140 resultados para Shallow lakes


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Although the peritrichous ciliate Carchesium polypinum is common in freshwater, its population genetic structure is largely unknown. We used inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) fingerprinting to analyze the genetic structure of 48 different isolates of the species from four lakes in Wuhan, central China. Using eight polymorphic primers, 81 discernible DNA fragments were detected, among which 76 (93.83%) were polymorphic, indicating high genetic diversity at the isolate level. Further, Nei's gene diversity (h) and Shannon's Information index (I) between the different isolates both revealed a remarkable genetic diversity, higher than previously indicated by their morphology. At the same time, substantial gene flow was found. So the main factors responsible for the high level of diversity within populations are probably due to conjugation (sexual reproduction) and wide distribution of swarmers. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that there was low genetic differentiation among the four populations probably due to common ancestry and flooding events. The cluster analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) suggested that genotypes isolated from the same lake displayed a higher genetic similarity than those from different lakes. Both analyses separated C. polypinum isolates into subgroups according to the geographical locations. However, there is only a weak positive correlation between the genetic distance and geographical distance, suggesting a minor effect of geographical distance on the distribution of genetic diversity between populations of C. polypinum at the local level. In conclusion, our studies clearly demonstrated that a single morphospecies may harbor high levels of genetic diversity, and that the degree of resolution offered by morphology as a marker for measuring distribution patterns of genetically distinct entities is too low.


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No detailed food web research on macroinvertebrate community of lacustrine ecosystem was reported in China. The present study is the first attempt on the subject in Lake Biandantang, a macrophytic lake in Hubei Province. Food webs of the macroinvertebrate community were compiled bimonthly from March, 2002 to March, 2003. Dietary information was obtained from gut analysis. Linkage strength was quantified by combining estimates of energy flow (secondary production) with data of gut analysis. The macroinvertebrate community of Lake Biandantang was based heavily on detritus. Quantitative food webs showed the total ingestion ranged from 6930 to 36,340 mg dry mass m(-2) bimonthly. The ingestion of macroinvertebrate community was higher in the months with optimum temperature than that in other periods with higher or lower temperature. Through comparison, many patterns in benthic food web of Lake Biandantang are consistent with other detritus-based webs, such as stream webs, but different greatly from those based on autochthonous primary production (e.g. pelagic systems). It suggests that the trophic basis of the web is essential in shaping food web structure.


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Six polymorphic microsatellites (eight loci) were used to study the genetic diversity and population structure of common carp from Dongting Lake (DTC), Poyang Lake (PYC), and the Yangtze River (YZC) in China. The gene diversity was high among populations with values close to 1. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 11, and the average number of alleles among 3 populations ranged from 6.5 to 7.9. The mean observed (H (O)) and expected (H (E)) heterozygosity ranged from 0.4888 to 0.5162 and from 0.7679 to 0.7708, respectively. Significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium expectation were found at majority of the loci and in all three populations in which heterozygote deficits were apparent. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated that the percent of variance among populations and within populations were 3.03 and 96.97, respectively. The Fst values between populations indicated that there were significant genetic differentiations for the common carp populations from the Yangtze River and two largest Chinese freshwater lakes. The factors that may result in genetic divergence and significant reduction of the observed heterozygosity were discussed.


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Spatiotemporal variations of P species and adsorption behavior in water column, interstitial water, and sediments were investigated in the large shallow eutrophic Lake Chaohu. Orthophosphate (Ortho-P) and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations were significantly higher in the western part than in the eastern part of the lake, due to different nutrient inputs from the surrounding rivers. Moreover, particulate phosphorus (PP) concentration was in a similar spatial pattern to Ortho-P and TIP concentrations, and also showed significantly positive correlation with the biomass of Microcystis, indicating more uptake and store of phosphorus by Microcystis than by other algae. Increase of pH and intensive utilization of P by phytoplankton were the main factors promoting P (especially Fe-P) release from the sediment to interstitial water during the cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Chaohu. Spatial dynamics in TP concentration, P species and adsorption behavior of the sediment, coupled with the statistical analyses, suggested that the spatial heterogeneity of P contents in the sediment was influenced by various factors, e.g. human activities, soil geochemistry and mineral composition. In spite of similar TP contents in the sediments, increase in proportion of Fe-P concentration in the sediment may result in a high risk of P release.


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The fanning of Chinese mitten crab, a quality aquatic product in China and neighbouring Asian countries, has been developing rapidly in China since last decade. It reached a total yield of 3.4 X 10(5) tonnes in 2002. Due to the successive over-stocking year after year, many lakes in the mid-lower Yangtze Basin, the main farming area, are under deterioration, leading to a reduction of crab yield and quality, and, subsequently, a loss of fanning profits. Aiming at a normal development of crab culture and the sustainable use of lakes, an annual investigation dealing with lake environmental factors in relation to stocked crab populations was carried out at 20 farms in 4 lakes. The results show that the submersed macrophyte biomass (B-Mac) is the key factor affecting annual crab yield (CY). Using the ratio of Secchi depth to mean depth (Z(SD)/Z(M)), an easily measured parameter closely correlated to BMac, as driving variable, 10 regression models of maximal crab yields were generated (r(2) ranging 0.49-0.81). Based on the theory of MSY (Maximum Sustainable Yield), in combination with body-weight (BW) and recapture rate (RR) of adult crabs, a general optimal stocking model was eventually formulated. All models are simple and easy to operate. Comments on their applications and prospects are given in brief. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Benthic diatom communities were sampled monthly from May 2004 to May 2005 at four different sites in the littoral zone of Lake Donghu, a shallow eutrophic lake of China. The seasonal patterns of the total abundance, which were lowest in summer and highest in spring, were found at all sites. Total densities of diatom assemblages were significantly higher at hyper-eutrophic sites than at moderately eutrophic sites. Melosira varians was the most abundant species and dominant contributor to total abundance at all sites during spring, autumn and winter, whereas Achnanthes exigua dominated benthic diatom assemblages at the site with the highest nutrient concentrations during the summer. Achnanthes lanceolata var. dubia, Gomphonema parvulum, Navicula similis, Navicula verecunda and Nitzschia amphibia were generally observed at all sites throughout the year and were dominant at higher-nutrient sites. The abundance of ambient nutrients was probably responsible for the spatial variation in biomass, composition and diversity of benthic diatom assemblages, and lake water temperature was the major factor that controlled seasonal distribution.


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Lake Donghu is a typical eutrophic freshwater lake in which high abundance of planktonic viruses was recently revealed. In this study, seasonal variation of planktonic viruses were observed at three different trophic sites, hypertrophic, eutrophic, and mesotrophic regions, and the correlation between their abundances and other aquatic environmental components, such as bacterioplankton, chlorophyll a, burst size, pH, dissolved oxygen, and temperature, was analyzed for the period of an year. Virioplankton abundance detected by transmission electron microscope (TEM) ranged from 5.48 x 10(8) to 2.04 x 10(9) ml(-1) in all the sites throughout the study, and the high abundances and seasonal variations of planktonic viruses were related to the trophic status at the sampled sites in Lake Donghu. Their annual mean abundances were, the highest at the hypertrophic site (1.23x10(9) ml(-1)), medium at the eutrophic site (1.19x10(9) ml(-1)), and the lowest at the mesotrophic site (1.02x10(9) ml(-1)). The VBR (virus-to-bacteria ratio) values were high, ranging from 49 to 56 on average at the three sampled sites. The data suggested that the high viral abundance and high VBR values might be associated with high density of phytoplankton including algae and cyanobacteria in this eutrophic shallow lake, and that planktonic viruses are important members of freshwater ecosystems.


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We evaluated the feasibility of microencapsulating dissolved alkaline phosphatase of a water body into reverse micelle systems prepared by hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide as a surfactant in cyclohexane and 1-butanol as co-surfactant. The dissolved alkaline phosphatase activity within the micelle was described, including its kinetic parameters and the effects of pH and temperature on catalytic activity in surface, overlying and interstitial water of Lake Donghu. We found the similarities on the behavior of dissolved alkaline phosphatase of surface and interstitial water in reverse micelles, which was distinctly different from its behavior in the overlying water. This difference likely reflected the different origins of the dissolved alkaline phosphatase in the vertical profile of the lake. This system provides a novel tool with which to study the diversity and ecological significance of extracellular enzymes in aquatic environments.


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The testate amoebae from nine major lakes in the Yunnan Plateau, southwest China were investigated from August to October 2003. Ninety-four species and subspecies belonging to 21 genera were found, and six species were new to the testate amoebae fauna of China. The most diverse genera were Difflugia (28 species), Centropyxis (22 species), Arcella (12 species), and Euglypha (seven species), while the predominant genera were Centropyxis (42.0%), Difflugia (21.4%), Arcella (9.7%), and Euglypha (8.2%). The most diverse testate amoebae fauna was found in a mesotrophic lake, Lake Yilong (57 species). The lowest species richness was recorded in the two hypereutrophic lakes, Lake Dianchi (7 species) and Lake Xingyun (11 species). The results suggest that the lake trophic status plays an important role in shaping community structure and in determining species diversity of testate amoebae.


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The species-specific production of extracellular phosphatases in phytoplankton of a subtropical polymictic take was investigated from March to May 2004. Phosphatase activity was detected directly at the site of enzyme action using the enzyme-labelled fluorescence (ELF) technique. Size fractionation of bulk phosphatase activity (PA), concentrations of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), chlorophyll a, and phytoplankton composition were determined in parallel. Phosphatase-positive cells were present in every phytoplankton sample; labelled cells were detected in 33 algal taxa, including many chlorophytes, dinoflagellates and some diatoms, but never among cyanobacteria. We recorded an unusual dinoflagellate bloom (Peridiniopsis sp.), of which similar to 25% of the cells were phosphatase-positive. Several populations were partly phosphatase-positive whenever present, while some other species never showed any activity. The production of extracellular phosphatases was not primarily regulated by ambient P concentrations; algae produced these enzymes even if SRP concentrations were high. Moreover, heterotrophic nanoflagellates most probably contributed to the pool of particle-bound PA in some samples.


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Experimental sediments and water from shallow, eutrophic Dianchi Lakes were treated in a controlled laboratory microcosm using different chemicals under different anoxic levels. This study revealed that the polyaluminum chloride (PAC) was able to inhibit the phosphorus release and decrease the UV254 value at any anoxic level. When the DO concentrations were between 0.76-0.95 mg(.) L-1, the UV(254)value, total phosphorus (TP), and total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) in the water column were decreased by 71.93%, 87.12% and 64.24% respectively. The UV254, TP, and TDP were also decreased by 72.94%, 70.87% and 50.76% respectively at the levels of 4.56-5.32mg(.)L(-1) of DO concentrations. The treatment effects of TP and TDP in the water column using copper sulfate however were not as efficient as the PAC treatment. The UV254 value was increased with the addition of copper sulfate at every anoxic level tested but the chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) content was decreased rapidly and efficiently by copper sulfate more than the treatment by PAC. When the DO concentrations were 0.76-0.86mg(.)L(-1) and 4.75-5.14mg(.)L(-1), the Chl-a concentrations were decreased by 84.87% and 75.07% respectively through copper sulfate treatment. With additions of PAC and copper sulfate, the phosphorus fractions in sediments were shifted forward to the favorable shapes that have little ability of release. The TP concentrations in sediments were increased after treatment via PAC and copper sulfate. Under anoxic conditions, most of the BD-P (Fe-P) to NaOH-P (Al-P) was converted using the recommended PAC dose in BD-P rich sediment. Similar to the PAC, the copper sulfate also could flocculate the exchange phosphorus from sediment to overlying water. Overall though, the effects of copper sulfate treatment were not better than that of the PAC.


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So far no information is available on microcystin (MC) contents in shrimps, prawns or crayfish from natural freshwaters. Tissue distributions and seasonal dynamics of the hepatotoxic MC-LR and -RR in two freshwater shrimps, Palaemon modestus and Macrobrachium nipponensis were studied monthly (during June-November, 2003) in a Chinese lake containing toxic cyanobacterial blooms. The shrimps P. modestus and M. nipponensis accumulated high MCs not only in the hepatopancreas (mean 4.29 and 0.53 mu g g(-1) DW, respectively) but also in the gonad (mean 1.17 and 0.48 mu g g-1 DW, respectively), and the crayfish Procambarus clarkii accumulated as much as 0.93 mu g g(-1) DW in the gonad. This indicates that gonads of these invertebrates are the second important target organ of MCs. P. modestus apparently accumulated more MCs in their organs than M. nipponensis, which might be a reflection of their difference in trophic niche. Eggs of the shrimps accumulated 8.4% (M. nipponensis, 0.27 mu g g(-1) DW) and 29.0% (P. modestus, 2.34 mu g g(-1) DW) of total toxin burden, indicating that MCs had been transferred into offspring from their adults. Among the shrimp muscle samples analyzed, 31% were above the provisional WHO TDI level, suggesting the risk of consuming shrimps in Lake Chaohu. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Changes in the zooplankton community structure in relation to fishery practices in Lake Donghu, Wuhan, China were examined. The number of Protozoa species increased slightly, whereas the number of rotifers and crustaceans decreased from the 1960s to the 1990s. The total annual average densities of zooplankton increased 15-20 times in the 1990s compared with the 1960s. This increase was largely attributed to Protozoa, which contributed 93.4% by number of the total zooplankton density in 1991. Cladoceran densities decreased markedly from 1987. Changes in densities of rotifers and copepods were not evident. Trends in zooplankton biomass were similar to density. Large changes in zooplankton community structure coincided with markedly changes in concentration of chlorophyll a and transparency in Lake Donghu in 1987. The year 1987 seems to be the threshold year when the zooplankton community structure changed considerably. These changes were related to continuously increasing fish stock biomass in the lake. It was suggested that fish stocking and fish biomass should be a better managed for improvement of the quality of the lake's environment.


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Rotifer assemblage in the subtropical eutrophic Lake Chaohu was investigated monthly from September 2002 to August 2003. Forty-nine species belonging to 18 genera and 14 families were recorded. The highest densities of rotifer were observed during summer when there were heavy cyanobacterial blooms. There was a significant positive correlation between total rotifer density and the biomass of cyanobacteria. However, no correlations were found between the densities of rotifer and crustacean zooplankton, possibly owing to the paucity of large-bodied planktonic crustaceans. It is likely that the occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms not only caused the shift of dominant crustacean zooplankton from large species to smaller ones but also weakened the negative interaction between crustaceans and rotifers.


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Tissue distributions and seasonal dynamics of the hepatotoxic microcystins-LR and -RR in a freshwater snail (Bellamya aeruginosa) were studied monthly in a large shallow, eutrophic lake of the subtropical China during June-November, 2003. Microcystins (MCs) were quantitatively determined by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with a qualitative analysis by a Finnigan LC-MS system. On the average of the study period, hepatopancreas was the highest in MC contents (mean 4.14 and range 1.06-7.42 mug g(-1) DW), followed by digestive tracts (mean 1.69 and range 0.8-4.54 mug g(-1) DW) and gonad (mean 0.715 and range 0-2.62 mug g(-1) DW), whereas foot was the least (mean 0.01 and range 0-0.06 mug g(-1) DW). There was a positive correlation in MC contents between digestive tracts and hepatopancreas. A constantly higher MC content in hepatopancreas than in digestive tracts indicates a substantial bioaccumulation of MCs in the hepatopancreas of the snail. The average ratio of MC-LR/MC-RR showed a steady increase from digestive tracts (0.44) to hepatopancreas (0.63) and to gonad (0.96), suggesting that MC-LR was more resistant to degradation in the snail. Since most MCs were present in the hepatopancreas, digestive tracts and gonad with only a very small amount in the edible foot, the risk to human health may not be significant if these toxic parts are removed prior to snail consumption. However, the possible transference of toxins along food chains should not be a negligible concern. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.