104 resultados para hydrocarbon exploration


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The disequilibrium between supply and demand the east part of North China accelerated natural gas exploration in Bohai bay basin. Exploration practice showed that coal-derived gas is important resource. In searching of big to middle scaled coal derived gas field, and realize successive gas supply, the paper carried out integrated study on structural evolution of Pre-Tertiary and evaluation of reservoir forming condition of coal-derived gas. Study work of the paper was based on the following condition: available achievement in this field at present, good understanding of multiphase of tectonic movement. Study work was focused on geological evolution, source rock evaluation and dissection key factors controlling reservoir forming. Based on analysis of seismic data, drilling data, tectonic style of Pre-Tertiary was subdivided, with different tectonic style representing different tectonic process. By means of state of the art, such as analysis of balanced cross section, and erosion restoration, the paper reestablished tectonic history and analyzed basin property during different tectonic phase. Dynamic mechanism for tectonic movement and influence of tectonic evolution on tectonic style were discussed. Study made it clear that tectonic movement is intensive since Mesozoic including 2 phase of compressional movement (at the end of Indo-China movement, and Yanshan movement), 2 phase of extensional movement (middle Yanshan movement, and Himalayan movement), 2 phase of strike slip movement, as well as 2 phase of reversal movement (early Yanshan movement, and early Himalayan movement). As a result, three tectonic provinces with different remnant of strata and different tectonic style took shape. Based on afore mentioned study, the paper pointed out that evolution of Bohai bay basin experienced the following steps: basin of rift valley type (Pt2+3)-craton basin at passive continental margin (∈1-2)-craton basin at active continental margin (∈3- O)-convergent craton basin (C-T1+2)-intracontinental basin (J+K). Superposition of basins in different stage was discussed. Aimed at tectonic feature of multiple phases, the paper put forward concept model of superposition of tectonic unit, and analyzed its significance on reservoir forming. On basis of the difference among 3 tectonic movements in Mesozoic and Cenozoic, superposition of tectonic unit was classified into the following 3 categories and 6 types: continuous subsidence type (I), subsidence in Mesozoic and uplift for erosion in Cenozoic (II1), repeated subsidence and uplift in Mesozoic and subsidence in Cenozoic (II2), repeated subsidence and uplift in Mesozoic and uplift for erosion in Cenozoic (II3), uplift for erosion in Mesozoic and subsidence in Cenozoic (II4), and continuous uplift (III). Take the organic facies analysis as link, the paper established relationship between sedimentary environment and organic facies, as well as organic facies and organic matter abundance. Combined information of sedimentary environment and logging data, the paper estimated distribution of organic matter abundance. Combined with simulation of secondary hydrocarbon generation, dynamic mechanism of hydrocarbon generation, and thermal history, the paper made static and dynamic evaluation of effective source rock, i.e. Taiyuan formation and Shanxi formation. It is also pointed out that superposition of tectonic unit of type II2, type II4, and type I were the most favorable hydrocarbon generation units. Based on dissection of typical primary coal-derived gas reservoir, including reservoir forming condition and reservoir forming process, the paper pointed out key factors controlling reservoir forming for Carboniferous and Permian System: a. remnant thickness and source rock property were precondition; b. secondary hydrocarbon generation during Himalayan period was key factor; c. tectonic evolution history controlling thermal evolution of source rock was main factor that determine reservoir forming; d. inherited positive structural unit was favorable accumulation direction; e. fault activity and regional caprock determined hydrocarbon accumulation horizon. In the end, the paper established reservoir forming model for different superposition of tectonic units, and pointed out promising exploration belts with 11 of the first class, 5 of the second class and 6 of the third class.


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China’s annual oil import volume has been increasing in recent years, but the oil price in the international market fluctuates and poses a severe threat to China’s economic development and national security. Therefore, it is of great importance to study the gas and oil exploration of Pre-Cenozoic Residual Basins in Yellow Sea. Yellow Sea has widespread and thick Mesozoic and Paleozoic strata that contain multilayer source rock. Hence, Yellow Sea Mesozoic and Paleozoic strata have good conditions of forming Pre-Cenozoic hydrocarbon reservoirs. Pre-Cenozoic Residual Basins are usually buried deep and then transformed many times in its long evolutional history. These characteristics make it difficult to apply a single method in exploring Pre-Cenozoic Residual Basins. On the other hand, it is highly effective to solve key problems of gas and oil exploration of Pre-Cenozoic Residual Basins in Yellow Sea by using integrated geological and geophysical methods which make full use of the advantages of various exploring techniques. Based on the principle of “the region controls the local; the deep restricts the shallow,” this study focuses on Pre-Cenozoic Residual Basins in Yellow Sea to describe the structure frame of its distribution, with gravity, magnetic, seismic, drill-hole and geological data and previous research findings. In addition, the distribution characteristics of Pre-Cenozoic Residual Basins in Yellow Sea are also analyzed. This paper explores the characteristics of error between gravity forward with constant density and gravity forward with variable density through the study on 2-D and 3-D gravity forward in frequency domain. The result shows that there is a linear relationship between error and depth of 2-D geological model but there is a nonlinear relationship between error and depth of 3-D geological model. The error can be removed according to its linear characteristics or statistical nature of nonlinear characteristics. There is also error between gravity inversion with constant density and gravity inversion with variable density due to variable density and edge-effect. Since there are not noticeable rules between the error and the two causes as variable density and edge-effect, this study adopts gravity inversion with variable density and methods to eliminate the edge-effect in basement inversion to improve inversion accuracy. Based on the study on the rock physical properties and strata distribution of Yellow Sea and adjacent regions, this study finds that there is a big density contrast between Cretaceous-Jurassic strata and their substratum. The magnetic basement of south Yellow Sea is regarded as top of Archeozoic-Proterozoic early strata, and there are double magnetic basements in north Yellow Sea. Gravity and magnetic data are used to inverse the gravity basement and magnetic basement of Yellow Sea, with seismic and drill-hole data as constrains. According to data of gravity and magnetic basement distribution, the depth of Cenozoic strata and previous research findings, this paper calculates the thickness of the Mesozoic and Pre-Mesozoic Residual Basins, draws the distribution outline of Pre-Cenozoic Residual Basins in Yellow Sea, and analyzes its macro-distribution characteristics. Gravity inversion is applied on a typical geological profile in Yellow Sea to analyze the characteristics of its fractures and magnetic basements. The characteristics of Pre-Cenozoic Residual Basins distribution outline in Yellow Sea and the fractures and magnetic basements of its typical profile shown by profile inversion provides new geophysical evidence for these structure views such as “the South Yellow Sea and the North Yellow Sea belong to different structural units” and “Sino-Korea and Yangtze blocks combine along Yellow Sea East Fractured Zone in Yellow Sea”.


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Maichen Depression lie between Leizhou Peninsula and Qiongzhou Strait. Oil and gas have been discovered in Weixinan Depression, Wushi Depression and Fushan Depression, which pertain to a same basin — North Sea Basin along with Maichen Depression.Jiangsu Oil started exploration at 2002. The first well began to drill at November, 2004 after gravity survey, electric method prospecting and 2D seismic exploration had been finished. Generating rock and hydrocarbon shows have been verified by the drilling. Low yield oil stream has been tested. And we started 3D seismic exploration at November, 2005. My thesis topic came from the actual needs of our exploration in the Maichen Depression. In the thesis, I give emphasis to analyse the own seismic geologic conditions of Maichen Depression. By real tests, we choosed the means to overcome or weaken the unfavorably impress owing to the own coditions in Maichen Depression. Finally, we obtained the usable seismic data. 1. Owing to the multiphase eruptive rock during the Quaternary Period, the near surface layers are very inhomogeneous. By simultaneous testing at same point with short refraction, uphole surveys of radial source and of surface source, the most appropriate method had been sorted out. Radial source uphole survey has been regarding the best practicable means in the complex area. Accurate surficial geology was very helpful to choosing of acquirement means and parameters. Basically the appropriate method of seismic acquirement has been built at Maichen area. 2. The seismic primary data has many, very strong and complex noise. By noise characteristic analysis in different domain, many means of denoising had been paralleled individual and joint application researched. As a result, the pre-stack multidomain joint denoise flow was the appropriate method. It can improve the seismic signal-to-noise ratio. 3. The problem of seismic static correction at Maichen Depression is very conspicuous. Many static correction methods had been tested individual and joint researched. The seismic data quality has been improved after choosing the appropriate combination of static correction flows. 4. Although the above-mentioned process are resultful, the seismic profile quality is just passable. Some reflector continuity and fault zone imagery are ambiguity. So it was the useful method to reduce the structural ambiguity during seismic interpretation that built-up geologic model in accord with real geologic character by areal structure study upon backbone seismic profiles. In the same way, traps have been assessed and drill targets have been selected.


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In the prediction of complex reservoir with high heterogeneities in lithologic and petrophysical properties, because of inexact data (e.g., information-overlapping, information-incomplete, and noise-contaminated) and ambiguous physical relationship, inversion results suffer from non-uniqueness, instability and uncertainty. Thus, the reservoir prediction technologies based on the linear assumptions are unsuited for these complex areas. Based on the limitations of conventional technologies, the thesis conducts a series of researches on various kernel problems such as inversions from band-limited seismic data, inversion resolution, inversion stability, and ambiguous physical relationship. The thesis combines deterministic, statistical and nonlinear theories of geophysics, and integrates geological information, rock physics, well data and seismic data to predict lithologic and petrophysical parameters. The joint inversion technology is suited for the areas with complex depositional environment and complex rock-physical relationship. Combining nonlinear multistage Robinson seismic convolution model with unconventional Caianiello neural network, the thesis implements the unification of the deterministic and statistical inversion. Through Robinson seismic convolution model and nonlinear self-affine transform, the deterministic inversion is implemented by establishing a deterministic relationship between seismic impedance and seismic responses. So, this can ensure inversion reliability. Furthermore, through multistage seismic wavelet (MSW)/seismic inverse wavelet (MSIW) and Caianiello neural network, the statistical inversion is implemented by establishing a statistical relationship between seismic impedance and seismic responses. Thus, this can ensure the anti-noise ability. In this thesis, direct and indirect inversion modes are alternately used to estimate and revise the impedance value. Direct inversion result is used as the initial value of indirect inversion and finally high-resolution impedance profile is achieved by indirect inversion. This largely enhances inversion precision. In the thesis, a nonlinear rock physics convolution model is adopted to establish a relationship between impedance and porosity/clay-content. Through multistage decomposition and bidirectional edge wavelet detection, it can depict more complex rock physical relationship. Moreover, it uses the Caianiello neural network to implement the combination of deterministic inversion, statistical inversion and nonlinear theory. Last, by combined applications of direct inversion based on vertical edge detection wavelet and indirect inversion based on lateral edge detection wavelet, it implements the integrative application of geological information, well data and seismic impedance for estimation of high-resolution petrophysical parameters (porosity/clay-content). These inversion results can be used to reservoir prediction and characterization. Multi-well constrains and separate-frequency inversion modes are adopted in the thesis. The analyses of these sections of lithologic and petrophysical properties show that the low-frequency sections reflect the macro structure of the strata, while the middle/high-frequency sections reflect the detailed structure of the strata. Therefore, the high-resolution sections can be used to recognize the boundary of sand body and to predict the hydrocarbon zones.


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The faulted slope zone of Biyang depression, a multiple hydrocarbon accumulation zone lying in a rich oil depression of Nanxiang basin, is a structural-sedimentary compounded slope, which is developed in Yanshanian period and has an area of 500 km2. From the ‘bottom up’, the developed strata may be divided into Yuhuangding formation in Neogene, Dacang Fang, Hetao-yuan plus Liaozhuang formations and Fenghuangzheng plus Pingyuan formation in Neogene, while Hetao-yuan formation is the main hydrocarbon-bearing target. Because of transtensional stress fields formed by persistent action of large-scale faulting in the south of the depression, sedimentary differential compaction in different stages, and tectonic inversion in later developing stage of the depression, a series of nose structure zones cut by different strike faults are developed. Therefore, the reservoir migration and accumulation are controlled by the complex faulted-nose structural zone, reservoir types are dominated by faulted-noses, faulted-blocks and fault-lithology, while lithology and stratigraphic unconformable reservoirs are locally developed. In combination with demands of practical production, applying with a new research approach of systematology and a combination with dynamic and static modes, guided by modern petroleum geologic theory, and based on previous data and studies, new techniques, methods of geophysical exploration, various computer simulation and forecasting techniques are applied in the new research of this paper. Starting from the structural features and formation mechanism, the forming mechanism of faulted structure, conditions and controlling factors of hydrocarbon accumulation, as well as various space-time allocation relationships in the process of accumulation are analyzed in the research. Besides that, the hydrocarbon migration, accumulation mechanism and dynamic evolution process are also discussed in the paper. Through the research, the accumulation rule of the faulted slope zone in faulted lake basin, the distribution and enrichment regularity of different reservoir controlling factors are systematically summarized. The summarizations indicate that the faulted slope is a favorable orientational zone, hydrocarbon is accumulated in nose structures and enriched in the main body of nose structures, faulted transformation zone and the ascent direction of laddering faulted blocks, the faults are the controlling factors, hydrocarbon accumulation zones controlled by fault-lithology are distributed along the faulting direcion. In the end, hydrocarbon migration and accumulation models of complex faulted-nose blocks are established. 1) Down cut model—‘flank-sheet’: the hydrocarbon is migrated like ‘sheet’ along a series of faults with parallel distribution and accumulated in the flank of nose structures; 2)Cross cut --‘axis-string’ model: the hydrocarbon cutting across the faults is migrated like ‘string’ and accumulated in the axis of nose structures. In view of different distribution models, reservoir forming combination patterns are divided and hydrocarbon reservoir evaluation exploration is carried out, which achieves good results in application. Key words: faulted slope zone; migration and accumulation model; reservoir controlling mechanism; reservoir-forming combination


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Luo Ning ( Mineralogy, Petrology, Deposit Mineralogy) Directed by Fu Liyun With the increase of the level of exploration and development, North China field, as one of the maturing fields in the east, has gradually turned their prospecting targets to frontiers such as deep zones, lithologic hydrocarbon reservoirs, low permeable layers, special lithostromes, etc, which propose new challenges to mating technique of exploration engineering. In it, the special lithostrome of clay carbonate in Shu-Lu cave in Middle Flank exploration area locates in Es_3 generating rock. The area distribution is large, formation thickness is over 100 meters, the oil accumulation condition is excellent, prognostic reserves is over 80,000,000 tons, but how to effectively stimulate the special low permeable and fractured reservoir has become the bottle neck problem of stimulation and stable yields. In this thesis, through comprehensive evaluation and analysis of lithology, lithomechanics, hydrocarbon reservoir characteristics, the characteristics of fluid flow through porous medium and the stimulation measures in the past, we acquire new cognition of clay carbonate reservoirs, in addition, the research and application of first hydraulic fracturing has gained positive effect and formed commensurable comprehensive reservoir evaluation technique and mating engineering technique of hydraulic fracturing. The main cognitions and achievements are as follows: 1.Study of geological information such as lithololy analysis and nuclear magnetic logging, etc, indicates that clay carbonate formation of Shu-Lu cave is anisotropic, low permeable with high shale content, whose accumulation space gives priority to microcracks. 2.The analysis of lithomechanics of clay carbonate indicates that the hardness is moderate, Young’s modulus is between that of sandstone and limestone, clay carbonate presents plastic property and its breakdown pressure is high because of the deep buried depth. 3.The analysis of the drillstem test curves indicates that the flow and build-up pressure curve of clay carbonate of Shu-Lu cave mainly has three types: formation contamination block-up type, low permeable type, formation energy accumulation slowness type; the reservoir characteristics presents double porosity media, radial compounding, uniform flow vertical fracture, isotropy, moniliform reservoir type. The target well Jingu 3 belongs to moniliform reservoir type. 4.Through recognition and re-evaluation of the treatment effect and technologic limitations of acidizing, acid fracturing and gelled acidizing in the past, based on the sufficient survey and study of hydraulic fracturing home and abroad, combined with comprehensive formation study of target well, we launched the study of the optimization of hydraulic fracturing technique, forming the principal clue and commensurable mating technology aimed at clay carbonate formation, whose targets are preventing leak off, preventing sand bridge, preventing embedment, controlling fracture height, forming long fracture. 5. Recognition of stimulation effect evaluation.


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Migration carriers act as the “Bridges” connecting source rock and traps and play important roles in petroleum migration and accumulation system. Among various types of carriers, sandstone carrier constitutes the basis of carrier system consisting of connected sandstone bodies, of sand-bodies connected with other carriers, such as faults and/or unconformities. How do we understand sandstone carrier beyond the traditional reservoirs concept? How could we characterize quantitatively this kind of carriers for petroleum migration? Such subjects are important and difficult contents in dynamic studies on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation. Sandstone carrier of Chang 8 member in Longdong area of Ordos Basin is selected as the research target in this thesis. Through conducting integrated reservoir analysis on many single wells, the correlation between single sandstone thickness and oil thickness seems good. Sketch sandstone is defined in this thesis as the principal part of carrier based on systematical analysis on lithology and sandstone thickness. Geometry connectivity of sandstone bodies was identified by the spatial superposition among them and was proved by the oil property features in oilfields. The connectivity between sandstone carriers is also hydrodynamically studied by observing and analyzed various diagenetic phenomena, especially the authigenic minerals and their forming sequence. The results were used to characterize transporting capability of sandstone carriers during the key petroleum migration periods. It was found that compaction and cementation are main causes to reduce pore space, and resolution may but not so importantly increases pore space after the occurrence of first migration. The cements of ferrocalcite and kiesel seem like the efficient index to demonstrate the hydraulic connection among sandy bodies. Diagenetic sequence and its relationship with petroleum migration phases are analyzed. Sandstone carrier of Chang 8 member was then characterized by studying their pore space and permeable properties. The results show an average porosity and permeability of Chang 8 carriers are respectively 8% and 0.50md, belongs to low porosity - low permeability reservoirs. Further, the physical properties of Chang 81 member are commonly better than those of Chang 82 member. Methods to reconstruct property of sandstone carrier during petroleum migration phase (late Jurassic) are built based on diagenetic sequence. Planal porosity, porosity and permeability of sandstone carrier in this period are statistically analyzed. One combining index - product of thickness and ancient porosity - is selected as the idea parameter to characterize sandstone carrier of late Jurassic after contrast with other parameters. Reservoirs of Chang 8 member in Longdong area are lithological reservoir controlled by sand body in which oil layers in middle part are clamped with dry layers in upper and lower parts, in a sandwich way. Based a newly proposed “migration-diagensis-remigration” model in low permeability sandstone of Chang 8 member in Longdong area, oil migration and accumulation processes during different periods are simulated with the reconstructed sandstone carriers system. Results match well with current reservoir distributions. Finally, suggestions for next favorable exploration areas are given based on all research achievements.


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Nowadays, with the development of reservoir exploration, the method of exploration is growing. Together with well information and laboratory results, seismic information with high quality can predict reservoir successfully. Hydrocarbon Indicator is a method, which picks the most sensitive rock properties of hydrocarbons, scans the aim area with rock physics tools, and then indicates the area of reservoir. Obviously, the more is the difference between brine and oil/gas, the better this method works. Which parameter can be used as the Optimal Hydrocarbon Indicators is still in discussion. The author introduced several kinds of Hydrocarbon Indicators in this thesis. After analyzing the response of different parameter to reservoir, together with seismic information, the reservoir can be predicted. In this paper, the reservoir of Zhunge’er is studied to prove this kind of method is suitable for real exploration in China. Besides, the author chose Haila’er reservoir to testify whether this method could be used in metamorphic reservoir other than sandstone reservoir. The results highlighted the meaning of Optimal Hydrocarbon Indicators on reservoir identification. The author also mentioned some thoughts for the development of hydrocarbon indicators in the future.


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Reservoir prediction techniques from prestack seismic are among the most important ones for exploration of lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir. In this paper, we set the turbidite fan sandstone reservoir in Liao-Zhong depress as our researching target, and aims to solve the apllication difficulties on pre-stack inversion in the area, where the drilling data is scarce and the reservoir is lateral varied. Meanwhile, AVO analysis and pre-stack inversion for gas-bearing detection is systematically researched. The seismic reflection characters of gas-bearing sandstone in turbidite fan with different fluid content are defined, after analyzing results from AVO seismic simulation and porous fluid replacement of real log data, and under the guides of the seismic characters from classical gas-bearing sandstone reservoir and numerical simulation for complicate gas-bearing sandstone. It is confirmed that detecting gas-bearing sandstone in turbidite fan via AVO technologies is feasible. In terms of AVO analysis, two AVO characters, fluid detection factor and product of intercept and gradient, can effectively identify top and bottom boundaries and lateral range of tuibidite gas sand by comparing real drilling data. Cross-plotting of near and far angle stack data could avoid the correlation existing in P-G analysis. After comparing the acoustic impedance inversions with routine stacked data and AVO intercept, impedance derived from AVO intercept attribute could reduce the acoustic impedance estimating error which is caused by AVO. On the aspect of elastic impedance inversion, the AVO information in the pre-stack gathers is properly reserved by creating partial angle stack data. By the far angle elastic impedance alone, the gas sand, with abnormally low range of values, can be identified from the background rocks. The boundary of gas sand can also be clearly determined by cross-plotting of near and far angle elastic impedances. The accuracy of far angle elastic impedance is very sensitive to the parameter K, and by taking the statistical average of Vp/Vs on the targeted section in key wells, the accuracy of low frequency trends is gurranteed; the intensive absorsion within the area of the gas sand, which tends to push the spectral of seismic data to the lower end, will cause errors on the inversion result of elastic impedance. The solution is to confine the inversion on the interested area by improving the wavelet. On the aspect of prestack AVA simultaneous inversion, the constraint of local rock-physical trends between velocities of P-wave、S-wave and density successfully removes the instability of inversion, thus improves the precision of the resulting elastic parameters. Plenty of data on rock properties are derived via AVO analysis and prestack seismic data inversion. Based on them, the fluid anomaly is analysized and lithological interpretation are conducted. The distribution of gas sand can be consistently determined via various of ways, such as cross-plotting of P and G attributes, near and far partial angle stack data, near and far angle elastic impedances, λρ and Vp/Vs, etc. The shear modulo and density are also reliable enough to be used for lithological interpretation. We successfully applied the AVO analysis and pre-stack inversion techniques to gas detecting for turbidite fan sand reservoir in Liao-Zhong depression.


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Ordos basin is a large-scale craton overlapping basin, which locates in western North China platform and possesses abundant hydrocarbon resources. Ansai area in 2007 to extend the head of Chang10 of Yangchang Formation has made breakthrough progress in the region, long a high of Gao52 was Chang10 industrial oil flow, for oil exploration Ansai Oil Field opened a new chapter. in 2008, high of Gao52, Wang519, Gao34 producing wells area of building and found the existence of Chang10 great potential for the discovery of Chang10 Reservoir, Ansai Oil Field for a new direction, showing a good exploration development prospects.The study of occurrence and distribution features of hydrocarbon should be made by new theories and evolutions of sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, reservoir sedimentology and petroleum geology form different angles on the base of regional geology background. Ansai Oil Field is in mid Shanbei Slope, which is a considerable producing zone of Ordos basin. Chang10 of Yangchang Formation is an important oil-bearing series, which sedimentary formation was formed in Indosinian orogeny, Late Triassic, sedimentary background is a momentary uplifting in Ordos basin, and exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbon in this area is very important. To further descripte disciplinarian of accumulation hydrocarbon, carefully study on sedimentary facies, reservoir type and disciplinarian of accumulation hydrocarbon of Chang10 of Yangchang Formation in study area is needed. By collecting date of field profile, outcrop, core and many other geological, through sedimentary and oil geological analysis, sedimentary facies types were identified, distributing of sedimentary facies and extension of sand body were analyzed too. Finally, the main controlling factors of hydrocarbon and the favorable areas were found out by deeply studying sedimentary system and disciplinarian of accumulation oil&gas in Chang10 of Yangchang Formation, Late Triassic in Ansai Oil Field. Chang10 of Yangchang Formation is main study formation, which is divided into three members (Chang101, Chang102 and Chang103), Chang101 is subdivided into three (Chang1011, Chang1012and Chang1013) reservoirs. By defining Layered borderline between every member and detailed describing rock and electro characteristic, member zonation become more reasonable and accurate also sedimentary facies and disciplinarian of accumulation oil&gas in study area are confirmed Through researching sedimentary facies, reservoir sand and hydrocarbon migration, accumulation, distribution, hydrocarbon accumulation models of Chang10 of Yangchang Formation in study area is pointed out, which is lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir and tectonic-lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir. Different play is formed by different processes and factors. Through analysis of reservoir property, trap type and accumulation model, several favorable exploration areas can be found out in Chang 10 reservoirs (Chang1011, Chang1012and Chang1013) of the Ansai Oil Field.


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Oil and gas migration is very important for theoretical hydrocarbon geology study and exploration practice, but related research is weak. Physical simulation is a main method to study oil migration. Systematic experiments were done to quantitatively describe the migration patterns, path characters and oil saturation by adjusting the possible dynamic factors respectively. The following conclusions were drawn. 1. Darcy velocity and pore throat diameter were calculated according to seepage cross-sectional area and glass beads arrangement. With such normalized Darcy velocity and pore throat diameter, the date from one and two dimensional experiments can be reasonably drawn in two phase diagrams. It is found that the migration pattern can be identified using only one dimensionless number L which is defined as the ration of capillary number and Bond number. 2. Oil saturated in the pores between glass beads was used as calibration and oil saturation in the path was measured by magnetic resonance imaging. The results show that oil saturation in the center of migration path can reach 100%, is higher than oil saturation in the edge of migration path. 3. Percolation backbone during secondary oil migration was identified experimentally using Hele-Shaw cell. The backbone formed mainly because of the spatial variation of the cluster conductivity caused by oil saturation heterogeneity, main resistant force change, and path shrinkage and snap-off. Percolation backbone improves hydrocarbon migration efficiency and is a favorable factor for reservoir forming. 4. In the three dimensional filling models, the thickness of the secondary migration path is mall. It is only 2.5cm even for the piston pattern. Inclination of the model is the main influencing factor of the secondary path width.


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Nowadays, the exploration of fractured reservoir plays a vital role in the further development of petroleum industry through out the world. Fractured hydrocarbon reservoirs are widely distributed in China. Usually, S-wave technique prevails, but it also has its disadvantage, prohibitive expense in S-wave data acquisition and processing. So directly utilizing P-wave data to detect fractures, comes to our mind. We briefly introduce theoretical model (HTI) for fractured reservoir. Then study Ruger’s reflectivity method to recognize reflection P-wave reflection coefficient of the top and bottom interface of HTI layer respectively, and its azimuth anisotropy character. Base on that study, we gives a review and comparison of two seismic exploration technologies for fractures available in the industry-- P-wave AVO and AVA. They has shown great potential for application to the oil and gas prediction of fractured reservoir and the reservoir fine description.Every technique has its disadvantage, AVO limited to small reflection angle; and AVA just offering relatively results. So that, We can draw a conclusion that a better way to any particular field is using synthesis of multiple data sources including core、outcrop、well-test、image logs、3D VSPs, generally to improve the accuracy.


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Basin-scale heterogeneity contains information about the traces of the past sedimentary cycle and tectonic process, and has been a major concern to geophysicists because of its importance in resource exploration and development. In this paper, the sonic data of 30 wells of Sulige field are used to inverse the power-law spectra slope and correlation length which are measures of the heterogeneity of the velocity of the log using fractal and statistic correlation methods. By taking the heterogeneity parameters of different wells interpolated, we get power law spectra slope and correlation length contours reflecting the stratum heterogeneity. Then using correlation and gradient, we inverse the transverse heterogeneity of Sulige field. Reservior-scale heterogeneity influnce the distribution of remaining oil and hydrocarbon accumulation. Using wavelet modulus maximum method to divide the sedimentary cycle using Gr data, therefore we can calculate the heterogeneity parameter in each layer of each log. Then we get the heterogeneity distribution of each layer of Sulige field. Finally, we analyze the relation between the signal sigularity and the strata heterogeneity, and get two different sigularity profiles in different areas.


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Ordos Basin is one of the primary bases for petroleum exploration in our country. A series of Ordovician large gas fields were discovered, which suggest that the Lower Paleozoic carbonate, especiallly for Ordovician carbonate rocks, preserve plenty of hydrocarbon resources. Well Longtong 1 is studied as the typical exploration well. Acorrding to the specific research on the type of lithology, texture, structure and sedimentary sequence in Ordovician Majiagou Formation as well as additional data from another 20 wells, the sedimentary model has been built in Majiagou Formation. The sedimentary characteristics for each Member in Majiagou Formaiton and the feature of distribution are well understood as below: It suggests that period of Member 1, Member 3 and Member 5 in Majiagou Formation characterize with dry and hot climate as well as drop of the sea level. The area of Well Longtan 1 in the eastern basin is abundant of platform evaporite lithofacies with the depositional anhyrock and salt rock, whereas yield a suite of dolomite intercalated by the thin layers of anhyrock from the anhyrcok-dolomite platform sediment. It deposits muddy dolomite, dolomitic limestone and fine-grain dolomite in limestone-dolomite platform and restricted sea. During the stage of Member 2 and Member 4 in Majiagou Formation, the climate is wet and hot with increasing sea level. The study region occurs limestone with little dolomite in the open sea environment; but the margin area is the restricted sea settings with interbeding dolomite and limestone. Based on the thin section identification, element and isotope analysis as well as the study of texture and structure, it sugguests that the main reserviors are dolomite while the gypsum are major cap rocks. The Member 2 in Majiagou Formation is both the source rocks and the resveroirs; gypsum rocks widely occur in Member 3 as the better cap; similar to the Member 2, the Member 4 in Majiagou Formation is both the source rocks and the resveroirs; there are two source-reservoir-cap assemblages in the Member 5 alone and the cap is gypsum with high quality and great thickness, which is a favorite source-reservoir-cap assemblage.


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Based on the temperature data from 196 wells and thermal conductivity measurements of 90 rock samples, altogether 35 heat flow data are obtained. The results show that the Junggar basin is a relatively "cold basin" at present. The thermal gradients vary between 11.6 and 26.5 ℃/km, and the thermal conductivity change from 0.17 to 3.6 W/mK. Heat flow ranges from 23.4 to 53.7 mW/m~2 with a mean of 42.3 ± 7.7 mW/m~2. The heat flow pattern shows that heat flow is higher on the uplifts and lower on the depressions. The overall low present-day heat flow in the Junggar Basin reflects its stable cratonic basement and Cenozoic tectonothermal evolution characterized by lithospheric thickening, thrust and fault at shallow crust as well as consequently quick subsidence during the Late Cenozoic. The study of the basin thermal history, which is one of the important content of the basin analysis, reveals not only the process of the basin's tectonothermal evolution, but also the thermal evolution of the source rocks based on the hydrocarbon generation models. The latter is very helpful for petroleum exploration. The thermal history of the Junggar basin has been reconstructed through the heat flow based method using the VR and Fission track data. The thermal evolutions of main source rocks (Permian and Jurassic) and the formations of the Permian and the Jurassic petroleum systems as well as the influences of thermal fields to petroleum system also have been discussed in this paper. Thermal history reconstruction derived from vitrinite reflectance data indicates that the Paleozoic formations experienced their maximum paleotemperature during Permian to Triassic with the higher paleoheat flow of around 70-85 mW/m~2 and the basin cooled down to the present low heat flow. The thermal evolution put a quite important effect on the formation and evolution of the petroleum system. The Jurassic petroleum system in the Junggar basin is quite limited in space and the source rocks of Middle-Lower Jurassic entered oli-window only along the foreland region of the North Tianshan belt, where the Jurassic is buried to the depth of 5-7 km. By contrast, the Middle-Lower Permian source rocks have initiated oil and gas generation in latter Permian to Triassic, and the major petroleum systems, like Mahu-West Pen 1 Well, was formed prior to Triassic when later Paleozoic formation reached the maximum paleotemperature.