88 resultados para MONOLAYER COVERAGE


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Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and lateral force microscopy (LFM) were used simultaneously to analyze a model membrane bilayer structure consisting of a phospholipid outer monolayer deposited onto organosilane-derivatized mica surfaces, which were constructed by using painting and self-assembly methods. The phospholipid used as outer monolayer was dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC). The hydrocarbon-covered substrate that formed the inner half bilayer was composed of a self-assembly monolayer (SAM) of octadecyltrichloroorganosilane (OTS) on mica. SAMs of DMPC were formed by exposing hydrophobic mica to a solution of DMPC in decane/isobutanol and subsequently immersing into pure water. AFM images of samples immersed in solution for varying exposure times showed that before forming a complete monolayer the molecules aggregated into dense islands (2.2-2.6 nm high) on the surface. The islands had a compact and rounded morphology. LFM, coupled with topographic data obtained with the atomic force mode, had made possible the distinction between DMPC and OTS. The rate constant of DMPC growth was calculated. This is the first systematic study of the SAM formation of DMPC by AFM and LFM imaging. It reveals more direct information about the film morphology than previous studies with conventional surface analytical techniques such as infrared spectroscopy, X-ray, or fluorescence microscopy.


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Self-organization of BaF2 single crystal film under a compressed monolayer of behenic acid (BA) has been investigated by using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The experimental results indicated the (100)-oriented single crystal film of BaF2 was formed under the BA monolayer. The relation between the BaF2 single crystal and the monolayer was discussed.


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An electrochemically stable monolayer of tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) was obtained for the first time. It was based on the electrostatic attachment of Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) to the benzene sulfonic acid monolayer film, which was covalently bound onto glassy carbon electrode by the electrochemical reduction of diazobenzene sulfonic acid. The surface-confined Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) underwent reversible surface process, and reacted with the coreactant, tripropylamine, to produce electrochemiluminescence. In view of the stability of the electrode, the results strongly suggested that light was emitted from the surface-confined Ru(bpy)(3)(2+), not from the detached Ru(bpy)(3)(2+). The Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) modified electrode was used to the determination of tripropylamine. It showed good linearity in the concentration range from 5 muM to 1 muM with a detection limit of 1 muM (S/N = 4). The good stability of the Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) modified electrode also showed that the benzene sulfonic acid monolayer film prepared can be served as an excellent support to construct multilayers. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Monolayer assembly of 2-mercapto-3-n-octylthiophene (MOT) having a relatively large headgroup onto gold surface from its dilute ethanolic solutions has been investigated by electrochemistry. An electrochemical capacitance measurement on the permeability of the monolayer to aqueous ions, as compared with its alkanethiol counterpart [CH3(CH2)(9)SH (DT)] with a similar molecular length, shows that the self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of MOT can be penetrated by aqueous ions to some extent. Furthermore, organic molecular probes, such as dopamine, can sufficiently diffuse into the monolayer because a diffusion-limited current peak is observed when the dopamine oxidation reaction takes place, showing that the monolayer is loosely packed or dominated by defects. But the results of electron transfer to aqueous redox probes (including voltammetry in Fe(CN)(6)(3-/4-) solutions and electrochemical ac impedance spectrum) confirm that the monolayer can passivate the gold electrode surface effectively for its very low ratio of pinhole defects. Moreover, a heterogeneous patching process involving addition of the surfactants into the SAMs provides a mixed or hybrid membrane that has superior passivating properties. These studies show that the MOT monolayer on the electrode can provide an excellent barrier for hydrated ionic probe penetration but cannot resist the organic species penetration effectively. The unusual properties of the SAMs are attributed to the entity of the relatively large thiophene moiety between the carbon chain and the thiol group.


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Self-assembled monolayer of natural single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) from dl:natured plasmid DNA and pBR322/PstI marker was first observed on Au(111) by low-current STM (Lc-STM). The width of ssDNA stripe measured is 0.9 +/- 0.1 nm, which is just half of the theoretical width of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). Each ssDNA stripe consists of bright and dark parts. alternatively; the period of two adjacent bright parts in the same ssDNA stripe measured is 0.4 +/- 0.1 nm, which is consistent with the theoretical distance between two adjacent base pairs in ssDNA. The stripe orientations in ssDNA domains are predominately at angles of 0 degrees, 60 degrees or 120 degrees relative to crystallographically faceted steps on the gold surface. The electrochemical experiment indicated that it was ssDNA but not dsDNA that was absorbed on Au(111)surface. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Selective crystallization of BaF2 crystals under a compressed Langmuir monolayer of behenic acid [CH3(CH2)(20)COOH] has been studied by using X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis. It was found that, in the absence of a monolayer, three kinds of crystals (Ba2ClF3, BaClF, and BaF2) can be obtained by mixing BaCl2 with a NH4F solution. However, in the presence of the monolayer of behenic acid, only BaF2 crystals appear at the monolayer-subphase interface and crystals have a special crystal face (100). During this process of crystallization, the monolayer plays a very important role and acts as a template that can preferentially select a special crystal and a special crystal face. The above results can be explained in terms of a specific molecular interaction between ions and the headgroups of the monolayer and specific electrostatic, geometric, and stereochemical interactions at the organic-inorganic interface.


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It was found for the first time that gramicidin D (GD) molecules can be incorporated into the ODM monolayer which is self-assembled on the surface of the gold electrode and form monovalent cation channels.


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The self-assembled monolayer of cystamine was prepared on gold electrode and 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHBA) was electrochemically deposited on cystamine surface as a functional group by electrostatic adsorption, namely, molecular deposition. It shows that the MD/SAM structure has a higher stability, and E-1/2 of the DBAH in MD/SAM shifts more negative than that of on naked gold electrode, The n-decanethiol was also used to fill defects in MD/SAM, it results in much better cyclic voltermmetric behavior.


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Ordered domain structures were observed by atomic force microscope in dipalmitoylphosphatidycholine monolayer film, which was spread on the subphase of Eu3+ solution.


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At the self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of a thiol-functionalized viologen modified gold electrode, cytochrome c (cyt c) exhibits a quasi-reversible electrochemical reaction. The heterogeneous electron transfer rate constant of cyt c in 0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer solution(pH 6.96) is 0.164 cm.s(-1) at 500 mV/s. The adsorbed cyt c on the viologen SAM forms a closely packed monolayer, whose average electron transfer rate is 4.85 s(-1) in the scan range of 50 to 500 mV/s. These results suggest that the SAM of viologen-thiol is a relatively stable, ordered and well-behaved monolayer from an electrochemical standpoint and it promotes the electron transfer process of biomolecules on electrode surface well.


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The hydrosol of SnO2 nanoparticles (NP) have been prepared by colloid chemistry method. The composite LB monolayer and multilayer of SnO2 NP-AA have been obtained by LB technique at the gas-liquid interface of the hydrosol subphase. The structures of the monolayer and multilayer were characterized by IR, UV-Vis, small angle X-ray diffraction spectroscopy and TEM technique, The results indicate that the coverage of SnO2 NP at the composite monolayer's surface is high and the sites of SnO2 NP are similar. The multilayer has good periodic structure.


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The direct electron transfer of amino oxidase on electrode surface based on self-assembly technique occurs at 505 mW(vs. Ag/AgCl), indicating that copper atoms are the electron transfer centers and catalytic centers of amino oxidase.


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A stable, well-behaved self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of viologen-functionalized thiol was used to immobilize and electrically connect horseradish peroxidase (HRP) at gold electrode. Viologen groups in SAMs facilitated the electron transfer from the electrode to the protein active site so that HRP exhibited a quasi-reversible redox behavior. HRP adsorbed in the SAMs is very stable, and close to a monolayer with the surface coverage of 6.5 x 10(-11) mol/cm(2). The normal potential of HRP is -580 mV vs Ag/AgCl corresponding to ferri/ferro active center and the standard electron transfer rate constant is 3.41 s(-1) in 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.1). This approach shows a great promise for designing enzyme electrodes with other redox proteins and practical use in tailoring a variety of amperometric biosensor devices. Copyright (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The gold electrodes coated by n-alkanethiol with various chain lengths were used to study the permeability of uric acid, ascorbic acid, 4-aminophenol, paracetanol and phenacetin by means of linear sweep voltammetry. The results show that the optimum chain length is n=10. The improvements in the selectivity and the stability of the amperometric detection of these compounds in a flow stream were obtained by n-alkanethiol self assembled monolayers modified electrodes based on their differences in the hydrophobicity and the permeability.


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Supported lipid membranes consisting of self-assembled alkanethiol and lipid monolayers on gold substrates could be produced by three different deposition methods: the Langmuir-Blodgett (L-B) technique, the painted method, and the paint-freeze method, By using cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry/chronocoulometry and a.c. impedance measurements, we demonstrated that lipid membranes prepared by these three deposition methods had obvious differences in specific capacitance, resistance and thickness. The specific capacitance of lipid membranes prepared by depositing an L-B monolayer on the alkanethiol alkylated surfaces was 0.53 mu Fcm(-2), 0.44 mu Fcm(-2) by the painted method and 0.68 mu Fcm(-2) by the paint-freeze method. The specific conductivity of lipid membranes prepared by the L-B method was over three times lower than that of the painted lipid membranes, while that of the paint-freeze method was the lowest. The difference among the three types of lipid membranes was ascribed to the influence of the organic solvent in lipid films and the changes in density of the films. The lipid membranes prepared by the usual painted method contained a trace amount of the organic solvent. The organic solvent existing in the hydrocarbon core of the membrane reduced the density of the membrane and increased the thickness of the membrane. The membrane prepared by depositing an L-B monolayer containing no solvent had higher density and the lowest fluidity, and the thickness of the membrane was smaller. The lipid membrane prepared by the paint-freeze method changed its structure sharply at the lower temperature. The organic solvent was frozen out of the membrane while the density of the membrane increased greatly. All these caused the membrane to exist in a ''tilted'' state and the thickness of this membrane was the smallest. The lipid membrane produced by the paint-freeze method was a membrane not containing organic solvent. This method was easier in manipulation and had better reproducibility than that of the usual painting method and the method of forming free-standing lipid film. The solvent-free membrane had a long lifetime and a higher mechanical stability. This model membrane would be useful in many areas of scientific research.