92 resultados para Primary Epidermal Lamellae (PEL)


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In this article, two schemes are suggested based on three exons of beta-globin gene belonging to 10 species for comparison of DNA primary sequences. At first, the positions of four nucleic acid bases were extracted, and then based on the information, as the numerical characterization of DNA sequences, the sequence invariants were derived. Sequences comparisons of 10 species selected in this work by using these invariants were performed. The results, especially with scheme 2, are quite satisfactory.


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BACKGROUND: Thermodynamic studies on Ce(IV) extraction with primary amine N1923 demonstrate that primary amine N1923 is an excellent extractant for separation of Ce(IV) from Re(III). In order to clarify the mechanism of extraction and to optimize the parameters in practical extraction systems used in the rare earth industry, the extraction kinetics was investigated using a constant interfacial area cell with laminar flow in the present work.RESULTS: The data indicate that the rate constant (k(ao).) becomes constant when stirring speed exceeds 250 rpm. The apparent forward extraction rate is calculated to be 10(-1.70). The activation energy (E.) was calculated to be 20.5 kJ/mol from the slope of log kao against 1000/T. The minimum bulk concentration of the extractant necessary to saturate the interface (C-min) is lower than 10(-5) mol L-1.CONCLUSION: Studies of interfacial tension and the effects of stirring rate and specific interfacial area on the extraction rate show that the extraction rate is kinetically controlled, and a mass transfer model has been proposed. The rate equation has been obtained as: -d[Ce(IV)]/dt = 10(-1.70)[Ce(IV)] [(RNH3)(2)SO4](1.376). The rate-controlling step has been evaluated from analysis of the experimental results.


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A novel path of preparing PP/o-MMT nanocomposites, which pay attention to the breaking up of MMT original agglomerates and dispersing of its primary particles, rather than the intercalation or exfoliation degree of o-MMT, was reported. The method of predispersing the o-MMT particles into a polar poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) matrix and then melt blending the pre-treated PVA/o-MMT hybrids with PP was studied. 3-isopropenyl-alpha,alpha-dimethylbenzene-isocyanate (TMI) was used as a modifier of PVA to improve the compatibility between PVA and PP matrix. Pre-disperse o-MMT with TMI modified PVA was proved to be an effective way to get a composite with fine o-MMT particles dispersion. But the method, which is pre-dispersing o-MMT with non modified PVA and then using TMI to modify such PVA/o-MMT hybrid, would largely reduce the reaction degree between TMI and PVA because of the relatively lower reaction temperature. Although the latter method also can obtain finer dispersion composites than that with using PP-g-MAH as compatibilizer, the relatively higher degradation degree of PP matrix in this method will limit the use of this nanocomposite.


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The influences of additive, diluents, temperature, acidity of the aqueous phase on the interfacial behavior of primary amine N1923 in sulfate media have been investigated using the Du Nouy ring method. In addition, the effect of concentration of thorium(IV) loaded in the organic phase on the interfacial tension has also been studied. The interfacial tension isotherms are processed by matching different adsorption equations such as the Gibbs and the Szyszkowski. The surface excess at the saturated interface (Gamma (max)) and the minimum bulk concentration of the extractant necessary to saturate the interface (C-min) under different conditions are calculated according to two adsorption equations to be presented in comprehensive tables and figures. It appears that primary amine N1923 has strong interfacial activity and behaves very differently in various diluents systems. The surface excess at saturated interface increase with the type of diluerits in the following order: chloroform < aromatic hydrocarbons < aliphatic hydrocarbons. The relationship between the interfacial activity and kinetics of thorium extraction by primary amine N1923 has been discussed by considering different factors. However, the interfacial activity of primary amine N1923 is only a qualitative parameter suggesting the interfacial mechanism for thorium extraction, it cannot give strong evidence quantitatively supporting this mechanism.


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The isothermal and non-isothermal melt-crystallization kinetics of nylon 1212 were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry. Primary and secondary crystallization behaviors were analysed based on different approaches. The results obtained suggested that primary crystallization under isothermal conditions involves three-dimensional spherulite growth initiated by athermal nucleation, while under non-isothermal conditions, the mechanism of primary crystallization is more complex. Secondary crystallization displays a lower-dimensional crystal growth, both in the isothermal and non-isothermal processes. The crystallite morphology of nylon 1212, isothermally crystallized at various temperatures, was observed by polarized optical microscopy. The activation energies of crystallization under isothermal and non-isothermal conditions were also calculated based on different approaches.


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We have investigated systematically the morphology of thin films spin-coated from solutions of a semicrystalline diblock copolymer, poly(L-lactic acid)-block-polystyrene (PLLA-b-PS), in solvents with varying selectivity. In neutral solvents (chloroform and tetrahydrofuran (THF)), a spinodal-like pattern was obtained and the pattern boundary was sharpened by diluting the solution. Meanwhile, loose spherical associates, together with larger aggregates composed of these associates by unimer bridges, formed partly due to crystallization of the PLLA blocks in relatively concentrated solutions. In slightly PS-selective solvent (e.g., benzene), both loose and compact spherical micelles were obtained, depending on the polymer concentration, coexisting with unimers. When enhancing the selectivity with mixed solvents, for example, mixing the neutral solvent and the slightly selective solvent with a highly PS-selective solvent, CS2, loose assemblies (nanorods in CS2/THF mixtures and polydisperse aggregates in CS2/benzene mixtures) and well-developed lamellar micelles were obtained.


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A new method for synthesis of novel hyperbranched poly(ester-amide)s from commercially available AA' and CBx type monomers has been developed on the basis of a series of model reactions. The hyperbranched poly(ester-amide)s with multihydroxyl end groups are prepared by thermal polycondensation of carboxyl anhydrides (AA') and multihydroxyl primary amine (CBx) without any catalyst and solvent. The reaction mechanism in the initial stage of polymerization was investigated with in situ H-1 NMR. In the initial stage of the reaction, primary amino groups of 2-amino-2-ethyl-1,3-propanediol (AEPO) or tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (THAM) react rapidly with anhydride, forming an intermediate which can be considered as a new AB(x) type monomer. Further self-polycondensation reactions of the AB. molecules produce hyperbranched polymers. Analysis using H-1 and C-13 NMR spectroscopy revealed the degree of branching of the resulting polymers ranging from 0.36 to 0.55. These hyperbranched poly(ester-amide)s contain configurational isomers observed by C-13 and DEPT C-13 NMR spectroscopy, possess high molecular weights with broad distributions and display glass-transition temperatures (T(g)s) between 7 and 96 degreesC.


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Synergistic extraction of zinc(IT) and cadmium(11) from hydrochloric acid solution with primary amine N1923 and neutral organophosphorus derivatives Cyanex 923 and Cyanex 925 is the focus of this paper. Extraction mechanisms are discussed as well as how the acidity of the aqueous phase, the composition of the organic phase, and the experimental temperature affect the rates of extraction of metal ions. Differences between synergistic efficiency of Zn(II) and Cd(II) with mixtures of primary amines N1923 and either Cyanex 923 or Cyanex 925 are observed. The equilibrium constants, the composition, and the formation constants of the extracted complexes as well as the values of the thermodynamic functions are calculated. According to the synergy coefficient formula, the synergy effect on the extraction of Zn(II) is in the following order:N1923 + Cyanex 925 > N1923 + Cyanex 923 This order is reversed in the case of cadmium(II). For the same synergistic system, the extraction rate follows the order: Zn(II) > Cd(II). Furthermore, the stereochemical structures of the various extractants and their effect on metal ion extraction rate are also investigated.


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The extraction of zinc(II) and cadmium(II) from a chloride medium by mixtures of primary amine N1923 and organophosphorus acids [di-(2-ethylhexyl)-phosphoric acid, 2-ethylhexylphosphonic acid mono-2-ethylhexyl ester (HEH/EHP), isopropyl phosphonic acid 1-hexyl-4-ethyloctyl ester, bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) phosphinic acid, bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) monothiophosphinic acid, and bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) dithiophosphinic acid] has been studied in the present paper. Results show that only the mixtures of N1923 + HEH/EHP and N1923 + Cyanex272 have synergistic effects on zinc(II), but the other mixtures have no evident synergistic effects. All six mixtures have no evident synergistic effects on cadmium(H). A possible explanation of the different extraction abilities is given based on the structure of the extractants. Furthermore, the possibilities of separating zinc(II) and cadmium(II) with these mixtures are investigated according to the extractabilities. It is possible to separate Zn2+ from bulk cadmium with N1923 and HEH/EHP mixtures and separate Cd2+ from bulk zinc with N1923 and Cyanex301 mixtures.


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The effect of the context of the flanking sequence on ligand binding to DNA oligonucleotides that contain consensus binding sites was investigated for the binding of the intercalator 7-amino actinomycin D. Seven self-complementary DNA oligomers each containing a centrally located primary binding site, 5'-A-G-C-T-3', flanked on either side by the sequences (AT)(n) or (AA)(n) (with n = 2, 3, 4) and AA(AT)(2), were studied. For different flanking sequences, (AA)(n)-series or (AT)(n)-series, differential fluorescence enhancements of the ligand due to binding were observed. Thermodynamic studies indicated that the flanking sequences not only affected DNA stability and secondary structure but also modulated ligand binding to the primary binding site. The magnitude of the ligand binding affinity to the primary site was inversely related to the sequence dependent stability. The enthalpy of ligand binding was directly measured by isothermal titration calorimetry, and this made it possible to parse the binding free energy into its energetic and entropic terms.


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We have followed the morphological evolution and crystallization process of spherical micelles formed by the mixture of polystyrene-b-poly(acrylic acid) (PS-b-PAA) and polystyrene-b-poly(2-vinylpyridine)b-poly(ethylene oxide) (PS-b-P2VP-b-PEO) (the core of the spherical micelles was made of P2VP and PAA blocks through hydrogen bonding in neutral solvent N,N-dimethylformamide, DMF) via DMF vapor treatment. Different phenomena, such as rupture of the film, formation of cylinder aggregates and regular square lamellae, were observed when the micelle film was treated in DMF for different times. At the early stage of annealing in DMF vapor, the micelle film became unstable and ruptured. Cylinder aggregates, within which the PEO blocks achieved the association and primary chain folding, formed as the mesophases before the nucleation of the PEO single crystals at this stage. Further treatment in DMF vapor resulted in the nucleation of the PEO blocks at the corners of quasi-square lamellae. Then a quite regular "sandwich" lamellar structure, constructed by a PEO single-crystal layer covered by two tethered layers of other amorphous blocks on the top and bottom crystal basal surfaces, formed when the film of micelles was annealed in DMF vapor for sufficient times.


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A new method for syntheses of hyperbranched poly(ester-amide)s from commercially available A(2) and CBx type monomers has been developed on the basis of a series of model reactions. The aliphatic and semiaromatic hyperbranched poly(ester-amide)s with multihydroxyl end groups are prepared by in situ thermal polycondensation of intermediates obtained from dicarboxylic acids (A(2)) and multihydroxyl primary amines (CBx) in N,N-dimethylformamide. Analyses of FTIR, H-1 NMR, and C-13 NMR spectra revealed the structures of the polymers obtained. The MALDI-TOF MS of the polymers indicated that cyclization side reactions occurred during polymerization. The hyperbranched poly(ester-amide) s contain configurational isomers observed by C-13 and DEPT C-13 NMR spectroscopy. The DBs of the polymers were determined to be 0.38-0.62 by H-1 NMR or quantitive C-13 NMR and DEPT 135 spectra. These polymers exhibit moderate molecular weights, with broad distributions determined by size exclusion chromatography ( SEC), and possess excellent solubility in a variety of solvents such as N, N- dimethylacetamide, dimethyl sulfoxide, tetrahydrofuran, and ethanol, and display glass-transition temperatures (T(g)s) between -2.3 and 53.2 degrees C, determined by DSC measurements.


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The extraction of zinc(II) and cadmium(II) from chloride solution by mixtures of primary amine N1923 and Cyanex272 (HA) was studied. The synergistic effect was observed for the extraction of zinc(II) while no synergistic effect for cadmium(II), which makes it possible to separate zine(II) and cadmium(II) with the mixtures. The results showed that zinc(II) was extracted as (RNH3Cl)(3) . ZnCIA instead of ZnA(2) . 2HA which was extracted by Cyanex272 alone. The extraction mechanism was discussed and the formation constants and thermodynamic functions were determined. The separation factors between zinc(II) and cadmium(II) were calculated.


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In this article, graphical representations of DNA primary sequences were generated. Topological indices and molecular connectivity indices were calculated and used for the comparison of similarities among eight different DNA segments. The satisfactory results were achieved by this analysis.


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Scanning probe microscopy was used to simultaneously determine the molecular chain structure and intrinsic mechanical properties, including anisotropic elastic modulus and friction, for lamellae of highly oriented high-density polyethylene (HDPE) obtained by the melt-drawn method. The molecular-scale image of the highly oriented lamellae by friction force microscopy (FFM) clearly shows that the molecular chains are aligned parallel to the drawing direction, and the periodicities along and perpendicular to the drawing direction are 0.26 and 0.50 nm, respectively. The results indicate that the exposed planes of the lamellae resulting from the melt-drawn method are (200), which is consistent with results of transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction. Because of the high degree of anisotropy in the sample, coming from alignment of the molecular chains along the drawing direction, the measured friction force, F, determined by FFM is strongly dependent on the angle, theta, between the scanning direction and the chain axis. The force increases as theta is increased from 0 degrees (i.e., parallel to the chain axis) to 90 degrees (i.e., perpendicular to the chain axis). The structural anisotropy was also found to strongly influence the measurements of the transverse chain modulus of the polymer by the nanoindentation technique. The measured value of 13.8 GPa with transverse modulus was larger than the value 4.3 GPa determined by wide-angle X-ray diffraction, which we attributed to anisotropic deformation of the lamellae during nanoindentation measurements that was not accounted for by the elastic treatment we adopted from Oliver and Pharr. The present approach using scanning probe microscopy has the advantage that direct correlations between the nanostructure, nanotribology, and nanomechanical properties of oriented samples can be determined simultaneously and simply.