472 resultados para excitation spectra


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Lu2O3:Yb3+/Er3+/Tm3+ nanocrystals have been successfully synthesized by a solvothermal process followed by a subsequent heat treatment at 800 degrees C. Powder X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, upconversion photoluminescence spectra, and kinetic decay were used to characterize the samples. Under single-wavelength diode laser excitation of 980 nm, the bright blue emissions of Lu2O3:Yb3+, Tm3+ nanocrystals near 477 and 490 nm were observed due to the (1)G(4)-> H-3(6) transition of Tm3+. The bright green UC emissions of Lu2O3:Er3+ nanocrystals appeared near 540 and 565 nm were observed and assigned to the H-2(11/2)-> I-4(15/2) and S-4(3/2)-> I-4(15/2) transitions, respectively, of Er3+. The ratio of the intensity of green luminescence to that of red luminescence decreases with an increase of concentration of Yb3+ in Lu2O3:Er3+ nanocrystals.


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The measurements of VUV-UV photoluminescence emission (PL) and photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectra of rare earth ions activated strontium orthophosphate [Sr-3(PO4)(2):RE, RE = Ce, Sm, Eu, Tb] are performed. Whenever the samples are excited by VUV or UV light, the typical emission of Ce-3+,Ce- Sm3+, Eu3+, Eu2+ and Tb3+ ions can be observed in PL spectra, respectively. The charge transfer bands (CTBs) of Sm3+ and Eu3+ are found, respectively, peaking at 206 and 230nm. The absorption bands peaking in the region of 150-160 nm are assigned to the host lattice sensitization bands, i.e., the band-to-band transitions of PO43- grouping in Sr-3(PO4)(2). It is speculated that the first f-d transitions of Sm3+ (Eu3+), and the CTB of Tb3+ are, respectively, located around 165 (14 3) and 167 urn by means of VUV-UV PLE spectra and relational empirical formula, these f-d transitions or CT bands are included in the bands with the maxima at 150-160 nm, respectively. The valence change of europium from trivalent to divalent in strontium orthophosphate prepared in air is observe by VUV-UV PL and PLE spectra.


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VUV-UV and Eu-L-3 edge XANES spectra were measured for europium-doped strontium tetraborate prepared by solid state reaction at high temperature in air. The VUV-UV spectra show that the host absorption band of (SrBO7)-O-4 appears below 170 nm. The charge transfer band of Eu3+ doped in SrB4O7 is peaked at 272 nm. The 4f-5d transitions of Eu2+ consist of a band peaked at 310 nm with a shoulder at 280 nm and also include the bands peaked at 238 (weak) and 203 (strong) nm. The result of XANES spectrum at Eu-L3 edge of the synthesized sample indicates that Eu3+ and Eu2+ coexist in SrB4O7:Eu prepared in air, which is consistent with the results of the VUV-UV spectra.


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Synchronous fluorescence spectra of cytochrome c solutions were studied. It was found that synchronous fluorescence spectra of tyrosine and tryptophan residues in cytochrome c molecules can be separated using different wavelength intervals. The changes in synchronous fluorescence spectra of cytochrome c solutions with the solution pH are different from that of free tyrosine and tryptophan and reflect the pH-induced conformational transitions of cytochrome c molecules. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.


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The performance of Kalman filtering, synchronous excitation and numerical derivative techniques for the resolution of overlapping emission spectra in spectrofluorimetry was studied. The extent of spectrum overlap was quantitatively described by the separation degree D(s), defined as the ratio of the peak separation to the full width at half-maximum of the emission spectrum of the interferent. For the system of Rhodamine B and Rhodamine 6G with a large D(s) of about 0.4, both Kalman filtering and synchronous techniques are able to resolve the overlapping spectra well and to give satisfactory results while the derivative spectra are still overlapped with each other. Moreover, the sensitivities are greatly decreased in derivative techniques. For more closely spaced spectra emitted by the complexes of Al and Zn with 7-iodo-8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulphonic acid (Ferron)-hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide, the synchronous excitation technique cannot completely separate the overlapping peaks, although it increases the separation degree from 0.25 in the conventional spectra to 0.37 in the synchronous spectra. On the other hand, Kalman filtering is capable of resolving this system. When the Al/Zn intensity ratio at the central wavelength of Al was > 1, however, the accuracy and precision of the estimates for Zn concentration produced by the Kalman filter became worse. In this event, the combination of synchronous excitation and Kalman filtering can much improve the analytical results.


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Comparative investigation on energy distribution between two photosystems were carried out in the sporophytes and gametophytes of Porphyra yezoensis. By performing 77 K fluorescence spectra, we suggested that there probably existed a pathway for energy transfer from PS II to PS I to redistribute the absorbed energy in gametophytes, while no such a way or at minor level in sporophytes. Electron transfer inhibitor DCMU blocked the energy transfer from PS II to PS I in gametophytes, but no obvious effects on sporophytes. These indicated that excitation energy distribution between two photosystems in gametophytes was more cooperative than that in sporophytes. These data in ontogenesis reflected the evolution process of photosynthetic organisms and supported the hypothesis of independent evolution of each photosystem.


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Singular perturbation theory of two-time scale expansions was developed both in inviscid and weak viscous fluids to investigate the motion of single surface standing wave in a liquid-filled circular cylindrical vessel, which is subject to a vertical periodical oscillation. Firstly, it is assumed that the fluid in the circular cylindrical vessel is inviscid, incompressible and the motion is irrotational, a nonlinear evolution equation of slowly varying complex amplitude, which incorporates cubic nonlinear term, external excitation and the influence of surface tension, was derived from solvability condition of high-order approximation. It shows that when forced frequency is low, the effect of surface tension on mode selection of surface wave is not important. However, when forced frequency is high, the influence of surface tension is significant, and can not be neglected. This proved that the surface tension has the function, which causes free surface returning to equilibrium location. Theoretical results much close to experimental results when the surface tension is considered. In fact, the damping will appear in actual physical system due to dissipation of viscosity of fluid. Based upon weakly viscous fluids assumption, the fluid field was divided into an outer potential flow region and an inner boundary layer region. A linear amplitude equation of slowly varying complex amplitude, which incorporates damping term and external excitation, was derived from linearized Navier-Stokes equation. The analytical expression of damping coefficient was determined and the relation between damping and other related parameters (such as viscosity, forced amplitude and depth of fluid) was presented. The nonlinear amplitude equation and a dispersion, which had been derived from the inviscid fluid approximation, were modified by adding linear damping. It was found that the modified results much reasonably close to experimental results. Moreover, the influence both of the surface tension and the weak viscosity on the mode formation was described by comparing theoretical and experimental results. The results show that when the forcing frequency is low, the viscosity of the fluid is prominent for the mode selection. However, when the forcing frequency is high, the surface tension of the fluid is prominent. Finally, instability of the surface wave is analyzed and properties of the solutions of the modified amplitude equation are determined together with phase-plane trajectories. A necessary condition of forming stable surface wave is obtained and unstable regions are illustrated. (c) 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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The optimal bounded control of quasi-integrable Hamiltonian systems with wide-band random excitation for minimizing their first-passage failure is investigated. First, a stochastic averaging method for multi-degrees-of-freedom (MDOF) strongly nonlinear quasi-integrable Hamiltonian systems with wide-band stationary random excitations using generalized harmonic functions is proposed. Then, the dynamical programming equations and their associated boundary and final time conditions for the control problems of maximizinig reliability and maximizing mean first-passage time are formulated based on the averaged It$\ddot{\rm o}$ equations by applying the dynamical programming principle. The optimal control law is derived from the dynamical programming equations and control constraints. The relationship between the dynamical programming equations and the backward Kolmogorov equation for the conditional reliability function and the Pontryagin equation for the conditional mean first-passage time of optimally controlled system is discussed. Finally, the conditional reliability function, the conditional probability density and mean of first-passage time of an optimally controlled system are obtained by solving the backward Kolmogorov equation and Pontryagin equation. The application of the proposed procedure and effectiveness of control strategy are illustrated with an example.


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Visualization results demonstrate the evolution of Kelvin-Helmholtz unstable waves into vortex pairing in a separated shear layer of a blunf circular. The results with acoustic excitation are quite different from that without acoustic excitation, and the phenomenon with excitation in a separated shear layer follows the rule of Devil s staircase, which always occurs in a non-linear dynamical system of two coupling vibrators.


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In the present paper, a simple mechanical model is developed to predict the dynamic response of a cracked structure subjected to periodic excitation, which has been used to identify the physical mechanisms in leading the growth or arrest of cracking. The structure under consideration consists of a beam with a crack along the axis, and thus, the crack may open in Mode I and in the axial direction propagate when the beam vibrates. In this paper, the system is modeled as a cantilever beam lying on a partial elastic foundation, where the portion of the beam on the foundation represents the intact portion of the beam. Modal analysis is employed to obtain a closed form solution for the structural response. Crack propagation is studied by allowing the elastic foundation to shorten (mimicking crack growth) if a displacement criterion, based on the material toughness, is met. As the crack propagates, the structural model is updated using the new foundation length and the response continues. From this work, two mechanisms for crack arrest are identified. It is also shown that the crack propagation is strongly influenced by the transient response of the structure.


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Free surface waves in a cylinder of liquid under vertical excitation with slowly modulated amplitude are investigated in the current paper. It is shown by both theoretical analysis and numerical simulation that chaos may occur even for a single mode with modulation which can be used to explain Gollub and Meyer's experiment. The implied resonant mechanism accounting for this phenomenon is further elucidated.


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The possibility of lifetime measurement in a flowing medium with phase fluorometry is investigated theoretically. A 3-D time dependent partial differential equation of the number density of atoms (or molecules) in the upper level of the fluorescence transition is solved analytically, taking flow, diffusion, optical excitation, decay, Doppler shift, and thickness of the excitation light sheet into account. An analytical expression of the intensity of the fluorescence signal in the flowing medium is deduced. Conditions are given, in which the principle of lifetime measurement with phase fluorometry in the static sample cell can be used in a flowing medium.


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It is suggested that the oscillation of thermocapillary convection may be excited by the buoyancy instability. By means of numerical simulation of the finite-element method, the temperature distributions in the liquid bridge are qualitatively analyzed. The temperature gradient in a certain flow region of liquid bridge may turn to be parallel to the direction of gravity when the temperature difference △T between two boundary rods of liquid bridge is larger than the critical value. The buoyancy instability may be excited, and then the thermocapillary oscillatory convection appears, as the temperature difference increases further. The distribution of the critical Marangoni number in the micro-gravity environment is derived from the data on the ground experiments. The results show that the onset of thermocapillary oscillatory convection is delayed in the case of smaller typical scale of liquid bridge and lower gravity environment.


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that the Stokes-interaction relation is reasonable qualitatively but not correct


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This paper is aimed at establishing a statistical theory of rotational and vibrational excitation of polyatomic molecules by an intense IR laser. Starting from the Wigner function of quantum statistical mechanics, we treat the rotational motion in the classical approximation; the vibrational modes are classified into active ones which are coupled directly with the laser and the background modes which are not coupled with the laser. The reduced Wigner function, i.e., the Wigner function integrated over all background coordinates should satisfy an integro-differential equation. We introduce the idea of ``viscous damping'' to handle the interaction between the active modes and the background. The damping coefficient can be calculated with the aid of the well-known Schwartz–Slawsky–Herzfeld theory. The resulting equation is solved by the method of moment equations. There is only one adjustable parameter in our scheme; it is introduced due to the lack of precise knowledge about the molecular potential. The theory developed in this paper explains satisfactorily the recent absorption experiments of SF6 irradiated by a short pulse CO2 laser, which are in sharp contradiction with the prevailing quasi-continuum theory. We also refined the density of energy levels which is responsible for the muliphoton excitation of polyatomic molecules.