68 resultados para Plant physiology.


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The chloroplasts, mitochondria, and protoplasm devoid of mature chloroplasts (PMC) of Bryopsis hypnoides Lamouroux were isolated by low-speed and sucrose density centrifugation. The PMC aggregated in artificial seawater, and then protoplasts without mature chloroplasts (PtMCs) were formed. Transmission electron microscopy and cytochemical studies indicated that there were mitochondria, nuclei, vesicles, and other small cell organelles in the PtMCs. Scanning electron microscopy showed that there were holes on the surface of 1-h PtMCs and then fewer holes on the surface of 24-h PtMCs, suggesting that a healing process occurred. The plasma membrane was formed over the surface of the PtMCs. However, the cell wall was not regenerated, and the newly formed PtMCs were ruptured and died in 3 days. Light intensity during alga maintenance before use influenced significantly (one-way ANOVA, P < 0.0001) on the number of PtMCs formed; the highest number of PtMCs was formed at 20A mu mol/(m(2) s). When isolated chloroplasts were transferred into seawater, there were only two or three chloroplasts aggregated together. However, isolated mitochondria and the mixed six layers of cell organelles (separated by sucrose density centrifugation) could not aggregate in the artificial seawater. This indicates that the conjunction of cell organelles is important for their aggregation.


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Thylakoid membranes were isolated from Gymnodinium sp. and spinach, whereas the phycobilisomes were isolated and purified from red alga Porphyridium cruentum. The absorption spectra of the purified phycobilisomes (PBS) showed three peaks at 548, 564, and 624 nm, respectively, and the ratio of the fluorescence intensity at the lambda(680)(em) to lambda(80)(em5) that at was about 7.3. All these results demonstrated that the purified PBS remained intact. The thylakoid membranes were incubated with the purified phycobilisomes, and the thylakoid membranes, which harbored the phycobilisomes, were purified by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Meantime, the conjugates of phycobilisome-thylakoid membranes were constructed using glutaraldehyde and further purified. Their characteristics were studied by measuring the absorption spectra and fluorescence emission spectra. The results showed that the phycobilisomes from Porphyridium cruentum can attach to the thylakoid membranes from Gymnodinium sp. and spinach without covalent cross-linking, but the excited energy transfer did not occur. The conjugate of phycobilisome-thylakoid. membranes with covalent cross-linking exhibits the excited energy transfer between the phycobilisomes and the thylakoid membranes.


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In order to investigate the possible effects of the ecological environment on photosynthetic activity and the major light harvesting complex, the oxygen evolution rates and composition of phycobilisome from marine red alga Porphyra yezoensis Ueda and freshwater red alga Compsopogon coeruleus (Balbis) Montagne, which could grow and reproduce under salinity up to 35 ppt, were studied. The results showed that the oxygen evolution rate of P. yezoensis in seawater was significantly higher than that of C. coeruleus in freshwater, and P. yezoensis tolerated inorganic ions at a relatively higher concentration than C. coeruleus. Moreover, the phycoerythrin (PE) of P yezoensis was R-phycoerythrin containing alpha, beta, and gamma subunits comprised phycoerythrobilin and phycourobilin. In contrast, the PE from C. coeruleus consisted of alpha, beta, and gamma subunits comprised only phycoerythrobilin but not phycourobilin, suggesting that the PE from C. coeruleus was of a new type.


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The highly pure and active photosystem II (PSII) complex was isolated from Bangia fusco-purpurea (Dillw) Lyngb., an important economic red alga in China, through two steps of sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation and characterized by the room absorption and fluorescence emission spectra, DCIP (2,6-dichloroindophenol) reduction, and oxygen evolution rates. The PSII complex from B. fusco-purpurea had the characteristic absorption peaks of chlorophyll (Chl) a (436 and 676 nm) and typical fluorescence emission peak at 685 nm (Ex = 436 nm). Moreover, the acquired PSII complex displayed high oxygen evolution (139 mu mol O-2/(mg Chl h) in the presence of 2.5 mM 2,6-dimethybenzoqinone as an artificial acceptor and was active in photoreduction of DCIP (2,6-dichloroindophenol) by DPC (1,5-diphenylcarbazide) at 163 U/(mg Chl a h). SDS-PAGE also suggested that the purified PSII complex contained four intrinsic proteins (D1, D2, CP43, and CP47) and four extrinsic proteins (33-kD protein, 20-kD protein, cyt c-550, and 14-kD protein).


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The effects of La3+ on the antioxidant enzyme activities and the relative indices of cellular damage in cucumber seedling leaves were studied. When cucumber seedlings were treated with low concentrations of LaCl3 (0.002 and 0.02 mM), peroxidase (PO) activity increased, and catalase (CAT) activity was similar to that of control leaves at 0.002 mM La3+ and increased at 0.02 mM La3+, whereas superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity did not change significantly. The increase in the contents of chlorophyll (including chlorophylls a and b), carotenoids in parallel with the decrease in the level of malondialdehyde (MDA) suggested that low concentration of La3+ promoted plant growth. However, except the increase in SOD activity at 2 mM La3+, CAT and PO activities and the contents of pigments decreased at high concentrations of La3+ (0.2 and 2 mM), leading to the increase of MDA content and the inhibition of plant growth. It is suggested that lanthanum ion is involved in the regulation of active oxygen-scavenging enzyme activities during plant growth.


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Algal size can affect the rate of metabolism and of growth. Different sized colonies of Nostoc sphaeroides were used with the aim of determining the effects of colony size on photosynthetic physiology and growth. Small colonies showed higher maximum photosynthetic rates per unit chlorophyll, higher light saturation point, and higher photosynthetic efficiency (a) than large colonies. Furthermore, small colonies had a higher affinity for DIC and higher DIC-saturated photosynthetic rates. In addition, small colonies showed higher photosynthetic rates from 5-45degreesC than large colonies. There was a greater decrease in Fv/Fm after exposure to high irradiance and less recovery in darkness for large colonies than for small colonies. Relative growth rate decreased with increasing colony size. Small colonies had less chl a and mass per unit surface area. The results indicate that small colonies can harvest light and acquire DIC more efficiently and have higher maximum photosynthetic rates and growth rates than large colonies.


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The effects of La3+ on the uptake of trace elements (Se, Co, V, and Tc) in cucumber plants were studied by a radioactive multitracer technique. It was observed that the uptake and distribution of these trace elements in roots, stems, and leaves are different under different La3+, treatments. Furthermore, in the control, the plant accumulates Se-75, Co-56, and V-48 all in the order roots>leaves>stems, whereas Tc-95m was in the order leaves>stems>roots. The accumulations of Se-75 and Tc-95m in plants treated with different La3+ concentration were in the same order as those in the control, but the uptakes percentages of other kinds of element changed differently. The results indicate that lanthanum treatments to a growing cucumber lead to the change of uptake of trace elements, which suggest that a rare earth element is directly or indirectly involved in the ion transport of the plant and affects plant growth by regulating the uptake and distribution of elements that influence the plant cell physiology and biochemistry.