76 resultados para MOUTH-BREATHING


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The abundance and biomass of ciliated protozoa and copepod nauplii were investigated at 21 grid stations and two anchored stations in the Laizhou Bay, Bohai Sea, China in June 1998. Dilution incubations were carried out to investigate micro-zooplankton grazing pressure at the anchored stations during spring tide and neap tide. The dominant species were Tintinnopsis amoyensis, T. chinglanensis, T. pallida and aloricate ciliates. A total of 13 species of tintinnids were found. The total abundance of ciliates and nauplii ranged from 30 to 2390 ind l(-1) at grid stations. Tintinnopsis amoyensis was the only ciliate found at the anchored stations and in concentrations which varied from 0 to 6700 ind l(-1). The spatial distribution of ciliates was patchy. Tintinnopsis amoyensis and T. pallida were distributed in the Weihe River mouth and Xiaoqinghe River mouth respectively. The aloricate ciliates, T. chinglanensis and Codonellopsis ostenfeldi dominated offshore in sequence. The water mixing process may affect the spatial pattern of the dominant ciliate species. The abundance and biomass of copepod nauplii were in the range of 0-140 ind l(-1) and 0-7 mu g C l(-1) respectively, with the peak appearing at grid station 15. The total biomass of ciliates and copepod nauplii was in the range of 1(.)5-25 mu g C l(-1). Water column biomass of ciliates and nauplii varied from 2(.)37 to 52(.)3 mg C m(-2). At the anchored stations, the phytoplankton growth rates ranged from undetectable to 0 21 d(-1) and micro-zooplankton grazing rates from 0 13 to 0(.)57 d(-1). The grazing pressure of micro-zooplankton were 12 to 43% of the chlorophyll standing stock and 84 to 267% of the chlorophyll (C) 2000 Academic Press.


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Organic carbon (OC), total nitrogen (TN), and Pb-210 in core sediment were measured to quantify the burial of organic carbon and the relative importance of allochthonous and autochthonous contributions during the past one hundred years in Jiaozhou Bay, North China. The core sediment was dated using Pb-210 chronology, which is the most promising method for estimation of sedimentation rate on a time scale of 100-150 years. The variation of the burial flux of organic carbon in the past one hundred years can be divided into the following three stages: (1) relatively steady before 1980s; (2) increasing rapidly from the 1980s to a peak in the 1990s, and (3) decreasing from the 1990s to the present. The change is consistent with the amount of solid waste and sewage emptied into the bay. The OC:TN ratio was used to evaluate the source of organic carbon in the Jiaozhou Bay sediment. In the inner bay and bay mouth, the organic carbon was the main contributor from terrestrial sources, whereas only about half of organic carbon was contributed from terrestrial source in the outer bay. In the inner bay, the terrestrial source of organic carbon showed a steady change with an increase in the range of 69%-77% before 1990 to 93% in 2000, and then decreased from 2000 because of the decrease in the terrestrial input. In the bay mouth, the percentage of organic carbon from land reached the highest value with 94% in 1994. In the outer bay, the sediment source maintained steady for the past one hundred years.


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The seasonal evolution of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and CO2 air-sea fluxes in the Jiaozhou Bay was investigated by means of a data set from four cruises covering a seasonal cycle during 2003 and 2004. The results revealed that DIC had no obvious seasonal variation, with an average concentration of 2035 mu mol kg(-1) C in surface water. However, the sea surface partial pressure of CO2 changed with the season. pCO(2) was 695 mu atm in July and 317 mu atm in February. Using the gas exchange coefficient calculated with Wanninkhof's model, it was concluded that the Jiaozhou Bay was a source of atmospheric CO, in spring, summer, and autumn, whereas it was a sink in winter. The Jiaozhou Bay released 2.60 x 10(11) mmol C to the atmosphere in spring, 6.18 x 10(11) mmol C in summer, and 3.01 x 10(11) mmol C in autumn, whereas it absorbed 5.32 x 10(10) mmol C from the atmosphere in winter. A total of 1.13 x 10(11) mmol C was released to the atmosphere over one year. The behaviour as a carbon source/sink obviously varied in the different regions of the Jiaozhou Bay. In February, the inner bay was a carbon sink, while the bay mouth and the Outer bay were carbon sources. In June and July, the inner and Outer bay were carbon sources, but the strength was different, increasing from the inner to the outer bay. In November, the inner bay was a carbon source, but the bay Mouth was a carbon sink. The outer bay was a weaker CO2 Source. These changes are controlled by many factors, the most important being temperature and phytoplankton. Water temperature in particular was the main factor controlling the carbon dioxide system and the behaviour of the Jiaozhou Bay as a carbon source/sink. The Jiaozhou Bay is a carbon dioxide source when the water temperature is higher than 6.6 degrees C. Otherwise, it is a carbon sink. Phytoplankton is another controlling factor that may play an important role in behaviour as a carbon source or sink in regions where the source or sink nature is weaker.


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The concentration of suspended particulate matter (SPM), sedimentation flux, and various forms of phosphorus and silica in turbidity maximum zone (TMZ) in the Changjiang (Yangtze) estuary was studied. Based on the budget of P and Si, their mass balances in the TMZ were calculated. Results show that the variation in concentration of dissolved inorganic silicon (DISi) was mainly controlled by seawater dilution, while that of dissolved inorganic phosphor-us (DIP) was considerably affected by the buffering of suspended matter and sediment. Our experiments showed that the sedimentation fluxes of SPM and particulate inorganic phosphorus (PIP), total particulate phosphorus (TPP), particulate inorganic silicon (PISi), and biological silicon (BSi) in the TMZ were 238.4 g m(-2) d(-1) and 28.3, 43.1, 79.0, 63.0 mg m(-2) d(-1), respectively. In addition, a simple method to estimate the ratio of resuspension of sediment in the TMZ was established, with which the rate in surface and bottom waters of the TMZ accounted for 55.7 and 66.1% of the total SPM, respectively, indicating that the sediment resuspension in the TMZ influenced significantly the mass balances of P and Si. Particulate adsorbed P (60.8%) and 35.5% of total particulate P discharged from the river were filtered and then deposited in the TMZ. The input flux of PIP from the river mouth was 55.9% of that of DIP, being important as biologically available P, while that of PISi was only 3.5% of DISi, showing that particulate adsorbed Si was much less important than particulate adsorbed P. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A cruise was undertaken from 3rd to 8th November 2004 in Changjiang (Yangtze) River Estuary and its adjacent waters to investigate the spatial biomass distribution and size composition of phytoplankton. Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration ranged 0.42-1.17 mu g L-1 and 0.41-10.43 mu g L-1 inside and outside the river mouth, with the mean value 0.73 mu g L-1 and 1.86 mu g L-1, respectively. Compared with the Chl-a concentration in summer of 2004, the mean value was much lower inside, and a little higher outside the river mouth. The maximal Chl-a was 10.43 mu g L-1 at station 18 (122.67 degrees E, 31.25 degrees N), and the region of high Chl-a concentration was observed in the central survey area between 122.5 degrees E and 123.0 degrees E. In the stations located east of 122.5 degrees E, Chl-a concentration was generally high in the upper layers above 5 m due to water stratification. In the survey area, the average Chl-a in sizes of > 20 mu m and < 20 mu m was 0.28 mu g L-1 and 1.40 mu g L-1, respectively. High Chl-a concentration of < 20 mu m size-fraction indicated that the nanophytoplankton and picophytoplankton contributed the most to the biomass of phytoplankton. Skeletonema costatum, Prorocentrum micans and Scrippsiella trochoidea were the dominant species in surface water. The spatial distribution of cell abundance of phytoplankton was patchy and did not agree well with that of Chl-a, as the cell abundance could not distinguish the differences in shape and size of phytoplankton cells. Nitrate and silicate behaved conservatively, but the former could probably be the limitation factor to algal biomass at offshore stations. The distribution of phosphate scattered considerably, and its relation to the phytoplankton biomass was complicated.


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The spatial distribution of stage-specific abundance and reproduction of the copepod Paracalanus parvus were studied from October 2005 to September 2006 in the Jiaozhou Bay. This copepod occurred continuously in this bay throughout the year. The species reached the lowest abundance in April and peaked in June. From October to December, distribution center mainly occurred in offshore water and at the mouth of the bay. In winter, early copepodites and adults gradually decreased and till February, most of the population was only comprised of CIV-CV stages. Overwintering copepodites matured in March and males tended to mature before female. From May to September, each stage occurred in the population and gradually reached high abundance. Temperature and chlorophyll a (Chl-a) concentration in the three stations can't clearly explain the seasonal variation in stage-specific abundance, so we surmised the important effect of the Yellow Sea. Egg production rate (EPR) reached its lowest in winter and peaked in June at 60.8 eggs female(-1) day(-1) in nearshore water. In the warming period, EPR in nearshore water was statistically higher and EPR > 10 eggs female(-1) day(-1) lasted longer than that in offshore water, showing the importance of nearshore water for recruitment of R parvus. Our study showed that EPR was positively related to temperature and total chlorophyll a in offshore water and mouth of the bay. In nearshore water, the relationships between EPR and temperature and Chl-a in three size fractions were not the same as those in offshore water, suggesting complicated ecosystem in such a eutrophic area in warming period. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nutrient input from the Changjiang River (Yangtze River) has been increasing dramatically since the 1960s. At the mouth of the Changjiang River, the nitrate concentration has increased about three-fold in 40 years, from 20.5 mu mol/L in the 1960s to 59.1 mu mol/L in the 1980s and to 80.6 mu mol/L in 1990-2004. Phosphate concentration increased by a factor of 30%, from 0.59 mu mol/L in the 1980s to 0.77 mu mol/L in 1990-2004. The increasing nitrate input has arisen mostly from the mid and lower reaches of the Changjiang River, where the river meets one of the most strongly developed agriculture areas in China. Responses of the coastal phytoplankton community to the increasing nutrient inputs are also seen in the available monitoring data. First, a trend of increasing phytoplankton standing stock from 1984 to 2002 appeared in the Changjiang River estuary and adjacent coastal waters, especially in late spring. Secondly, the proportion of diatoms in the whole phytoplankton community showed a decreasing trend from about 85% in 1984 to about 60% in 2000. Finally, red tides/harmful algal blooms increased dramatically in this area in terms of both number and scale. About 30-80 red tide events were recorded each year from 2000 to 2005 in the East China Sea. The scale of some blooms has been in excess of 10,000 km(2). (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Both nitrate (NO (3) (-) ) and soluble reactive phosphate (PO (4) (3-) ) concentration in the freshwater end-member at the mouth of the Changjiang River have increased dramatically since the 1960s. Within the same period in the sea area, with surface salinity > 30, NO (3) (-) concentration has shown an obvious increase, PO (4) (3-) has not changed greatly and dissolved reactive silica (SiO (3) (2-) ) has deceased dramatically. An examination of the elemental ratio of NO (3) (-) to PO (4) (3-) at the mouth of the Changjiang River did not show a systematic trend from the 1960s to 2000s largely because both nutrients increased simultaneously. In comparison, the elemental ratio of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) to PO (4) (3-) in surface seawater, with salinity > 22, has shown a clearly increasing trend. Furthermore, an overall historical change of the SiO (3) (2-) :PO (4) (3-) ratio has undergone a reverse trend in this area. Based on the changes of SiO (3) (2-) :PO (4) (3-) and DIN:PO (4) (3-) ratios, we can conclude that an overall historical change of SiO (3) (2-) :DIN ratio has decreased in this area from the 1950-1960s to 2000s. The argument that phytoplankton productivity in the Changjiang estuary has been enhanced by increasing nutrient input from the riverine transport was supported by these results. A comparative study analyzing the shift of phytoplankton composition from the mid-1980s to 2000s was also made. The results indicated that the average yearly percentage of diatom species in the Changjiang estuary has decreased from 84.6% during 1985-1986 to 69.8% during 2004-2005. Furthermore, the average yearly percentage of diatom abundance in the Changjiang estuary decreased from 99.5% during to 75.5% over the same time period, while the abundance of dinoflagellates has increased dramatically, from 0.7% to 25.4%.


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The corrosivity of seabed sediment at spots at different distances from seashore was studied based on in situ investigations in the northern sea area of the Yellow River mouth. The results show that there is close relation between distance from seashore and corrosivity of seabed sediment.


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Abstract In order to provide basic data for evaluation of the petroleum potential in the deep water area of the northern margin of the South China Sea (SCS), present-day thermal regime and basin tectonothermal evolution are reconstructed and the maturation history of the Cenozoic major source rocks in the study area is derived. The present-day geothermal regime in the deep water area of the northern margin of SCS is defined according to the geothermal gradient, thermal properties and heat flow data. Tectonic subsidence history is reconstructed based on borehole and seismic data, and accordingly the stretching episodes are determined from the subsidence pattern. Heat flow history in the deep water area of the northern margin of SCS is estimated on a finite time, laterally non-uniform and multi-episode stretching model. Maturation history of the main source rocks in the study area is estimated through EASYRo% kinetic model and thermal history, and the potential of petroleum in the deep water area of the northern margin of SCS is evaluated based on the data above. The results show that the present-day geothermal regime in the deep water area of the northern margin of SCS is characterized by “hot basin” with high geothermal gradient (39.1±7.4℃/km) and high heat flow (77.5±14.8 mW/m2), and that the Qiongdongnan Basin (QDNB) underwent three stretching episodes and consequently suffered three heating episodes (Eocene, Oligocene and Pliocene time) with highest paleo-heat flow of 65~90 mW/m2 at the end of the Pliocene, that the Pearl River Mouth Basin (PRMB) two stretching and two heating episodes (Eocene, Oligocene time) with highest paleo-heat flow of 60~70 mW/m2 at the end of the Oligocene, and that the source rocks matured drastically responding to the heating episodes. There are four hydrocarbon generation kitchens in the deep water area of the northern margin of SCS which are favor of its bright petroleum perspective. Tectonothermal analysis indicates that the present-day geothermal regime which is characterized with “hot basin” in the deep water area of the PRMB resulted mainly from the Cenozoic stretching as well as faulting and magmatic activities during the Neotectonic period, and that the Pliocene heating episode of the QDNB is coupled with the transition from sinistral to dextral gliding of the Red Rive fault, and that the deep water basins in the northern margin of SCS are typical of multiple rifting which caused multi-episode heating process.


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On the basis of the character of sedimentation and reservoir researching as well as diagenesis, using conventional and update testing measures, classificati-on and evaluation of the tesla low permeability reservoir in Ordos Basin is pr-esented. From Chang 8 to Chang 4+5 oil formations, four facies developed, includi-ng alluvial fan facies, delta facies, lake facies as well as density current. They were controlled by the northeastern, the southwest, the southern and the northwestern provenances. Distributary channel underwater and mouth bar of delta fr-ont are the main reservoirs. Detrital component has the different character in s-outh and in north. Sedimentary system in the northeastern part has more felds-par and less quartz. Sedimentary system in the southern part has more quartz and less feldspar. Because of sedimentation and diagenesis, the oil formations in region of interest formed the different features of pore array of the tesla l-ow permeability reservoirs. After researching, it is found that the active porosity and the main throat radius of Chang 4+5 are the highest, and they are positive correlation with per-meability. The exponent of flowing interval falls in the sortorder: Chang 8, Chang 4+5, Chang 6, Chang 7. Using clustering procedure and quaternion, the reservoirs of Yanchang for-mation in Ordos Basin are divided into five types. Ⅰ-good reservoirs and Ⅱ-appreciably good reservoirs occur in distributary channel and mouth bar. Ⅲ-poor reservoirs and Ⅳ-poorer reservoirs exist in natural levee, crevasse splay under-water and turbidity fan. It is forecasted that the oil area in Ⅰ-good reservoirs is about 4336.68 square kilometers, and the oil area in Ⅱ-appreciably good reservoirs is 28013.28 square kilometers or so, and the oil area in Ⅲ-poor rese-rvoirs is 28538.05 square kilometers more or less.


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Increasing attentions have been paid to the subsurface geological storage for CO2 in view of the huge storage capacity of subsurface reservoirs. The basic requirement for subsurface CO2 storage is that the CO2 should be sequestrated as supercritical fluids (physical trapping), which may also interact with ambient reservoir rocks and formation waters, forming new minerals (chemical trapping). In order to the effective, durable and safe storage for CO2, enough storage space and stable sealing caprock with strong sealing capacity are necessitated, in an appropriate geological framework. Up till now, hydrocarbon reservoirs are to the most valid and appropriate CO2 storage container, which is well proven as the favorable compartment with huge storage capacity and sealing condition. The thesis focuses on two principal issues related to the storage and sealing capacity of storage compartment for the Qingshankou and Yaojia formations in the Daqingzijing block, Southern Songliao Basin, which was selected as the pilot well site for CO2-EOR storage. In the operation area, three facies, including deltaic plain, deltaic front and subdeep-deep lake facies associations, are recognized, in which 11 subfacies such as subaqueous distributary channel, river- mouth bar, interdistributary bay, sheet sandbody, crevasse splay and overflooding plain are further identified. These subfacies are the basic genetic units in the reservoir and sealing rocks. These facies further comprise the retrogradational and progradational depositional cycles, which were formed base- level rise and fall, respectively. During the regressive or lake lowstand stage, various sands including some turbidites and fans occurred mostly at the bottom of the hinged slope. During the progradation stage, these sands became smaller in size and episodically stepped backwards upon the slope, with greatly expanded and deeped lake. However, most of Cretaceous strata in the study area, localized in the basin centre under this stage, are mainly composed of grey or grizzly siltstones and grey or dark grey mudstones intercalated with minor fine sandstones and purple mudstones. On the base of borehole and core data, these siltstones are widespread, thin from 10 to 50 m thick, good grain sorting, and have relative mature sedimentary structures with graded bedding and cross- lamination or crossbeds such as ripples, which reflect strong hydrodynamic causes. Due to late diagenesis, pores are not widespread in the reservoirs, especially the first member of Qingshankou formation. There are two types of pores: primary pore and secondary cores. The primary pores include intergranular pores and micropores, and the secondary pores include emposieus and fracture pores. Throat channels related to pores is also small and the radius of throat in the first, second and third member of Qingshankou formation is only 0.757 μm, 0.802 μm and 0.631 μm respectively. In addition, based on analyzing the probability plot according to frequency of occurrence of porosity and permeability, they appear single- peaked distribution, which reflects strong hetero- geneity. All these facts indicate that the conditions of physical property of reservoirs are not better. One reason may be provided to interpret this question is that physical property of reservoirs in the study area is strong controlled by the depositional microfacies. From the statistics, the average porosity and permeability of microfacies such as subaqueous distributary channel, channel mouth bar, turbidites, is more than 9 percent and 1md respectively. On the contrary, the average porosity and permeability of microfacies including sand sheet, flagstone and crevasse splay are less than 9 percent and 0.2md respectively. Basically, different hydrodynamic environment under different microfacies can decide different physical property. According to the reservoir models of the first member of Qingshankou formation in the No. well Hei47 block, the character of sedimentary according to the facies models is accord to regional disposition evolution. Meantime, the parameter models of physical property of reservoir indicate that low porosity and low permeability reservoirs widespread widely in the study area, but the sand reservoirs located in the channels are better than other places and they are the main sand reservoirs. The distribution and sealing ability of fault- fractures and caprock are the key aspects to evaluate the stable conditions of compartments to store CO2 in the study area. Based on the core observation, the fractures widespread in the study area, especially around the wells, and most of them are located in the first and second member of Qingshankou formation, almost very few in the third member of Qingshankou formation and Yaojia formation instead. In addition, analyzing the sealing ability of eleven faults in the three-dimensional area in the study area demonstrates that most of faults have strong sealing ability, especially in the No. well Hei56 and Qing90-27. To some extent, the sealing ability of faults in the No. well Hei49, Qing4-6 and Qing84-29 are worse than others. Besides, the deposition environment of most of formations in the study area belongs to moderately deep and deep lake facies, which undoubtedly take advantage to caprocks composed of mudstones widespread and large scale under this deposition environment. In the study area, these mudstones distribute widely in the third member of Qingshankou formation, Yaojia and Nenjiang formation. The effective thickness of mudstone is nearly ~550m on an average with few or simple faults and fractures. In addition, there are many reservoir beds with widely- developed insulated interbeds consist of mudstones or silty mudstone, which can be the valid barrier to CO2 upper movement or leakage through diffusion, dispersion and convection. Above all, the closed thick mud caprock with underdeveloped fractures and reservoir beds can be taken regard as the favorable caprocks to provide stable conditions to avoid CO2 leakage.


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Lower member of the lower Ganchaigou Formation in the southwestern of Qaidam Basin is one of the main targeted exploration zones. With the advancement of exploration, the targets are gradually switching into the lithologic reservoirs and it is urgent to gain the more precise research results in distribution of sedimentary facies and sandstones. Guided by the theory of sequence stratigraphy and sedimentology as well as on the basis of many logging data, drillings, seismic data and chemical tests, the paper comprehensively analyzes the sedimentary facies and sandstones in the lower member of lower Ganchaigou Formation in the southern of Chaixi. According to the identification marks of the key interface in sequence stratigraphy, the key interfaces in lower member of lower Ganchaigou Formation in the southwestern of Qaidam Basin are identified as two third-order sequences SQ1、SQ2. By calibrating the synthetic seismogram, the seismic sequence, well drilling and logging sequences are united. Based on the works above, this paper chooses seven primary cross-sections and builds connecting-well stratigraphic correlation of seven main connecting-well sections. Ultimately, the high-resolution sequence stratigraphic frameworks in the lower member of the lower Ganchaigou Formation, which are uniform to logging and seismic data, are figured out. In terms of study on each sequence features, the main style of the base-level cycle overlay which forms the third-order sequence is confirmed. It contains asymmetric “becoming deep upward” style and symmetry style. Researching on the spreading characters of sequence stratigraphy indicates that SQ1 and SQ2 are rather thicker near northwest well Shashen 20 and Shaxin1 while they are quite thiner near Hongcan 1, Yuejin, Qie 4 and Dong8-Wu3, and the thickness of SQ1 is thicker than SQ2.Based on the deep analysis of the marks for depositional facies, it is proposed that the lake facies and braid river deltas facies mainly occurred in study areas. Besides, the sorts of sub-facies and micro-facies model are divided and described. Under the control of high-resolution sequence stratigraphic framework, three source directions from Arlarer Mountain、Qimantage Mountain and Dongchai Mountain are identified by using the features of heavy mineral assemblage and paleogeomorphy. In addition, regularities of distribution sedimentary facies in sequence stratigraphic framework are studied in accordance with research thinking of the "point" (single well) "line" (section) "face" (plane). In the stage of lower member in the lower Ganchaigou Formation in the southwestern of Qaidam Basin, it is at the early phrase of evolution of the lake basin with the gradual outspread and the rise of the lake level. Combined with physical analysis of reservoir sands formed in different sedimentary environment, the paper studies the style of favorable sandstone bodies that are underwater distributary channel of braided rive delta front, coarse sand in mouth bar and the sand body in sand flat of shore-shallow lacustrine facies. Finally, this article comprehensively analyzes the distribution relationship between sedimentary facies and favorable sandstone body and proposes the ideas that sequence SQ1 Yuejin area, well east 8-wu3 area, well qie4-qie1 area and well hongcan2 area are distributed areas of favorable sandstone.


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This thesis focuses on the present-day thermal field features, evolution and their connections to hydrocarbon generation of the three continental margin basins-the Yinggehai (Yingge Sea), Qiongdongnan(southeast Qiong), and Pear River Mouth basins-in northern South China Sea, based on available data from drillings, loggings, seismic cross-sections, BHTs, thermal indicators (Ro%, inclusion, etc) and geopressure measurements. After studying of present-day distribution of geothermal field and thermal disturbance of fluid in the sedimentary strata, the author discovered that the distribution of gas fields in Yinggehai Basin are closely related to the distribution of anomalously high thermal gradient area, whereas it is not the case for the Pear River Mouse Basin. And detailed processing of the fluid inclusion data indicates that geothermal fluids activated frequently in this area, and they may mainly be derived upward from the overpressure and hydrocarbon-generating beds, 3000-4500 m in depth. Therefore, the abnormal gradients in sedimentary beds were mainly caused by the active geothermal fluids related to hydrocarbon migrating and accumulating in this area. Because of the effect of overpressure retarding on vitrinite reflectance, the thermal indicators for thermal history reconstruction should be assessed before put into use. Although some factors, such as different types of kerogen, heating ratio, activities of thermal fluids and overpressure, may have effects on the vitrinite reflectance, under the circumstance that thermal fluids and overpressure co-exist, overpressure retarding is dominant. And the depth and correction method of overpressure retarding were also determined in this paper. On the basis of reviewing the methods of thermal history studies as well as existing problems, the author believes that the combination of thermal-indicator-inversion and tectono-thermal modeling is an effective method of the thermal history reconstruction for sedimentary basins. Also, a software BaTherMod for modeling thermal history of basins was successfully developed in this work. The Yinggehai Basin has been active since Tertiary, and this was obviously due to its tectonic position-the plate transition zone. Under the background of high thermal flow, long-term quick subsidence and fluid activities were the main reasons that lead to high temperature and overpressure in this basin. The Zhujiangkou Basin, a Tertiary fault-basin within the circum-Pacific tectonic realm, was tectonically controlled by the motion of the Pacific Plate and resembles the other petroliferous basins in eastern China. This basin developed early, and characterized intensive extension in the early stage and weak activity in the later stage of its development. Whereas the Qiongdongnan Basin was in a weak extension early and intensity of extension increased gradually. The relative geographical locations and the extensional histories of three basins ilustrate that the northern continental margin of South China Sea spread from south to north. On the other hand, the Qiongdongnan and Yinggehai Basins may have been controlled by the same tectonic regime since later Tertiary, whereas the Zhujiangkou Basin was not meaningfully influenced. So, the tectono-thermal evolution character of the Qiongdonnan basin should be closely to the other two. It may be concluded that the three basins have been developed within the active continental margin since Tertiary, and the local lithosphere might undergo intensive extension-perhaps two or three times of episodic extension occurred. Extension lead to large tectonoc subsidence and extreme thick Tertiary sediments for hydrocarbon generation in the basins. In response to the periodic extension of the basins, the palaeothermal flow were also periodical. The three basins all have the characteristics of multi-phase thermal evolutions that is good for oil-gas generation. And the overpressure expands the depth range of oil-gas habitat, which is meaningful to petroleum exploration in this region.


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Gaochentou region is located in the southwest direction of Gaochentou village in Huanghua city of Hebei province. In regionally structural position, It lies in Qikou sag In the middle part of Huanghua depression, which belongs to the east part of the south Dagang structure zone in the middle part of Huanghua depression. Its' very beneficial at regional structure in Gaochentou , and It becomes the advantage area for oil and gas gathered and preserved, Sandstone reservoir of Dongying Formation is main bearing bed .Dongying Formation in Gaochentou region of Huanghua depression is consisted of set of mudstone and sandstone interbeds by deposited delta fades . Dongying Formation can be divided into 3 members from above to below: the first member of Dongying Formation (FMDF), the second member of Dongying Formation (SMDF), and third member of Dongying Formation (TMDF). The lithology of the upper part of FMDF was consisted of mostly middle-grained and fine-grained sandstone, and it is small for the oil-bearing area of the sand bodies .The lithology of the lower part is coarse-grained sandstone bodies which are well connected between sandstone bodies of wells, and the lower part was main bed of oil production in Dongying Formation; SMDF and TMDF are consisted of larger scale set of mudstone, in which the sandbodies are lenticular and pinch out quickly, and the lithology was mostly fine sandstone and silt stone, in which there are little oil and gas .Because the reservoirs in this area are largely influenced by the factors such as lithology, fault and others, and the reservoirs have the strong,heterogeneity , there exists the problem of oil-down and water-up for vertical distribution of oil and gas bearing. It is not very clearly for the three dimension distribution of sandstone , and the geology researchs is not enough. So, it can't satisfy the need of further development and production for Gaochentou oilfield.Having the key problem of oil-down and water-up and the mechanism of the reservoir for Gaochentou area, There are as follow study works, the first, is study of the high-resolution correlation of sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary microfacies. Dongying Formation was divided into three parasequence sets and each parasequence set was divided into different amount of parasequences. FMDF, as the main oil and gas producing bed, can be divided into seven parasequences. Oil and gas are discovered in six parasequences except the seventh. On the basis of study of sedimentary microfacies, the sediments of Dongying Formation are considered deposited mainly in delta front subfacies. The microfacies types of Dongying Formation are sub-water distirbutary channel, sub-water natural bank, inter distributary channel bay, distributary channel mouth dam, and delta front mat sand.Seismic facies analysis and logging-constrained inversion technique were applied by Author for transverse prediction of sandstone reservoir. Having 4 modes of interwell single sandbodies correlation technique, Author have described distribution characteristics of sandbodies, and established geological reservoir model of Gaochentou reservoir.Author presented that the reservoirs characteristic have very strong heterogeneity ,and In the section of sandstone interlayed with mudstone,the folium sandstone interlayed with each other, and the wedge shaped sandbodies pinched out in the mudstone. So the pinch-out up sandstone trap and lenticular sandstone trap are easily formed. They are most small scale overlying pinches out in the place of slope. This article applies the concept of deep basin oil to resolve reasonably the problem of which the oil is below the water in Gaochentou area. Combined with the study of sedimentary facies, reservoir and other aspects, the mechanism and patterns of deep basin oil are studied on the basis of characteristics in Gaochentou area.On the basis of the above study, the mechanism of the oil and gas' migration and accumulation in isotropic sandstone and heterogeneous sandstone are thoroughly analyzed through experiments on physical modeling. Experiments on physical modeling show that the discrepancy between sand layers with different permeability and thickness has important influence on the direction, path, and injection layer of oil's migration. At the beginning of the injection of oil and gas in high permeability sand layer, the pressure is low, the migration resistance is small, and the oil and gas are more easily displacing the water in sand. So it can act as good transformation layer or reservoir. But at the beginning of the injection of oil and gas in sand layer with low permeability, the pressure is high, the migration resistance is big, and the oil and gas are more difficultly displacing the water in sand. So it can only act as bad or worse transformation layer or reservoir. Even if it cannot act as transformation layer or reservoir, it can act as water layer or dry layer. The discrepancy between sand layers on permeability and thickness can make discrepancy in injection of oil and gas between different layers. Consequently it leads to small amount of oil and gas injection in sand layers with low permeability. Ultimately it affects the oil's accumulation and distribution in different sand layers.At Last, combining analysis of the structure and pool forming condition, The thesis has established models of reservoir formation to predict the advantage distribution of oil and gas bearing , and put forward the prospective target It is not only of theoretical signification for explosion and importance, but also has realistic value in guiding the progressive petroleum exploration and exploitation.