207 resultados para Splitting of fertilizer


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We studied the structural and optical properties of high Al-content AlInGaN epilayers with different thicknesses grown on GaN/sapphire templates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). Direct evidences of the gradual evolution of the content of Al, Ga and In along the growth direction were obtained. When the film thickness was over a certain value, however, the AlInGaN epilayer with constant element contents began to form. These results were also supported by the blue shift and splitting of the photoluminescence (PL) peak. For the thinnest epilayer, the surface was featured with outcrops of threading dislocations (TDs) which suggested a spiral growth mode. With increase in thickness, step-flow growth mode and V-shaped pits were observed, and the steps terminated at the pits. (C) 2008 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate theoretically CdTe quantum dots containing a single Mn2+ impurity, including the sp-d exchange interaction between carriers and the magnetic ion and the short-range exchange interaction between electron and hole. We find anticrossing behaviors in the energy spectrum of the electron-hole (e-h) pair that arise from the interplay between exchange interactions and the magnetic field. In addition to the s-d exchange interaction, we find that other mechanisms inducing the anticrossings become important in the strong heavy hole-light hole (hh-lh) mixing regime. The transition strengths between the states with spin projection of Mn2+ ion S-z not equal -5/2 (S-z = -5/2) decrease (increase) with increasing magnetic fields due to the alignment of the Mn2+ spin. The spin splitting of the e-h pair states depends sensitively on the external magnetic and electric field, which reveals useful information about the spin orientation and position of the magnetic ion. Meanwhile, the manipulation of the position of the magnetic ion offers us a way to control the spin splitting of the carriers. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate theoretically the spin states in InAs/AlSb/GaSb broken-gap quantum wells by solving the Kane model and the Poisson equation self-consistently. The spin states in InAs/AlSb/GaSb quantum wells are quite different from those obtained by the single-band Rashba model due to the electron-hole hybridization. The Rashba spin splitting of the lowest conduction subband shows an oscillating behavior. The D'yakonov-Perel' spin-relaxation time shows several peaks with increasing the Fermi wave vector. By inserting an AlSb barrier between the InAs and GaSb layers, the hybridization can be greatly reduced. Consequently, the spin orientation, the spin splitting, and the D'yakonov-Perel' spin-relaxation time can be tuned significantly by changing the thickness of the AlSb barrier.


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Stoichiometric gadolinium oxide thin films have been grown on silicon (100) substrates with a low-energy dual ion-beam epitaxial technique. Gadolinium oxide shares Gd2O3 structures although the ratio of gadolinium and oxygen in the film is about 2:1 and a lot of oxygen deficiencies exist. Photoluminescence (PL) measurements have been carried out within a temperature range of 5-300 K. The detailed characters of the PL emission integrated intensity, peak position, and peak width at different temperature were reported and an anomalous photoluminescence behavior was observed. The character of PL emission integrated intensity is similar to that of some other materials such as porous silicon and silicon nanocrystals in silicon dioxide. Four peaks relative to alpha band and beta band were observed also. Therefore we suggest that the nanoclusters with the oxygen deficiencies contribute to the PL emission and the model of singlet-triplet exchange splitting of exciton was employed for discussion. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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A detailed experimental study of electron cyclotron resonance (CR) has been carried out at 4.2 K in three modulation-doped GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As multiple quantum well samples in fields up to 30 T. A strong avoided-level-crossing splitting of the CR energies due to resonant magnetopolaron effects is observed for all samples near the GaAs reststrahlen region. Resonant splittings in the region of AlAs-like interface phonon modes of the barriers are observed in two samples with narrower well width and smaller doping concentration. The interaction between electrons and the AlAs interface optical phonon modes has been calculated for our specific sample structures in the framework of the memory-function formalism. The calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental results, which confirms our assignment of the observed splitting near the AlAs-like phonon region is due to the resonant magnetopolaron interaction of electrons in the wells with AlAs-like interface phonons. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The energy spectrum and the persistent currents are calculated for a finite-width mesoscopic annulus with radial potential barrier, threading a magnetic flux through the hole of the ring. Owing to the presence of tunneling barrier, the coupling effect leads to the splitting of each radial energy subband of individual concentrical rings into two one. Thus, total currents and currents carried by single high-lying eigenstate as a function of magnetic flux exhibit complicated patterns. However, periodicity and antisymmetry of current curves in the flux still preserve.


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Single point defect microcavity possesses only the degenerate dipole modes under certain photonic crystal structure parameters. By deforming lattice structure, the degeneracy of the dipole modes has been broken. Theoretical simulation shows the large splitting of 65nm between the splitted x-mode and y-mode, approximate to the luminescent gain spectrum, which benefits for the single mode lasing. Experimentally the single dipole mode lasing, y-mode, is achieved in the deformed microcavity.


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为探讨在宁南山区不同施肥处理下马铃薯生长发育和产量最佳施肥方式,采取随机区组设计进行田间试验,开展对马铃薯产量和品质影响的研究。结果表明,在当地条件下,处理10收获期干物质积累总量平均比对照增加30.97%,各施肥处理收获期的干物质累积量比对照增加7.35%~73.31%。马铃薯生长发育最佳施肥方式是N 300 kg/hm2、P2O5200 kg/hm2、K2O 200 kg/hm2、M 17.5 t/hm2,(氮肥基施和追肥各一半,磷肥和钾肥以及有机肥全部基施),能增加马铃薯产量并能增加淀粉含量,从而提高马铃薯产品品质。在宁南山区马铃薯生产中可以推广应用这种肥料组配方案。


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采用人工模拟降雨试验,研究水文条件对紫色土坡面土壤侵蚀及氮和磷养分流失的影响。试验处理包括2个施肥水平(低肥和高肥水平),4个水文条件(自由下渗、土壤水分饱和、壤中流、壤中流+降雨)和一个降雨强度(60 mm/h,历时60 min)。结果表明:壤中流+降雨和土壤水分饱和条件下的土壤侵蚀量分别是自由下渗条件下的3.1和1.7倍,同自由下渗相比,壤中流、壤中流+降雨和土壤水分饱和条件下,地表径流中NO3-N、HPO4-P的浓度和流失量有显著增加;低肥水平条件下,自由下渗、土壤水分饱和、壤中流和壤中流+降雨地表径流中,NO3-N的浓度分别是0.88、58.90、698.41和87.80 mg/L,对应水文条件下地表径流中,HPO4-P的浓度分别是0.252、0.322、0.811和0.383 mg/L,高肥水平条件下,径流中的NO3-N和HPO4-P的浓度也有相同的趋势;土壤水分饱和条件下,地表径流中NO3-N和HPO4-P的流失量分别是自由下渗条件下的27~39和1.3倍,壤中流+降雨条件下,地表径流中NO3-N和HPO4-P的流失量分别是自由下渗条件下的100~114和1.5~1.7倍,同时,壤中流+降雨和土壤...


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A detailed experimental study of electron cyclotron resonance (CR) has been carried out at 4.2 K in three modulation-doped GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As multiple quantum well samples in fields up to 30 T. A strong avoided-level-crossing splitting of the CR energies due to resonant magnetopolaron effects is observed for all samples near the GaAs reststrahlen region. Resonant splittings in the region of AlAs-like interface phonon modes of the barriers are observed in two samples with narrower well width and smaller doping concentration. The interaction between electrons and the AlAs interface optical phonon modes has been calculated for our specific sample structures in the framework of the memory-function formalism. The calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental results, which confirms our assignment of the observed splitting near the AlAs-like phonon region is due to the resonant magnetopolaron interaction of electrons in the wells with AlAs-like interface phonons. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We extend the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (BHF) approach to include the three-body force (TBF) rearrangement contribution in calculating the neutron and proton single particle (s.p.) properties in isospin asymmetric nuclear matter. We investigate the TBF rearrangement effect on the momentum-dependence of neutron and proton s.p. potentials, the isospin splitting and especially its density dependence of the neutron and proton effective masses, and the isospin symmetry potential in neutron-rich nuclear matter by adopting the realistic Argonne V-18 two-body nucleon-nucleon interaction supplemented with a microscopic TBF. We find that at low densities, the TBF rearrangement effect is fairly weak, whereas the TBF induces a significant rearrangement effect on the s.p. properties at high densities and large momenta. The TBF rearrangement contribution to s.p. potential is shown to be repulsive, and it reduces considerably the attraction of the BHF s.p. potential. The repulsion from the TBF rearrangement turns out to be strongly momentum dependent at high densities and high momenta. As a consequence, it enhances remarkably the momentum dependence of the proton and neutron s.p. potentials and reduces the neutron and proton effective masses. At low densities, the TBF rearrangement effect on symmetry potential is almost negligible, while at high densities, it enlarges sizably the symmetry potential. At high enough densities, it may even change the high-momentum behavior of symmetry potential. In both cases, with and without including the TBF rearrangement contribution, the predicted neutron effective mass is larger than the proton one in neutron-rich matter within the BHF framework; i.e., the predicted isospin splitting of the proton and neutron effective masses in neutron-rich matter is such that m(n)(*)>= m(p)(*), in agreement with the recent Dirac-BHF predictions. The TBF rearrangement contribution reduces remarkably the magnitude of the proton-neutron effective mass splitting at high densities. At high enough densities, inclusion of the TBF rearrangement contribution even suppresses almost completely the effective mass splitting.


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研究施氮对黄土高原水蚀风蚀交错区不同土层土壤矿质氮含量和累积量的影响。【方法】试验设作物和施肥2个因子,分析不同施氮水平和不同作物处理下黄土高原水蚀风蚀交错区0~100 cm土层土壤矿质氮的差异。【结果】不同施氮处理对土壤硝态氮含量及矿质氮累积量有明显影响,土壤硝态氮含量和0~100 cm土层土壤矿质氮累积量均随施氮量的增加而增加,但施氮量对土壤铵态氮的影响较小;不同施氮条件下,不同土层土壤硝态氮含量和矿质氮累积量均以0~20 cm土层最高,从总体上看,随着施氮量增加,较深土层(80~100 cm)土壤硝态氮含量和矿质氮累积量亦有所增加;不同作物间,除施90 kg/hm2磷+45 kg/hm2氮处理时,种植黑麦草作物的0~20cm土层土壤NO3--N含量有所增加外,其余施氮处理对种植两种不同作物土壤的NO3--N含量和NH4+-N含量均未产生明显影响,在相同施氮处理下,黑麦草地和苜蓿地0~100 cm土层土壤总矿质氮累积量的差异不明显。【结论】不同水平氮肥处理均对黄土高原水蚀风蚀交错区土壤矿质氮含量及累积量有一定影响,土壤矿质氮含量及累积量均与施氮量密切相关。


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以土垫旱耕人为土为供试土壤,通过田间试验,研究了不同施氮量下(0、45、90、135和180 kg.hm-2)夏玉米生育期土壤剖面NO3--N的变化特征、氮素利用率及施氮量与土壤NO3--N残留的关系.结果表明:在整个生育期内,土壤NO3--N含量均以0~20 cm土层最高,且施氮量越高,NO3--N含量也越高;0~60 cm土层NO3--N含量变化显著,60~100 cm土层NO3--N含量变化不大.夏玉米整个生育期,受玉米对氮素的需求和降雨的影响,0~100cm土层NO3--N累积量呈波动式降低趋势;当施氮量小于135 kg.hm-2时,作物氮肥利用率随施氮量的增加而显著提高,但当施氮量超过135 kg.hm-2时呈下降趋势.氮肥农学利用率随施氮量的增加而减小,氮肥生理利用率随施氮量的增加而递增.土壤中残留NO3--N与施氮量呈极显著正线性相关关系(R2=0.957**,n=5);施氮处理籽粒产量显著高于不施氮处理(P<0.05);施氮量与籽粒产量呈极显著正线性相关关系(R2=0.934**,n=5).在本试验条件下,夏玉米生长季适宜施氮量为135 kg.hm-2.该施氮水平可保证效益和环境的双赢.


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基于20 a长期施肥定位试验,研究了丰水年施肥对小麦产量和土壤肥力变化的影响。结果表明:各种肥料单施或配施对小麦产量的影响顺序为NPM>NM>NP>PM>M>N>P>CK,肥料配施有利于提高小麦产量并维持相对稳产;NP、NM、PM、NPM的交互作用明显,连应值均为正;氮磷配施能显著提高肥料对产量的贡献率和水分利用率,氮磷有机肥配施效果最佳,肥料对产量的贡献率为64.9%,水分利用率提高了103.5%,氮磷单施不如肥料配施;氮磷配施不利于土壤速效钾的积累,化肥和有机肥长期配施有利于土壤养分含量的增加,提高土壤肥力。