220 A eμ Ar 14+ 、73 A eμ Ar 16+ 、483 A eμ Xe 20+ 等束 流。为了获得强流中低电荷态金属离子束,我们尝试探索一种原理、结构、工作 模式全新的离子源-外部电子注入PIG离子源(E-PIG) 。目前,我们基本按照我 们的初期设想设计建造了 E-PIG离子源,设计中采用了外部电子枪注入电子、空 心阴极、特殊的场形等手段来提高金属离子的电荷态和流强。经过初步的起弧调 试,我们发现在初期的设计中还存在一些问题亟待进一步整改。
本文第一章介绍了高电荷态电子加旋共振(ECR)离子源发展情况,对其发展的几个方向作了一定的讨论,着重介绍了IMP高电荷态ECR离子源。第二章讨论了ECR离子源的加热原理,并讨论了低电荷态ECR离子源的加热情况。在ECR离子源中,磁场有着重要的作用,磁场场面设计和计算也ECR离子源物理设计中关键的一环。第三章讨论了ECR离子源的磁场设计和计算。在设计、加工几例磁场系统的基础上,利用计算与实测结果对离子源的磁场设计和计算作了一定程度的讨论。并使用二维POSSION、三维TOSCA程序对超导离子源进行了初步设计和计算。第四章着重讨论了两个2.45GHzECR离子源实验台。描述了一台2.45GHz单电荷态ECR离子源的结构与应用。介绍了其微波系统与磁场结构,并对该离子源的一些问题进行了讨论。在微波输入功率约600瓦,引出高压22KV,引出孔径为φ6mm,引出间隙6mm时,该离子源的总束流I(H_1~+ + H_2~+ + H_3~+)为 90mA。同时,介绍了一台2.45GHz多电荷态ECR实验台的设计。
本论文首先介绍ECR(电子回旋共振)离子源的基本原理及其发展,在此基础上讲述了近物所的14.5GHzECR离子源的结构和特点。本论文主要内容是介绍所研制的适用于30KV高压端的ECR离子源高真空微调针阀控制系统。此系统被控对象是位于ECR源上的高真空微调针阀,它与地面之间有20~30KV的电位差。论文中首先阐述此控制系统研究的背景,并对ECR离子源电气参数控制的特点进行了说明。根据被控对象的情况以及对系统提出的指标,详细讲述了此控制系统的软、硬件实现。硬件包括步进电机、步进电机驱动器、轴编码器等。软件包括译码编程。然后从总体介绍此控制系统的功能结构,再分步讲述发射器、接受器、译码等各功能模块的实现过程。此控制系统的最大特点是使用光路实现高压绝缘,这为解决位于ECR离子源高压端器件的控制问题提出新思路。本系统的光路采用红外线发射接收系统,以空气为传输介质,依据光信号的有无接收控制信息,此方式效果好、易于实现。在系统中,使用光路传输装置定位,聚集透镜聚集,增加信号强度,提高抗干拢能力。而且此光路传输系统价格便宜,易于实现,可靠性好。在整个控制系统方案调研期间,对各种控制方式进行了比较和实验,在此基础上,确定了一个比较经济实用和具有高可靠性的方案。经过设计电路原理图、绘制印制线路板、加工印制线路板、购买元器件、组装电路后,首先成功地进行了离线调试,最后,将整个系统模拟实际环境进行调试实验。整个系统实现了稳定可靠的工作,达到了预期的设计指标,精度好于要求的千分之一。由于时间紧张和条件的限制,该系统还未在现场设备上进行实验。因此,在今后的工作中,此控制系统还需要在条件具备时,在现场设备上进行实验和考验。此外,为满足国家大科学工程兰洲重离子冷却储存环的要求,我参与了在14.5GHz ECR离子源上进行afterglow工作模式的实验,首次产生了高电荷态脉冲束流Ar~(11+)和Ar~(12+)。论文最后一部分给出了初步实验结果,并对结果进行了分析和解释。
成功研制一套适合于ECR离子源引出束流发射度测量的探测器ESS(Electric-SweeP Scanner)。该探测器主要由测量探头、机械驱动装置、计算机控制及数据获取系统组成。ESS探测器所采用的测量方法是双狭缝加电扫描法,具有速度快、精度高,能够比较直观的反映束流的发射度相图、相空间密度分布等特点,是目前ECR离子源引出束流发射度测量的有效手段。本论文对发射度探测器ESS的原理、结构及物理和技术设计作了较详细的描述,并给出了相应的设计图纸及数值模拟结果。最后,利用Ess探测器对LECR3(Lanzhou No.3)离子源引出的04+离子束的发射度作了初步测量。当04+引出束流为343μA日寸,初步测量所得水平方向的发射度为227mm·mrad(约90%束流),并给出了相应的束流发射度相图和束流相空间密度分布。
本文论述了高电荷态ECR离子源的最新进展和原理;介绍了10GHz ECR2高电荷态离子源的设计特点和调试结果。在此离子源上发现了ECR离子源的新工作模式和新约束场形,新工作模式不同于传统工作模式的地方是在ECR离子源引出端注入低能电子;推动等离子体电极到更靠近高电荷态离子的约束区域;移动等磁压面使ECR等离子体向引出区域移动。新工作模式使ECR离子束流强度大为提高,得到Ar8+离子430μA、Ar9+离子320μA、O6+离子450μA;微波利用系数增加;工作气体气耗量减少。本文对新工作模式原理进行了详细的分析和讨论,得出高电荷态ECR离子源的一个重要结论,即引出端低能电子的注入比在注入端注入更有效。 本文还进行了将连续激光蒸发技术应用到ECR离子源中的研究。在10GHz ECR2离子源中使用50W连续CO2激光蒸发金属铝,得到Al6+离子约50μA。在此基础上根据ECR离子源新工作模式原理,提出了在ECR离子源引出端使用热阴极电子枪的设想,并阐述了其工作原理和设计。在激光离子源实验中发现强激光产生的等离子体具有独特的性质,如方向性、脉冲性和漂移性。在实验中使用磁场约束激光等离子体而使离子总束流提高了5倍,并首次使用了高频再游离措施,发现效果很明显,使得离子总束流提高了3倍。由此可见,可以利用脉冲激光产生等离子体的一些特殊性质来研究和改善ECR离子源的一些基本性质。 此外,在本论文中还介绍了2.45GHz ECR离子源实验台的设计和初步调试。
Gas phase ion-molecular reactions of C-60 with the ion system of CS2 have been studied in the ion source of mass spectrometer. It was found for the first time that the sulfuric derivative of C-60-C60S+ was the main ions in the ion source, they did not react with C-60 to form adduct ions due to their highly saturated structures. According to the dynamic analysis, the product ion came from the reaction of C-60 with the fragment ion S+. The adduct ion may have the structure of epsulfide that is advantageous in energy.
The unimolecular charge separations and neutral loss decompositions of the doubly charged ions [C7H7Cl](2+), [C7H6Cl](2+) and [C7H5Cl](2+) produced in the ion source by 70 eV electron impact from 3 chloro-toluenes and benzyl chloride isomers were studied
A radical aromatic substitution resulting in biphenylcarboxylic acid is inferred for the decomposition of benzoyl peroxide from the chemical ionization and collision-induced dissociation mass spectra. The thermolysis of benzoyl peroxide gives rise to a benzoyloxy radical, which undergoes rapid decarboxylation and hydrogen abstraction leading to phenyl radical and benzoic acid, respectively. Attack of the resulting phenyl radical on the benzoic acid results in bipbenylcarboxylic acid. On the other hand, the phenyl radical abstracts a hydrogen atom to yield benzene, which is then subjected to the attack of a benzoyloxy radical, affording phenyl benzoate. This substitution reaction rather than the recombination of benzoyloxy and phenyl radicals is found to be responsible for the formation of phenyl benzoate under the present conditions.
A study of doubly charged ion mass spectra (2E spectra), the substituents effect and the target gas pressure deppendence of biphenyl derivitives was presented in this work. The decomposition of doubly charged ion formed in the ion source is dominant by the losses of H, C2H2, C2H4 and HR(R represents substituent). [C12H8]2+, [C12H6]2+ and [C10H6]2+ among others are the most stable product ions. The substituents effect is Various in different decomposition reactions, and in some cases it can not be predicted by Hammett equition. While the TIC of 2E spectra was markedly influenced by the target gas pressure, but the fragmentation pattern of the 2E spectra is independent of it.
On a reversed phase Hypersil BDS C-18 (200 mm x 4. 6 mm, 5 mu m) column, 20 amino acids, which were derivatized using 2-(11H-benzo [a] carbazol-11-yl) ethyl carbonochloridate (BCEC-Cl) as pre-column derivatization reagent, were separated in conjunction with a gradient elution. Optimum derivatization was obtained by reacting of amino acids with BCEC-Cl at room temperature for 5 min in the presence of sodium borate catalyst in acetonitrile solvent. The fluorescence excitation and emission wavelengths were 279 nm and 380 nm respectively. The identification of amino acid derivatives from hydrolyzed bovine serum albumin and bee pollen was carried out by post-column mass spectrometry with electrospray ion source in positive ion mode. Linear correlation coefficients of the amino acid derivatives were > 0.9990, and detection limits (at signal to noise of 3:1) were 1.49 - 19.74 fmol for the labeled amino acids.
Strain relaxation in the As ion implanted Si0.57Ge0.43 epilayers was studied by double-crystal x-ray diffractometry and transmission electron microscopy, and was compared to that in the nonimplanted Si0.57Ge0.43 epilayers. Experimental results show that after rapid thermal annealing (RTA) the x-ray linewidth of the As+-implanted Si0.57Ge0.43 epilayers is narrower than that of the nonimplanted epilayers, and than that of the partially relaxed as-grown samples, which is due primarily to low density of misfit dislocations in the As+-implanted SiGe epilayers. RTA at higher than 950 degrees C results in the formation of misfit dislocations for the nonimplanted structures, and of combinations of dislocations and precipitates (tentatively identified as GeAs) for the As+-implanted epilayers. The results mean that the strain relaxation mechanism of the As+-implanted Si1-xGex epilayers may be different from that of the nonimplanted Si1-xGex epilayers. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics.
Using a refined two-dimensional hybrid-model with self-consistent microwave absorption, we have investigated the change of plasma parameters such as plasma density and ionization rate with the operating conditions. The dependence of the ion current density and ion energy and angle distribution function at the substrate surface vs. the radial position, pressure and microwave power were discussed. Results of our simulation can be compared qualitatively with many experimental measurements.
Using spatially averaged global model, we succeed in obtaining some plasma parameters for a low pressure inductively coupled plasma source of our laboratory. As far as the global balance is concerned, the models can give reasonable results of the parameters, such as the global electron temperature and the ion impacting energy, etc. It is found that the ion flow is hardly affected by the neutral gas pressure. Finally, the magnetic effects are calculated by means of the method. The magnetic field can play an important role to increase plasma density and ion current.