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In recent years seismic tomography has become a powerful tool for studying the three-dimensional crust and mantle structure. In this study, we collected a large number of regional and teleseismic travel-time data and used seismic tomography method to study the relationship between earthquake occurrence and crustal heterogeneity for the 1992 Landers earthquake, heterogeneity and evolution of lithosphere under North China Craton and Southern California, and deep structure and origin of the Changbai intraplate volcano in Northeast China. Our results show a correlation between the seismic rupture zone and crustal heterogeneity. The distribution of the Landers aftershocks is cluster-like and separated or terminated in areas where low-velocity anomalies exist.Most of the large earthquakes with magnitudes >4.0 occurred in or around areas with high P-wave velocity.The possibility is that high-velocity areas are brittle and strong parts which can sustain seismogenic stress,and so can generate earthquakes. Our tomographic images show a very heterogeneous structure in the crust and upper mantle beneath Southern California. Three major anomalies in the upper mantle are revealed clearly beneath the southern Sierra Nevada, Transverse Ranges and Salton Trough. We consider that the high-velocity anomaly beneath the Transverse Ranges was formed through asymmetrical two-side convergence of subcrustal lithosphere and sinking to asthenosphere. Formation of the dense crust root and “drip structure” caused the high-velocity anomaly under the southern Sierra Nevada. The Salton Trough low is the response to the lithospheric extension when the Pacific plate was rifted away from the North American Plate. The tomograpic images beneath the North China Craton show that there exist different lithospheric structures under the different blocks. Complex, prominent low-velocity and high-velocity anomalies are imaged beneath the North China Basin, Trans-North China Orogen (TNCO), and Ordos Block which correspond to rifted, orogenic and cratonic lithospheres, respectively. The thickness of the three-type lithospheres is about 70, 90 and >250 km, respectively. Our results suggest that lithospheric thinning under the eastern part of North China Craton is due to long-term replacement and chemical and thermal erosion of the ancient lithosphere by the hot asthenosphere. The remains of ancient lithosphere exist either in the present upper mantle or have sunk into the mantle transition zone. Our tomographic result of the Changbai volcanic area suggests that the origin of the Changbai volcano is related to the deep dehydration of the subducted Pacific slab and corner flow in the big mantle wedge (BMW) above the stagnant Pacific slab.


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The central-south Tibet is a part of the products of the continental plate collision between Eurasia and India. To study the deep structure of the study area is significant for understanding the dynamics of the continental-continental collision. A 3-D density model matched well with the observations in the central-south Tibet was proposed in this study. In addition, this study has also used numerical simulation method to prove that Quasi-Love (QL) wave is deduced by anisotropy variation but not by lateral heterogeneity. Meanwhile, anisotropy variation in the upper mantle of the Qiangtang terrane and Lhasa terrane is detected by the QL waves observed in recorded seismograms. Based on the gravity modeling, some results are summarized as follows: 1) Under the constrain of geometrical structure detected by seismic data, a 3-D density model and Moho interface are proposed by gravity inversion of the central-south Tibet. 2) The fact that the lower crustal densities are smaller than 3.2 g/cm3, suggests absence of eclogite or partial eclogitization due to delamination under the central-south Tibet. 3) Seismicity will be strong or weak in the most negative Bouguer gravity anomaly. So there is no a certain relationship between seismicity and Bouguer gravity anomaly. 4) Crustal composition are determined after temperature-pressure calibration of seismic P wave velocity. The composition of lower crust might be one or a mixture of: 1. amphibolite and greenschist facies basalt beneath the Qiangtang terrane; 2. gabbro-norite-troctolite and mafic granulite beneath the Lhasa terrane. Because the composition of the middle crust cannot be well constrained by the above data set, the data set published by Rudnick & Fountain (1995) is used for comparison. It indicated the composition of the middle crust is granulite facies and might be pelitic gneisses.Granulite facies used to be interpreted as residues of partial melting, which coincidences with the previous study on partial melting middle crust. Amphibolite facies are thought to be produced after delamination, when underplating works in the rebound of the lower crust and lithospheric mantle. From the seismology study, I have made several followed conclusions: 1) Through the numerical simulation experiment of surface wave propagating in heterogeneity media, we can find that amplitude and polarization of surface wave only change a little when considering heterogeneity. Furthermore, it is proved that QL waves, generated by surface wave scattering, are caused by lateral variation of anisotropy but not by heterogeneity. 2) QL waves are utilized to determine the variation of uppermost mantle anisotropy of the Tibetan plateau. QL waves are identified from the seismograms of the selected paths recorded by the CAD station. The location of azimuth anisotropy gradient is estimated from the group velocities of Rayleigh wave, Love wave and QL wave. It suggests that south-north lateral variation of azimuthal anisotropy locates in Tanggula mountain, and east-west lateral variation in the north of Gandese mountain with 85°E longitude and near the Jinsha river fault with 85°E longitude.


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The past three decades have seen numerous attempts to numerically model stress and strain patterns in the lithosphere of the Earth on both global and regional scales. This efforts have been indispensable in identifying the features we need to include in our endeavour to develop better models of our planet’s lithosphere and they have also raised our awareness for the many unresolved issue in the deep geodynamical issues that need to be addressed in the future. Nonetheless, in most models, the lithosphere is treated as a single layer with depth-averaged properties, and as the same distribution in the stress and strain fields, and as deforming under plane strain. All these above make a great hander for its reality and degree of recognition. As the beginning in this paper, some principal numerical models and results on the evolution of Tibetan plateau are reviewed and analyzed. Then, the geological and geophysical expedition on the Western Himalayan Syntaxis is briefly reviewed. Furthermore, we analysis the feature in deep geophysical field studies in this area and adjacent regions. Because, for most continents, stress models driven by plate boundary forces have successfully reproduced the main characteristics of the stress and strain field, we present a set of three-dimensional models of lithosphere system for a simplified geometry of the Western Himalayan Syntaxis area and its adjacent regions, where we try to match the first-order characteristics of the stress and strain fields of lithosphere since 10 Ma, and deformation and geodynamical evolution process in former 2Ma. Of course, the kinematic boundary conditions of the stress models driven by plate boundary forces were applied. The rheology plays a significant role in the lithospheric tectonics, which lead to different rheological parameters were used in different works although the have the same constitutive equations in models. So, in this paper we do not aim to produce all characteristics of the Western Himalayan Syntaxis areas’ stress and strain fields by the choices of various parameters, but rather the dynamic response between various rheological parameters and stress and strain fields. We have chosen to concentrate on the importance of rheology and lateral strength variations for lithospheric stress and strain patterns and use our findings to build a model of the Western Himalayan Syntaxis areas. In doing so, we want to go beyond purely elastic models or purely viscoelastic models. Compared the results of the crust viscosity in the Western Himalayan Syntaxis areas, we believed that, when various viscoelastic models are adopted, the selection of the coefficient of viscosity in the Western Syntaxis area has important influence on the its uplifts and evolutions. A wider uplift ranges and gently elevation was observed at the same time when a lower viscosity was used in our models, and vice versa. Data of stress magnitudes are not available, but it is clear that the stress levels must be at or below the failure threshold of rock under compression. Under these criteria, the calculation results show that the viscosity in the Western Syntaxis area should be smaller than 1023Pa.s When elastic model is adopted in relatively rigid Tarim basin, obvious changes are induced to the stress and strain fields of the whole Western Syntaxis area. We found that rigid block of lithosphere reduced stress levels within its interior and that, at the edges of such regions, stress orientation can change. Furthermore there is no evidence that such rigid regions act as stress barriers in that they shield areas in opposite sides of the structure from the influence of one another. In our models, the upper crustal material of the Western Syntaxis area does not turns to move westward. Whereas, because of the stress and strain fields have been decoupling at the interior of the lithosphere, we can get the results that the deep material must not move westward.


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High resolution geochemical analysis of Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation deposits in eastern Gorges area, including carbon and sulfur isotope compositions, trace elements, rare earth elements, and so on, show a whole panorama of the oceanic environment in Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation. The deposits of Doushantuo II recorded consistent δ13Corg values and variable δ13Ccarb values, which suggets that it is strongly redox stratified in Doushantuo ocean, and there is a large DOC reservior in the deep ocean. The redox state of Doushantuo ocean in Yangtze area was not steady. The movement of chemocline was concerned with the transgression and/or regression. During the transgression, raising sea level and upwelling with anoxic deep water would cause the ocean anoxic; during the regression, declining sea level and weathered sulfate input would cause the suface ocean becoming oxic. The oxidations of this DOC reservior would caused negative δ13C excurions in Doushantuo Formation. Comparing with oceanic redox states and fossils productivity, we found that the stratum with high biologic productivity and diversity did not indicated oxic conditions. In the opposite, these stratum recorded anoxic conditions. We suggeste that it would be relatived to burial and preservation of fossils, because anoxic conditions are in favor of burial and preservation of fossils. It is proved that methane seep occurred at the base of Duoshantuo cap carbonate. However, comparing cap carbonate with seep carbonate, we found that oxidation of methan and the post-diagenesis could not derictely result in cap carbonate deoposition. Cap carbonate would be derived from the high level CO2 in atomosphere.


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Located in the Central and West African, Chad, which is not well geological explored, is characterized by Mesozoic- Cenozoic intra-continental rift basins. The boreholes exposed that, during Mesozoic-Cenozoic times, volcanic activities were intense in these basins, but study on volcanic rocks is very weak, especially on those embedded in rift basins, and so far systematic and detailed work has still no carried out. Based on the project of China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Corporation, “The analysis of reservoir condition and the evaluation of exploration targets of seven basins in block H in Chad”, and the cooperative project between Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS and CNPC International (Chad) Co. Ltd., “Chronology and geochemistry studies on Mesozoic-Cenozoic volcanic rocks from southwestern Chad Basins”, systematic geochronology, geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic geochemistry studies on volcanic rocks from southwestern Chad basins have been done in the thesis for the first time. Detailed geochronological study using whole-rock K-Ar and Ar-Ar methods shows the mainly eruption ages of these volcanic rocks are Late Cretaceous- Paleogene. Volcanic rocks in the well Nere-1 and Figuier-1 from Doba basin are products of the Late Cretaceous which majority of the K-Ar (Ar-Ar) ages fall in the interval 95-75 Ma, whereas volcanic rocks in the well Ronier-1 from Bongor Basin and the Well Acacia-1 from Lake Chad Basin formed in the Paleogene which the ages concentrated in 66-52Ma. Two main periods of volcanic activity can be recognized in the study area, namely, the Late Cretaceous period and the Paleogene period. Volcanic activities have a general trend of south to north migration, but this may be only a local expression, and farther future studies should be carried on. Petrology study exhibits these volcanic rocks from southwestern Chad basins are mainly tholeiitic basalt. Major- and trace elements as well as Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic geochemistry studies show that the late Cretaceous and the Paleogene basalts have a definitely genetic relationship, and magmas which the basalts in southwestern Chad basins derived from were produced by fractional crystallization of olivine and clinopyroxene and had not do suffered from crustal contamination. These basalts are prominently enriched light rare earth elements (LREE), large-ion lithophile elements (LILE) and high field strength elements (HFSE) and depleted compatible elements. They have positive Ba, Pb, Sr, Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf anomalies and negative Th, U, P,Y anomalies. It is possible that the basalts from southwestern Chad basins mainly formed by mixing of depleted mantle (DM) and enriched mantle (EMⅡ) sources. The late Cretaceous basalts have higher (87Sr/86Sr)i ratios than the Paleogene basalts’, whereas have lower (143Nd/144Nd)i ratios than the latter, showing a significant temporal evolution. The mantle sources of the Late Cretaceous basalts may have more enriched mantle(EMⅡ) compositions, whereas those of the Paleogene basalts are relatively more asthenospheric mantle (DM) components. The mantle components with temporal change observed in basalts from Chad basins were probably correlated with the asthenospheric mantle upwelling and lithospheric thinning in Central and Western Africa since Mesozoic. Mesozoic- Cenozoic Volcanism in Chad basins probably is a product of intra- plate extensional stress regime, corresponded to the tectonic setting of the whole West and Central African during Cretaceous. Volcanism is closely correlated with rifting. As time passed from early period to late, the basaltic magma of Chad basins, characterized with shallower genetic depth, higher density and smaller viscosity, probably indicates the gradual strengthening evolution of the rifting. In the initial rife stage, volcanic activities are absent in the study area. Volcanic activities are basiccally corresponded with the strong extensional period of Chad basins, and the eruption of basalts was slightly lagged behind the extensional period. In the post-rift stage (30-0Ma), these basins shifted to the thermal sag phase, volcanic activities in the study area significantly decreased and then terminated.


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Daolangheduge copper polymetallic deposit is located on east edge of Ondor Sum-Bainaimiao metallogenic belt, which is a prospective area of porphyry copper deposit, in Xianghuangqi of central Inner Mongolia. Geotectonically, it occurred in the continental margin accretion belt along the north margin of North China Plate, south of the suture zone between North China Plate and Siberian Plate. The intrusive rocks in this area mainly consist of intermediate-acid magmatic rocks, and the quartz veins, tourmaline veins and the transitional phase are comparatively developed. According to our research, the ore-bearing rock body is mainly quartz diorite while the surrounding rock is mainly biotite granite. Besides, the wall rock alteration are mainly propylitization, pyritization and silicification, which consist of epidotization, actinolitization, chloritzation and so on. The metallic minerals are mainly chalcopyrite and pyrite. In addition, the primary ore is mainly of quartz-chalcopyrite-pyrite type. Above all, Daolangheduge copper polymetallic deposit is suggested to be categorized in the porphyry copper type. With isotopic dating and geochemical research on quartz diorite of ore-bearing rock body, the zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of two samples yields an age of 266±2 Ma, falling into the range of late Permian Epoch. It is the first accurate age data in Xianghuangqi area, so it should play a key role in the research of deposit and magmatic rocks in this area. With the major elements and trace elements analysis of 14 samples, the quartz diorite should be among the calc-alkaline series, the geochemical characteristics show higher large-ion lithophile elements of Rb, Sr and LREE, low high-field strength elements of Nb, Ta and high transition elements of Cu, Cr . Also, the REE patterns have negative Eu anomalies. With the same analysis of 4 sample for the biotite granite, the geochemical characteristics show higher Rb, Th,, Zr, Hf and LREE, low Nb, Sm and HREE and Eu has no anomaly. It should be among the calc-alkaline series, over aluminum quality and has characteristics of Adakites. According to isotopic dating and geochemical characteristics of ore-bearing rock body, it is suggested that its materials mainly derived from upper mantle that had fractional crystallization and its magma source region may be affected by fluid metasomatism of paleo-asian ocean. It should be an extensional process of post-orogeny according to regional tectonic evolution. Consequently, because of the decrease of temperature and pressure, the ore forming fluid was raised to surface and mineralized accompanied by magmatic activity which might occur in south of the suture zone. By geological survey, further geophysical and geochemical work is needed. In this area, we have accomplished high precision magnetic prospecting, high density electrical survey, gravity prospecting, soil geochemical prospecting, X-ray fluorescence analyzer prospecting and so on. According to geophysical and geochemical abnormal and surface occurrence, 11 drills are arranged to verification. The type of ores are mainly quartz-chalcopyrite-pyrite ores within 3 drills by drill core logging. Although the grade as well as the scale of already-found Cu deposits are insufficient for industrial exploitation, the mineralization prospect in this region is supposed to be great and the potential in mineral exploration at depth is excellent.


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The seismic wide-angle reflection/refraction method is the one of the most effective method for probing the crustal and upper mantle structure. It mainly uses the wide-angle reflection information from the boundary in the crust and the top boundary of the upper mantle to rebuild the crust and upper mantle structure. Through analyzing the reflection and transmission coefficients of various incident waves on the interface, we think relative to the pre-critical angle reflection information the post critical angle reflection information that received by wide-angle seismic data exists a time-shift effect with the offset variation, and then it must cause the error for velocity analysis and structure image. The feature of the wide-angle seismic wave field of the fourteen representative crust columns tell us that the wide-angle effects in the different representative tectonic units for the interface depth and the interval velocity in crust. We studied the features of the wide-angle seismic wave field through building the crust model and inverse its travel time by GA method to know the wide-angle influence on crustal velocity image. At last we finished the data processing of the Tunxi-Wenzhou wide-angle seismic profile. The results are as following: (1) Through building crust model, we labeled the travel time for all the phases by ray tracing method and remove wide-angle effects method, it revealed the wide-angle effect exists in the seismic data. (2) The travel time inversion by GA method can tell us that the depth by traditional ray tracing method is shallower than the result by remove wide-angle effects method, the latter can recover the crust structure model in effect. (3) We applied the two method mentioned before to the fourteen representative crust columns in China. It indicates that the removed wide-angle effect method in travel time inversion is reasonable and effective. (4) The real data processing from Tunxi-Wenzhou wide-angle seismic profile give us the basic structure through the two ways. The main influence exhibits in the difference of the interval velocity of the curst, and the wide-angle effects in shallow interface are stronger than the deep interface.


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A mafic-ultramafic complex belt well developed in Eastern Tianshan, Xinjiang, NW China, which contains a series of Cu-Ni sulfide deposits. This area is the important production basis for Cu-Ni deposits, including Tulargen deposit, Hulu deposit, Huangshan-Huangshandong deposit, Hulu deposit, Xiangshan deposit, Tianyu deposit, Chuanzhu deposit. In China, especially Eastern Tianshan, it is prevalent that large Cu-Ni deposits occurred in small intrusions, typically including Jinchuan, Kalatongke, et al., so the ore-forming mechanism and evaluation rule for those small intrusions are very meaningful and of universal significance. On the basis of the research to typical Cu-Ni deposits, ore-forming conditions and processes are summarized through which to evaluate the ore-bearing potential for barren intrusions and unexplored mafic-ultramafic intrusions. By the contrast, metallogenic rule and mechanism of ore genesis are concluded, and evaluation system is preliminarily set up on the basis of these conclusions. Quantitatively simulation for the composition of olivine is introduced for the first time in China to discuss the interaction between magma and sulfide, and a new method to calculate the Mg-Fe composition of primitive magma is developed. Interaction between magma and sulfide liquid is used to get the Ni content in sulfide liquid. Sulfur isotopic characteristics in sulfide minerals in country rocks and ores are used to judge crustal sulfur introduction, which is applied for the first time in China. Re-Os isotopic characteristics are related to the ore-forming process, to interpret the process of enrichment of chalcophile elements. On the basis of the evaluation system, Mati, Chuanzhu, Luodong, Xiadong, those intrusions are evaluated to their ore-bearing potential. According to the studies to typical Cu-Ni deposits, conduit-type ore-forming model is set up, and the characteristics of the model are concluded systematically. The evaluation system and conduit-type ore-forming model can be helpful to the evaluation of mafic-ultramafic intrusions in this and similar mafic-ultramafic intrusion belts. The studied typical deposits and mafic-ultramafic intrusion include Tulargen deposit, Hulu deposit, Huangshandong deposit, Chuanzhu deposit, Mati intrusion,Luodong intrusion, Xiadong intrusion, and others. Through studies, there are similar characteristics for Tulargen and Hulu deposits in magma origin, composition of primitive magma(MgO=12.5%, FeO=12% and MgO=11%, FeO=10.5% respectively), magma evolution, mechanism of sulfide segregation and conduit-type ore-forming process. By Re-Os isotopic system, the ore forming date of Tulargen deposit is 265.6±9.2Ma, which is consistent to regional metallogenic event, but little younger. The Mg-Fe composition of primitive magma of Baishiquan, Huangshandong area, Kalatongke is lower than that of Tulargen and Hulu deposit, showing common basalt composition. The Mg# value(Mg#=(Mg/Mg+Fe)increases gradually from Kalatongke to Baishiquan to Huangshan-Huangshandong East. Baishiquan intrusions show relatively higher crustal contamination by evidence of trace element, which indicates the lower magma original source, from depleted mantle to crust. One break is the discovery of komatiitic intrusion, Xiadong intrusion, which shows characteristics of highly magnesium (Max Fo=96). The primitive magma is calculated of MgO=28%,FeO=9%, belonging to komatiitic magma. Tectonic evolution of Eastern Tianshan is discussed. By the statistics of ore-forming data of porphyry copper deposits, magmatic sulfide Cu-Ni deposits, orogenic hydrothermal gold deposits, we believe that those deposits are the successive products of oceanic subduction, are and back-arc basin collision and post-orogenic extention. And Cu-Ni sulfide deposits and orogenic gold deposits occurred in the stage of post-orogenic extention. According to the conclusions, the conduit-type ore-forming mechanism of magmatic sulfide deposit is set up, and its characteristics and conditions are concluded as well. The conduit-type ore-forming system includes magma generation, sulfide segregation, enrichment of chalcophile elements, interaction of sulfide and magma, sulfide collection in limited space in magma conduit and bottom of the chamber, which make a whole ore-forming system.The ore-forming process of Cu-Ni sulfide deposits is concluded as three steps: 1. mantle derived magma rises upward to the middle-upper crust; 2. magma suffers crustal contamination of different degrees and assimilates crustal sulfur, which leads to sulfur saturation and sulfide segregation. Sulfide liquid interacts with magma and concentrates chalcophile elements; 3. enriched sulfide located in the conduit(Tulargen) or bottom of the chamber (Hulu). Depleted magma rises upward continuously to form barren complexes. For the practical cases, Tulargen deposit represents the feeding conduit, and Hulu deposit represents the bottom of the staging magma chamber. So the deeper of west of Tulargen and southwest of Hulu are the favorite locate for ore location. The evaluation for ore potential can be summarized as follows: (1) Olivine can be served as indicator for magma evolution and events of sulfide segregation; (2) Sulfur isotopic characteristics is an efficient method to judge sulfur origin for magmatic sulfide deposit; (3) Re-Os content of the ores can indicate interaction between sulfide and silicate magma and crustal contamination; (4) PGE mineralization is effected by degree of partial melting of mantle; (5) Cu/Zr is efficient parameter to judge sulfide segregation; (6) The effects of multiple magma fractionation and emplacement are important, for inverse order shows the destruction to previous solid lithofacies and orebodies. Mati, Chuanzhu, Xiadong, Luodong, mafic-ultramafic intrusions are evaluated using evaluation system above. Remarkable Ni depletion is found in olivine of Mati, and southwest of the intrusion can be hopeful location for ore location. Chuanzhu intrusion has remarkable evidence of sulfide segregation, but the intrusion represents the narrow feeder conduit, so the wide part of the conduit maybe the favorite location for sulfide to deposit. The ore potential of Luodong and Xiadong is not good. Both the intrusions show no Ni depletion in olivine, and there is no sulfide in country rocks, so no crustal sulfur is added into the magmatic system. For Sidingheishan, a very large intrusion, the phenomenon of sulfide segregation is found, but there are no favorite places for sulfide to deposit. So the Cu-Ni ore potential maybe not good, but PGE mineralization should be evaluated further.


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The Chinese Altai is one of the most important volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposit districts in China. All orebodies were lenticular or bedded and stratabounded by a suite of early Devonian volcanic-sedimentary rocks. Hydrothermal feeder zones developed under some of the orebodies. All the ores are massive or laminated, and show typical characteristics of VMS deposit. Based on the mineralizing time and the metal assembles, we divide 3 metallogenic stages: 1, Fe orefroming stage associated with basaltic and sedimentary rocks during very early Devonian; 2, Cu-Pb-Zn oreforming stage associated with rhyolitic and sedimentary rocks during early Devonian; 3, Cu-Zn oreforming stage in the dacitic and basaltic rocks during mid. Devonian. The hosting rocks for all orebodies are different, but they show very similar geochemical and isotopic characteristics. All the felsic rocks show enriched lighted rare earth elements (REE) patterns (La/Yb>5), and with an obvious Eu negative anomalies (Eu/Eu*<0.6). In the meanwhile, all the mafic rocks show flat REE pattern and no Eu anomalies. The Ashele basalt show an apparent Ce negative anomalies (Ce/Ce* <0.76), All the volcanic roks in Chinese Altai show the decoupled property between the high field strength elements (HFSE) and large ion lithophile elements (LILE). The negative Nb, Ta characteristics with respect to adjacent elements indicate that subduction-modified source. The Nd(t) of the hosting rocks for all orebodies changed in a small range (-1.5~5), and the (87Sr/86Sr)i change in a big range. The initial Sr value of the hosting rocks in Mengku and Tiemuerte are obviously affected by the seawater (0.705~0.710), and initial Sr values of hosting rocks Ashele change in a small range (0.704~0.706). All Sr-Nd isotopes of ores have the same range with the hosting rocks, indicating that both the ores and volcanic rocks have the same island arc source. The mean sulfur isotopes of sulfides from Ashele and Mengku are 6.2‰ and 3.4‰, respectively, indicating a deep magmatic source. However, the sulfur isotopes of sulfides from Keketale, Tiemuerte and Keyinbulake changed in -15.8‰~9.9‰, -23.5‰~1.87‰, -8.3‰~1.6‰, respectively. And the big sulfur isotope range indicated that the sulfur of the ores was a combination biogenic and magmatic source. All volcanic rocks from the VMS deposits in the southern Chinese Altai show a typical subduction related environments. Based on the regional and locally geological evidence, here we propose that the southern Chinese Altai is an island arc system, and all VMS deposits formed during the lateral accretion process. No VMS deposit formed during the formation of the island arc during Silurian; Fe VMS deposit formed during the beginning of the opening of the backarc basin in very early Devonian; Cu-Pb-Zn VMS deposits formed during the mature stage of the backarc basin in early Devonian; at last the Cu-Zn VMS deposit formed during the rifted stage of the island arc itself.


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Widespread black chert-shales occur in the Ediacaran-Cambrian(E-C) boundary successions along the flank of Yangtze Platform, South China, remarkable changes in sedimentology, geochemistry and biology were recorded. Although extensive studies were carried out upon this boundary succession, the origin of black chert-shales still remain controversial. This paper focuses on the E-C black chert-shales in western Hunan, South China, upon which detailed depositional and geochemical changes are documented, accordingly a depositional model for black chert-shales is proposed. Stratigraphic anatomy across the depositional strike demonstrates that the shallow-water Dengying dolostone along the platform margin sharply pass basinward into the Liuchapo chert successions, which indicate syndepositional extensional faulting at depth could have occurred along the platform margin. The deep-water Niutitang phosphorite-rich black shales are either underlain by the Dengying dolostones on the platform margin toward platform interior or directly by the Liuchaopo chert successions farther basinwards. By detailed investigation, silica chimneys are firsly identified approximately in the chert along platform margin; two types of silica chimneys, including mounded and splayed/funnelized chert(generally brecciated) bodies are further sorted out. The mounded chert are exitbited by domed or hummocky surfaces on the top and irregular spongy to digitiform internal fabrics; within the silica mounds, abundant original vesicles/voids and/or channels were mostly plugged by initial chalcedony, quartze crystals with minor dolomite and bladed barite crystals. Splayed/funnelized brecciated chert “intrusion” cross-cut the uppermost dolostones capping to the horizon underneath, and are directly overlain by the Niutitang phosphorite-rich black shales. Their similarities to the silica chimneys reported from the oceanic spreading centres suggest a similar origin responsible for these unique silica bodies which is also supported by the microthermonmetric data and element geochemistry. High P, Ba, Fe contents and positive correlation between Fe and TOC concentrations in the Niutitang black shales indicate a high palaeo-productivity in the Early Cambrian ocean. The low Th/U and the high V/Cr, V/Sc, V/(V+Ni) ratios in the black shales suggest an anoxic water condition during this interval. Furthermore, Positive Eu anomalies and high Ba contents in the sediments also imply a hydrothermal influence on the formation of Niutitang black shales. To better constrain the placement of deep-water successions straddling the E-C boundary and the timing of hydrothermal silica chimneys, sensitive high-resoluton ion microprobe(SHRIMP) U-Pb dating of zircon grains from tuffs within the chert succession of Liuchapo Formation at Ganziping was conducted and yields a weighted-mean 206Pb/238Pb age at 536.6±5.5Ma, younger than E-C boundary age(542.0±0.3Ma). This age combined with carbon isotopic data is then proposed to correspond to the U-Pb age of zircons(538.2±1.5Ma) from the Zhongyicun member of Meishucun Formation at Meishucun in eastern Yunna, thus, the E-C boundary in Gazngziping was placed between the Dengying formations and Liuchapo formatioms. therefore, the silica chimneys took place at the beginning of the Cambrian period. The temporal coincidence of silica chimneys and negative excursions of δ13C and δ34Spy pairs suggest hydrothermal activities were likely responsible for the isotopic changes. Under such a circumstance, vast amounts of greenhouse gases(CO2, CH4, H2S), with highly 13C-depleted carbon and 34S-depleted sulfur would be released into the ocean and atmosphere. A positive shift in δ34Scas and Δ34S values from the late Ediacaran to the Early Cambrian could be a reflection of enhanced bacterial sulfate reduction(BSR), strengthened by the intensified oceanic anoxia stimulated by hydrothermal activities. Based on the analyses of sedimentology and geochemistry, a model- “oceanic anoxia induced by hydrothermal–volcanic activies” was proposed to responsible for the formation of black chert-shales during this E-C transition. Under this case, hydrothermal-volcanic activies could release large large amount of greenhouse into atmosphere and metal micronutrients into the ocean, which may lead to global warming, stratified ocean, thereby a high palaeoproductivity; on the other hand, the massive releasing of reduced hydrothermal fluids with abundant H2S, could have in turn enhanced the ocean anoxia. All of these were favourable the for preservation of organic matter, and subsequent extensive deposition of black silica-shales.


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Post-collisional, potassic igneous rocks are widely distributed in the Hoh Xil area of the northern Tibetan Plateau. Based on the field work, petrography, mineral chemistry, K-Ar geochronology, element and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope geochemistry, this thesis systematically studied the spatial and temporal distribution of the volcanic rocks, chemical characteristics, formation mechanism and partial melting mechanism of the magma source region, geodynamic setting of magmatism, as well as crustal assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC). The results show that: 1. The Miocene (7.77-17.82 Ma) volcanic products dominantly are trachandesite and trachy, and subordinate rhyolites, associated with stike-slip faults and thrust faults, formed morphology of small lava platforms and cinder cones. 2. Phenocrysts in the lavas are augite, andesine, sanidine, calcic amphibole and subordinate orthopyroxene, biotite and Ti-Fe oxides, displaying typical quench texture. Equilibrium temperatures and pressures of clinopyroxene phenocrysts indicate the magma chamber is located in upper-middle crust. 3. Rhyolites are the products of crustal melting and fractionation of shoshonitic magmas. The source region of intermediate magmas is enriched continental lithospheric mantle, which contains residual minerals such as phlogopite, rutile and spinel, and enriched by subducted sediments during earlier multi-episodes of subduction. 4. Upwelling of asthenosphere provides heat for source region melting, and faults provide channels for magma eruption. 5. Northward underthrusting of Indian continental lithosphere and southward of backstop of Asian continental lithosphere resulted in upwelling of hot asthenosphere. Geochemical characteristics of the potassic magmatism in North Tibet are dominantly controlled by source region composition, partial melting, and crustal assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC).


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There are many Archean TTG grey suites in the Wutaishan area, northern Shanxi Province, China. In the past one hundred years, many geologists have done excellent research work in the Wutaishan and its adjacent regions. However, the TTG suites were almost neglected. Located in the northern slope of Mt. Hengshan-namely the Archean Hengshan Island Arc, intruded the Zhujiafang supercrustal rocks at almost 2.5Ga, the Yixingzhai TTG Suite is originated from partial melting of the ancient lower crust upper mantle by REE and trace elements, and the emplacement occurred in an Archean island arc. The rocks are mainly of tonalitic, I type, and calc-alkaline trends are found in the magmatic evolution. At almost 1.8 Ga, the suite was transformed to be dome-like schists in an arc-arc collision event, and the rocks were metamorphosed to an extent of amphibolitic to granulitic facies. The peak metamorphic condition is of 710-760 ℃/0.68-0.72GPa, and the subsequent cooling history is recorded as 560-620 ℃/0.46-0.60GPa. In the center of the Mt. Wutaishan-known as the Archean Wutaishan Island Arc, intruded the Archean Chechang-Beitai TTG Suite, which is of 2.5Ga old and of trondhjemitic and tonalitic, with coexisting I- and S-types and a trondhjemitic magmatic evolution trend. Through REE and trace elements, the suite is believed to be from the partial melting of the ancient lower crust or upper mantle. The 1.8 Ga collision event also made the suite gneissic and the it was metamorphosed to be amphibolitic facies, whose peak condition is approximately of 680 (±50) ℃/0.7Gpa, and the subsequent cooling process is recorded as 680 (±50) ℃、550(±50) ℃、420(±10) ℃. Crustal growth is fulfilled through magmatic intrusion as well as eruption at about 2.5Ga, arc-arc collision at about 1.8 Ga in the Wutaishan area and its environs. Additionally, the biotite-muscovite and muscovite-plagioclase geothermometers are refined, and the biotite-hornblende geothermometer is developed in this dissertation.


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The study of regional crustal stability of active tectonic region basically includes analysis of recent activity of Earth's crust, single factor assessment, study of complexity, and comprehensive assessment of crust stability. In this thesis, some work are made as follows: · Based on abundant data from gravity field, aeromagnetic survey, magnetism, magnetotelluric deep sounding, remote sensing and geotectonic as well as earthquakes observed in recent years around this region and adjacent zones, we can get a through understanding about the structural features and activity of the earth's crust in Chuan-Dian region. The results from explosion earthquake and telluric electromagnetic sounding are consistent with the structural features of the crust manifested by the geophysical field. The data of deep geologic structures are important for us to work out a vivid three-dimensional model of the earth's crustal structure of the Jinsha River region. According to a synthesis, the author of this thesis proposes some indicators for dividing the faulted blocks. It can also be inferred that the movement of the Chuan-Dian faulted block, which is the relatively active part of southwestern China, is controlled by the boundary faults, and the intensive activity and deformation are concentrated along the boundaries of the block. · Mainly discussing respectively the mechanism and laws of active faults, earthquakes, and geological hazards activity, and their influences on the stability and security of engineering, also trying to probe into the way to assess the risk of single factor in this section. Especially with the method of fractal geometry, the thesis has discussed how to study the complexity of each factor. These geologic hazards which are distributed at the uppermost part of the crust in this region form a typical mountainous set of the active tectonic areas. The results of survey show that some slopes are liable- to -sliding with a weak layer of low shear strength. Occurrences of landslides are to a great extent related to local geological structures, in particular active faults. This is why numerous landslides have occurred simultaneously around the epicenter of a strong earthquake or the center of a strong rainfall, which are related to active faults. · The analysis of the crustal stability is based on a regional grid division, and a fuzzy comprehensive analysis method is used to determine the grade of the quality in each grid. The evaluation factors and their weights are taken from the results of the hierarchical analysis. The evaluation indexes consist of qualitative and quantitative ones. The qualitative ones can be quantified through the experts weighing system, while the quantitative ones can be obtained from statistical analysis. For quality grades, four levels are used: stable, essentially stable, sub-stable, and unstable. The results of the evaluation on Jinshajiang region demonstrate that the crustal stability become distinctly worse in the areas controlled by active deep faults. Therefore, detailed investigations on the active faulting and geologic hazards, include earthquake activity are especially necessary for those areas adjacent to the deep fault belts. On the bases of the data available and the survey results, we have made a preliminary assessment for the construction conditions and adaptability of every planned site in the middle or lower reaches of Jinsha River. Finally, the thesis prospected the vista of the study of crustal stability.


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The dissertation focuses on the petrology, geochemistry of the volcanic rocks in east Tibet and southeast Yunnan. It lucubrates the Magmatic process, forming mechanism and the possible tectonic settings of the volcanic rocks. The volcanic rocks of Nangqen basin in east Tibet, Qinghai province are mainly Cenozoic intermediate-acid shoshonites. The rocks are LREE enriched and the LREE/HREE = 3~34; (La/Yb)_N = 18.17-53.59, and ΣREE 222~1260μg/g. There are no Eu anomaly, and Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, Ti are markedly depleted. The isotopic composition is ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr = 0.70497~0.70614, ~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb = 18.622~18.974, ~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb = 38.431~38.996, ~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb = 15.511~15.613, respectively. K-Ar age of the whole rocks and the single mineral are between 32.0-36.5Ma. Based on the trace elements and isotopic elements, we get the conclusion that the partial melting is one of the dominated forming mechanisms for the volcanic rocks in Naneqen basin. The magma did not experience the crustal contamination en route to the surface; however, the complex mixture took place in the upper mantle before the melt was formed. There are at least two kinds of mixed sources that can be identified. The basalt in southeast Yunnan province is studied. They are distributed in Maguan, Tongguan, and Pingbian County, which is located on the both sides of the Red River belt, and the ultrabasic xenolith are cursory introduced. The volcanic rocks belongs to the alkali series, which can be subdivided into trachybasalt and basanite(Ol normal molecule >5). The volcanic rocks are characteristics by high Ti and low Mg#. According to the magma calculation model, the original rocks of the basalt in southeast Yunnan province are Spinel Lherzolite in Tongguan, Garnet Lherzolite in Pingbian and Maguan, while Togguan undergoes 2-5 percent and percent of partial melting, whereas volcanism in Maguan and Pingbian was so complex to calculate. The fractional crystallization took place during the magma evoltion in southeast Yunnan. The basalt is enriched in LREE with LREE/HREE=9.23-20.19. All of the trace elements display weak Nb, Ta peak, and the depletion of Zr, Hf and Ti in Maguan and pingbian represent the presence of Garnet in the source. The composition of the isotope ratio are ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr = 0.70333-0.70427, ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd = 0.512769-0.512940, ~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb = 18.104-18.424, ~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb = 15.483 -15.527; ~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb = 37.938-38.560, respectively, which shows the characteristics of the HIMU type OIB. The volcanic rocks of the southwest Yunnan are derived from the enriched, OIB type mantle sources by synthesizing all the data from trace and isotope elements. It is similar to that of the volcanic rocks in Hawaii, a typical kind of the mixtures of the recycled oceanic crust plume and depleted asthenosphere. To sum up, the volcanic rocks in southeast Yunnan are formed by the intraplate hotpot volcanism.


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Jiaodong Peninsula is the largest repository of gold in China. Varieties of studies have been involved in the mechanism of metallogenesis. This thesis is a part of the project "Study of basic geology related to the prespecting of the supra-large deposits" which supported by National Climbing Program of China to Prof. Zhou. One of the key scientific problems is to study the age and metallogenic dynamics of ore deposit and to understand how interaction between mantle and crust constrains on metallogenesis and lithogenesis. As Jiaodong Peninsula to be study area, the Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd and Pb isotopic systematics of pyrite and altered rocks are measured to define the age and origin of gold. The elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions of dikes and granites was studied to implicate the source and lithogenesis of the dike and granite and removal of lithosphere and the interaction between mantle and crust in the Jiaodong Peninsula. Considering the tectonic of Jiaodong Peninsula, basic on the time and space, this thesis gives a metallogenic dynamics of gold mineralization and discusses the constraints of the interaction between mantle and crust on the metallogenesis and lithogenesis. This thesis reports the first direct Rb-Sr dating of pyrites and ores using sub-sampling from lode gold deposit in Linglong, Jiaodong Peninsula and the results demonstrate this as a useful geochronological technique for gold mineralization with poor age constraint. The Rb-Sr data of pyrites yields an isochron age of (121.6-122.7) Ma, whereas, those of ore and ore-pyrite spread in two ranges from 120.0 to 121.8 Ma and 110.0-111.7 Ma. Studies of characteristic of gold deposit, microscopy of pyrite and quartz indicate that the apparent ages of ore and ore-pyrite are not isochron ages, it was only mixed by two end members, i.e., the primitive hydrothermal fluids and wall rocks. However, the isochron age of pyrite samples constrains the age of gold mineralization, i.e., early Cretaceous, which is in good consistence with the published U-Pb ages of zircon by using the SHRIMP technique. The whole rock Rb-Sr isochron age of altered rocks indicates that the age of gold mineralizing in the Xincheng gold deposit is 116.6 ± 5.3 Ma. The Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions of pyrite and altered rocks indicate that the gold and relevant elements were derived from multi-sources, i.e. dikes derived from enriched lithospheric mantle and granites, granodiorites and metamorphic rocks outcropped on the crust. It also shows that the hydrothermal fluids derived from mantle magma degassing had play an important role in the gold mineralizing. The major and trace elements, Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data of granites and granodiorites suggest that the Linglong Granite and Kunyushan Granite were derived from partial melting of basement rocks in the Jiaodong Peninsula at post-collision of North China Craton with South China Craton. Guojialing Granodiorite was considered to be derived from a mixture source, that is, mixed by magmas derived from an enriched lithospheric mantle and crust during the delamination of lithosphere induced by the subduction of Izanagi Plate and the movement of Tancheng-Lujiang Fault. There are kinds of dikes occurred in the Jiaodong Peninsula, which are accompanying with gold mineralization in time and space. The dikes include gabrro, diabase, pyroxene diorite, gabrrophyre, granite-porphyry, and aplite. The whole rock K-Ar ages give two age intervals: 120-124 Ma for the dikes that erupted at the gold mineralizing stage, and <120 Ma of the dikes that intruded after gold mineralizing. According to the age and the relationship between the dikes and gold mineralizing, the dikes could be divided into two groups: Group I (t = 120-124 Ma) and Group II (t < 120Ma). Group I dikes show the high Mg and K, low Ti contents, negative Nb anomalies and positive Eu anomalies, high ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr and negative εNd(t) values and an enrichment in light rare earth elements, large ion lithosphile elements and a depletion in high field strength elements. Thus the elemental and isotopic characteristics of the Group I dikes indicate that they were derived from an enriched lithospheric mantle perhaps formed by metasomatism of the melt derived from the recycled crustal materials during the deep subduction of continent. In contrast, the Group II dikes have high Ti, Mg and K contents, no negative Nb anomalies, high ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr and positive or little negative εNd(t) values, which indicate the derivation from a source like OIB-source. The geochemical features also give the tectonic constraints of dikes, which show that Group I dikes were formed at continental arc setting, whereas Group II dikes were formed within plate background. Considering the tectonic setting of Jiaodong Peninsula during the period of gold mineralizing, the metallogenic dynamics was related to the subduction of Izanagi Plate, movement of Tancheng-Lujiang Fault and removal of lithopheric mantle during Late Mesozoic Era.