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ZnO films were deposited on Si(100) substrates at 300℃ by metal - organic chemical vapor deposition(MOCVD). The effect of different ratios of DEZn to N2O on crystal quality was analyzed. It is found that the optimum ratio of DEZn to N2O is 2.1. And in this optimum growth condition, X - ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning probe morphology (SPM) images indicate that the films grow along the c - axis orientation. ZnO film exhibits a strong UV optical absorption near 388 nm. And the optical absorbance is close to zero,that indicates nearly 100% optical transparence. Photoluminescence (PL) spectrum shows only strong near - band - edge emissions with little or no deep - level emission related to defects. The full - width at half - maximum (FWHM) of the ultraviolet emission peak is 80meV. The results indicate that better crystal quality can be obtained.


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Dynamics of formation of defects in the annealed nominally undoped semi-insulating InP obtained by high pressure, high temperature annealing of high purity materials is proposed. Incorporated hydrogen passivates vacancy at indium site from annihilation forming fully hydrogenated indium vacancy which dissociates leaving large lattice relaxation behind, deep donors, mainly larger complexes involving phosphorus at indium site and isolated hydrogen defects are created in nominally undoped InP after annealing. Also created are acceptor levels such as vacancy at indium site. Carrier charge compensation mechanism in nominally undoped InP upon annealing at high temperature is given. Microscopic models of hydrogen related defects are given. Structural, electronic and vibrational properties of LVMs related to hydrogen as well as their temperature effect are discussed.


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Electron spin relaxation and related mechanisms in heavily Mn-doped (Ga,Mn) As are studied by performing time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect measurements. At low temperature, s-d exchange scattering dominates electron spin relaxation, whereas the Bir-Aronov-Pikus mechanism and Mn impurity scattering play important roles at high temperature. The temperature-dependent spin relaxation time exhibits an anomaly around the Curie temperature (T(c)) that implies that thermal fluctuation is suppressed by short-range correlated spin fluctuation above T(c). (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3531754]


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Molecular-dynamics simulations have been carried out to investigate the electric hysteresis of barium titanate nanofilm containing oxygen vacancy ordering array parallel to the {101} crystal plane. The results obtained show a significant weakening of polarization retention from non-zero value to zero as the size of the array was reduced to a critical level, which was attributed to the formation and motion of head-to-head domain wall structure under external field loading process. By comparing with materials containing isolated oxygen vacancies, it was found that the zero retention was due to the oxygen vacancy ordering array rather than to the concentration of oxygen vacancy. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2010


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Boiling is an extremely complicated and illusive process. Microgravity experiments offer a unique opportunity to study the complex interactions without external forces, such as buoyancy, which can affect the bubble dynamics and the related heat transfer. Furthermore, they can also provide a means to study the actual influence of gravity on the boiling. Two research projects on pool boiling in microgravity have been conducted aboard the Chinese recoverable satellites. Ground-based experiments both in normal gravity and in short-term microgravity in the Drop Tower Beijing and numerical simulations have also been performed. Steady boiling of R113 on thin platinum wires was studied with a temperature-controlled heating method, while quasi-steady boiling of FC-72 on a plane plate was investigated with an exponentially increasing heating voltage. It was found that the bubble dynamics in microgravity has a distinct difference from that in normal gravity, and that the heat transfer characteristic is depended upon the bubble dynamics. Lateral motions of bubbles on the heaters were observed before their departure in microgravity. The surface oscillation of the merged bubbles due to lateral coalescence between adjacent bubbles drove it to detach from the heaters. Slight enhancement of heat transfer on wires is observed in microgravity, while diminution is evident for high heat flux in the plate case.


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We investigate the effect of clusters in complex networks on efficiency dynamics by studying a simple efficiency model in two coupled small-world networks. It is shown that the critical network randomness corresponding to transition from a stagnant phase to a growing one decreases to zero as the connection strength of clusters increases. It is also shown for fixed randomness that the state of clusters transits from a stagnant phase to a growing one as the connection strength of clusters increases. This work can be useful for understanding the critical transition appearing in many dynamic processes on the cluster networks.


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The semirigid vibrating rotor target model is applied to study the isotope effect in reaction H + CH4-->H-2 + CH3 using time-dependent wave-packet method. The reaction probabilities for producing H-2 and HD product channels are calculated. The energy dependence of the reaction probabilities shows oscillating structures for both reaction channels. At low temperature or collision energies, the H atom abstraction is favored due to tunnelling effect. In partially deuterated CHxDy (x + y = 4), the breaking of the C-H bond is favored over that of the C-D bond in the entire energy range studied. In H + CHD3 reaction at high energies, the HD product dominates simply due to statistical factor. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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The power-time curves of growth of three strains of petroleum bacteria at different NaCl concentrations at 40.0 and 50.0 degreesC have been determined by using a 2277 Thermometric Thermal Activity Analyser. An equation of a power-time curve, ln[alphaP(K)/P(t) - 1] = ln[(alphaK - N-0)/N-0] - alphakt, was established based on the generalized logistic equation, where P(t) is the thermal power at time t, K the carrying capacity, P-K = P0K, P-0 the thermal power of one cell, N-0 the bacterial population at time zero, alpha = (k - D)/k. The method of four observed points with the same time interval was used to calculate the value of P-K. The growth rate constant k and the death rate constant D were calculated. The NaCl concentration of optimum growth rate of petroleum bacteria at 40.0 and 50.0 degreesC, respectively, have been obtained according to the curves k - D versus NaCl concentration, which are 0.26, 0.54 and 0.57 mol l(-1) for B-1, B-2 and B-3, respectively, at 50.0 degreesC, 0.26, 0.55 and 0.56 mol l(-1) for B-1, B-2 and B-3, respectively, at 40.0 degreesC. The results indicated that the effect of temperature on NaCl concentration of optimum growth rate was small. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The domain-structure of samples containing a series of starch/poly(sodium acrylate)-grafted superabsorbents, pure starch, pure poly(sodium acrylate), and blend of starch/poly(sodium acrylate) has been studied by high-resolution solid-state C-13 NMR spectroscopy at room temperature. The result shows that the crystallinity of starch decreases greatly in the grafted and blended samples.


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The particle transfer molecular dynamics is used to study the phase equilibria of linear and branched chain molecules. The scaling of the critical temperature versus chain length is obtained and the critical densities are found to decrease with increasing chain length, which are in agreement with the results of experiment and theory. The phase diagrams of the linear and the branched chain molecules nearly overlap with each other. Moreover, the radial distribution functions of linear and branched chain molecules in gas phase are very similar, but in the liquid phase, they are different for different kinds of chains.


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Molecular dynamics simulations are adopted to calculate the equation of state characteristic parameters P*, rho*, and T* of isotactic polypropylene (iPP) and poly(ethylene-co-octene) (PEOC), which can be further used in the Sanchez-Lacombe lattice fluid theory (SLLFT) to describe the respective physical properties. The calculated T* is a function of the temperature, which was also found in the literature. To solve this problem, we propose a Boltzmann fitting of the data and obtain T* at the high-temperature limit. With these characteristic parameters, the pressure-volume-temperature (PVT) data of iPP and PEOC are predicted by the SLLFT equation of state. To justify the correctness of our results, we also obtain the PVT data for iPP and PEOC by experiments. Good agreement is found between the two sets of data. By integrating the Euler-Lagrange equation and the Cahn-Hilliard relation, we predict the density profiles and the surface tensions for iPP and PEOC, respectively. Furthermore, a recursive method is proposed to obtain the characteristic interaction energy parameter between iPP and PEOC. This method, which does not require fitting to the experimental phase equilibrium data, suggests an alternative way to predict the phase diagrams that are not easily obtained in experiments.


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The complex protein folding kinetics in wide temperature ranges is studied through diffusive dynamics on the underlying energy landscape. The well-known kinetic chevron rollover behavior is recovered from the mean first passage time, with the U-shape dependence on temperature. The fastest folding temperature T-0 is found to be smaller than the folding transition temperature T-f. We found that the fluctuations of the kinetics through the distribution of first passage time show rather universal behavior, from high-temperature exponential Poissonian kinetics to the relatively low-temperature highly nonexponential kinetics. The transition temperature is at T-k and T-0, T-k, T-f. In certain low-temperature regimes, a power law behavior at long time emerges. At very low temperatures ( lower than trapping transition temperature T< T-0/(4&SIM;6)), the kinetics is an exponential Poissonian process again.


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We propose a new approach to study the diffusion dynamics on biomolecular interface binding energy landscape. The resulting mean first passage time (MFPT) has 'U'curve dependence on the temperature. It is shown that the large specificity ratio of gap to roughness of the underlying binding energy landscape not only guarantees the thermodynamic stability and the specificity [P.A. Rejto, G.M. Verkhivker, in: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 93 (1996) 8945; C.J. Tsai, S. Kumar, B. Ma, R. Nussinov, Protein Sci. 8 (1999) 1181; G.A. Papoian, P.G. Wolynes, Biopolymers 68 (2003) 333; J. Wang, G.M. Verkhivker, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (2003) 198101] but also the kinetic accessibility. The complex kinetics and the associated fluctuations reflecting the structures of the binding energy landscape emerge upon temperature changes. The theory suggests a way of connecting the models/simulations with single molecule experiments by analysing the kinetic trajectories.


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We study the kinetics of protein folding via statistical energy landscape theory. We concentrate on the local-connectivity case, where the configurational changes can only occur among neighboring states, with the folding progress described in terms of an order parameter given by the fraction of native conformations. The non-Markovian diffusion dynamics is analyzed in detail and an expression for the mean first-passage time (MFPT) from non-native unfolded states to native folded state is obtained. It was found that the MFPT has a V-shaped dependence on the temperature. We also find that the MFPT is shortened as one increases the gap between the energy of the native and average non-native folded states relative to the fluctuations of the energy landscape. The second- and higher-order moments are studied to infer the first-passage time distribution. At high temperature, the distribution becomes close to a Poisson distribution, while at low temperatures the distribution becomes a Levy-type distribution with power-law tails, indicating a nonself-averaging intermittent behavior of folding dynamics. We note the likely relevance of this result to single-molecule dynamics experiments, where a power law (Levy) distribution of the relaxation time of the underlined protein energy landscape is observed.


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We study the dynamics of protein folding via statistical energy-landscape theory. In particular, we concentrate on the local-connectivity case with the folding progress described by the fraction of native conformations. We found that the first passage-time (FPT) distribution undergoes a dynamic transition at a temperature below which the FPT distribution develops a power-law tail, a signature of the intermittent nonexponential kinetic phenomena for the folding dynamics. Possible applications to single-molecule dynamics experiments are discussed.