92 resultados para Manipulation néonatale


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Supported lipid membranes consisting of self-assembled alkanethiol and lipid monolayers on gold substrates could be produced by three different deposition methods: the Langmuir-Blodgett (L-B) technique, the painted method, and the paint-freeze method, By using cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry/chronocoulometry and a.c. impedance measurements, we demonstrated that lipid membranes prepared by these three deposition methods had obvious differences in specific capacitance, resistance and thickness. The specific capacitance of lipid membranes prepared by depositing an L-B monolayer on the alkanethiol alkylated surfaces was 0.53 mu Fcm(-2), 0.44 mu Fcm(-2) by the painted method and 0.68 mu Fcm(-2) by the paint-freeze method. The specific conductivity of lipid membranes prepared by the L-B method was over three times lower than that of the painted lipid membranes, while that of the paint-freeze method was the lowest. The difference among the three types of lipid membranes was ascribed to the influence of the organic solvent in lipid films and the changes in density of the films. The lipid membranes prepared by the usual painted method contained a trace amount of the organic solvent. The organic solvent existing in the hydrocarbon core of the membrane reduced the density of the membrane and increased the thickness of the membrane. The membrane prepared by depositing an L-B monolayer containing no solvent had higher density and the lowest fluidity, and the thickness of the membrane was smaller. The lipid membrane prepared by the paint-freeze method changed its structure sharply at the lower temperature. The organic solvent was frozen out of the membrane while the density of the membrane increased greatly. All these caused the membrane to exist in a ''tilted'' state and the thickness of this membrane was the smallest. The lipid membrane produced by the paint-freeze method was a membrane not containing organic solvent. This method was easier in manipulation and had better reproducibility than that of the usual painting method and the method of forming free-standing lipid film. The solvent-free membrane had a long lifetime and a higher mechanical stability. This model membrane would be useful in many areas of scientific research.


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The population of Undaria pinnatifida in its ecologic niche sustains itself in high temperature summer in the form of vegetative gametophytes, the haploid stage in its heteromorphic life cycle. Gametogenesis initiates when seawater temperature drops below the threshold levels in autumn in the northern hemisphere. Given that the temperature may fall into the appropriate range for gametogenesis, the level of irradiance determines the final destiny of a gametophytic cell, either undergoing vegetative cell division or initiating gametogenesis. In elucidating how vegetatively propagated gametophytes cope with changes of irradiance in gametogenesis, we carried out a series of culture experiments and found that a direct exposure to irradiance as high as 270 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1) was lethal to dim-light (7-10 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1)) adapted male and female gametophytes. This lethal effect was linearly corelated with the exposure time. However, dim-light adapted vegetative gametophytes were shown to be able tolerate as high as 420 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1) if the irradiance was steadily increased from dim light levels (7-10 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1)) to 90, 180 and finally 420 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1), respectively, at a minimum of 1-3 h intervals. Percentage of female gametophytic cells that turned into oogonia and were eventually fertilized was significantly higher if cultured at higher but not lethal irradiances. Findings of this investigation help to understand the dynamic changes of population size of sporophytic plants under different light climates at different site-specific ecologic niches. It may help to establish specific technical details of manipulation of light during mass production of seedlings by use of vegetatively propagated gametophytes.


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A simple, inexpensive and efficient method was developed for rapid isolation of total genomic DNA from 15 red algal species. It resulted in 0.1 mug high quality DNA from 1 mg fresh algal material, with an A(260)/A(280) ratio of 1.68 - 1.90. Using this rapidly isolated DNA, the 18S ribosomal RNA genes ( rDNA) and the nuclear ribosomal DNA of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions were amplified. The tested DNA was suitable for restriction endonuclease digestion, genetic marker analysis and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification, and may be valid for other genetic manipulation.


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Molecular biotechnology of marine algae is referred to as the biotechnology on the identification, modification, production and utilization of marine algal molecules. It involves not only the manipulation of macromolecules such as DNA, RNA and proteins, but also deals with low molecular weight compounds such as secondary metabolites. In the last decade, molecular systematic researches to investigate the relationship and to examine the evolutionary divergence among Chinese marine algae have been carried out by Chinese scientists. For example, RAPD has been widely used in several laboratories to elucidate genetic variations of the reds, such as Porphyra, Gracilaria, Grateloupia and the greens such as Ulva and Enteromorpha. Some important data have been obtained. The study on molecular genetic markers for strain improvement is now in progress. In 1990s, genetic engineering of economic seaweeds such as Laminaria, Undaria, Porphyra, Gracilaria and Grateloupia has been studied in China. For Laminaria japonica, the successfully cultivated kelp in China, a model transformation system has been set up based on the application of plant genetic techniques and knowledge of the algal life history. Progress has been made recently in incorporating a vaccine gene into kelp genome. Evidence has been provided showing the expression of gene products as detectable vaccines. In the present paper, the progress of molecular biotechnological studies of marine algae in China, especially researches on elucidating and manipulating nucleic acids of marine algae, are reviewed.


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Chromosome manipulation for commercially valuable marine animals plays an important role in aquaculture. The special reproductive characteristics of shrimp make it difficult to control fertilization and synchronize egg development, so research on chromosome manipulation in shrimp has proceeded very slowly. In the present study, triploid shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis were induced by heat shocks and the optimal-inducing condition was screened at different spawning temperatures. Level of triploid induction for each treatment was evaluated by flow cytometry at nauplius stage. The highest level of triploid induction reached to more than 90%. Starting time for each treatment was very crucial for triploid induction in shrimp. One optimal treatment condition for triploid induction was heat shock (29-32 degreesC), starting at 18-20 min for duration of 10 min. These conditions varied depending on the temperature at spawning. Triploid level at embryo stage and nauplius stage was not different, suggesting the same hatching rate between diploids and triploids. Heat shock is a very effective way to induce triploids in this species, and can be easily used on large scale without any harmful effect on the environment as compared with chemical treatment. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the current abalone hatchery in China, insufficient diatoms on vertically placed corrugated pvc plates at later stage often could not support the growth of postlarvae up to the stage that they can feed on live macroalgae. As a result, stripping the spats (35 mm) off by anaesthetization and switching the diet from live diatoms to artificial powdered diet in combination has to be performed in most of the abalone farms. This manipulation normally leads to more than 50% mortality. Here we report the direct use of the unicellular green alga Platymonas helgolandica Kylin var. tsingtaoensis as a potential alga to be used to settle the veliger larvae of the Pacific abalone Haliotis discus hannai and to feed the postlarvae. Settlement rate of 2-day-old veliger larvae in mono culture of P helgolandica could be as high as 92% ( +/- 4.2%) on day 10 in small scale trials, higher than that in the selected benthic diatom strain (53.6% +/- 12.7%) when settled in the water in which bacteria propagation was controlled by treatment of 2 ppm of benzylpenicillinum calcium and streptomycin sulfate. Postlarvae fed solely on P. helgolandica or the selected benthic diatom Navicula-2005-A grew at rates of 40.1 ( +/- 1.9) and 45.8 (+/- 13.4) mu m day(-1), respectively, when raised at 22 degrees C until day 50 postfertilization. P. helgolandica was shown to have distinct diurnal settling rhythm characterized with a peak of settled cells in the middle of the night for cell division and a peak of free-swimming cells in the middle of the day. High density of attached P. helgolandica cells on the inner surface of the culture facility in the night fits the nocturnal feeding behavior of the abalone spats. Judged by the promising larvae settling rate, growth and survival rates of the postlarvae fed with this alga, the free-swimming micro-green alga P. helgolandica constitutes a potential species for settling the veliger larvae and for supporting the growth of postlarvae as well. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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An efficient conjugation method has been developed for the marine Actinomyces sp. isolate M048 to facilitate the genetic manipulation of the chandrananimycin biosynthesis gene cluster. A phi C31-derived integration vector pIJ8600 containing oriT and attP fragments was introduced into strain M048 by bi-parental conjugation from Escherichia coli ET12567 to strain M048. Transformation efficiency was (6.38 +/- 0.41) x 10(-5) exconjugants per recipient spore. Analysis of eight exconjugants showed that the plasmid pIJ8600 was stably integrated at a single chromosomal site (attB) of the Actinomyces genome. The DNA sequence of the attB was cloned and shown to be conserved. The results of antimicrobial activity analysis indicated that the insertion of plasmid pIJ8600 seemed to affect the biosynthesis of antibiotics that could strongly inhibit the growth of E. coli and Mucor miehei (Tu284). HPLC-MS analysis of the extracts indicated that disruption of the attB site resulted in the complete abolition of chandrananimycin A-C production, proving the identity of the gene cluster. Instead of chandrananimycins, two bafilomycins were produced through disruption of the attB site from the chromosomal DNA of marine Actinomyces sp. M048.


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In this study, at proper dosage of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation (180 sec: 36,000 erg/mm(2)), sperm chromosomes of left-eyed flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, were inactivated, while spermatozoa maintained ability to move and inseminate eggs. Gynogenetic haploids were detected by morphological observation, chromosome counting, and flow cytometer analysis. The ultrastructure of treated sperm was observed under scanning electronic microscope (SEM) and transmission electronic microscope (TEM). The results showed that after being irradiated at lower dosage of irradiation (0-180 sec: 0-36,000 erg/mm(2)), the surface structure of spermatozoa was not affected by UV irradiation, while the inner structures including membrane system and karyoplasm denseness of treated spermatozoa were little changed. However, obvious changes were observed in their membrane system, mitochondria, and nucleus if the dosage of irradiation increased to 240 sec: 48,000 erg/mm(2) or 300 sec: 60,000 erg/mm(2). The sperm survival rates did not change at the lower dosages of the UV irradiation (0-180 sec: 0-36,000 erg/mm(2)) but decreased as the irradiation dosage increased. The motility of treated sperm was lower than that of control group in general but did not change with UV irradiation dosage increasing at the certain range of 0-300 sec: 0-60,000 erg/mm(2).


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Phosphorus recoveries from selected inorganic and organic P-containing compounds after ignition with auxiliaries, such as MgSO4, Mg (NO3)(2), MgCl2, Mg (Ac)(2) and CaCl2 were studied. It was found that the phosphorus could not be completely recovered when most P-containing compounds were ignited with MgSO4 at temperature not higher than 500degreesC if the baked residue was extracted with 0.2 mol/L HCl for 30 min at 80degreesC or at room temperature. In contrast, MgCl2, Mg(Ac)(2) and CaCl2, as well as Mg(NO3)(2), could all yield complete P recoveries. We suggest that MgCl2 rather than MgSO4, which is usually used, should be utilized as ashing auxiliary agent in the P extraction by ignition method. Although Mg (NO3)(2) is a highly effective auxiliary agent, yet interference from MgSO4, danger of explosion, toxicity of nitrogen dioxide and more manipulation steps may limit its widespread utilization. It is suggested that if sediment is ignited with MgCl2, the extraction of residue with 0.2 mol/L HCl for 30 min at 80degreesC could give good result.


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Whether climate change will turn cold biomes from large long-term carbon sinks into sources is hotly debated because of the great potential for ecosystem-mediated feedbacks to global climate. Critical are the direction, magnitude and generality of climate responses of plant litter decomposition. Here, we present the first quantitative analysis of the major climate-change-related drivers of litter decomposition rates in cold northern biomes worldwide. Leaf litters collected from the predominant species in 33 global change manipulation experiments in circum-arctic-alpine ecosystems were incubated simultaneously in two contrasting arctic life zones. We demonstrate that longer-term, large-scale changes to leaf litter decomposition will be driven primarily by both direct warming effects and concomitant shifts in plant growth form composition, with a much smaller role for changes in litter quality within species. Specifically, the ongoing warming-induced expansion of shrubs with recalcitrant leaf litter across cold biomes would constitute a negative feedback to global warming. Depending on the strength of other (previously reported) positive feedbacks of shrub expansion on soil carbon turnover, this may partly counteract direct warming enhancement of litter decomposition.


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This paper describes the simultaneous determination of allantoin, quercetin, and 1-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-beta-carboline-3-carboxylic acid (MTCCA) in Nitraria tangutorum Bobr seed by HPLC-APCI-MS and CE (capillary electrophoresis) methods. The final optimized chromatographic conditions were investigated in a reversed-phase Eclipse XDB-C8 column (150 x 4.6 mm, 5 mu m). A seventeen-minute gradient elution, (A: aqueous acetonitrile 20% (v/v); B: aqueous acetonitrile 60% (v/v); C: pure acetonitrile 100%) at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min was selected for the separation of three natural products with diode array detection (DAD) at 220 nm. A CE experiment was carried out in a fused silica capillary with 32 mmol/L boric acid (pH 10), 32 mmol/L SDS and acetonitrile (10.0%, v/v). The applied potential and temperature was, respectively, set at 19 kV and 25 degrees C. After development, the validation was performed in parallel for HPLC and CE, with the same standards and sample to avoid differences due to the manipulation. The validation parameters of both techniques were adequate for the intended purpose.


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Synthesis efforts that identify patterns of ecosystem response to a suite of warming manipulations can make important contributions to climate change science. However, cross-study comparisons are impeded by the paucity of detailed analyses of how passive warming and other manipulations affect microclimate. Here we document the independent and combined effects of a common passive warming manipulation, open-top chambers (OTCs), and a simulated widespread land use, clipping, on microclimate on the Tibetan Plateau. OTCs consistently elevated growing season averaged mean daily air temperature by 1.0-2.0 degrees C, maximum daily air temperature by 2.1-7.3 degrees C and the diurnal air temperature range by 1.9-6.5 degrees C, with mixed effects on minimum daily air temperature, and mean daily soil temperature and moisture. These OTC effects on microclimate differ from reported effects of a common active warming method, infrared heating, which has more consistent effects on soil than on air temperature. There were significant interannual and intragrowing season differences in OTC effects on microclimate. For example, while OTCs had mixed effects on growing season averaged soil temperatures, OTCs consistently elevated soil temperature by approximately 1.0 degrees C early in the growing season. Nonadditive interactions between OTCs and clipping were also present: OTCs in clipped plots generally elevated air and soil temperatures more than OTCs in nonclipped plots. Moreover, site factors dynamically interacted with microclimate and with the efficacy of the OTC manipulations.These findings highlight the need to understand differential microclimate effects between warming methods, within warming method across ecosystem sites, within warming method crossed with other treatments, and within sites over various timescales. Methods, sites and scales are potential explanatory variables and covariables in climate warming experiments. Consideration of this variability among and between experimental warming studies will lead to greater understanding and better prediction of ecosystem response to anthropogenic climate warming.


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