144 resultados para cyanobacterial blooms


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An enclosure experiment in the shallow, subtropical Lake Donghu, China, was performed in the summer of 2001 to examine the effect of TN:TP (total phosphorus) ratios and P-reduction on the occurrence of Microcysitis blooms. The treatments were performed with enough amounts of N but with different amounts of P in the water column and sediment. Microcystis blooms occurred in the enclosures either with an initial TN:TP <29 or TN:TP >29 where the nutrients (N, P) were high enough. Microcysitis blooms never occurred in the treatments with low P concentration in spite of the presence of sufficient N. The P-rich sediments served as an important source for the P supply in the water column, and such a process was activated greatly by the outburst of Microcystis blooms which pumped up selectively P from the sediments and thus decreased the TN:TP ratios. Therefore, the low TN:TP ratio is not a cause but rather a result of Microcystis blooms. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To clarify the possible influence of Microcystis blooms on the exchange of phosphorus (P) between sediment and lake water, an enclosure experiment was conducted in the hypereutrophic subtropical Lake Donghu during July-September 2000. Eight enclosures were used: six received sediment while two were sediment-free. In mid-August, Microcystis blooms developed in all the enclosures. There was a persistent coincidence between the occurrence of Microcystis blooms and the increase of both total P (TP) and soluble reactive P (SRP) concentrations in the water of the enclosures with sediments. In sediment-free enclosures, TP and SRP concentrations remained rather stable throughout the experiment, in spite of the appearance of Microcystis blooms. The results indicate that Microcystis blooms induced massive release of P from the sediment, perhaps mediated by high pH caused by intense algal photosynthesis, and/or depressed concentrations of nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N). (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Enclosure experiments with three treatments (sediment addition, sediment + nitrogen enrichment, sediment + phosphorus enrichment) and unfertilized controls were performed in shallow hypereutrophic Lake Donghu during the summer of 2000. Dense Microcystis aeruginosa blooms occurred in all the enclosures during the experimental period but not in the surrounding lake water. Generally, the dominant rotifers were Polyarthra vulgalis, Filinia longiseta, Proales sp. and Asplanchna sp. at the beginning of the experiment, followed by a shift to Brachionus calyciflorus, Trichocerca similis, Cephalodella catellina and Anuraeopsis fissa, and finally to F. longiseta, Proales sp. and Keratella cochleris. M. aeruginosa blooms strongly suppressed the larger Diaphanosoma brachyurum but enhanced the development of the smaller cladocerans and rotifers that probably efficiently utilized organic matter from M. aeruginosa through the detritus food chain. The smaller cladoceran and rotifers coexisted successfully throughout the experimental period.


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Toxic cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) waterblooms have been found in several Chinese water bodies since studies began there in 1984. Waterbloom samples for this study contained Anabaena circinalis, Microcystis aeruginosa and Oscillatoria sp. Only those waterblooms dominated by Microcystis aeruginosa were toxic by the intraperitoneal (i.p.) mouse bioassay. Signs of poisoning were the same as with known hepatotoxic cyclic peptide microcystins. One toxic fraction was isolated from each Microcystis aeruginosa sample. Two hepatotoxic peptides were purified from each of the fractions by high-performance liquid chromatography and identified by amino acid analysis followed by low and high resolution fast-atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FAB-MS). LD50 i.p. mouse values for the two toxins were 245-mu-g/kg (Toxin A) and 53-mu-g/g (Toxin B). Toxin content in the cells was 0.03 to 3.95 mg/g (Toxin A) and 0.18 to 3.33 mg/kg (Toxin B). The amino acid composition of Toxin A was alanine [1], arginine [2], glutamic acid [1] and beta-methylaspartic acid [1]; for Toxin B it was the same, except one of the arginines was replaced with a leucine. Low- and high-resolution FAB-MS showed that the molecular weights were 1,037 m/z (Toxin A) and 994 m/z (Toxin B), with formulas of C49H76O12N13 (Toxin A) and C49H75O12N10 (Toxin B). It was concluded that Toxin A is microcystin-RR and Toxin B is microcystin-LR, both known cyclic heptapeptide hepatotoxins isolated from cyanobacteria in other parts of the world. Sodium borohydride reduction of microcystin-RR yielded dihydro-microcystin-RR (m/z = 1,039), an important intermediate in the preparation of tritium-labeled toxin for metabolism and fate studies.


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Fatty acid desaturases are enzymes that introduce double bonds into the hydrocarbon chains of fatty acids. The fatty acid desaturases from 37 cyanobacterial genomes were identified and classified based upon their conserved histidine-rich motifs and phylogenetic analysis, which help to determine the amounts and distributions of desaturases in cyanobacterial species. The filamentous or N-2-fixing cyanobacteria usually possess more types of fatty acid desaturases than that of unicellular species. The pathway of acyl-lipid desaturation for unicellular marine cyanobacteria Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus differs from that of other cyanobacteria, indicating different phylogenetic histories of the two genera from other cyanobacteria isolated from freshwater, soil, or symbiont. Strain Gloeobacter violaceus PCC 7421 was isolated from calcareous rock and lacks thylakoid membranes. The types and amounts of desaturases of this strain are distinct to those of other cyanobacteria, reflecting the earliest divergence of it from the cyanobacterial line. Three thermophilic unicellular strains, Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1 and two Synechococcus Yellowstone species, lack highly unsaturated fatty acids in lipids and contain only one Delta 9 desaturase in contrast with mesophilic strains, which is probably due to their thermic habitats. Thus, the amounts and types of fatty acid desaturases are various among different cyanobacterial species, which may result from the adaption to environments in evolution. Copyright (c) 2008 Xiaoyuan Chi et al.


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P>In the Yellow Sea of China, large-scale green tides have broken out for three consecutive years from 2007 to 2009. As part of the efforts to localize the algal source, two cruises were conducted in the early stage and the outbreak stage of the bloom in 2009. We analyzed the morphological and genetic diversity of drifting Ulva specimens and culture-derived isolates from seawater sampled in different localities. For phylogenetic analyses, the nuclear encoded ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer region (ITS nrDNA) and the plastid encoded large subunit of ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxgenase gene (rbcL) were used. Our molecular and morphological data indicate that the dominant free-floating Ulva species in 2008 and 2009 possibly belonged to a single strain of the U. linza-procera-prolifera (LPP) clade. The ITS sequences from bloom-forming algal samples with dense branches were identical to those from U. linza-like specimens without branches derived from the Yellow Sea. Microscopic individuals of the dominant Ulva strain were detected in eight stations, revealing that spore dispersal in the water helped to enlarge biomass in the water during the outbreak stage of green tide in the Yellow Sea.


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Cyanobacteria are the oldest life form making important contributions to global CO2 fixation on the Earth. Phycobilisomes (PBSs) are the major light harvesting systems of most cyanobacteria species. Recent availability of the whole genome database of cyanobacteria provides us a global and further view on the complex structural PBSs. A PBSs linker family is crucial in structure and function of major light-harvesting PBSs complexes. Linker polypeptides are considered to have the same ancestor with other phycobiliproteins (PBPs), and might have been diverged and evolved under particularly selective forces together. In this paper, a total of 192 putative linkers including 167 putative PBSs-associated linker genes and 25 Ferredoxin-NADP oxidoreductase (FNR) genes were detected through whole genome analysis of all 25 cyanobacterial genomes (20 finished and 5 in draft state). We compared the PBSs linker family of cyanobacteria in terms of gene structure, chromosome location, conservation domain, and polymorphic variants, and discussed the features and functions of the PBSs linker family. Most of PBSs-associated linkers in PBSs linker family are assembled into gene clusters with PBPs. A phylogenetic analysis based on protein data demonstrates a possibility of six classes of the linker family in cyanobacteria. Emergence, divergence, and disappearance of PBSs linkers among cyanobacterial species were due to speciation, gene duplication, gene transfer, or gene loss, and acclimation to various environmental selective pressures especially light.


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Allophycocyanin ( APC) is a phycobiliprotein with various biological and pharmacological properties. An expression vector containing five essential genes in charge of biosynthesis of cyanobacterial APC holo-alpha subunit ( holo- ApcA) was constructed, resulting in over- expression of a fluorescent holo- ApcA in E. coli. After being cultured for 16 h, the dry cell density reached 22.5 gl(-1), and the expression of holo- HT- ApcA was up to 1 gl(-1) broth. The recombinant protein showed similar spectral features to native APC.


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Allophycocyanin (APC), a cyanobacterial photosynthetic phycobiliprotein, functions in energy transfer as a light-harvesting protein. One of the prominent spectroscopic characteristics of APC is a strong red-shift in the absorption and emission maxima when monomers are assembled into a trimer. Previously, holo-APC alpha and beta subunits (holo-ApcA and ApcB) were successfully synthesized in Escherichia coli. In this study, both holo-subunits from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 were co-expressed in E. coli, and found to self-assemble into trimers. The recombinant APC trimer was purified by metal affinity and size-exclusion chromatography, and had a native structure identical to native APC, as determined by characteristic spectroscopic measurements, fluorescence quantum yield, tryptic digestion analysis, and molecular weight measurements. Combined with results from a study in which only the monomer was formed, our results indicate that bilin synthesis and the subsequent attachment to apo-subunits are important for the successful assembly of APC trimers. This is the first study to report on the assembly of recombinant ApcA and ApcB into a trimer with native structure. Our study provides a promising method for producing better fluorescent tags, as well as a method to facilitate the genetic analysis of APC trimer assembly and biological function.


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During late spring and early summer of 2005, large-scale (> 15 000 km(2)), mixed dinoflagellate blooms developed along the the coast of the East China Sea. Karenia mikimotoi was the dominant harmful algal bloom species in the first stage of the bloom (late May) and was succeeded by Prorocentrum donghaiense approximately 2 wk later. Samples were collected from different stations along both north-south and west-east transects, from the Changjiang River estuary to the south Zhejiang coast, during 3 cruises of the Chinese Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms Program, before and during the bloom progression. Nitrogen isotope tracer techniques were used to measure rates of NO3-, NH4+, urea, and glycine uptake during the blooms. High inorganic nitrogen (N), but low phosphorus (P) loading from the Changjiang River led to high dissolved inorganic N:dissolved inorganic P ratios in the sampling area and indicate the development of P limitation. The rates of N-15-uptake experiments enriched with PO43- were enhanced compared to unamended samples, suggesting P limitation of the N-uptake rates. The bloom progression was related to the change in availability of both organic and inorganic N and P. Reduced N forms, especially NH4+, were preferentially taken up during the blooms, but different bloom species had different rates of uptake of organic N substrates. K mikimotoi had higher rates of urea uptake, while P. donghaiense had higher rates of glycine uptake. Changes in the availability of reduced N and the ratios of N:P in inorganic and organic forms were suggested to be important in the bloom succession. Nutrient ratios and specific uptake rates of urea were similar when compared to analogous blooms on the West Florida Shelf.


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Screening experiments were conducted in order to find promising synthetic surfactants for harmful algal blooms (HABs) mitigation. The chemically synthesized surfactant cocamidopropyl betaine (CAPB) showed characteristics of relatively high inhibition efficiency, high biodegradability and low cost. The motility inhibition ratios of 10 mg/L CAPB on Cochlodinium polykrikoides and Alexandrium tamarense were about 60% after 5 min. The biodegradation test indicated that the half-life of CAPB in seawater was shorter than one day and 90% was biodegraded after five days under the initial concentration of 100 mg/L at 25degreesC. Further cell lysis experiments revealed the selective lysis effect of CAPB on different HAB organisms. More than 90% of C. polykrikoides lysed at the concentration of 10 mg/L CAPB after 24 h and at 15 mg/L CAPB after 4 h, whereas the lysis effect of CAPB on A. tamarense was slight, no more than 10% after 2 h interaction with 50 mg/L CAPB. This research provided preliminary data for CAPB as a candidate in harmful algal blooms mitigation and pointed out unresolved problems for its practical application in the meantime. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.