74 resultados para Populations genetic


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The population genetic structure of the crimson snapper Lutjanus erythropterus in East Asia was examined with a 427-bp hypervariable portion of the mtDNA control region. A total of 262 samples were collected and 75 haplotypes were obtained. Neutrality tests (Tajima's and Fu's) suggested that Lutjanus erythropterus in East Asia had experienced a bottleneck followed by population expansion since the late Pleistocene. Despite the low phylogeographic structures in mtDNA haplotypes, a hierarchical examination of populations in 11 localities from four geographical regions using analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated significant genetic differentiation among regions (Phi(CT) = 0.08564, p < 0.01). Limited gene flow between the eastern region (including a locality in the western Pacific Ocean and two localities in the East Sea) and three geographic regions of the South China Sea largely contributed to the genetic subdivision. However, comparisons among three geographic regions of the South China Sea showed little to no genetic difference. Populations of Lutjanus erythropterus in East Asia are inferred to be divided into two major groups: an eastern group, including populations of the western Pacific Ocean and the East Sea, and a South China Sea group, consisting of populations from northern Malaysia to South China. The results suggest that fishery management should reflect the genetic differentiation and diversity in East Asia. (c) 2006 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Genetic differentiation of the shrimp Penaeus chinensis in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea was investigated using the mitochondrial control region (CR). RFLP of a partial CR segment (613 bp) shows that 106 out of 122 (86.9%) individuals from six sampling localities along the coast of northern China and the west coast of the Korean Peninsula share the same haplotype, and the haplotype frequencies among localities are not significantly different. The findings are further confirmed by sequencing the complete CR. Divergence of the complete CR (992 bp) is less than 1.6% in 14 individuals from the six localities. F-statistics based on RFLP data and the TCS network of sequencing data suggest little genetic differentiation of P. chinensis in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea. Mismatch analysis suggests a rapid expansion of P. chinensis population to the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea, which probably occurred with the rapid rise in sea level after the last glacial maximum. Despite the lack of genetic heterogeneity, we propose that P. chinensis populations in this region should be treated as separate management units, as fishery management programs have to be applied on a local basis by different governments.


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The bay scallop Argopecten irradians is a hermaphroditic bivalve native to the Atlantic coast of the United States that was introduced to China for aquaculture production in 1982. It now supports a major aquaculture industry in China. Introduced species often start with limited genetic variability, which is problematic for the further selective breeding. Bay scallop aquaculture is exclusively hatchery based and as the initial introduction consisted of only 26 scallops, there have been concerns about inbreeding and inbreeding depression in cultured populations in China. In this study, eleven simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to compare genetic variation in cultured populations from China with that in a natural population from the east coast of America. Although the difference in heterozygosity was small, the Chinese populations lost 9 of the 45 alleles (20%) found in the wild population. The reduced allele diversity suggests that the Chinese bay scallop populations experienced a bottleneck in genetic diversity that remains significant despite several recent introductions of new stocks aimed at expanding the gene pool. The loss of allele diversity may affect future efforts in selective breeding and domestication, and results of this study highlight the need for additional introductions, advanced breeding programs that minimize inbreeding and continued genetic monitoring. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Genetic variation of four populations of Sargassum thunbergii (Mert.) O. Kuntze and one outgroup of S. fusiforme (Harv.) Setchell from Shandong peninsula of China was studied with random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. A total of 28 RAPD primers and 19 ISSR primers were amplified, showing 174 loci and 125 loci, respectively. Calculation of genetic diversity with different indicators (P%, percentage of polymorphic loci; H, the expected heterozygosity; I, Shannon's information index) revealed low or moderate levels of genetic variations within each S. thunbergii population. High genetic differentiations were determined with pairwise Nei's unbiased genetic distance (D) and fixation index (F-ST) between the populations. The Mantel test showed that two types of matrices of D and FST were highly correlated, whether from RAPD or ISSR data, r=0.9310 (P = 0.008) and 0.9313 (P=0.009) respectively. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was used to apportion the variations between and within the S. thunbergii populations. It indicated that the variations among populations were higher than those within populations, being 57.57% versus 42.43% by RAPD and 59.52% versus 40.08% by ISSR, respectively. Furthermore, the Mantel test suggested that the genetic differentiations between the four populations were related to the geographical distances (r > 0.5), i.e., they conformed to the IBD (isolation by distance) model, as expected from UPGMA (unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages) cluster analysis. As a whole, the high genetic structuring between the four S. thunbergii populations along distant locations was clearly indicated in the RAPD and ISSR analyses (r > 0.8) in our study.


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Three F-1 families of the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, were produced from one, two and 10 individuals. The genetic changes in these populations, which suffered recent and different levels of bottleneck, were analysed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) techniques. In the parental stock, a total of 330 bands were detected using seven AFLP primer pairs, and 70% of the loci were polymorphic. All F-1 groups had a significantly lower proportion of polymorphic loci when compared with the initial stock, and loss of the rare loci and reduction in heterozygosity both occurred. The progeny of the larger population (i.e., N=10) exhibited a lesser amount of genetic differentiation compared with the progeny from N=2, which showed lesser differentiation than progeny from N=1. The effective population sizes (N-e) in N=1, 2 and 10 were estimated as 1.50, 1.61 and 2.49. Based on regression analysis, we recommend that at least 340 individuals be used in hatchery populations to maintain genetic variation.


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This paper examines the effect of inbreeding level of population on the magnitude of inbreeding depression expressed by comparing them between two cultured populations (A and B) in the hermaphroditic animal of the bay scallop Argopecten irradians irradians. Population A is expected to have less genetic variations and higher inbreeding level due to longer cultured history (20 generations) and less "ancestral" individuals (26 individuals) than population B due to shorter cultured history (4 generations) and more "ancestral" individuals (406 individuals). Two groups within each population were produced, one using self-fertilization and one using mass-mating within the same population. Selfed offspring (AS and BS) from two populations both had lower fitness components than their mass-mated counterparts (AM and BM) and exhibited inbreeding depression for all examined traits, e.g. lower hatching, less viability and slower growth, indicating that inbreeding depression is a common feature in this animal. Fitness components in all traits of offspring from population A significantly differed those from population B and the magnitude of inbreeding depression for all traits in population A with higher inbreeding level was significantly smaller than that in population B with lower inbreeding level, indicating that both fitness components and magnitude of inbreeding depression were significantly affected by inbreeding level of populations and genetic load harbored in population A may be partially purged through inbreeding. Moreover, the magnitude of inbreeding depression in the two populations both varied among traits and life history stages. The present results support the partial-dominance hypothesis of inbreeding depression. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Preliminary genetic linkage maps were constructed for the Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai Ino) using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), and microsatellite markers segregating in a F, family. Nine microsatellite loci, 41 RAPD, and 2688 AFLP markers were genotyped in the parents and 86 progeny of the mapping family. Among the 2738 markers, 384 (including 365 AFLP markers, 10 RAPD markers, and 9 microsatellite loci) were polymorphic and segregated in one or both parents: 241 in the female and 146 in the male. The majority of these markers, 232 in the female and 134 in the male, segregated according to the expected 1:1 Mendelian ratio (alpha = 0.05). Two genetic linkage maps were constructed using markers segregating in the female or the male parent. The female framework map consisted of 119 markers in 22 linkage groups, covering 1773.6 cM with an average intermarker space of 18.3 cM. The male framework map contained 94 markers in 19 linkage groups, spanning 1365.9 cM with an average intermarker space of 18.2 cM. The sex determination locus was mapped to the male map but not to the female map, suggesting a XY-male determination mechanism. Distorted markers showing excess of homozygotes were mapped in clusters, probably because of their linkage to a gene that is incompatible between two parental populations.


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We studied the relationship between genetic diversity of the subterranean Gansu zokor Myospalax cansus and habitat variability in the Loess Plateau, Qinghai Province, China. We used a combination of geographic information systems and molecular techniques to assess the impact of habitat composition and human activities on the genetic diversity of zokor populations in this semi-natural landscape. Although they occurred relatively infrequently in the landscape, woodland and high-coverage grassland habitats were the main positive contributors to the genetic diversity of zokor populations. Rural residential land, plain agricultural land and low-coverage grassland had a negative effect on genetic diversity. Hilly agricultural land and middle-coverage grassland had little impact on zokor genetic diversity. There were also interactions between some habitat types, that is, habitat types with relatively better quality together promoted conservation of genetic diversity, while the interaction between (among) bad habitat types made situations worse. Finally, habitat diversity, measured as patch richness and Shannon's diversity index, was positively correlated with the genetic diversity. These results demonstrated that: (1) different habitat types had different effects on the genetic diversity of zokor populations and (2) habitat quality and habitat heterogeneity were important in maintaining genetic diversity. Habitat composition was closely related to land use thus emphasizing the importance of human activities on the genetic diversity of subterranean rodent populations in this semi-natural landscape. Although the Gansu zokor was considered to be a pest species in the Loess Plateau, our study provides insights for the management and conservation of other subterranean rodent species.


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We used random amplified polymorphic DNA markers (RAPDs) to assess genetic variation between- and within-populations of Anisodus tanguticus (Solanaceae), an endangered perennial endemic to the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau with important medicinal value. We recorded a total of 92 amplified bands, using 12 RAPD primers, 76 of which (P = 82.61%) were polymorphic, and calculated values of H-t and H-sp of 0.3015 and 0.4459, respectively, suggesting a remarkably high rate of genetic variation at the species level. The average within-population diversity also appeared to be high, with P, H-e and H-pop values of 55.11%, 0.1948 and 0.2918, respectively. Analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that among- and between-population genetic variation accounted for 67.02% and 32.98% of the total genetic variation, respectively. In addition, Nei's coefficient of differentiation (G(ST)) was found to be high (0.35), confirming the relatively high level of genetic differentiation among the populations. These differentiation coefficients are higher than mean corresponding coefficients for outbreeding species, but lower than reported coefficients for some rare species from this region. The genetic structure of A. tanguticus has probably been shaped by its breeding attributes, biogeographic history and human impact due to collection for medicinal purposes. The observed genetic variations suggest that as many populations as possible should be considered in any planned in situ or ex situ conservation programs for this species.


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Repeated cycles of retreat and recolonization during the Quaternary ice ages are thought to have greatly influenced current species distributions and their genetic diversity. It remains unclear how this climatic oscillation has affected the distribution of genetic diversity between populations of wind-pollinated conifers in the Qinghai-Tibetan region. In this study, we investigated the within-species genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of Picea likiangensis, a dominant forest species in this region using polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Our results suggest that this species has high overall genetic diversity, with 85.42% of loci being polymorphic and an average expected heterozygosity (H (E)) of 0.239. However, there were relatively low levels of polymorphism at population levels and the differences between populations were not significant, with percentages of polymorphic bands (PPB) ranging from 46.88 to 69.76%, Nei's gene diversity (H (E)) from 0.179 to 0.289 and Shannon's indices (Hpop) from 0.267 to 0.421. In accordance with our proposed hypothesis, a high level of genetic differentiation among populations was detected based on Nei's genetic diversity (G (ST) = 0.256) and AMOVA analysis (Phi (st) = 0.236). Gene flow between populations was found to be limited (Nm = 1.4532) and far lower than reported for other conifer species with wide distribution ranges from other regions. No clusters corresponding to three morphological varieties found in the south, north and west, respectively, were detected in either UPGMA or PCO analyses. Our results suggest that this species may have had different refugia during the glacial stages in the southern region and that the northern variety may have multiple origins from these different refugia.


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1. Complete sequences of 1140 base pair of the cytochrome b gene from 133 specimens were obtained from nine localities including the inflow drainage system, isolated lakes and outflow drainage system in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau to assess genetic diversity and to infer population histories of the freshwater fish Schizopygopsis pylzovi.2. Nucleotide diversities (pi) were moderate (0.0024-0.0045) in populations from the outflow drainage system and Tuosuo Lake, but low (0.0018-0.0021) in populations from Qiadam Basin. It is probable that the low intra-population variability is related with the paleoenvironmental fluctuation in Qiadam Basin, suggesting that the populations from Qiadam Basin have experienced severe bottleneck events in history.3. Phylogenetic tree topologies indicate that the individuals from different populations did not form reciprocal monophyly, but the populations from the adjacent drainages cluster geographically. Most population pairwise F-ST tests were significant, with non-significant pairwise tests between Tuosu Lake and Tuosuo Lake in the north-west of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicates that the significant genetic variation was explained at the levels of catchments within and among, not among specific boundaries or inflow and outflow drainage systems.4. The nested clade phylogeographical analysis indicates that historical processes are very important in the observed geographical structuring of S. pylzovi, and the contemporary population structure and differentiation of S. pylzovi may be consistent with the historical tectonic events occurred in the course of uplifts of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Fluctuations of the ecogeographical environment and major hydrographic formation might have promoted contiguous range expansion of freshwater fish populations, whereas the geological barriers among drainages have resulted in the fragmentation of population and restricted the gene flow among populations.5. The significantly large negative F-s-value (-24.91, P < 0.01) of Fu's F-s-test and the unimodal mismatch distribution indicate that the species S. pylzovi underwent a sudden population expansion after the historical tectonic event of the Gonghe Movement.6. The results of this study indicate that each population from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau should be managed and conserved separately and that efforts should be directed towards preserving the genetic integrity of each group.


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Inter-simple sequence repeat markers (ISSR) were used to estimate genetic diversity within and among 10 populations of Rhodiola chrysanthemifolia along Nianqingtangula Mountains and Brahmaputra, a species endemic to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and an endangered medicinal plant. Of the 100 primers screened, 13 produced highly polymorphic DNA fragments. Using these primers, 116 discernible DNA fragments were generated of which 104 (89.7%) were polymorphic, indicating substantial genetic diversity at the species level. Genetic diversity measured by the percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB) at the population level ranged from 21.97% to 48.8%. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that the genetic variation was found mainly among populations (77.3%), but no regional differentiation was discernible. Variance within populations was only 22.7%. The main factor responsible for this high level of differentiation among populations is probably the historical geographical and genetic isolation of populations in a harsh mountainous environment. Concerning the management of R. chrysanthemifolia, the high genetic differentiation of populations indicates the necessity of conserving the maximum possible number of populations. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Swertia przewalskii Pissjauk. (Gentianaceae) is a critically endangered and endemic plant of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China. RAPD and ISSR analyses were carried out on a total of 63 individuals to assess the extent of genetic variation in the remaining three populations. Percentage of polymorphic bands was 94% (156 bands) for RAPD and 96% (222 bands) for ISSR. A pairwise distance measure calculated from the RAPD and ISSR data was used as input for analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). AMOVA indicated that a high proportion of the total genetic variation (52% for RAPD and 56% for ISSR) was found among populations; pairwise Phi(ST) comparisons showed that the three populations examined were significantly different (p < 0.001). Significant genetic differentiation was found based on different measures (AMOVA and Hickory theta(B)) in S. przewalskii (0.52 on RAPD and 0.56 on ISSR; 0.46 on RAPD and 0.45 on ISSR). The differentiation of the populations corresponded to low average gene flow (0.28 based on RAPD and 0.31 based on ISSR), whereas genetic distance-based clustering and coalescent-based assignment analyses revealed significant genetic isolation among populations. Our results indicate that genetic diversity is independent of population size. We conclude that although sexual reproduction and gene flow between populations of S. przewalskii are very limited, they have preserved high levels of genetic diversity. The main factors responsible for the high level of difference among populations are the isolation and recent fragmentation under human disturbance.


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Random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD) markers were used to measure genetic diversity of Coelonema draboides ( Brassicaceae), a genus endemic to the Qilian Mountains of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. We sampled 90 individuals in 30 populations of Coelonema draboides from Datong and Huzhu counties of Qinghai Province in P. R. China. A total of 186 amplified bands were scored from the 14 RAPD primers, with a mean of 13.3 amplified bands per primer, and 87% ( 161 bands) polymorphic bands (PPB) was found. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) shows that a large proportion of genetic variation (84.2%) resides among individuals within populations, while only 15.8% resides among populations. The species shows higher genetic diversity between individuals than other endemic and endangered plants. The RAPDs provide a useful tool for assessing genetic diversity of rare, endemic species and for resolving relationships among populations. The results show that the genetic diversity of this species is high, possibly allowing it to adapt more easily to environmental variations. The main factor responsible for the high level of differentiation within populations and the low level of diversity among populations is probably the outcrossing and long-lived nature of this species. Some long-distance dispersal, even among far separated populations, is also a crucial determinant for the pattern of genetic variation in the species. This distributive pattern of genetic variation of C. draboides populations provides important baseline data for conservation and collection strategies for the species. It is suggested that only populations in different habitats should be studied and protected, not all populations, so as to retain as much genetic diversity as possible.