72 resultados para I-2 Newcastle disease virus


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Ca2Al2SiO7:Eu3+ was prepared by the sol-gel method. Through the emission spectrum of Eu3+ ion, the fluorescence parameters such as Omega(i) (i = 2,4) and radiative transition probabilities of D-5(0)-F-7(j) were calculated. The Pb2+ ion with bigger radius has an effect on the fluorescence spectra of Eu3+ which can be explained by the structure of the matrix. Simultaneously, the energy transfers between mercury-like ions (Pb2+ and Bi3+) and Eu3+ ion were observed. The D-5(4) and D-5(2) energy levels of Eu3+ are the resonance ones for Pb2+ ion.


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固态金属配位超分子的晶体工程是化学和分子科学最活跃的研究领域之一 ,它不仅因存在内孔和隧道等新颖网络特殊性而具有理论研究价值 ,而且在催化、光学、主 -客体化学以及分子电学等领域中具有巨大的潜在应用价值 [1~ 8] .用于构筑这类功能化合物的方法主要依赖于构筑网络的相互作用 ,即利用分子间的氢键 ,π- π作用及其它的分子间弱的相互作用 .由于 Cu- X体系超分子化合物优异的光学和催化性能 ,它们的合成与表征近来已引起人们的极大兴趣 [9,10 ] .迄今 ,一直未得到 [( Cu I) 2 ( 2 ,2′-bidy) 2 ]及其类似化合物的晶体 ,只是推断其结构可能是通过碘桥形成的二聚体 .我们选用 Cu I,o-phen和 H2 O为原料 ,在水热条件下得到了具有 C— H… I氢键的双核铜卤化合物 1 [( Cu I) 2 ( o- phen) 2 ]的晶体 .单晶结构测定不仅验证了碘桥连接的正确性 ,同时表明二聚体通过不寻常的 C— H…I氢键连接成一维超分子链 ,而链间通过 π- π作用呈现出二维层状超分子网络 .1 实验部分1 .1 单晶的合成 将 Cu I,o- phen和 H2 O按物质的...


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The first mononuclear tungsten-citrato complex, (NH4)(3)[Li(H2O)(3)WO3(C6H4O7)] (1) has been prepared by the reaction of ammonium tetrathio tungstate and lithium citrate in CH3OH - H2O solution at pH 8.2. There are two crystallographically independent anions in the asymmetric crystallographic unit. The crystal structure of the title compound (triclinic, space group P (1) over bar, a = 6.901(1), b = 15.136(3), c = 16.107(3) Angstrom, alpha = 75.85(3), beta = 89.89(3), gamma = 89.97(3), V = 1631.4(6) Angstrom (3), R = 0.068, R-w = 0.1674 for 3878 reflections with I > 2 sigma (1)), reveals that in the compound a tungsten atom is coordinated to a fully deprotonated citrate as a tridentate ligand and three terminal oxygen atoms to form a distorted coordination octahedron.


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The crystal structure of K7Na3[H2W12O42]3 . 6H(2)O was determined by X-ray crystallography,and refined to R=0.0864 based on 7024 observed reflections (I>2 sigma(I)). The crystallographic parameters are a=11.755(2), b=13.0493(3), c=16.289(3) Angstrom; alpha=77.13(3)degrees, beta=82.92(3)degrees, gamma=89.65(3)degrees, triclinic, space group, P (1) over bar, V=2416.7(8) Angstrom(3), Z=2, M-r=3330.98, D-cal=4.578Mg/m(3), F(000)=2904; mu (MoK alpha)=29.170mm(-1), T=293K. Two independent polyanions are centered respectively at 1,1,1/2 and 1/2, 1/2, 0, approximately perpendicular to each other with dihedral angle between the equatorial planes of the molecules at 96 degrees. K+ and Na+ respectively occupy the clefts of the two discrete polyanions.


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Half-sandwich nitrosyl complexes Cp*M(NO)I-2 (M = Mo, or W) react with dithiocarbamates (NaS2CNMe2 and NaS2CNEt2) in THF to form of complexes: Cp*Mo(NO)I (S2CNMe2) (1), Cp*Mo(NO)I(S2CNEt2) (2), Cp*W(NO)I(S2CNMe2) (3) and Cp*W(NO)I(S2CNEt2) (4) in high yields. Treatments of Cp*M(NO)I-2 (M = Mo, W) or [CpMo(NO)I-2](2) with phosphinodithioate (NaS2PMe2) and phosphorodithioate [(NH4)S2P(OMe)(2)] result in complexes: Cp*Mo(NO)I(S2PMe2) (5a), CpMo(NO)I (S2PMe2) (5b), Cp*Mo(NO)(S2PMe2)(2) (6a), CpMo (NO) (S2PMe2)(2) (6b) and Cp*Mo(NO)I[S2P(OMe)(2)] (7), Cp*W(NO)I(S2PMe2) (8), Cp*W(NO) I[S2P(OMe)](2) (9). Treatment of (5a) and (5b) with an excess of NaS2PMe2 gives (6a) and (6b). The complexes have been characterized by their elemental analyses, i.r., H-1, C-13-n.m.r. and by EI-MS spectrometry.


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In this study, the background activity of beta-glucuronidase (GUS) was analyzed histochemically and fluorometrically in the negative control of Laminaria japonica (Phaeophyta) thalli, showing low level of activity. GUS gene transformation without selectable gene in L. japonica was performed using four different promoters, i.e., Cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (CaMV35S) from cauliflower mosaic virus, ubiquitin promoter (UBI) from maize, adenine-methyl transfer enzyme gene promoter (AMT) from virus in green alga Chlorella, and fucoxanthin chlorophyll a/c-binding protein gene promoter (FCP) from diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. The GUS transient activity was determined fluorometrically after bombarding sliced parthenogenetic sporophytes explants, and it was found that the activity resulting from CaMV35S and FCP promoters (in 114.3 and 80.6 pmol MU min(-1) (mg protein)(-1), respectively) was higher than for the other two promoters. The female gametophytes were bombarded and regenerated parthenogenetic sporophytes. FCP was the only promoter that resulted in detectable GUS chimeric expression activity during histochemical staining and polymerase chain reaction. Results of Southern blot showed that GUS gene was integrated with the L. japonica genome.


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能量代谢指动物在进行生理活动(如摄食、消化以及动物的活动等)时所消耗能量的总和,一般以动物的呼吸率利排泄率来估计动物的能量代谢。其主要研究内容是闸明生物能量代谢的基木规律以及与环境闪子的关系。菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapesphil ippmarum)是我国一种重要的养殖贝类,关于其能量代谢的研究却较少,这种状况妨碍了菲律宾蛤仔养殖生态理论的完善和养殖技术的提高。本研究主要对菲律宾蛤仔呼吸率和排泄率的基本规律(能量代谢与体重的关系、能量代谢的昼夜变化)及其与环境因子(饵料浓度、水温、栖息底质环境)的关系进行探讨。研究结果如下:1.不同体重菲律宾蛤仔代谢率小同。实验川菲律宾蛤仔分三种大小:l(干肉重为0.07-0.14g)、ll(干肉重0.27-0.34g)、III(干肉重0.45~0.63g)。温度包括:26℃(八月)、20℃(十月)、1 5℃(十二月)、9℃(一月)。实验共设四个饵料浓度:2.28±0.25,6.454±0.44,10.284±0.82,15.414±1.56mgTPM/L(TPM,总颗粒物),饵料中POM(颗粒有机物)含量都为4.68±1.64 mg/L。常温下菲律宾蛤仔代谢率随着体重的增大而增大。15℃、20~C、26℃时蛤仔呼吸率与干肉重呈明显的幂函数关系R=aW~b,a值变动范围为0.1076-0.3309;b值变动范围为0.239l~0.8381;蛤仔排泄率与干肉重也呈明显的幂函数关系N=aW~b,a值变动范围为14.213~68.362:b值变动范围为0.3673-1.1 532。9℃(饵料浓度为2.28±0.25mgTPM/L)、20℃(饵料浓度为10.284-0.82mgTPM/L)、26℃(饵料浓度为6.454±0.44mgTPM/L)时不同体重蛤仔氧氮比差异显著,其它情况下不同体重蛤仔氧氮比差异不显著。2.常温下菲律宾蛤仔代谢率受饵料浓度的影响,不同大小蛤仔受饵料浓度的影响程度不同。I组蛤仔呼吸率受饵料浓度的显著影响,II组III组蛤仔呼吸率只在9℃(一月)和26~C(八月)时受饵料浓度的显著影响。26℃时影响最显著,26℃时I组蛤仔在饵料浓度为2.28±0.25,6.45±0.44,l0.28±0.82,15.4l±1.56mgTPM/L时呼吸率分别是O.086,0.146,0.073,0.093(mlO_2/h);ll组蛤仔在上述浓度饵料中呼吸率分别是0.138,0.214,0.J 26,0.12l(mlO_2/h);III组蛤仔在上述浓度饵料中呼吸率分别是0.129,0.266,0.186,0.192(mlO_2/h)。菲律宾蛤仔呼吸率在饵料浓度为6.45±0.44 mgTPM/L时最高,蛤仔呼吸率在其它饵料浓度时都会降低。菲律宾蛤仔排泄率在饵料浓度为10.28±0.82 mgTPM/L和15.4l士1.56mgTPM/L时显著高于其它浓度组,9℃时这种趋势更明显,9℃时饵料浓度为2.28±0.25,6.454±044,lO.284±0.82,15.41±1.56mgTPM/L中I组蛤仔排泄率分别是4.297,2.874,8.003,6.658(μgNH_3-N/h);II组蛤仔在上述浓度饵料中排泄率分别是4.011,3.609,10.427,12.732(μgNH_3-N/h);III组蛤仔在上述浓度饵料中排泄率分别是2.28 l,6.452,10.283,15.417(μgNH_3-N/h)。3.菲律宾蛤仔代谢率受自然温度的显著影Ⅱ向。I组蛤仔在9℃、15℃、20℃、26℃时呼吸率平均为0.057,0.085,0.039,O.099;II组蛤仔在上述四个温度中呼吸率平均为0.08,O.128,0.089,0.149(mlO_2/h),I组和II组蛤仔在9℃和20~C时呼吸率较低,在26℃时呼吸率最高。III组蛤仔在上述四个温度中呼吸率平均为0.09,O.1 59,O.143,O.193(mlO_2/h),在9℃时llI组蛤仔呼吸率显著低于其它温度组。温度为9℃、15℃、20℃、26℃时l组蛤仔排泄率平均为5.458,13.169,4.946,11.138(μgNH_3-N/h):II组蛤仔在上述温度中排泄率平均为7.695,23.578,8.319,23.90l(μgNH_3-N/h);III组蛤仔在上述温度中排泄率平均为11.738,27.443,15.658,35.407(μgNH_3-N/h),蛤仔排泄率在15℃和26℃时均高于9℃和20℃。4.摄食状态与饥饿状态菲律宾蛤仔代谢率有明显不同。26℃时蛤仔静止状态呼吸率平均为0.336(m102/g干重.h),摄食状态呼吸率平均为0.656(ml0_2干重.h),摄食状态呼吸率比静止状态平均升高了0 32(ml0_2/g干重.h);26℃时蛤仔静止状态排泄率平均为39.471(μgNH_3-N/g干重.h),摄食状态排泄率平均为88.08(μgNH_3-N/g干重.h),摄食状态排泄率比静止状态排泄率平均升高了48.6(μgNH_3-N/g干重.h)。摄食状态代谢率平均是静止状态的2~3倍。根据摄食引起的呼吸率和排泄率升高量得出每氧化产生lμgNH_3-N需0_2量平均为7.05μl。5.人工控制温度对菲律宾蛤仔代谢率有明显影响。不同大小蛤仔受温度的影响程度不同。在温度5℃、10℃、l 5℃、20℃、26℃,I组和II组蛤仔呼吸率都随着温度的升高而升高,在10℃~l5℃和20℃~26℃这二个温度变化范围内呼吸率变化最大,在20℃~26℃时I组蛤仔呼吸率变动范围为O.85~1.04(m10_2/g干重.h)、II组蛤仔变动范围为0.57~0.86(ml0_2/g干重.h)。III组蛤仔呼吸率只在5℃~l0℃时明显增高,变动范围为0.09~0.5l(m10_2/g干重.h),在10℃~26℃范围内变化不大。I组和II组蛤仔排泄率随着温度的升高而升高,变动幅度较大,在5℃~26℃范围内其排泄率变动范围为10.32~81.53(μgNH_3-N/g干重.h);而 III组蛤仔排泄率只在5℃~15℃时随着温度的升高而升高,其排泄率变动范围为6.75~23.77(μgNH_3-N/g干重.h),在15℃~26℃范围内几乎不变。III组蛤仔的适温范围比I组和II组蛤仔广。菲律宾蛤仔在5℃和10℃时氧氮比变化明显,变动范围为2.76~11.44,在15~26℃时变化不大。6.菲律宾蛤仔代谢率有明显的日节律性,呈正弦曲线型变化。蛤仔夜问代谢率明显升高。I组蛤仔夜间呼吸率平均为0.867(m10_2/g干重.h),白天呼吸率平均为O.504(m10_2/g干重.h);II组蛤仔夜间呼吸率平均为0.438(m10_2/g干重.h),白天呼吸率平均为0.36l(m102/g干重.h);III组蛤仔夜间呼吸率平均为0.409(m10_2/g干重.h),白天呼吸率平均为0.252(m102/g干重.h)。在22:00-23:00菲律宾蛤仔呼吸率最高。7.底质环境对菲律宾蛤仔的代谢率有明显影响。在饥饿状态下菲律宾蛤仔在泥沙底质中呼吸率平均为l 406(m10_2/g干重h),在无泥沙环境中呼吸率平均为O.963(ml0_2/g干重.h);摄食状态下菲律宾蛤仔在泥沙底质中呼吸率平均为1.59l(m102/g干重.h),在无泥沙环境中呼吸率平均为1.115(m10_2/g干重.h)。在饥饿状态下菲律宾蛤仔在泥沙底质中排泄率平均为78.934(μgNH_3-N/g 干重.h),在无泥沙环境巾排泄率平均为45.043(μgNH_3-N/g干重.h);摄食状态下菲律宾蛤仔在泥沙底质中排泄率平均为87.12l(μgNH_3-N/g干重.h),在无泥沙底质中排泄率平均为58.354(μgNH_3-N/g干重.h)。蛤仔在泥沙环境中呼吸率和排泄率都明显升高。


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This paper builds the model of oil accumulation and achieves the prediction of exploration goal. It uses multiple subject means, the ways of synthetic research and the viewpoint of analyzing genesis, with the academic guidance of sedimentology, structural geology, petroleum geology and geochemistry, the basis of strata sequence frame and structural frame, the frame of "four history" - the burying history, the structural history, the filling history and the evolving history of oil, the masterstroke of hydrocarbon's generation, migration and accumulation, the aim of revealing the genetic relation between mature source rock and oil reservoir in space and time. Some achievements and viewpoints in this study are following. 1. It is proposed that the structural evolution in this area had many periods, and the structural movement of the Xiazijie group telophase formed the structural pattern for the first time. 2. The character of strata sequence in this area is divided by the character of episodic cycle firstly. The study of dividing the facies of single well and the facies of well tie is based on the data of single well. The character of sedimentary facies is con-structed initially. 3. It is believed that Jiamuhe group is the main source rock, which can supply considerable oil and gas resources for the first time. Some criterions of source rock such as the type ,the abundance in Jiamuhe group are analysed. Using the thermal history of source rock, we drawn a conclusion that the original type of source rock in Jiamuhe group is II_1-III, and the abundance achived the level of good source rock, and this set of source rock had contributed to this area. 4. The reservoir strata in this area are assessed and analysed with the reservoir evaluation. There are multi-type reservoirs, such as volcanic lava facies, sedimentary clast facies, continental belch facies. The physical property in reservoir strata is characterized by low porosity and low permeability. The study of diagenetic stage show that the diageneses in Jiamuhe group is A-Bsubage, and the reservoir room is mainly secondary corroded hollow and cleft. 5. The synthetic research on oil system in Jiamuhe group is made for the first time. The type of petroleum system is divided , and we consider that the petroleum system of Jiamuhe group is at the reliable rank. There are two critical time in oil accumulation through studying the critical time of oil accumulation : the early generation of hydrocarbon is oil, and the later is gas. 6. The mechanism of accumulation is analysed. We consider that the accu-mulation of oil in this area has many periods, and the early generated hydrocarbon is expeled by the later , and formed the character of zonal distribution in planar. 7. A bran-new model of oil and gas is proposed. Beneficial enrichment area of oil and gas is analyzed, which can be divided into three sections: Section I can be divided into two sections: I_1 and I_2. The lower subgroup of Jiamuhe is covered by the triassic layer of I_1 section. Fault zone and near the foot wall of fault are charactered with thick phase belt. Then the cover capability in this area is relatively poor, oil can migrate into triassic layer by vertical or lateral migration , and forms I_1 Kelamayi triassic oil pool consequently. The lower subgroup of Jiamuhe is covered by the triassic layer of I_2 section ,which is charactered with thin phase belt. Then the cover capability in this area is relatively good, and forms I_1 Kelamayi triassic oil pool consequently. Section II can be divided into two sections: II_1-I_(I~2). The cover of Jiamuhe group in section II_1 is the low resistivity segment in Wuerhe group, which has thin lithology and poor porosity and permeability. Oil and gas in Jiamuhe group can be covered to form beneficial accumulation area. There are some wells in this area, such as Ke 007 well, 561 well. The thick phase belt layer of Wuerhe high resistivity segment in section II_2 has unconformable relation with Jiamuhe group. The cover ability of the high resistivity segment is poor, petroleum in Jiamuhe can migrate into Wuerhe layer vertically. This area is the beneficial area for accumulating petroleum in Wuerhe layer. there are some wells in this area, such as Ke 75 well, Ke 76 well, Ke 77 well, Ke 78 well, Ke 79 well. Section III can also be divided into two sections: III_1 and III_2. Wuerhe group in section III_1 has unconformable relation with Jiamuhe group. There is thick lithology and poor cover in Wuerhe group, but the strata sequence evolution character of upper subgroup in Jiamuhe group has determined that it has lateral and vertical cover ability. thus, this area is petroleum abundant belt of jiamuhe group, which has the trap. Section III_2 is an area controled by wedgeout of Fengcheng group, Fengcheng group in this area has quite thick lithology so that It has beneficial resevoir phase belt. It can accumulate oil in itself or accept some oil in Jiamuhe group. Jiamuhe group has some oil accumulation condition in this area. Thus, section III_2 is jiamuhe-Fengcheng multiple petroleum accumulation belt, such as Ke 80 well. 8. The goal of exploration is suggested: Depositional trap or combination trap is the important aspect in later exploration. Both types of traps are the goal of the next drilling: Fault block trap in the east of 576 well and the NO. 2 fault block trap in the north of Ke 102 well It is suggested that we should study the law of oil and gas in Jiamuhe group and enhance the study of combination in forming reservoir and trap scale. We do some lithology forecast and reservoir diatropic forecast in order to know the area of oil and gas.


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This paper belong to national "973" technological project undertaken by Shengli Oilfield. Work area is composed of turbidite reservoir of S212 and delta reservoir of S283 of Sheng2 unit in Shengtuo Oilfield that has a 36 years water injection development history. Change of the macroscopic, microscopic and filterational parameters and its mechanism have been studied in the 4 water-cut stages i.e. the primary, moderate, high and supper-high stage by using multi-disciplinary theories and approaches, computer techniques and physical simulation comprehensively. Dynamic reservoir models to different water-cut stages have been established. The study of forming mechanism and distribution of residual oil revealed the main types and spatial distribution of residual oil in different water-cut stages and the distribution mode has also been built up. Macroscopic, microscopic and filterational parameters selecting principle, optimizing and selecting standard, matching standard and laws and related database of various dynamic parameters in different water-cut stages have been established, which laid good basis for revealing reservoir macroscopic, microscopic and filterational parameters' dynamic change and residual oil distribution. The study indicated that in general, the macroscopic, microscopic and filterational parameters will slowly increase and become better in both shallow turbidite and delta reservoirs with the increasing of water cut, but different reservoirs have their own characteristics and change laws. Parameters of I~2 unit, whose petrophysical properties are better, increase more quickly than 8~3, whose petrophysical properties are more unfavorable. The changes was relatively quickly in high water-cut stage, while relatively slowly from primary to moderate and from high to supper-high water-cut stage. This paper firstly put forward that reservoir macroscopic, microscopic and filterational parameters are controlled by dynamic geological function of reservoir fluid, which is considered the major reason of reservoir parameters' dynamic changes and residual oil formation and distribution during reservoir development. Physical simulation of filterational parameters verified that forming mechanism and distribution of residual oil in different water-cut stages are also controlled by dynamic geological function of reservoir fluid. The idea of fluid geological function during reservoir development developed the theory of development geology, and has important practical values. This paper firstly constructed dynamic geological and mathematical models and five modes of residual oil distribution in Shengtuo Oilfield, and achieved four-dimensional forecast of residual oil distribution in different watercut stages. Dynamic changes and mechanism of macroscopic, microscopic and fliterational parameters of reservoir and their change process have been revealed. Forecast of residual oil distribution has been achieved by computers. This paper established the related theories, approaches and techniques for residual oil study, characterization and in different water-cut stages, and realized dynamic forecast of residual oil. It gained remarkable economic benefit and social effect in guiding field development. These theories and techniques had important meaningfulness for residual oil prediction in the terrestrial faulted basins not only in Shengli Oilfield but also in the east of China. Furthermore, this study has developed the theory of development geology.


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个旧锡多金属矿床位于云南省东南部,是一个驰名中外的超大型锡多金属矿床。本文在深入细致的野外地质工作基础上,对矿石进行了系统的显微鉴定,并对特征矿物做了电子探针定性、定量及面扫描分析,然后通过微量元素、稀土元素丫同位素地球化学(Pb、S、I-Ie、Ar)对比研究,探讨了矿床的成矿物质来源、成矿流体来源,论证了个旧锡矿区经历了广泛且具有重要成矿意义的中三叠世热水沉积成矿作用和燕山晚期的花岗岩岩浆热液的叠加改造成矿作用。最后重新建立了矿床的成矿模式。论文取得的主要认识如下:1.中三叠世,个旧矿区处于特殊的沉积环境一大陆裂谷系中的局I浪边缘海盆。2.中三叠世安尼期海底喷发的玄武岩,在时间、空间上与区内锡多金属矿床有着密切联系。该玄武岩源于富集成矿元素上地慢区,其地慢源区熔融前经历了交代富集作用。该富集作用对本区超大型锡多金属矿床的形成具有着重要意义。 3.“层间氧化矿”矿体的产状以及矿石类型隐含着同生沉积的信息。 4.矿石显微鉴定结果表明矿区曾发生热水沉积成矿作用,部分接触带矿体是燕山期花岗岩岩浆热液叠加、改造热水沉积矿体形成,在某些层间矿中,尤其是离花岗岩体较近的层间矿,存在后期岩浆热液叠加成矿作用。5.锡在鲡状黄铁矿、胶状结构黄铁矿中的大量存在,表明海底喷流时携带了大量成矿元素,具有成矿的潜力,同时锡石包裹体的存在暗示着海底喷流时可形成锡(SnO,)矿体。6.电气石细脉型锡矿与层间赤褐铁矿型锡矿的矿石及锡石单矿物稀土元素组成与花岗岩稀土对比研究,表明电气石细脉型矿体为花岗岩岩浆期后热液成因,而层间赤褐铁型应为热水沉积成因。层间矿块状硫化物中单矿物的稀土组成分析结果,表明部分层间矿存在热水沉积成矿作用,同时也存在花岗岩岩浆热液成矿作用,这与岩矿鉴定结果一致。层间矿围岩稀土和微量元素结果也表明部分围岩为热水沉积形成。7.矿石铅、硫同位素地球化学特征表明部分铅和硫源于印支期的热水沉积作用,另有部分铅、硫源于燕山期花岗岩岩浆热液作用;氦、氨同位素地球化学资料反映出该矿床早期成矿流体中氦主源于地慢,为热水沉积成因,同时大量放射性成因氦的加入,也表明了有大量后期花岗岩岩浆热液成矿流体的叠加和改造。8.“层间氧化矿”中成分极为单一(赤铁矿、褐铁矿、针铁矿、锡石)的致密土状赤铁矿矿石和部分褐铁矿矿石为热水沉积的直接产物,并非由硫化矿物氧化形成。9.在探讨矿区西区花岗岩的主量元素演化规律的基础上,对东区花岗岩演化规律进行了反演,得出东区花岗岩获得大量的铁,特别是三价铁,表明围岩在花岗岩侵入时就已经存在大量的三价铁,正是在花岗岩的侵入过程中对大量热水沉积的层间氧化矿的改造,导致了花岗岩中三价铁的演化异常。同时根据花岗岩稀土演化规律进行的模拟表明,老厂花岗岩可能“消化”了大量的热水沉积矿化体,其中层间氧化矿占有主要的份额,从而在局部空间形成了强氧化性质的地球化学障。强氧化环境的形成一方面形成老厂花岗岩特别的稀土模式,另一方面加快了含锡热液的分解,促使锡石沉淀并富集成矿。10.重新建立了个旧锡矿的成矿模式:个旧锡矿是长期以来多种地质作用的综合产物,具有多来源,多期次成矿特点,经历了广泛且具有重要的成矿意义的中三叠世热水沉积成矿作用和燕山晚期岩浆热液的叠加改造成矿作用,热水沉积成矿作用形成了以非晶质铁氧化物相为主的层间矿。燕山期大规模的岩浆活动对早期形成的部分层间矿或矿源层进行了叠加改造,个旧锡矿床应属热水沉积一岩浆热液叠加矿床。


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We combine theories of optimal pump-dump control and the related transient probe absorption spectroscopy in order to elucidate the relation between these two optical processes and the possibility of experimental realization. In the weak response regime, we identify the globally optimal pair of pump-dump control fields, and further propose a second-order difference detection scheme to monitor the wave packets dynamics that is jointly controlled by both the pump and dump fields. The globally optimal solution serves also as the initial input for the iterative search for the optimal control fields in the strong response regime. We use a model I-2 molecule to demonstrate numerically the pump-dump control and the detection of a highly vibrationally excited wave packet focusing dynamics on the ground X surface in both the weak and strong response regimes. The I2B surface serves as the intermediate to assist the pump-dump control and the optical detection processes. Demonstrated in the strong response regime are the optimal pair of pump-dump molecular-pi pulses that invert nearly total population onto the predefined target region within a half period of vibration motion. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(99)00115-4].