123 resultados para beam-foil technique


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Low-threshold and highly efficient continuous-wave laser performance of Yb:Y3Al5O12 (Yb:YAG) single crystal grown by a temperature gradient technique (TGT) was achieved at room temperature. The laser can be operated at 1030 and 1049 nm by varying the transmission of the output coupler. Slope efficiencies of 57% and 68% at 1049 and 1030 nm, respectively, were achieved for 10 at. % Yb:YAG sample in continuous-wave laser-diode pumping. The effect of pump power on the laser emission spectrum of both wavelengths is addressed. The near-diffraction-limited beam quality for different laser cavities was achieved. The excellent laser performance indicates that TGT-grown Yb:YAG crystals have very good optical quality and can be potentially used in high-power solid-state lasers.


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ZrO2, films were deposited by electron-beam evaporation with the oxygen partial pressure varying from 3 X 10(-3) Pa to I I X 10(-3) Pa. The phase structure of the samples was characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD). The thermal absorption of the films was measured by the surface thermal lensing technique. A spectrophotometer was employed to measure the refractive indices of the samples. The laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) was assessed using a 1064, nm Nd: yttritium-aluminium-garnet pulsed laser at pulse width of 12 ns. The influence of oxygen partial pressure on the microstructure and LIDT of ZrO2 films was investigated. XRD data revealed that the films changed from polycrystalline to amorphous as the oxygen partial pressure increased. The variation of refractive index at 550 nm wavelength indicated that the packing density of the films decreased gradually with increasing oxygen partial pressure. The absorptance of the samples decreased monotonically from 125.2 to 84.5 ppm with increasing oxygen partial pressure. The damage threshold, values increased from 18.5 to 26.7 J/cm(2) for oxygen partial pressures varying from 3 X 10(-3) Pa to 9 X 10(-3) Pa, but decreased to 17.3 J/cm(2) in the case of I I X 10(-3) Pa. (C) 2005 American Vacuum Society.


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ZrO2, films were deposited by electron-beam evaporation with the oxygen partial pressure varying from 3 X 10(-3) Pa to I I X 10(-3) Pa. The phase structure of the samples was characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD). The thermal absorption of the films was measured by the surface thermal lensing technique. A spectrophotometer was employed to measure the refractive indices of the samples. The laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) was assessed using a 1064, nm Nd: yttritium-aluminium-garnet pulsed laser at pulse width of 12 ns. The influence of oxygen partial pressure on the microstructure and LIDT of ZrO2 films was investigated. XRD data revealed that the films changed from polycrystalline to amorphous as the oxygen partial pressure increased. The variation of refractive index at 550 nm wavelength indicated that the packing density of the films decreased gradually with increasing oxygen partial pressure. The absorptance of the samples decreased monotonically from 125.2 to 84.5 ppm with increasing oxygen partial pressure. The damage threshold, values increased from 18.5 to 26.7 J/cm(2) for oxygen partial pressures varying from 3 X 10(-3) Pa to 9 X 10(-3) Pa, but decreased to 17.3 J/cm(2) in the case of I I X 10(-3) Pa. (C) 2005 American Vacuum Society.


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The single-sided and dual-sided high reflective mirrors were deposited with ion-beam sputtering (IBS). When the incident light entered with 45 degrees, the reflectance of p-polarized light at 1064 nm exceeded 99.5%. Spectrum was gained by spectrometer and weak absorption of coatings was measured by surface thermal lensing (STL) technique. Laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) was determined and the damage morphology was observed with Lecia-DMRXE microscope simultaneously. The profile of coatings was measured with Mark III-GPI digital interferometer. It was found that the reflectivity of mirror exceeded 99.9% and its absorption was as low as 14 ppm. The reflective bandwidth of the dual-sided sample was about 43 nm wider than that of single-sided sample, and its LIDT was as high as 28 J/cm2, which was 5 J/cm2 higher than that of single-sided sample. Moreover, the profile of dual-sided sample was better than that of substrate without coatings.


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ZrO2 thin films were prepared by electron beam evaporation at different oxygen partial pressures. The influences of oxygen partial pressure on structure and related properties of ZrO2 thin films were studied. Transmittance, thermal absorption, structure and residual stress of ZrO2 thin films were measured by spectrophotometer, surface thermal lensing technique (STL), X-ray diffraction and optical interferometer, respectively. The results showed that the structure and related properties varied progressively with the increase of oxygen partial pressure. The refractive indices and the packing densities of the thin films decreased when the oxygen partial pressure increased. The tetragonal phase fraction in the thin films decreased gradually as oxygen partial pressure increased. The residual stress of film deposited at base pressure was high compressive stress, the value decreased with the increase of oxygen partial pressure, and the residual stress became tensile with the further increase of oxygen pressure, which was corresponding to the evolution of packing densities and variation of interplanar distances. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Antireflection coatings at the center wavelength of 1053 nm were prepared on BK7 glasses by electron-beam evaporation deposition (EBD) and ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD). Parts of the two kinds of samples were post-treated with oxygen plasma at the environment temperature after deposition. Absorption at 1064 nm was characterized based on surface thermal lensing (STL) technique. The laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) was measured by a 1064-nm Nd:YAG laser with a pulse width of 38 ps. Leica-DMRXE Microscope was applied to gain damage morphologies of samples. The results revealed that oxygen post-treatment could lower the absorption and increase the damage thresholds for both kinds of as-grown samples. However, the improving effects are not the same. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the molecular beam epitaxy growth of metamorphic InxGa(1-x)As materials (x up to 0.5) on GaAs substrates systematically. Optimization of structure design and growth parameters is aimed at obtaining smooth surface and high optical quality. The optimized structures have an average surface roughness of 0.9-1.8 nm. It is also proven by PL measurements that the optical properties of high indium content (55%) InGaAs quantum wells are improved apparently by defect reduction technique and by introducing Sb as a surfactant. These provide us new ways for growing device quality metamorphic structures on GaAs substrates with long-wavelength emissions.


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We propose an innovative technique, making use of the In segregation effect, referred as the N irradiation method, to enhance In-N bonding and extend the emission wavelength of GaInNAs quantum wells (QWs). After the formation of a complete In floating layer, the growth is interrupted and N irradiation is initiated. The majority of N atoms are forced to bond with In atoms and their incorporation is regulated independently by the N exposure time and the As pressure. The effect of the N exposure time and As pressure on the N incorporation and the optical quality of GaInNAs QWs were investigated. Anomalous photoluminescence (PL) wavelength red shifts after rapid thermal annealing (RTA) were observed in the N-irradiated samples, whereas a normal GaInNAs sample revealed a blue shift. This method provides an alternative way to extend the emission wavelength of GaInNAs QWs with decent optical quality. We demonstrate light emission at 1546 nm from an 11-nm-thick QW, using this method and the PL intensity is similar to that of a 7-nm-thick GaInNAs QW grown at a reduced rate. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cubic boron nitride (c-BN) films were prepared by ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD) technique, and the stresses were primary estimated by measuring the frequency shifts in the infrared-absorption peaks of c-BN samples. To test the possible effects of other factors, dependencies of the c-BN transversal optical mode position on film thickness and c-BN content were investigated. Several methods for reducing the stress of c-BN films including annealing, high temperature deposition, two-stage process, and the addition of a small amount of Si were studied, in which the c-BN films with similar thickness and cubic phase content were used to evaluate the effects of the various stress relief methods. It was shown that all the methods can reduce the stress in c-BN films to various extents. Especially, the incorporation of a small amount of Si (2.3 at.%) can result in a remarkable stress relief from 8.4 to similar to 3.6 GPa whereas the c-BN content is nearly unaffected, although a slight degradation of the c-BN crystallinity is observed. The stress can be further reduced down below I GPa by combination of the addition of Si with the two-stage deposition process. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this article, a simple and flexible electron-beam coevaporation (EBCE) technique has been reported of fabrication of the silicon nanocrystals (Si NCs) and their application to the nonvolatile memory. For EBCE, the Si and SiOx(x=1 or 2) were used as source materials. Transmission electron microscopy images and Raman spectra measurement verified the formation of the Si NCs. The average size and area density of the Si NCs can be adjusted by increasing the Si:O weight ratio in source material, which has a great impact on the crystalline volume fraction of the deposited film and on the charge storage characteristics of the Si NCs. A memory window as large as 6.6 V under +/- 8 V sweep voltage was observed for the metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor structure with the embedded Si NCs.


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Zn1-xMgxS-based Schottky barrier ultraviolet (UV) photodetectors were fabricated using the molecular-beam-epitaxy (MBE) technique. The influence of Mg content on MBE-grown Zn1-xMgxS-based UV photodetectors has been investigated in details with a variety of experimental techniques, including photoresponse (PR), capacitance-voltage, deep level transient Fourier spectroscopy (DLTFS) and photoluminescence (PL). The room-temperature PR results show that the abrupt long-wavelength cutoffs covering 325, 305 295. and 270 nm with Mg contents of 16%, 44%, 57%, and 75% in the Zn1-xMgxS active layers, respectively, were achieved. But the responsivity and the external quantum efficiency exhibited a slight decrease with the Mg content increasing. In good agreement with the PR results, both of the integrated intensity of the PL spectra obtained from Zn1-xMgxS thin films with different Mg compositions (x = 31% and 52%, respectively) and the DLTFS spectra obtained from Zn1-xMgxS-based (x = 5% and 45%, respectively) UV photodetector samples clearly revealed a significant concentration increase of the non-radiative deep traps with increasing Mg containing in the ZnMgS active layers. Our experimental results also indicate that the MBE-grown ZnMgS-based photodetectors can offer the promising characteristics for the detection of short-wavelength UV radiation. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Self-assembled InAs quantum wires (QWRs) on InP(001) substrate have been grown by molecular-beam epitaxy, using a strain compensating technique. Atom force microscope, Transmission electron microscopy, and high-resolution x-ray diffraction are used to characterize their structural properties. We proposed that, by carefully adjusting composition of InAlGaAs buffer layer and strain compensating spacer layers, stacked QWRs with high uniformity could be achieved. In addition, the formation mechanism and vertical anti-correlation of QWRs are also discussed. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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We report a numerical analysis of various types of disorder effects on self-collimated beam in two-dimensional photonic crystal. Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is used to simulate the process by using a pulse propagation technique. The position disorders along the directions parallel and perpendicular to the incidence are considered. We show that random disorder along the perpendicular direction will have a lesser effect on the performance of the dispersion waveguides than those along the parallel direction. Furthermore, the self-collimation waveguide (SCW) has new characteristics when compared with the photonic crystal line defect waveguide. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The simple reflection technique is usually used to measure the linear electro-optic (EO) coefficient (Pockels coefficient) in the development of EO polymer thin films. But there are some problems in some articles in the determination of the phase shift between the s and p light modes of a laser beam waveguided into the polymer film while a modulating voltage is applied across the electrodes, and different expressions for the linear EO coefficient measured have been given in these articles. In our research, more accurate expression of the linear EO coefficient was deduced by suitable considering the phase shift between the s and p light modes. The linear EO coefficients of several polymer thin films were measured by reflection technique, and the results of the Linear EO coefficient calculated by different expressions were compared. The limit of the simple reflection technique for measuring the linear EO coefficient of the polymer thin films was discussed.


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The characteristics of proton beam generated in the interaction of an ultrashort laser pulse with a large prepulse with solid foils are experimentally investigated. It is found that the proton beam emitted from the rear surface is not well collimated, and a "ring-like" structure with some "burst-like" angular modulation is presented in the spatial distribution. The divergence of the proton beam reduces significantly when the laser intensity is decreased. The "burst-like" modulation gradually fades out for the thicker target. It is believed that the large divergence angle and the modulated ring structure are caused by the shock wave induced by the large laser prepulse. A one-dimensional hydrodynamic code, MED103, is used to simulate the behavior of the shock wave produced by the prepulse. The simulation indicates that the rear surface of the foil target is significantly modified by the shock wave, consequently resulting in the experimental observations. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.