86 resultados para Superconducting magnets


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Recent vacuum system development with an XHV condition for the particle accelerators is briefly described. The progress of selecting and treatment of the materials used in XHV systems is introduced, and the choice of the main pump for an XHV system and some new pumping method are presented. Some leak detection experiences both for the superconducting and warm vacuum systems are recommended and the status of XHV measurement and the gauge calibration are introduced.


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Basic research related to heavy-ion cancer therapy has been done at the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP), Chinese Academy of Sciences since 1995. Now a plan of clinical trial with heavy ions has been launched at IMP. First, superficially placed tumor treatment with heavy ions is expected in the therapy terminal at the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL), where carbon ion beams with energy up to 100 MeV/u can be supplied. The shallow-seated tumor therapy terminal at HIRFL is equipped with a passive beam delivery system including two orthogonal dipole magnets, which continuously scan pencil beams laterally and generate a broad and uniform irradiation field, a motor-driven energy degrader and a multi-leaf collimator. Two different types of range modulator, ripple filter and ridge filter with which Guassian-shaped physical dose and uniform biological effective dose Bragg peaks can be shaped for therapeutic ion beams respectively, have been designed and manufactured. Therefore, two-dimensional and three-dimensional conformal irradiations to tumors can be performed with the passive beam delivery system at the earlier therapy terminal. Both the conformal irradiation methods have been verified experimentally and carbon-ion conformal irradiations to patients with superficially placed tumors have been carried out at HIRFL since November 2006.


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A Superconducting ECR ion source with Advanced design in Lanzhou (SECRAL) was successfully built to produce intense beams of highly charged ions for Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL). The ion source has been optimized to be operated at 28GHz for its maximum performance. The superconducting magnet confinement configuration of the ion source consists of three axial solenoid coils and six sextupole coils with a cold iron structure as field booster and clamping. For 28GHz operation, the magnet assembly can produce peak mirror fields on axis 3.6T at injection, 2.2T at extraction and a radial sextupole field of 2.0T at plasma chamber wall. A unique feature of SECRAL is that the three axial solenoid coils are located inside of the sextupole bore in order to reduce the interaction forces between the sextupole coils and the solenoid coils. During the ongoing commissioning phase at 18GHz with a stainless steel chamber, tests with various gases and some metals have been conducted with microwave power less than 3.2kW and it turned out the performance is very promising. Some record ion beam intensities have been produced, for instance, 810e mu A of O7+, 505e mu A of Xe20+, 306e mu A of Xe27+, 21e mu A of Xe34+, 2.4e mu A of Xe38+ and so on. To reach better results for highly charged ion beams, further modifications such as an aluminium chamber with better cooling, higher microwave power and a movable extraction system will be done, and also emittance measurements are being prepared.


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The axial emitted bremsstrahlung spectra were measured on SECRAL (Superconducting ECR ion source with Advanced design in Lanzhou) using an HPGe detector. The spectral temperature T-spe was obtained from the linear fit of the spectra in the semi-log present. The evolution of T-spe with microwave power and magnetic field configuration is investigated in this paper.


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The passive beam delivery system in the superficially-placed tumor therapy terminal at Heavy Ion Researc h Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL), which includes two orthogonal dipole magnets as scanning system, a motor-driven energy degrader as range-shifter, series of ridge filters as range modulator and a multileaf collimator, is introduced in detail. The capacities of its important components and the whole system have been verified experimentally. The tests of the ridge filter for extending Bragg peak and the range shifter for energy adjustment show both work well. To examine the passive beam delivery system, a beam shaping experiment were carried out, simulating a three-dimensional (3D) conformal irradiation to a tumor. The encouraging experimental result confirms that 3D layer-stacking conformal irradiation can be performed by means of the passive system. The validation of the beam delivery system establishes a substantial basis for upcoming clinical trial for superficially-placed tumors with heavy ions in the therapy terminal at HIRFL.


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Deconfinement phase transition and condensation of Goldstone bosons in neutron star matter are investigated in a chiral hadronic model (also referred as to the FST model) for the hadronic phase (HP) and in the color-flavor-locked (CFL) quark model for the deconfined quark phase. It is shown that the hadronic-CFL mixed phase (MP) exists in the center of neutron stars with a small bag constant, while the CFL quark matter cannot appear in neutron stars when a large bag constant is taken. Color superconductivity softens the equation of state (EOS) and decreases the maximum mass of neutron stars compared with the unpaired quark matter. The K-0 condensation in the CFL phase has no remarkable contribution to the EOS and properties of neutron star matter. The EOS and the properties of neutron star matter are sensitive to the bag constant B, the strange quark mass m(s) and the color superconducting gap Delta. Increasing B and m(s) or decreasing Delta can stiffen the EOS which results in the larger maximum masses of neutron stars.


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Superconducting electron cyclotron resonance ion source with advanced design in Lanzhou (SECRAL) is an all-superconducting-magnet electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS) for the production of intense highly charged ion beams to meet the requirements of the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL). To further enhance the performance of SECRAL, an aluminum chamber has been installed inside a 1.5 mm thick Ta liner used for the reduction of x-ray irradiation at the high voltage insulator. With double-frequency (18+14.5 GHz) heating and at maximum total microwave power of 2.0 kW, SECRAL has successfully produced quite a few very highly charged Xe ion beams, such as 10 e mu A of Xe37+, 1 e mu A of Xe43+, and 0.16 e mu A of Ne-like Xe44+. To further explore the capability of the SECRAL in the production of highly charged heavy metal ion beams, a first test run on bismuth has been carried out recently. The main goal is to produce an intense Bi31+ beam for HIRFL accelerator and to have a feel how well the SECRAL can do in the production of very highly charged Bi beams. During the test, though at microwave power less than 3 kW, more than 150 e mu A of Bi31+, 22 e mu A of Bi41+, and 1.5 e mu A of Bi50+ have been produced. All of these results have again demonstrated the great capability of the SECRAL source. This article will present the detailed results and brief discussions to the production of highly charged ion beams with SECRAL.


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The FAIR China Group (FCG), consisting of the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP Lanzhou), the Institute of Plasma Physics (ASIPP, Hefei) and the Institute of Electric Engineering (IEE, Beijing) developed and manufactured in cooperation with GSI, Germany a prototype of a superferric dipole for the Super-Fragment-Separator of the FAIR-project [1]. The dipole magnets of the separator will have a deflection radius of 12.5 m, a field up to 1.6 T, a gap of at least 170 mm and an effective length of more than 2 meters to bend ion beams with a rigidity from 2 T . m up to 20 T . m. The magnets operate at DC mode. These requirements led to a superferric design with a yoke weight of more than 50 tons and a maximum stored energy of more than 400 kJ. The principles of yoke, coil and cryostat construction will be presented. We will also show first results of tests and measurements realized at ASIPP and at IMP.


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The Super-FRS (Super FRagment Separator) is a part of FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research), which will be constructed at GSI, Germany by 17 countries. The Super-FRS comprises 24 superferric dipole magnets. The 2D and 3D magnetic field simulations of the prototype magnet are described in this paper. A passive trim slot and four chamfered removable poles are used to satisfy the required field homogeneity which is better than +/-3 x 10(-4) at 1.6 T, 0.8 T and 0.16 T in a wide elliptical useable aperture of 380 mm x 140 mm. Measurement results at various field levels are shown in this paper as well. It can be seen from the comparison of calculation and measurement results that the magnetic designs of the magnet fulfils the requirements.


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离子源发展存在两大热点问题:其一强流高电荷态离子的产生;其二强流金 属离子的产生。为了获得强流高电荷态离子,我们设计制造了全超导 ECR 离子 源 SECRAL(Superconducting ECR ion source with Advanced design in Lanzhou) , 该离子源采用了全新的超导磁体结构形式,工作于 18~28GHz 的微波频率。根据 scaling laws 和实验经验,我们确定了 SECRAL 离子源所需要的约束磁场场形, 并针对新的磁体结构设想,通过 TOSCA 程序进行了详细的计算,成功地设计出 满足我们场形要求的超导磁体物理模型。据此,我们进一步进行了超导磁体的力 学结构分析,为磁体机械工艺设计提供了参考依据,保证了超导磁体结构设计的 可靠性。源体建成后,经过一系列的测试和调束实验,不但验证了我们的设计和 分析是合理的、可靠的,而且创造了许多项束流调试的新世界纪录,我们分别获 得了 810 A eμ O7+ 、730 A eμ Ar 11+ 、220 A eμ Ar 14+ 、73 A eμ Ar 16+ 、483 A eμ Xe 20+ 等束 流。为了获得强流中低电荷态金属离子束,我们尝试探索一种原理、结构、工作 模式全新的离子源-外部电子注入PIG离子源(E-PIG) 。目前,我们基本按照我 们的初期设想设计建造了 E-PIG离子源,设计中采用了外部电子枪注入电子、空 心阴极、特殊的场形等手段来提高金属离子的电荷态和流强。经过初步的起弧调 试,我们发现在初期的设计中还存在一些问题亟待进一步整改。


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特殊磁铁主要指用于同步加速器束流的注入和引出系统中的各类磁铁,如切割磁铁、BUMP磁铁、KICKER磁铁等。从结构和用途上来看,特殊磁铁基本属于二极偏转磁铁范畴;与常规的二极磁铁相比,只是在运行模式、磁场分布和好场区位置、杂散场分布、磁铁功能以及磁铁结构和材料等方面具有突出的特殊性。如切割磁铁的好场区要紧贴切割边,而切割边外侧的杂散场要降到主场的千分之一以下;BUMP磁铁和KICKER磁铁的磁场值不高,但要以很快的脉冲方式工作,所以就具有大电流、线圈匝数少的特点。各种特殊的性能要求使得特殊磁铁的设计和制造相当复杂。 HIRFL-CSR工程共有四台切割磁铁、四套BUMP磁铁以及两套KICKER磁铁用于加速器束流的注入和引出系统中。论文介绍了特殊磁铁的选型、材料选取、电磁设计、二维及三维磁场计算、电磁参数计算、冷却计算、结构设计以及工艺设计等磁铁设计的全部过程;另外,对磁铁研制的具体细节以及技术要求、加工制造以及测试结果也作了比较全面的介绍。论文将磁铁的二维及三维磁场计算作为设计和论述的重点;因为就目前的技术水平来说,二维及三维磁场的计算是磁铁设计的主要环节,是磁场优化的主要手段,也是其他主要电磁参数计算的基础。特别是三维磁场的计算结果,是磁铁设计的主要技术依据,是一种仿真度极高且经济实用的模拟过程。一些比较成熟的磁场计算软件,如TOSCA、ANSYS、MAFIA等更是具有人机界面简单、建模方便、计算结果直观可靠等优点。特殊磁铁的磁场计算所用的程序是TOSCA;从文中提供的测试结果看,计算结果与实测值的误差只有 1 %,可见其结果是极其可信的。从测试和运行结果来看,各种特殊磁铁的研制是成功的。特殊磁铁的成功研制为HIRFL-CSR的束流注入和引出提供了硬件基础


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超导螺线管广泛应用于核磁共振仪、粒子探测器等设备。本文设计了中心场值为3T,中心附近Φ30mm区域内均匀度达到1×10-4的超导螺线管。磁体线圈采用多芯NbTi-Cu复合超导线绕制,并利用铁轭屏蔽漏场。磁体采用温孔冷铁轭、全浸泡冷却方式结构。同时,为了减少辐射漏热,采用液氮冷屏、真空多层绝热结构。 本文重点对带有冷铁轭的超导螺线管的磁场进行了优化设计。设计过程中结合了专业磁场计算软件OPERA和多种优化方法。线圈采用六次槽型结构,利用遗传算法和优选法优化线圈尺寸;铁轭采用正交试验设计优化尺寸。 利用有限元软件ANSYS对超导磁体进行电磁力分析,并且对降温后线圈、支撑筒和箍筒的热应力进行了模拟计算。估算了支撑系统的传导漏热、磁体的辐射漏热以及剩余气体漏热。详细介绍了超导磁体绕制工艺,超导磁体液氦杜瓦的加工工艺,并且对杜瓦的绝热工艺进行了介绍。最后介绍了超导螺线管的总体加工进展


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本文从磁场测量的一般方法出发,简要介绍了磁场测量的基本理论和HIRFL-CSR(兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环)的二极铁积分测磁装置。测量装置主要包括探测线圈、积分器、步进电机驱动卡、步进电机、移动小车等。从HIRFL-CSR主环H型二极磁铁的设计要求出发, 根据积分测量的基本原理,着重介绍了CSR主环二极磁铁磁场分布测量、分散性测量、传递函数测量的方法、数据处理的方法和过程、及最后的测磁结果。为了提高测量结果的精度,使用了相对测量的方法,另外在分散性测量的论述中,用数学方法对相对测量进行了推导。在磁场分布性的测量中,根据测磁数据分析计算了磁场的高阶分量和二级铁的等效偏转角度随电流变化的结果。在测量分散性的过程中,对磁场垫补以达到CSR工程要求的方法和磁场特性了研究。在特殊磁铁的测量中,对调整线圈的磁场垫补的作用进行了测量。在CSRm二极铁的测量中,测磁的误差被给出, 且符合工程要求。


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HIRFL is a tandem cyclotron complex for heavy ion. On the beam line between SFC and SSC, there is a stripper. Behind it, the distribution of charge states of beam is a Gauss distribution. The equilibrium charge state Q_0 is selected by 1BO2(a 50° dipole behind the stripper) and delivered to SSC. One of two new small beam line (named SLAS) after 1B02 will be builded in or der to split and deliver the unused ions of charge states (Q_0 ± n) to aspecific experimental area. Q_0 ± n ions are septumed and separated from initial(Q_0) ion beam by two septum magnets SM1, SM2. The charge state selected by SM1 will be Q_0 ± 1(6 ≤ Q_0 < 17), Q_0 ± 2(17 ≤ Q_0 < 33) and Q_0 ± 3 (Q_0 ≥ 33) forming a beam in one of the two possine new beam line with the stripping energy of (0.2 to 9.83 Mev/A), an emittance of 10π mm.mrad in the two transverse planes and an intensity ranging from 10~(11) pps for z ≤ 10 to some 10~5 pps for the heaviest element. Behind SM2, a few transport elements (three dipoles and seven qudrupoles) tra nsport Q_0 ± n beam to target positions T1, T2 (see fig. 1) and generate small beam spots (φ ≤ 4mm, φ ≤ 6mm). The optics design of the beam line has been done based on SLAC-75 (a first and second - order matrix theory). beam optics calculation has been worked out with the TRANSPORT program. The design is a very economical thinking, because without building a new accelerator we can obtain a lower energy heavy ion beam to provide for a lot of atomic and solid state physical experiments


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Calixarene-capped Co-32 clusters are constructed by a sodalite Co-24(II) cage and an encapsulated Co-8(III) cube. The spherical units are arranged into three isomeric structures, two of which are stacked by the bcc lattices and the third of which is assembled by the cubic closest packing of the spherical units.