72 resultados para Shaping


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The passive beam delivery system in the superficially-placed tumor therapy terminal at Heavy Ion Researc h Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL), which includes two orthogonal dipole magnets as scanning system, a motor-driven energy degrader as range-shifter, series of ridge filters as range modulator and a multileaf collimator, is introduced in detail. The capacities of its important components and the whole system have been verified experimentally. The tests of the ridge filter for extending Bragg peak and the range shifter for energy adjustment show both work well. To examine the passive beam delivery system, a beam shaping experiment were carried out, simulating a three-dimensional (3D) conformal irradiation to a tumor. The encouraging experimental result confirms that 3D layer-stacking conformal irradiation can be performed by means of the passive system. The validation of the beam delivery system establishes a substantial basis for upcoming clinical trial for superficially-placed tumors with heavy ions in the therapy terminal at HIRFL.


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Superconducting quarter-wave resonators, due to their compactness and their convenient shape for tuning and coupling, are very attractive for low-beta beam acceleration. In this paper, two types of cavities with different geometry have been numerically simulated: the first type with larger capacitive load in the beam line and the second type of lollipop-shape for 100 MHz, beta=0.06 beams; then the relative electromagnetic parameters and geometric sizes have been compared. It is found that the second type, whose structural design is optimized with the conical stem and shaping drift-tube, can support the better accelerating performance. At the end of the paper, some structural deformation effects on frequency shifts and appropriate solutions have been discussed.


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Land-use change is an important aspect of global environment change. It is, in a sense, the direct result of human activities influencing our physical environment. Supported by the dynamic serving system of national resources, including both the environment database and GIS technology, this paper analyzed the land-use change in northeastern China in the past ten years (1990 - 2000). It divides northeastern China into five land-use zones based on the dynamic degree (DD) of land-use: woodland/grassland - arable land conversion zone, dry land - paddy field conversion zone, urban expansion zone, interlocked zone of farming and pasturing, and reclamation and abandoned zone. In the past ten years, land-use change of northeastern China can be generalized as follows: increase of cropland area was obvious, paddy field and dry land increased by 74. 9 and 276. 0 thousand ha respectively; urban area expanded rapidly, area of town and rural residence increased by 76. 8 thousand ha; area of forest and grassland decreased sharply with the amount of 1399. 0 and 1521. 3 thousand ha respectively; area of water body and unused land increased by 148. 4 and 513. 9 thousand ha respectively. Besides a comprehensive analysis of the spatial patterns of land use, this paper also discusses the driving forces in each land-use dynamic zones. The study shows that some key biophysical factors affect conspicuously the conversion of different land- use types. In this paper, the relationships between land- use conversion and DEM, accnmlated temperature(>= 10 degrees C) and precipitation were analysed and represented. We conclude that the land- use changes in northeast China resulted from the change of macro social and economic factors and local physical elements. Rapid population growth and management changes, in some sense, can explain the shaping of woodland/grassland - cropland conversion zone. The conversion from dry land to paddy field in the dry land - paddy field conversion zone, apart from the physical elements change promoting the expansion of paddy field, results from two reasons: one is that the implementation of market-economy in China has given farmers the right to decide what they plant and how they plant their crops, the other factor is originated partially from the change of dietary habit with the social and economic development. The conversion from paddy field to dry land is caused primarily by the shortfall of irrigation water, which in turn is caused by poor water allocation managed by local governments. The shaping of the reclamation and abandoned zone is partially due to the lack of environment protection consciousness among pioneer settlers. The reason for the conversion from grassland to cropland is the relatively higher profits of fanning than that of pasturing in the interlocked zone of farming and pasturing. In northeastern China, the rapid expansion of built-up areas results from two factors: the first is its small number of towns; the second comes from the huge potential for expansion of existing towns and cities. It is noticeable that urban expansion in the northeastern China is characterized by gentle topographic relief and low population density. Physiognomy, transportation and economy exert great influences on the urban expansion.


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The research progress of the effect of predation risk on animals’behavior and their decision was introduced in the paper. In recent decade , a lots of researches dealt with effects of predation on prey foraging behavior (including when to feed , where to feed , what to eat , how to consume) , habitat selection and defensive behavior in the various types of ecological systems. The results showed that animals had the ability to assess and control their risk of being pred in ecological time and they could incorporate this information with their making of decision during the lifetime. Some researches suggested that the decision reflected apparent trade-offs between the risk of predation and the benefits to be gained from enaging in a given activity. It was stressed that predation risk was an important and necessary trade-off factor for animals’decision making. In addition , the effect of indirect predation at community level was one of the forces of shaping community structure and become an important way for studing mechanism of community organization. At the population level , it also may be significant advers effecting on population distribution , density and reproduction.


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基板预热可以显著降低激光金属沉积成形(laser metal deposition shaping,LMDS)过程的热应力,从而抑制成形过程裂缝的产生,但基板预热温度的高低对成形零件的微观组织有着重要的影响,因此研究不同基板预热温度下激光金属沉积成形零件的微观组织变化规律对基板预热温度的选择具有非常重要的意义.利用中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所自行研制的激光金属沉积成形系统和基板预热系统,采用Ni60A金属粉末在基板未预热和预热到200,300,400,500和600℃时分别进行成形试验.然后利用扫描电子显微镜和能量散射谱仪对成形试件的微观组织进行深入的研究,得到不同基板预热温度对激光金属沉积成形零件微观组织的影响规律,为基板预热温度的优化选择提供了重要参考。


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为降低沉积过程的热应力,抑制成形过程中裂缝的产生,研究基板预热对激光金属沉积成形(Laser metal deposition shaping,LMDS)过程热应力的影响具有非常重要的意义。根据有限元分析中的"单元生死"思想,利用APDL(ANSYS parametric design language)编程建立多道多层激光金属沉积成形过程的数值模拟模型,深入探讨基板未预热和预热到400℃时对成形过程热应力的影响。计算结果表明,基板预热到400℃可以显著降低成形过程中试样的热应力变化波动性,试样的Von Mises热应力最大值可降低10%左右,其中x方向热应力最大值可降低8.5%左右,z方向热应力最大值可降低8.1%左右。在与模拟过程相同的条件下,利用自行研制的激光金属沉积成形设备进行了成形试验,成形试验的结果与模拟结果基本吻合。


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金属粉末激光成形技术是基于快速原型(Rapid Prototyping,RP)技术基础上发展起来的一项新型金属零件加工技术。该技术利用高能量激光束直接作用在金属粉末上,可以直接成形高熔点、形状复杂或异质材料功能梯度零件,其成形过程是按照零件几何形状,利用金属粉末逐层逐道累积成形零件的。其独特的金属零件加工特点使其得到了迅速发展,在航空、军事、医学和汽车等众多领域得到了成功应用,并发挥了重要作用。作为一项新兴技术,金属粉末激光成形技术不可避免的存在一些问题,由于激光成形过程是一个多参数影响的过程,成形过程中各参数存在较强的耦合作用,参数的不稳定往往导致成形效果难以保证,例如成形零件外形尺寸精度低、内部组织性能不佳等。这一问题,引起了国内外许多学者的关注,对加工过程中的一些重要参数与成形效果之间的关系展开研究,通过对成形过程中的一些中间过程输出参数进行实时检测,并实现闭环反馈控制,从而达到改善成形产品质量的目的。本文正是在这种背景下进行研究的,本文对熔池场几何尺寸、熔池温度场、熔覆高度与熔覆宽度实时检测进行了深入研究并实现了切实可行的检测方法,在实践中取得了较好的效果,并进行了熔覆成形过程动态辨识,研究了成形过程控制方法,提出了具有较强自适应能力的模糊PID控制方法,取得了较好的仿真效果。本课题主要研究工作有以下几个方面。 1. 激光成形过程中的熔池场包含大量的过程信息,对熔池进行实时检测,并提取熔池特征信息,为熔池场的闭环控制提供依据。为此建立了熔池场实时检测视觉传感系统,实现了图像采集、图像处理和信息提取等功能,课题成功的进行了硬件系统构建和软件系统开发。 2. 实现了红外图像比色测温法在金属粉末激光成形过程中熔池温度场检测中的应用。研究了测温原理,完成了硬件双波长图像采集系统的构建,对滤光片波长进行了选择并对选择结果进行了仿真。阐述了软件测温实现过程。 3. 激光加工过程中,对熔覆高度进行实时检测,从而实现熔覆高度闭环控制是成形高质量零件的保证。加工过程是一个多参数耦合的非线性过程,在分析激光参数对熔覆高度影响的基础上,建立利用激光工艺参数预测熔覆高度的BP神经网络模型,为实现激光加工过程熔覆高度实时预测与闭环控制打下了基础。 4. 熔覆宽度是激光成形过程中与成形效果密切相关的中间过程输出参数,该参数的实时检测为调整扫描间距,确定合理搭接率,提高熔覆表面平整度具有重要作用。提出了一种基于卡尔曼滤波技术的激光熔覆宽度检测方法。利用视觉传感系统获取激光加工过程中的熔池图像,经过图像处理求熔池宽度作为参量建立系统状态方程和测量方程,应用卡尔曼滤波原理对图像上的熔宽和熔宽变化进行状态估计,得到最小均方差条件下的熔覆宽度最佳预测值,从而减小过程噪声和测量噪声引起的熔覆宽度测量偏差,实现加工过程熔覆宽度的精确检测。 5. 成形过程动态辨识,利用阶跃响应法进行了激光参数与熔覆高度、熔覆宽度的辨识实验,建立了激光功率、扫描速度、送粉速率与熔覆高度、熔覆宽度之间的数学模型,对成形过程有了基本了解,为控制器设计与动态过程调节规范确立打下良好基础。 6. 设计了PID熔覆高度控制系统,并利用遗传算法进行了PID参数寻优,寻优获得的参数可以实现较好的控制效果,但不适于实时控制过程。为此设计了模糊PID控制系统,利用模糊逻辑算法对PID参数实现在线自动调整,控制系统具有较强的适应能力和实时处理能力,对于金属粉末激光成形过程具有较好的控制效果。


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激光金属直接快速成形技术是在80年代末期出现的快速原型技术(Rapid Phototyping, RP)基础上结合同步同轴送料激光熔敷(On-axis Laser Cladding)技术发展起来的一项先进制造技术。它涉及机械、激光、计算机辅助设计(CAD)、计算机辅助制造(CAM)、计算机数字控制(CNC)、材料科学等领域的关键技术。它突破了传统快速成形工艺方法和成形材料的局限,是目前快速成形诸多方法中研究最多、最有发展前途的新型制造技术。它基于材料累加思想,能够在无需任何刀具和模具的情况下由CAD模型直接驱动沉积成形金属零件,从而大大缩短了新产品的研发周期并节省了大量的资源。中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所开展了该技术的研究,并研制开发了激光金属沉积成形系统(Laser Metal Deposition Shaping, LMDS)。本文介绍了金属零件激光直接快速成形技术的原理和特点,分析了当前金属零件激光快速成形过程数值模拟研究的热点和发展趋势。结合激光金属沉积成形系统的研究需要和遇到的实际问题,阐述了激光、金属粉末和基板三者之间的相互作用,利用有限元的方法数值模拟了各种影响成形精度和效率的因素对激光金属沉积成形系统过程热行为的影响,包括不同扫描方式、不同基板预热温度等,并利用激光金属沉积成形系统系统进行了验证。具体的研究内容如下: 1. 阐述了激光与金属粉末之间的相互作用。激光快速成形过程中,高功率激光束与基板金属交互作用产生熔池,同步送入的金属粉末在熔池内被迅速熔化然后迅速凝固。熔池内的冶金动力学过程包括传热、传质、对流及气-液界面冶金反应和固-液界面扩散等与工艺质量的好坏密切相关,直接影响成形零件内气体和夹渣物的吸收、聚集和逸出,进而影响成形零件的微观组织、成分变化及其它物理冶金性能。基于熔池内传质、传热及流动对成形层的组织和性能的决定性作用,建立了激光金属沉积成形过程的数学模型和有限元模型。 2. 利用有限元分析中的“单元生死”技术,通过APDL语言编程建立了激光金属沉积成形系统过程三维多道多层的数值模拟模型,得到了激光金属沉积成形系统过程中试样和基板内的温度、温度梯度以及热应力分布规律。 3. 研究了沿长边平行往复扫描、沿短边平行往复扫描以及层间正交变向平行往复扫描等不同扫描方式对激光金属沉积成形系统过程热行为的影响,得到了不同扫描方式下试样和基板的温度、温度梯度和热应力变化规律,并结合快速凝固理论对这一过程中出现的现象进行解释。 4. 为了实现基板的预热,根据热传导理论自主设计开发了用于激光金属沉积成形系统过程的基板预热系统。该系统由基板预热器、智能PID控制器以及计算机串口温度检测和反馈控制等部分组成,具有结构简单、功能完善、可靠性高等特点。它既可以通过智能PID控制器实现对基板预热温度的控制,也可以通过计算机串口实现对基板预热温度的实时检测、记录以及反馈控制,从而使基板预热温度在室温~600℃之间连续调节。此外,它的计算机串口温度检测模块还可以用来实现对激光金属沉积成形系统成形过程基板温度的实时监测,为数值计算提供较为准确的边界条件以及用来检验和校正数值模型的正确性与可靠性。 5. 利用数值模拟的方法研究了基板预热温度分别在室温、200℃、300℃、400 ℃、500 ℃、600 ℃时对激光金属沉积成形系统过程温度、温度梯度以及热应力的影响。在相同的条件下,利用激光金属沉积成形系统系统和基板预热系统进行了实际成形实验。对成形实验得到的试样进行了深入的研究,包括:成形试样的成形高度和表面质量与基板预热温度的关系;成形试样的利用扫描电镜分析成形试件沉积层的显微组织特征;利用能谱仪分析沉积层合金元素的化学成分偏析情况。 6. 建立了集数值模拟和成形加工于一体的软件平台。它既可以实现简单零件变模型尺寸、变热物性参数和变工艺参数的数值模拟,也可以直接驱动激光金属沉积成形系统完成简单零件的快速成形。这为研究各工艺参数如激光功率、扫描速度、送粉速率、光斑尺寸以及基板预热温度等对激光金属沉积成形系统过程的影响提供了一个平台。


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In this paper, the detailed analysis of fundamental seismic data and theoretical method are given, and the tests of some new technologies are performed. For seismic data processing assembly, some key technologies are developed and applied, such as global static correction, amplitude consistency processing, wavelet consistency shaping, fine velocity model establishing and prestack time migration. These technologies can efficiently settle the problems during the course of multiple- block– jointed prestack time migration processing, and it is highly significant for holding the oil output of 40,000,000 tons for Daqing oilfield. Through the research of this dissertation, the following important contributions are shown: (1) The combination of near-surface model method and refraction static correction method is developed, and is applied to solve global static correction for the whole merging area. (2) Prestack amplitude normalization processing method based on fold is developed. The method eliminates the effects of fold on amplitude uniformity, and solves the problem of energy uniformity for tie-area prestack migration processing. (3) Wavelet consistency is investigated. For multiple survey blocks existing in the area, the optimum method of wavelet shaping is developed, which removes the waveform variance between two adjacent blocks. (4) Controlled velocity inversion (CVI) technique is used to establish migration velocity field. It can largely shorten the period of velocity modeling, and improve velocity analysis precision. (5) Float datum level technique is employed, and is able to guarantee prestack migration results of subsurface shallow layers. (6) The static partition of seismic data volume relating to migration aperture is firstly developed. And the precious imaging for huge data volume by prestack time migration is realized. (7) The numerical forward simulation and prestack migration processing is primarily combined to discuss the migration technique for a complex geology structure from practical field information. The combination of numerical simulation and prestack migration is a feasible way to solve the fine imaging of complex volcanic structure. And the combination approach can help to select appropriate migration parameters.