432 resultados para Yag crystals


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Size effects of mechanical behaviors of materials are referred to the variation of the mechanical behavior due to the sample sizes changing from macroscale to micro-/nanoscales. At the micro-/nanoscale, since sample has a relatively high specific surface area (SSA) (ratio of surface area to volume), the surface although it is often neglected at the macroscale, becomes prominent in governing the energy effect, although it is often neglected at the macroscale, becomes prominent in governing the mechanical behavior. In the present research, a continuum model considering the surface energy effect is developed through introducing the surface energy to total potential energy. Simultaneously, a corresponding finite element method is developed. The model is used to analyze the axial equilibrium strain problem for a Cu nanowire at the external loading-free state. As another application of the model, from dimensional analysis, the size effects of uniform compression tests on the microscale cylinder specimens for Ni and Au single crystals are analyzed and compared with experiments in literatures. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We measured noninvasively step velocities of elementary two-dimensional (2D) islands on {110} faces of tetragonal lysozyme crystals, under various supersaturations, by laser confocal microscopy combined with differential interference contrast microscopy. We studied the correlation between the effects of protein impurities on the growth of elementary steps and their adsorption sites on a crystal surface, using three kinds of proteins: fluorescent-labeled lysozyme (F-lysozyme), covalently bonded dimers of lysozyme (dimer), and a 18 kDa polypeptide (18 kDa). These three protein impurities suppressed the advancement of the steps. However, they exhibited different supersaturation dependencies of the suppression of the step velocities. To clarify the cause of this difference, we observed in situ the adsorption sites of individual molecules of F-lysozyme and fluorescent-labeled dimer (F-dimer) on the crystal surface by single-molecule visualization. We found that F-lysozyme adsorbed preferentially on steps (i.e., kinks), whereas F-dimer adsorbed randomly on terraces. Taking into account the different adsorption sites of F-lysozyme and F-dimer, we could successfully explain the different effects of the impurities on the step velocities. These observations strongly suggest that 18 kDa also adsorbs randomly on terraces. Seikagaku lysozyme exhibited a complex effect that could not alone be explained by the two major impurities (dimer and 18 kDa) present in Seikagaku lysozyme, indicating that trace amounts of other impurities significantly affect the step advancement.


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实验研究了YAG激光诱导放电(LGD)表面离散强化形貌,包括强化点的表面形貌和横截面形貌.利用放电过程中的电弧压力,对强化点表面进行造型.大电流、倾斜放电容易将熔凝物吹起形成凹坑和突起,表面起伏更加明显,而小电流、垂直放电则能得到平坦的表面,有利于增大强化深度.随脉冲宽度的增加,强化点的径深比逐渐变小,在相同强化深度下,小电流、长脉冲宽度可以获得小径深比、厚深状的强化点,而大电流、短脉冲宽度可以获得大径深比、扁平状的强化点.在现有实验条件下,在电流150 A,脉冲宽度9.83 ms下得到最大强化深度为 0.479 mm,径深比为3.9


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A new pump and probe experimental system was developed, the pump pulse duration of which is stretched and is much longer than that of the probe pulse. Using this system, time-resolved electronic excitation processes and damage mechanisms in CaF2 crystals were studied. The measured reflectivity of the probe pulse begins to increase at the peak of the pump pulse and increases rapidly in the latter half of the pump pulse, when the pump pulse duration is stretched to 580fs. Our experimental results indicate that both multiphoton ionization and impact ionization play important roles in the generation of conduction band electrons, at least they do so when the pump pulse durations are equal to or longer than 580fs.


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Nanoripples with periods of 150 and 80 nm are formed on the surface of 6H-SiC crystals irradiated by the p-polarized 800 nm and the s-polarized 400 nm femtosecond lasers, respectively. When both of the two collinear laser beams focus simultaneously on the sample surface, nanoparticles are formed on the whole ablation area, and they array in parallel lines. We propose and confirm that the second harmonics in the sample surface excited by the incident lasers plays an important role in the formation of nanostructures.


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We investigate the optical transmission properties of a combined system which consists of two quantum-dot-nanocavity subsystems indirectly coupled to a waveguide in a planar photonic crystal. A Mollow-like triplet and the growth of sidebands are found, reflecting intrinsic optical responses in the complex microstructure.


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研究了国产Yb:YAG陶瓷的激光输出特性。激光器采用激光二极管(LD)纵向同轴抽运Yb:YAG陶瓷样品,样品的掺杂原子数分数为1%,一端面镀940 nm和1030 nm双增透膜,另一端面镀1030 nm增透膜,激光器在1031 nm处获得了近红外激光输出。实验中分别测试了Yb:YAG陶瓷在不同输出透射率(T=4%,8%,10%)条件下的激光输出特性。整个实验过程中,激光器维持基横模运转。当输出透射率为10%,吸收的抽运功率为9 W时,激光器获得最大的激光输出功率为1.63 W,相应的斜率效率为23.2%。


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We report on the damage threshold in CaF2 crystals induced by femtosecond laser at wavelengths of 800 nm and 400 nm, respectively. The dependences of ablation depths and ablation volumes on laser fluences are also presented. We investigate theoretically the coupling constants between phonon and conduction band electrons (CBE), and calculate the rates of CBE absorbing laser energy. A theoretical model including CBE production, laser energy deposition, and CBE diffusion is applied to study the damage mechanisms. Our results indicate that energy diffusion greatly influences damage threshold and ablation depth.


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The damage in fused silica and CaF2 crystals induced by wavelength tunable femtosecond lasers is studied. The threshold fluence is observed to increase rapidly with laser wavelength lambda in the region of 250-800 nm, while it is nearly a constant for 800


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A two-mode adjustable superresolving filter based on a birefringent filter is proposed. This kind of filter has superresolution in two modes of adjustment. One is rotation of the binary pupil filter on the optical axis of the system and the other is the tilt of the filter away from the pupil plane on axis parallel or perpendicular to the optical axis of the crystal. The filters act as complex amplitude filters in the former mode, and as pure phase filters in the latter. By analyzing two superresolving parameters, we obtain the optimal design parameters that ensure a large field of view, a large superresolving range, and a high setting accuracy. This kind of filter can provide more flexibility in practical applications. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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The properties of noncollinear optical parametric amplification (NOPA) based on quasi-phase matching of periodically poled crystals are investigated, under the condition that the group velocity matching (GVM) of the signal and idler pulses is satisfied. Our study focuses on the dependence of the gain spectrum upon the noncollinear angle, crystal temperature, and crystal angle with periodically poled KTiOPO4 (PPKTP), periodically poled LiNbO3 (PPLN), and periodically poled LiTaO3 (PPLT), and the NOPA gain properties of the three crystals are compared. Broad gain bandwidth exists above 85 nm at a signal wavelength of 800 nm with a 532 nm pump pulse, with proper noncollinear angle and grating period at a fixed temperature for GVM. Deviation from the group-velocity-matched noncollinear angle can be compensated by accurately tuning the crystal angle or temperature with a fixed grating period for phase matching. Moreover, there is a large capability of crystal angle tuning.


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Gamma-ray irradiation-induced color centers in Al2O3 crystals grown by temperature gradient techniques (TGT) under a strongly reducing atmosphere were studied. The transition F+ -> F takes place during the irradiation process. Glow discharge mass spectroscopy (GDMS) and annealing treatments show that Fe3+ impurity ions are present in the crystals. A composite (F+-Fe3+) defect was presented to explain the origin of the 255 nm band absorption in the TGT-Al2O3 crystals. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.