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The strong absorption of gold nanoparticles in the visible spectral range allows the localized generation of heat in a volume of only a few tens of nanometer. The efficient conversion of strongly absorbed light by plasmonic gold nanoparticles to heat energy and their easy bioconjugation suggest that the gold nanoparticles can be used as selective photothermal agents in molecular cell targeting. The selective destruction of alkaline phosphatase, the permeabilization of the cell membrane and the selective killing of cells by laser irradiating gold nanoparticles were demonstrated. The potential of using this selective technique in molecularly targeted photothermal therapy and transfection is discussed.


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We have investigated the temperature dependence of photoluminescence (PL) properties of a number of self-organized InAs/GaAs heterostructures with InAs layer thickness ranging from 0.5 to 3 ML. The temperature dependence of InAs exciton emission and linewidth was found to display a significant difference when the InAs layer thickness is smaller or larger than the critical thickness around 1.7 ML. The fast redshift of PL energy and an anomalous decrease of linewidth with increasing temperature were observed and attributed to the efficient relaxation process of carriers in multilayer samples, resulting from the spread and penetration of the carrier wave functions in coupled InAs quantum dots. The measured thermal activation energies of different samples demonstrated that the InAs wetting layer may act as a barrier for the thermionic emission of carriers in high-quality InAs multilayers, while in InAs monolayers and submonolayers the carriers are required to overcome the GaAs barrier to escape thermally from the localized states.


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The band structure of 2D photonic crystals (PCs) and localized states resulting from defects are analyzed by finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique and Pade approximation. The effect of dielectric constant contrast and filling factor on photonic bandgap (PBG) for perfect PCs and localized states in PCs with point defects are investigated. The resonant frequencies and quality factors are calculated for PCs with different defects. The numerical results show that it is possible to modulate the location, width and number of PBGs and frequencies of the localized states only by changing the dielectric constant contrast and filling factor.


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In order to design and fabricate a spectrometer for the infrared range widely used in the different applications, Volume Phase Grating (VPG) with. low Polarization Dependence Loss (PDL) and high efficiency has been adopted as the dispersion element. VPG is constructed by coating an optical substrate with a thin film of dichromated. gelatin and exposing the film to two mutually coherent laser beams to form index modulation. The diffraction efficiency for a VPG is governed by Bragg effects. The depth (d) and index modulation contrast of the grating structure control the efficiency at which the light is diffracted when the Bragg condition is satisfied. Gradient index lens with high performance and low aberration are used as collimating system instead of standard lens. The spot diagrams and MTF curve of the collimating lens are shown in the paper. The receive system is InCaAs photodiode (PD) array including 512 pixels with 25 mum pitch. The spectrum resolution of the spectrometer reaches to 0.2nm and wavelength accuracy is 40pm.


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Taking advantages of short pulse excitation and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL), we have studied the exciton localization effect in a number of GaAsN alloys and GaAsN/GaAs quantum wells (QWs). In the PL spectra, an extra transition located at the higher energy side of the commonly reported N-related emissions is observed. By measuring PL dependence on temperature and excitation power along with PL dynamics study, the new PL peak has been identified as a transition of the band edge-related recombination in dilute GaAsN alloy and delocalized transition in QWs. Using selective excitation PL we further attribute the localized emission in QWs to the excitons localized at the GaAsN/GaAs interfaces. This interface-related exciton localization could be greatly reduced by a rapid thermal annealing.


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Transmission Volume Phase Holographic Grating (VPHG) is adopted as spectral element in the real-time Optical Channel Performance Monitor (OCPM), which is in dire need in the Dense Wavelength -division-multiplexing(DATDM) system. And the tolerance of incident angle, which can be fully determined by two angles: 6 and (p, is finally inferred in this paper. Commonly, the default setting is that the incident plane is perpendicular to the fringes when the incident angle is mentioned. Now the situation out of the vertical is discussed. By combining the theoretic analysis of VPHG with its use in OCPM and changing 6 and (0 precisely in the computation and experiment, the two physical quantities which can fully specify the performance of VPHG the diffraction efficiency and the resolution, are analyzed. The results show that the diffraction efficiency varies greatly with the change of 6 or (p. But from the view of the whole C-band, only the peak diffraction efficiency drifts to another wavelength. As for the resolution, it deteriorates more rapidly than diffraction efficiency with the change of (p, while more slowly with the change of theta. Only if \phi\less than or equal to+/-1degrees and alpha(B) -0.5 less than or equal to theta less than or equal to alpha(B) + 0.5, the performance of the VPHG would be good enough to be used in OCPM system.


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Three-point bending experiments were performed on as-cast and annealed samples of Zr52.5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10Ti5 (Vit105) bulk metallic glasses over a wide range of temperatures varying from room temperature (293 K) to liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K). The results demonstrated that the free volume decrease due to annealing and/or cryogenic temperature can reduce the propensity for the formation of multiple shear bands and hence deteriorate plastic deformation ability. We clearly observed a sharp ductile-to-brittle transition (DBT), across which microscopic fracture feature transfers from micro-scale vein patterns to nano-scale periodic corrugations. Macroscopically, the corresponding fracture mode changes from ductile shear fracture to brittle tensile fracture. The shear transformation zone volume, taking into account free volume, temperature and strain rate, is proposed to quantitatively characterize the DBT behavior in fracture of metallic glasses.


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Evolution of localized damage zone is a key to catastrophic rupture in heterogeneous materials. In the present article, the evolutions of strain fields of rock specimens are investigated experimentally. The observed evolution of fluctuations and autocorrelations of strain fields under uniaxial compression demonstrates that the localization of deformation always appears ahead of catastrophic rupture. In particular, the localization evolves pronouncedly with increasing deformation in the rock experiments. By means of the definition of the zone with high strain rate and likely damage localization, it is found that the size of the localized zone decreases from the sample size at peak load to an eventual value. Actually, the deformation field beyond peak load is bound to suffer bifurcation, namely an elastic unloading part and a continuing but localized damage part will co-exist in series in a specimen. To describe this continuous bifurcation and localization process observed in experiments, a model on continuum mechanics is developed. The model can explain why the decreasing width of localized zone can lead stable deformation to unstable, but it still has not provided the complete equations governing the evolution of the localized zone.


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A three-spring-in-series model is proposed for the nanobelt (NB) indentation test. Compared with the previous two-spring-in-series model, which considers the bending stiffness of atomic force microscope cantilever and the indenter/NB contact stiffness, this model adds a third spring of the NB/substrate contact stiffness. NB is highly flexural due to its large aspect ratio of length to thickness. The bending and lift-off of NB form a localized contact with substrate, which makes the Oliver-Pharr method [W. C. Oliver and G. M. Pharr, J. Mater. Res. 7, 1564 (1992)] and Sneddon method [I. N. Sneddon, Int. J. Eng. Sci. 3, 47 (1965)] inappropriate for NB indentation test. Because the NB/substrate deformation may have significant impact on the force-indentation depth data obtained in experiment, the two-spring-in-series model can lead to erroneous predictions on the NB mechanical properties. NB in indentation test can be susceptible to the adhesion influence because of its large surface area to volume ratio. NB/substrate contact and adhesion can have direct and significant impact on the interpretation of experimental data. Through the three-spring-in-series model, the influence of NB/substrate contact and adhesion is analyzed and methods of reducing such influence are also suggested. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3432748]


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A novel and accurate finite volume method has been presented to solve the shallow water equations on unstructured grid in plane geometry. In addition to the volume integrated average (VIA moment) for each mesh cell, the point values (PV moment) defined on cell boundary are also treated as the model variables. The volume integrated average is updated via a finite volume formulation, and thus is numerically conserved, while the point value is computed by a point-wise Riemann solver. The cell-wise local interpolation reconstruction is built based on both the VIA and the PV moments, which results in a scheme of almost third order accuracy. Efforts have also been made to formulate the source term of the bottom topography in a way to balance the numerical flux function to satisfy the so-called C-property. The proposed numerical model is validated by numerical tests in comparison with other methods reported in the literature. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A novel accurate numerical model for shallow water equations on sphere have been developed by implementing the high order multi-moment constrained finite volume (MCV) method on the icosahedral geodesic grid. High order reconstructions are conducted cell-wisely by making use of the point values as the unknowns distributed within each triangular cell element. The time evolution equations to update the unknowns are derived from a set of constrained conditions for two types of moments, i.e. the point values on the cell boundary edges and the cell-integrated average. The numerical conservation is rigorously guaranteed. in the present model, all unknowns or computational variables are point values and no numerical quadrature is involved, which particularly benefits the computational accuracy and efficiency in handling the spherical geometry, such as coordinate transformation and curved surface. Numerical formulations of third and fourth order accuracy are presented in detail. The proposed numerical model has been validated by widely used benchmark tests and competitive results are obtained. The present numerical framework provides a promising and practical base for further development of atmospheric and oceanic general circulation models. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In present study, the transition of thermocapillary convection from the axisymmetric stationary flow to oscillatory flow in liquid bridges of 5cst silicon oil (aspect ratio 1.0 and 1.6) is investigated in microgravity conditions by the linear instability analysis. The corresponding marginal instability boundary is closely related to the gas/liquid configuration of the liquid bridge noted as volume ratio. With the increasing volume ratio, the marginal instability boundary consists of the increasing branch and the decreasing branch. A gap region exists between the branches where the critical Marangoni number of the corresponding axisymmetric stationary flow increases drastically. Particularly, a unique axisymmetric oscillatory flow (the critical azimuthal wave number is m=0) in the gap region is reported for the liquid bridge of aspect ratio 1.6. Moreover, the energy transfer between the basic state and the disturbance fields of the thermocapillary convection is analyzed at the corresponding critical Marangoni number, which reveals different major sources of the energy transfer for the development of the disturbances in regimes of the increasing branch, the gap region and the decreasing branch, respectively.