388 resultados para LIDT Single-pulse laser


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We present designs of high-efficiency compression grating based on total internal reflection (TIR) for picosecond pulse laser at 1053 nm. The setup is devised by directly etching gratings into the bottom side of a prism so that light can successfully enter (or exit) the compression grating. Dependence of the -1 order diffraction efficiencies on the constructive parameters is analyzed for TE- and TM-polarized incident light at Littrow angle by using Fourier modal method in order to obtain optimal grating structure. The electric field enhancement within the high-efficiency TIR gratings is regarded as another criterion to optimize the structure of the TIR gratings. With the criterion of high diffraction efficiency, low electric field enhancement and sufficient manufacturing latitude, TIR compression gratings with optimized constructive parameters are obtained for TE- and TM-polarized incident light, respectively. The grating for TE-polarized light exhibits diffraction efficiencies higher than 0.95 within 23 nm bandwidth and relatively low square of electric field enhancement ratio of 5.7. Regardless of the internal electric field enhancement, the grating for TM-polarized light provides diffraction efficiencies higher than 0.95 within 42 nm bandwidth. With compact structure, such TIR compression gratings made solely of fused silica should be of great interest for application to chirped pulse amplification (CPA) systems. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Many fluorescent probes excited by visible light have been used to assess sperm quality by flow cytometry. Developing a viability evaluation method using UV excited stains would be useful for multiparameter analysis of sperm function. This investigation was conducted to determine the efficacy of Hoechst 33342 (H342) and propidium iodide (PI) dual staining for evaluating rhesus monkey sperm viability through use of flow cytometry and excited by a single UV laser. The results showed that the live cells stained only with H342 strongly correlated with expected sperm viability, and flow cytometric analyses were highly correlated with fluorescence microscopic observation. Using H342/PI/SYBR-14 triple staining method, it was found that the live/dead sperm distributions were completely concordant in both H342/PI and SYBR-14/PI assays. In addition, this dual staining was extended with fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated peanut agglutinin (FITC-PNA) to simultaneously analyze viability and acrosome integrity of sperm cryopreserved using two different extenders, TTE and TEST, and indicated that TTE offered better Preservation of plasma and acrosome integrity than TEST Therefore, the H342/PI dual staining provides an accurate technique for evaluating viability of rhesus monkey sperm and should be valuable for multiparameter flow cytometric analysis of sperm function.


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GaNAs/GaAs single quantum wells (SQWs) and dilute GaNAs bulk grown by molecular beam epitaxy(MBE) were studied by photoluminescence (PL), selectively-excited PL, and time-resolved PL. Exciton localization and delocalization were investigated in detail. Under short pulse laser excitation, the delocalization exciton emission was revealed in GaNAs/GaAs SQWs. It exhibits quite different optical properties from N-related localized states. In dilute GaNAs bulk, a transition of alloy band related recombination was observed by measuring the PL dependence on temperature and excitation intensity and time-resolved PL, as well. This alloy-related transition presents intrinsic optical properties. These results are very important for realizing the abnomal features of III-V-N semiconductors.


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Due to the zero dispersion point at 1.3-mu m in optical fibres, 1.3-mu m InGaAsP/InP laser diodes have become main light sources in fibre communication systems recently. In fluences of quantum noises on direct-modulated properties of single-mode 1.3-mu m InGaAsP/InP laser diodes are investigated in this article. Considering the carrier and photon noises and the cross-correlation between the two noises, the power spectrum of the photon density and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the direct-modulated single-mode laser system are calculated using the linear approximation method. We find that the stochastic resonance (SR) always appears in the dependence of the SNR on the bias current density, and is strongly affected by the cross-correlation coeffcient between the carrier and photon noises, the frequency of modulation signal, and the photon lifetime in the laser cavity. Hence, it is promising to use the SR mechanism to enhance the SNR of direct-modulated InGaAsP/InP laser diodes and improve the quality of optical fibre communication systems.


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We have used the transverse correlated properties of the entangled photon pairs generated in the process of spontaneous parametric down-conversion, which is pumped by a femtosecond pulse laser, to perform Young's interference experiment. Unlike the case of a continuous wave laser pump, a broadband pulse laser pump can submerge an interference pattern. In order to obtain a high visibility interference pattern, we used a lens with a tunable focal length and two interference filters to eliminate the effects of the broadband pump laser. It is proven that the process of two-photon direct interference is a post-selection process.


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H-2 and O-2 multiplex coherent anti-stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) employing a single dye laser has been explored to simultaneously determine the temperature and concentrations of H-2 and O-2 in a hydrogen-fueled supersonic combustor. Systematic calibrations were performed through a well-characterized H-2/air premixed flat-flame burner. In particular, temperature measurement was accomplished using the intensity ratio of the H-2 S(5) and S(6) rotational lines, whereas extraction of the H-2 and O-2 concentrations was obtained from the H-2 S(6) and O-2 Q-branch, respectively. Details of the calibration procedure and data reduction are discussed. Quantification of the supersonic mixing and combustion characteristics applying the present technique has been demonstrated to be feasible. The associated detection limits as well as possible improvements are also identified.


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In this paper, an improved plate impact experimental technique is presented for studying dynamic fracture mechanism of materials, under the conditions that the impacting loading is provided by a single pulse and the loading time is in the sub-microsecond range. The impacting tests are carried out on the pressure-shear gas gun. The loading rate achieved is dK/dt similar to 10(8) MPa m(1/2) s(-1). With the elimination of influence of the specimen boundary, the plane strain state of a semi-infinite crack in an infinite elastic plate is used to simulate the deformation fields of crack tip. The single pulses are obtained by using the "momentum trap" technique. Therefore, the one-time actions of the single pulse are achieved by eradicating the stress waves reflected from the specimen boundary or diffracted from the crack surfaces. In the current study, some important phenomena have been observed. The special loading of the single pulse can bring about material damage around crack tip, and affect the material behavior, such as kinking and branching of the crack propagation. Failure mode transitions from mode I to mode II crack are observed under asymmetrical impact conditions. The mechanisms of the dynamic crack propagation are consistent with the damage failure model.


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A modified single-pulse loading split Hopkinson torsion bar (SSHTB) is introduced to investigate adiabatic shear banding behavior in SiCp particle reinforced 2024 Al composites in this work. The experimental results showed that formation of adiabatic shear band in the composite with smaller particles is more readily observed than that in the composite with larger particles. To characterize this size-dependent deformation localization behavior of particle reinforced metal matrix composites (MMCp), a strain gradient dependent shear instability analysis was performed. The result demonstrated that high strain gradient provides a deriving force for the formation of adiabatic shear banding in MMCp. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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利用OM及FEM研究了铁基合金Nd:YAG脉冲激光熔凝区的几何形态及其变化规律、以及熔凝的热物理过程;利用OM、SEM、TEM、X-射线衍射仪及磨损实验机,研究了两种铁基热模具材料脉冲激光熔凝组织及其时效组织结构,以及熔凝区规则离散分布规律对材料抗磨损性能的影响。在10~5~10~7W/cm~2的脉冲激光平均功率密度范围内,可得到热传导型和深熔型两类强化区,当临界平均功率密度大于5 * 10~5W/cm~2,同时临界激光作用时间大于2ms时,热传导型强休区向深熔型强休区转变。熔化过程中,在熔池中形成上部以对流传热为主,底部以导热为主的传热模式,流场、温度场和压力场均随脉冲激光作用时间变化,最大流速、压力和温度梯度分别可达100m/s、数个大气压和10~(8-9) ℃C/m量级。凝固过程中,固液界面上的最大温度梯度、凝固速率和冷却速度时间和空间位置变化,分别可达10~(8-9) ℃/m量级、10~(-1)m/s量级和10~(7-8) ℃/s量级,其中冷却速度得到实验验证。亚共晶合金铸铁脉冲激光熔凝组织为δ-铁素体与M_3C的层片状共晶组织,还含有部分γ-奥氏体和少量的高碳孪晶马氏体组织,δ-铁素体和γ-奥氏体中均存在高密度位错亚结构。5CrMnMo钢脉冲激光熔凝组织由板条马氏体及少量的孪晶马氏体构成,马氏体中也存在高密度位错亚结构。上述两种组织经高温时效后,仍保持较细的晶粒,并有大量细小均匀弥散分布的碳化物析出,其中铸铁熔凝组织析出M_(23)C_6碳化物,M_(23)C_6可在M_3C/γ-奥氏体相界面或M_3C内部原位形核,亦可在δ-铁素体中弥散析出。两种材料的熔凝组织及其时效组织的显微硬度均明显高于相应的原始组织,也高于激光连续扫描熔凝的结果。脉冲激光规则离散熔凝加工在材料表面形成软硬相间的“原位”功能层,能显著降低裂纹形成的敏感性,提高材料表层的抗磨粒磨损性能,时效后仍具有较好的抗磨损性能。以熔凝强化区直径作为中心间距进行规则离散熔凝处理可使材料表面获得最佳抗磨损性能。


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