77 resultados para Operational speed


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In this paper a new half-flash architecture for high speed video ADC is presented. Based on a high speed single-way analog switch circuit, this architecture effectively reduces the number of elements. At the same lime no sacrifice of speed is needed compared with the normal half-flash structure.


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This paper introduces a new highspeed single-way analog switch which has both highspeed high-resolution mono-direction analog transmission gate function and high-speed digital logic gate function with normal bipolar technology. The analysis of static and transient switching performances as an analog transmission gate is emphasized in the paper. In order to reduce the plug-in effect on high-speed high-resolution systems, an optimum design scheme is also given. This scheme is to achieve accelerated dynamic response with very low bias power dissipation. The analysis of PSPICE simulation as well as the circuit test results confirms the feasibility of the scheme. Now, the circuit has been applied effectively to the designs of novel highspeed A/D and D/A converters.


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The on-way peak overpressure and flame propagation speed of gas deflagration in the tube with obstacles are important data for process safety. Based on carbon monoxide deflagration experiments, the paper presents a multi-zone integration model for calculation of on-way peak overpressure, in which the tube with obstacles is considered as a series of venting explosion enclosures which link each others. The analysis of experimental data indicates that the on-way peak overpressure of gas deflagration can be correlated as an empirical formula with equivalence ratio of carbon monoxide oxidation, expansion ratio, flame path length, etc., and that the on-way peak overpressure exhibits a linear relationship with turbulence factor and flame propagation speed. An empirical formula of flame propagation speed is given.


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Pellet target is one of the main candidate targets in CSRm (cooler storage ring’s main ring) for hadron physics studies. Pellet speed is an important physical parameter for the target. Larger pellet speed could shorten the interacting time interval between the pellet and the cyclotron beam, and thus results in a small temperature variation for the pellet. This could make the pellet facility work in a stable condition. A fluid dynamic simulation was carried out for the pellet speed, and it was found that the maximum speed for the target pellet may be restricted to about 100 m/s even if all working parameters were set to their optimal values.


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Pellet target is one of the main candidate targets in CSRm (cooler storage ring’s main ring) for hadron physics studies. Pellet speed is an important physical parameter for the target. Larger pellet speed could shorten the interacting time interval between the pellet and the cyclotron beam, and thus results in a small temperature variation for the pellet. This could make the pellet facility work in a stable con-dition. A fluid dynamic simulation was carried out for the pellet speed, and it was found that the maxi-mum speed for the target pellet may be restricted to about 100 m/s even if all working parameters were set to their optimal values.


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A 2-kW-class chemical oxygen-iodine laser (COIL) using nitrogen buffer gas has been developed and tested since industrial applications of COIL devices will require the use of nitrogen as the buffer gas. The laser, with a gain length of 11.7 cm, is energized by a square pipe-array jet-type singlet oxygen generator (SPJSOG) and employs a nozzle bank with a designed Mach number of 2.5. The SPJSOG has advantages over the traditional plate-type JSOG in that it has less requirements on basic hydrogen peroxide (BHP) pump, and more important, it has much better operational stability. The SPJSOG without a cold trap and a gas-liquid separator could provide reliable operations for a total gas flow rate up to 450 mmol/s and with a low liquid driving pressure of around 0.7 atm or even lower. The nozzle bank was specially designed for a COIL using nitrogen as the buffer gas. The cavity was designed for a Mach number of 2.5, in order to provide a gas speed and static temperature in the cavity similar to that for a traditional COIL with helium buffer gas and a Mach 2 nozzle. An output power of 2.6 kW was obtained for a chlorine flow rate of 140 mmol/s, corresponding to a chemical efficiency of 20.4%. When the chlorine flow rate was reduced to 115 mmol/s, a higher chemical efficiency of 22.7% was attained. Measurements showed that the SPJSOG during normal operation could provide a singlet oxygen yield Y greater than or equal to 55%, a chlorine utilization U greater than or equal to 85%, and a relative water vapor concentration w = [H2O]/([O-2] + [Cl-2]) less than or equal to 0.1.


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In order to realize the common-emitter characteristics of the tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminium (Alq(3))-based organic transistors, we used Au/Al double metal layer as the base, thus the vertical metal-base transistors with structure of Al/n-Si/Au/Al/Alq(3)/LiF/Al were constructed. It was found that the contact properties between the base and the organic semiconductors play an important role in the device performance. The utilization of Au/Al double layer metal base allows the devices to operate at high gain in the common-emitter and common-base mode at low operational voltage.


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We demonstrate the suitability of N,N'-diphenyl-N,N'-bis(1-naphthylphenyl)-1,1'-biphenyl-4,4'-diamine (NPB), an organic semiconductor widely used in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), for high-gain, low operational voltage nanostructured vertical-architecture transistors, which operate as permeable-base transistors. By introducing vanadium oxide (V2O5) between the injecting metal and NPB layer at the transistor emitter, we reduced the emitter operational voltage.


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The toughness of polypropylene (PP)/ethylene-propylene-diene monomer rubber (EPDM) blends containing various EPDM contents as a function of the tensile speed was studied. The toughness of the blends was determined from the tensile fracture energy of the side-edge notched samples. A sharp brittle-tough transition was observed in the fracture energy versus interparticle distance (ID) curves when the crosshead speed < 102.4 mm/min. It was observed that the brittle-ductile transition of PP/EPDM blend occurred either by reducing ID or by decreasing the tensile speed. The correlation between the critical interparticle distance and tensile deformation rate was compared with that between the critical interparticle distance and temperature for PP/EPDM blends. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Recent investigations show that normalized radar cross sections for C-band microwave sensors decrease under high wind conditions with certain incident angles instead of increase, as is the case for low to moderate wind speeds. This creates the problem of ambiguities in high wind speed retrievals from synthetic aperture radar (SAR). In the present work, four geophysical model functions (GMFs) are studied, namely the high wind C-band model 4 (CMOD4HW), C-band model 5 (CMOD5), the high wind vertical polarized GMF (HWGMF_VV), and the high wind horizontal polarized GMF (HWGMF_HH). Our focus is on model behaviours relative to wind speed ambiguities. We show that, except for CMOD4HW, the other GMFs exhibit the wind speed ambiguity problem. To consider this problem in high wind speed retrievals from SAR, we focus on hurricanes and propose a method to remove the speed ambiguity using the dominant hurricane wind structure.


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Gridded sound speed data were calculated using Del Grosso's formulation from the temperature and salinity data at the PN section in the East China Sea covering 92 cruises between February 1978 and October 2000. The vertical gradients of sound speed are mainly related to the seasonal variations, and the strong horizontal gradients are mainly related to the Kuroshio and the upwelling. The standard deviations show that great variations of sound speed exist in the upper layer and in the slope zone. Empirical orthogonal function analysis shows that contributions of surface heating and the Kuroshio to sound speed variance are almost equivalent.


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Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) was used to extract homoisoflavonoids from Ophiopogon japonicus (Thunb.) Ker-Gawler. The optimization of parameters was carried out using an orthogonal test L-9 (3)(4) including pressure, temperature, dynamic extraction time and the amount of modifier. The process was then scaled up by 100 times with a preparative SFE system under the optimized conditions of 25 MPa, 55 degrees C, 4.0 h and 25% methanol as a modifier. Then crude extracts were separated and purified by high-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) with a two-phase solvent system composed of n-hexane/ethyl acetate/methanol/ACN/water (1.8:1.0:1.0:1.2:1.0 v/v). There three homoisoflavonoidal compounds including methylophiopogonanone A 6-aldehydo-isoophiopogonone A, and 6-formyl-isoophiopogonanone A, were successfully isolated and purified in one step. The collected fractions were analyzed by HPLC. In each operation, 140 mg crude extracts was separated and yielded 15.3 mg of methylophiopogonanone A (96.9% purity), 4.1 mg of 6-aldehydo-isoophiopogonone A (98.3% purity) and 13.5 mg of 6-formyl-isoophiopogonanone A (97.3% purity) respectively. The chemical structure of the three homoisoflavonoids are identified by means of ESI-MS and NMR analysis.


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High-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) technique in semi-preparative scale has been successfully applied to the separation of bioactive flavonoid compounds, liquiritigenin and isoliquiritigenin in one step from the crude extract of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Risch. The HSCCC was performed using a two-phase solvent system composed of n-hexane-ethyl acetate-methanol-acetonitrile-water (2:2:1:0.6:2, v/v). Yields of liquiritigenin (98.9% purity) and isoliquiritigenin (98.3% purity) obtained were 0.52% and 0.32%. Chemical structures of the purified liquiritigenin and isoliquiritigenin were identified by electrospray ionization-MS (ESI-MS) and NMR analysis. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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