139 resultados para Renormalization group


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The sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene of cyprinid subfamily Leuciscinae are analyzed. Phylogenetic trees generated with methods of neighbor-joining, maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony with Phenacogrammus as an outgroup indicate that Leuciscinae is not a monophyletic group but includes two discrete subgroups. The East Asian group of the subfamily Leuciscinae, including the genera Ctenopharyngodon, Elopichthys, Luciobrama, Mylopharyngodon, Ochetobius, and Squaliobarbus, is close to Aristichthys and Hypophthalmichthys, and they form a monophyletic group which is distant from the leuciscine genera in Europe, Siberia and North America, such as Phoxinus, Leuciscus, Abramis, Rutilus, Chondrostoma, Alburnus, Opsopoedus, Lythrurus, and Pimephales. Our study suggests that the diversified East Asian group of the subfamily Leuciscinae should have an independent origination.


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The authors made 39 surveys (a total of 161 days) in the Tian-e-Zhou Oxbow of the Yangtze River, China, for observing 13 Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis) captured from the main stream of the Yangtze River and 7 juveniles born in the oxbow from January 1997 to July 2000. The animals were usually divided into several "core" groups and moved around in shallow, muddy-bottom areas with the largest individual in the lead. Each core group was composed of 2-3 animals (either 2 adults, 1 adult and 1 juvenile, 2 adults and 1 juvenile, or 2 adults and 1 calf). Newly-released animals joined the other animals first, and then reorganized their own groups one or two days later. Average breath interval was 34.4 s (+/- s.d. 4.39) for individuals in the group. The animals mated from May through June and gave birth during the second and last ten days of April of the next year. The gestation period was estimated as 310 - 320 days. Calves over 5 months old began to eat small fish. The distance of calves swimming apart from their suspected mothers increased each month. These findings will help in the management of the reserve to protect this unique freshwater porpoise.


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We surveyed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation in the subfamily Xenocyprinae from China and used these data to estimate intraspecific, interspecific, and intergeneric phylogeny and assess biogeographic scenarios underlying the geographic structure of lineages. We sequenced 1140 bp of cytochrome b from 30 individuals of Xenocyprinae and one putative outgroup (Myxocypris asiaticus) and also sequenced 297 bp of ND4L, 1380 bp of ND4, 68 bp of tRNA(His), and 69 bp of tRNA(Ser) from 17 individuals of Xenocyprinae and the outgroup (M. asiaticus). We detected high levels of nucleotide variation among populations, species, and genera. The phylogenetic analysis suggested that Distoechodon hupeinensis might be transferred to the genus Xenocypris, the taxonomic status of the genus Plagiognathops might be preserved, and species of Xenocypris and Plagiognathops form a monophyletic group that is sister to the genus Distoechodon and Pseudobrama. The introgressive hybridization might occur among the populations of X. argentea and X. davidi, causing the two species to not be separated by mtDNA patterns according to their species identification, and the process and direction of hybridization are discussed. The spatial distributions of mtDNA lineages among populations of Xenocypris were compatible with the major geographic region, which indicated that the relationship between Hubei + Hunan and Fujian is closer than that between Hubei + Hunan and Sichuan, From a perspective of parasite investigation, our data suggested that the fauna of Hexamita in Xenocyprinae could be used to infer the phylogeny of their hosts. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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Quantum measurement will inevitably cause backaction on the measured system, resulting in the well-known dephasing and relaxation. In this paper, in the context of solid-state qubit measurement by a mesoscopic detector, we show that an alternative backaction known as renormalization is important under some circumstances. This effect is largely overlooked in the theory of quantum measurement.


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Using an all-electron band structure approach, we have systematically calculated the natural band offsets between all group IV, III-V, and II-VI semiconductor compounds, taking into account the deformation potential of the core states. This revised approach removes assumptions regarding the reference level volume deformation and offers a more reliable prediction of the "natural" unstrained offsets. Comparison is made to experimental work, where a noticeable improvement is found compared to previous methodologies.


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Triple-axis x-ray diffraction (TXRD) and photoluminescence (PL) spectra are used to assess the influence of the ratio of TMIn flow to group III flow on structural defects, such as dislocations and interface roughness, and optical properties of multiple quantum wells(MQWs). In this paper the mean densities of edge and screw dislocations in InGaN/GaN MQWs are obtained by W scan of every satellite peak of (0002) symmetric and (1012) asymmetric diffractions. At the same time, the interface roughness is measured by the radio of the full width at half maximum of satellite peaks to the peak orders. The experimental results showed that the density of dislocation, especially of edge dislocation, and interface roughness increase with the increase of the ratio, which leads to the decrease of PL properties. It also can be concluded that the edge dislocation acts as nonradiative recombination centers in InGaN/GaN MQWs. Also noticed is that the variation of the ratio has more influence on edge dislocation than on screw dislocation.


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Entanglement transformation of composite quantum systems is investigated in the context of group representation theory. Representation of the direct product group SL(2, C) circle times SL(2, C), composed of local operators acting on the binary composite system, is realized in the four-dimensional complex space in terms of a set of novel bases that are pseudo-orthonormalized. The two-to-one homomorphism is then established for the group SL(2, C) circle times SL(2, C) onto the SO(4, C). It is shown that the resulting representation theory leads to the complete characterization for the entanglement transformation of the binary composite system.


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Using first-principles methods, we have systematically calculated the defect formation energies and transition energy levels of group-III and group-V impurities doped in H passivated Si quantum dots (QDs) as functions of the QD size. The general chemical trends found in the QDs are similar to that found in bulk Si. We show that defect formation energy and transition energy level increase when the size of the QD decreases; thus, doping in small Si QDs becomes more difficult. B-Si has the lowest acceptor transition energy level, and it is more stable near the surface than at the center of the H passivated Si QD. On the other hand, P-Si has the smallest donor ionization energy, and it prefers to stay at the interior of the H passivated Si QD. We explained the general chemical trends and the dependence on the QD size in terms of the atomic chemical potentials and quantum confinement effects.


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The optical properties of two kinds of InGaN/GaN quantum-wells light emitting diodes, one of which was doped with Si in barriers while the other was not, are comparatively investigated using time-integrated photoluminescence and time-resolved photoluminescence techniques. The results clearly demonstrate the coexistence of the band gap renormalization and phase-space filling effect in the structures with Si doped barriers. It is surprisingly found that photogenerated carriers in the intentionally undoped structures decay nonexponentially, whereas carriers in the Si doped ones exhibit a well exponential time evolution. A new model developed by O. Rubel, S. D. Baranovskii, K. Hantke, J. D. Heber, J. Koch, P. Thomas, J. M. Marshall, W. Stolz, and W. H. Ruhle [J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. 7, 115 (2005)] was used to simulate the decay curves of the photogenerated carriers in both structures, which enables us to determine the localization length of the photogenerated carriers in the structures. It is found that the Si doping in the barriers not only leads to remarkable many-body effects but also significantly affects the carrier recombination dynamics in InGaN/GaN layered heterostructures. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Reliable messaging is a key component necessary for mobile agent systems. Current researches focus on reliable one-to-one message delivery to mobile agents. But how to implement a group communication system for mobile agents remains an open issue, which is a powerful block that facilitates the development of fault-tolerant mobile agent systems. In this paper, we propose a group communication system for mobile agents (GCS-MA), which includes totally ordered multicast and membership management functions. We divide a group of mobile agents into several agent clusters,and each agent cluster consists of all mobile agents residing in the same sub-network and is managed by a special module, named coordinator. Then, all coordinators form a ring-based overlay for interchanging messages between clusters. We present a token-based algorithm, an intra-cluster messaging algorithm and an inter-cluster migration algorithm to achieve atomicity and total ordering properties of multicast messages, by building a membership protocol on top of the clustering and failure detection mechanisms. Performance issues of the proposed system have been analysed through simulations. We also describe the application of the proposed system in the context of the service cooperation middleware (SCM) project.


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It is shown that transmission and reflection group delay times in an asymmetric single quantum barrier are greatly enhanced by the transmission resonance when the energy of incident particles is larger than the height of the barrier. The resonant transmission group delay is of the order of the quasibound state lifetime in the barrier region. The reflection group delay can be either positive or negative, depending on the relative height of the potential energies on the two sides of the barrier. Its magnitude is much larger than the quasibound state lifetime. These predictions have been observed in microwave experiments. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ultra-broadband optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification is analyzed based the compensation of phase-mismatch, which is achieved by matching of both group-velocity and pulse-front between signal and idler by the combination of the noncollinear-phase-match and pulse-front-tilt. The results show exactly matching of both group-velocity and pulse-front is the important criterion for constructing an UBOPCPA. Its general model is developed, in which the group velocities, noncollinear angles. spatial walk-off angles, linear angular spectral dispersion coefficients and pulse-front tilted angles are suitably linked to each other. Finally, specific numerical calculations and simulations are presented for beta-barium borate OPCPA with type-1 noncollinear angularly dispersed geometry. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.