116 resultados para first-principles calculations


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The structural stability and physical properties of CaCu3Fe4O12 were studied by the use of the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method. The authors' calculated result indicates that the title compound is stable both thermodynamically and mechanically. It is ferrimagnetic and half-metallic. The calculated magnetic structure reveals that the coupling of Cu-Fe is antiferromagnetic, while those of Cu-Cu and Fe-Fe are ferromagnetic.


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The electronic and magnetic properties of CaCu3Cr4O12 and CaCu3Cr2Sb2O12 are investigated by the use of the full-potential linearized augumented plane wave (FPLAPW) method. The calculated results indicate that CaCu3- Cr4O12 is a ferrimagnetic and half-metallic compound, in good agreement with previous theoretical studies. CaCu3- Cr2Sb2O12 is a ferrimagnetic semiconductor with a small gap of 0.136 eV. In both compounds, because Cr4+ 3d (d(2)) and Cr3+ 3d (d(3)) orbitals are less than half filled, the coupling between Cr-Cu is antiferromagnetic, whereas that between Cu-Cu and Cr-Cr is ferromagnetic. The total net spin moment is 5.0 and 3.0 mu(B) for CaCu3Cr4O12 and CaCu3Cr2Sb2O12, respectively. In CaCu3Cr4O12, the 3d electrons of Cr4+ are delocalized, which strengthens the Cr-Cr ferromagnetic coupling. For CaCu3Cr2Sb2O12, the doping of nonmagnetic ion Sb5+ reduces the Cr-Cr ferromagnetic coupling, and the half-filled Cr3+ t(2g) (t(2g)(3)) makes the chromium 3d electrons localized. In addition, the ordering arrangement of the octahedral chromium and antimony ions also prevents the delocalization of electrons. Hence, CaCu3Cr2Sb2O12 shows insulating behavior, in agreement with the experimental observation.


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Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and first-principles calculations are carried out to analyze the stability of both newly discovered and previously known phases of ZnO under loading of various triaxialities. The analysis focuses on a graphite-like phase (FIX) and a body-centered-tetragonal phase (BCT-4) that were observed recently in [0 1 (1) over bar 0]- and [0 0 0 1]-oriented nanowires respectively under uniaxial tensile loading as well as the natural state of wurtzite (WZ) and the rocksalt (RS) phase which exists under hydrostatic pressure loading. Equilibrium critical stresses for the transformations are obtained. The WZ -> HX transformation is found to be energetically favorable above a critical tensile stress of 10 GPa in [0 1 (1) over tilde 0] nanowires. The BCT-4 phase can be stabilized at tensile stresses above 7 GPa in [0 0 0 1] nanowires. The RS phase is stable at hydrostatic pressures above 8.2 GPa. The identification and characterization of these phase transformations reveal a more extensive polymorphism of ZnO than previously known. A crystalline structure-load triaxiality map is developed to summarize the new understanding. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Codoping of p-type GaN nanowires with Mg and oxygen was investigated using first-principles calculations. The Mg becomes a deep acceptor in GaN nanowires with high ionization energy due to the quantum confinement. The ionization energy of Mg doped GaN nanowires containing passivated Mg-O complex decreases with increasing the diameter, and reduces to 300 meV as the diameter of the GaN nanowire is larger than 2.01 nm, which indicates that Mg-O codoping is suitable for achieving p-type GaN nanowires with larger diameters. The codoping method to reduce the ionization energy can be effectively used in other semiconductor nanostructures. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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We perform first-principles calculations of electronic structure and optical properties for UO2 and PuO2 based on the density functional theory using the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) + U scheme. The main features in orbital-resolved partial density of states for occupied f and p orbitals, unoccupied d orbitals, and related gaps are well reproduced compared to experimental observations. Based on the satisfactory ground-state electronic structure calculations, the dynamical dielectric function and related optical spectra, i.e., the reflectivity, adsorption coefficient, energy-loss, and refractive index spectrum, are obtained. These results are consistent with the available experiments.


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It is revealed from first-principles calculations that polarization-induced asymmetric distribution of oxygen vacancies plays an important role in the insulating behavior at p-type LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface. The formation energy of the oxygen vacancy (V-O) is much smaller than that at the surface of the LaAlO3 overlayer, causing all the carriers to be compensated by the spontaneously formed V-O's at the interface. In contrast, at an n-type interface, the formation energy of V-O is much higher than that at the surface, and the V-O's formed at the surface enhance the carrier density at the interface. This explains the puzzling behavior of why the p-type interface is always insulating but the n-type interface can be conducting.


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The quantum confinement effect, electronic properties, and optical properties of TiO2 nanowires in rutile structure are investigated via first-principles calculations. We calculate the size- and shape-dependent band gap of the nanowires and fit the results with the function E-g = E-g(bulk) + beta/d(alpha). We find that the quantum confinement effect becomes significant for d < 25 angstrom, and a notable anisotropy exists that arises from the anisotropy of the effective masses. We also evaluate the imaginary part of the frequency-dependent dielectric function [epsilon(2)(omega)] within the electric-dipole approximation, for both the polarization parallel [epsilon(parallel to)(2)(omega)] and the perpendicular [epsilon 1/2(omega)] to the axial (c) direction. The band structure of the nanowires is calculated, with which the fine structure of epsilon(parallel to)(2)(omega) has been analyzed.


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The atomic and electronic structures of saturated and unsaturated GaN nanotubes along the [001] direction with (100) lateral facets are studied using first-principles calculations. Atomic relaxation of nanotubes shows that appreciable distortion occurs in the unsaturated nanotubes. All the nanotubes considered, including saturated and unsaturated ones, exhibit semiconducting, with a direct band gap Surface states arisen from the 3-fold-coordinated N and Ga atoms at the lateral facets exist inside the bulklike band gap. When the nanotubes are saturated with hydrogen, these dangling bond bands are removed from the band gap, but the band gap decreases with increasing the wall thickness of the nanotubes.


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The electronic structure of crystalline Y2O3 is investigated by first-principles calculations within the local-density approximation (LDA) of the density-functional theory. Results are presented for the band structure, the total density of states (DOS), the atom-and orbital-resolved partial DOS. effective charges, bond order, and charge-density distributions. Partial covalent character in the Y-O bonding is shown, and the nonequivalency of the two Y sites is demonstrated. The calculated electronic structure is compared with a variety of available experimental data. The total energy of the crystal is calculated as a function of crystal volume. A bulk modulus B of 183 Gpa and a pressure coefficient B' of 4.01 are obtained, which are in good agreement with compression data. An LDA band gap of 4.54 eV at Gamma is obtained which increases with pressure at a rate of dE(g)/dP = 0.012 eV/Gpa at the equilibrium volume. Also investigated are the optical properties of Y2O3 up to a photon energy of 20 eV. The calculated complex dielectric function and electron-energy-loss function are in good agreement with experimental data. A static dielectric constant of epsilon(O)= 3.20 is obtained. It is also found that the bottom of the conduction band consists of a single band, and direct optical transition at Gamma between the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band may be symmetry forbidden.


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本论文的研究方向是通过密度泛函理论研究各种材料的物理化学性质。近年来相关理论和数值算法的飞速发展,使得基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理方法成为凝聚态物理、量子化学和材料科学中的常规计算研究手段。本论文对无机材料进行第一性原理研究,研究涉及材料物性包括几何构型、电子结构、磁性能、和力学性质等等。 第一章简要地介绍了密度泛函理论的基本框架和近年来的理论发展。密度泛函理论的发展以及寻找合适的交换相关能量泛函为主线。从最初的局域密度近似(LDA)、广义梯度近似(GGA)到现在的非局域泛函、自相互作用修正,多种泛函形式的出现使得密度泛函理论可以提供越来越精确的计算结果。除了改进交换相关泛函,近年来密度泛函理论向动力学平均场和含时理论等方面扩展也很活跃。这些扩展式的密度泛函理论的应用领域不断扩大。在本章的最后,我们介绍一些密度泛函理论的应用程序。 第二章我们通过第一性原理从头算系统的研究了5d过渡金属二硼化物TMB2 (TM = Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os and Ir, Pt)在假想的Pmmn空间群中的结合能、生成焓、力学常数和电子能带结构。我们的计算结果表明在力学常数和价电子浓度之间存在一种关系:即当价电子浓度在6.8到7.2之间时,体模量和剪切模量达到最大值。再者,这种力学常数与价电子浓度之间的关系可以通过电子能带结构分析,如费米面附近价电子的占据情况,决定了体系的结合能和力学性能。最大的体模量和剪切模量的获得归因于TM d-B p成键态的几乎完全占据和反键态的未占据。依据上述这种关系,我们预测了在正交结构OsB2合金化W和Re将比合金化Ir元素更容易和更硬。事实上,我们的进一步计算证实了我们的期望。 通过第一性原理计算研究了ReB2和WB2的结构、弹性力学,和电子性质。计算结果表明:ReB2的平衡态结构参数和报导的实验结构一致。在常温常压下,WB2在P63/mmc空间群比在P6/mmm更稳定。依据我们计算的多晶聚集体的体模量、剪切模量,ReB2和WB2可以被看作是具有前景的低压缩率和硬材料。再者,化合物的力学各项异性通过计算得到的弹性力学常数来详细的分析讨论。态密度和电子密度分析揭示过渡金属和硼原子之间的共价键是材料具有高的体模量、剪切模量和小的Poisson比率的原因。 第四章,采用WIEN2k程序包中的缀加平面波+局域轨道方法的第一性原理计算,研究了层状钙钛矿化合物Cs2AgF4的结构、电子结构和磁性等性质。我们的计算结果表明Cs2AgF4的基态为正交相,能量比四方相低。我们同时发现Cs2AgF4应该表现出一种强的二维铁磁性,铁磁层之间为弱的反铁磁性耦合,这一结果与实验观察相一致。更主要的是,通过分析态密度图和自旋电子密度等密度面的分析,可以清楚地看出体系中存在 和 轨道的反铁电弹性有序现象。 第五章中,采用WIEN2k程序包中的缀加平面波+局域轨道方法的第一性原理计算,研究了YBaFe2O5的晶体结构、电子和磁性等方面的物理性能,特别是有关电荷和轨道有序的情况。尽管总的3d电荷不均衡程度很小,以Fe2+ 和Fe3+阳离子t2g轨道占据数的差别所定义的轨道有序序参量相当大(0.73),无可非议的显示YBaFe2O5中存在电荷和轨道有序。O 2p和Fe eg轨道之间的强的杂化作用使得Fe2+ 和Fe3+阳离子之间总电荷差别几乎完全消失。此外,我们讨论了轨道有序和电荷有序以及磁有序之间的关系。dxz轨道有序决定了G型反铁磁性自旋有序的稳定性和电荷有序模式。


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Co-doped In2O3 nanocrystals showing room-temperature ferromagnetism have been successfully prepared by a simple sol-gel synthesis route. The sample displays it clear ferromagnetism behavior above 300 K. Phase and structure analyses reveal that the nanocrystals are crystallized with Co ions substituted for In ions in the In2O3 matrix, and no trace of secondary phases or clusters is detected. The experimental results are explained theoretically by first-principles calculations based on density functional theory, which indicate that the native ferromagnetic behavior of Co-doped In2O3 could be mainly ascribed to the strong d-d coupling of the magnetic ions.


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The elastic and electronic properties of hypothetical CoN3 and RhN3 with cubic skutterudite structure were studied by first principles calculations based on density functional theory. By choosing different initial geometries, two local minima or modifications were located on the potential energy surface, termed as modifications I and II. Both compounds are mechanically stable. For each compound, modification I is lower in energy than II. Thermodynamically stable phases can be achieved by applying pressures. Modification II is lower in energy than I at above 50 GPa for both compounds.


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First-principles calculations using the APW+lo method, as implemented in the WIEN2K code, have been used to investigate the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of the perovskite CaCu3Fe4O12, including the high-temperature Im-3 and low-temperature Pn-3 phase. The high-temperature phase presents a homogeneous valence and an orbital degenerate half-metallic behavior, which is consistent with the previous theoretical result. Instead orbital ordering, charge ordering, or disproportionation on Fe sites occur in the low-temperature phase, leading to the insulating character. More importantly, the charge disproportionation is of 2d(5)L -> d(5)L(2) + d(5) type (where L denotes an oxygen hole or a ligand hole), and the origin for the phenomenon is discussed in detail.


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Longitudinal zone boundary X phonon frequencies have been calculated by a first principles pseudopotential method for III-V zincblende semiconductors AlP, AlAs, AlSb, GaP, GaAs, GaSb, InP, InAs and InSb. The phonon frequencies have been evaluated from total energy calculations in the frozen phonon approximation. The calculated phonon frequencies agree very well with the experimental values.


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Intervalley GAMMA-X deformation-potential constants (IVDP's) have been calculated by use of a first-principles pseudopotential method for the III-V zinc-blende semiconductors AlP, AlAs, AlSb, GaP, GaAs, GaSb, InP, InAs, and InSb. When the calculated IVDP's of LA phonons for GaP, InP, and InAs and of LO phonons for AlAs, AlSb, GaAs, GaSb, and InSb are compared with results of a previous calculation that used the empirical pseudopotential method (EPM) and a rigid-ion approximation, good agreement is found. However, our ab initio pseudopotential results on IVDP's of LA phonons for AlAs, AlSb, GaAs, GaSb, and InSb and of LO phonons for GaP, InP, and InAs are about one order of magnitude smaller than those obtained by use of EPM calculations, indicating that the electron redistribution accompanying crystal-lattice deformation has a significant effect on GAMMA-X intervalley scattering for these phonon modes when the anions are being displaced. In our calculations the LA- and LO-phonon modes at the X point have been evaluated in the frozen-phonon approximation. We have also obtained the LAX- and LOX-phonon frequencies for these materials from total-energy calculations, which agree very well with experimental values for these semiconductors. We have also calculated GAMMA-X hole-phonon scattering matrix elements for the top valence bands in these nine semiconductors, from which the GAMMA-X IVDP's of the top valence bands for the longitudinal phonons and transverse phonons are evaluated, respectively.