82 resultados para Harvesting stage


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The nucleation of calcium phosphate on the substrate of steatic acid Langmuir-blodgett film at the initial stage was investigated by atomic force microscopy. Nano-dots, nano-wires and nano-islands were observed in sequence for the first time, reflecting the nucleation of calcium phosphate and the molecular arrangement of carboxylic layer. The nucleation rates perpendicular and parallel to the carboxylic terminal group were estimated from the height and diameter of the calcium phosphate crystals, respectively. And this stage was distinct from the late explosive grown stage, in which the change of the morphology was not obvious. The approaches based on this discovery would lead to the development of new strategies in the controlled synthesis of inorganic nano-phases and the assembly of organized composite and ceramic materials.


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The fragmentations of four strychnos alkaloids have been investigated by electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI-FTICR-MS) in the positive ion mode. Experiments using multi-stage tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-FT-ICR-MSn) allowed us to obtain precise elemental compositions of product ions at high mass resolution. The experimental data demonstrated that the nitrogen bridge and the coordinated oxygen atom on the nitrogen bridge in the alkaloid compounds were the active sites in the MS2 fragmentations. The loss of CH3 or the OCH3 group in those alkaloids, which have an OCH3 substituent, was the dominant fragmentation mode in the MS3 fragmentations. Logical fragmentation schemes for strychnos alkaloids have been proposed and these should be useful for the identification of these compounds.


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Nanostructure and morphology and their development of poly(di-n-hexylsilane) (PDHS) and poly(di-n-butylsilane) (PDBS) during the crystal-mesophase transition are investigated using small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), wide angle X-ray diffraction and hot-stage atomic force microscopy. At room temperature, PDHS consists of stacks of lamellae separated by mesophase layers, which can be well accounted using an ideal two-phase model. During the crystal-mesophase transition, obvious morphological changes are observed due to the marked changes in main chain conformation and intermolecular distances between crystalline phase and mesophase. In contrast to PDHS, the lamellae in PDBS barely show anisotropy in dimensions at room temperature. The nonperiodic structure and rather small electronic density fluctuation in PDBS lead to the much weak SAXS. The nonperiodic structure is preserved during the crystal-mesophase transition because of the similarity of main chain conformation and intermolecular distances between crystalline phase and mesophase.


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Electrospray ionization multi-stage tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn) and liquid chromatography coupled with on-line mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) were applied to characterize saponins in crude extracts from Panax ginseng. The MSn data of the [M - H](-) ions of saponins can provide structural information on the sugar sequences of the saccharide chains and on the sapogins of saponins. By ESI-MSn, non-isomeric saponins and isomeric saponins with different aglycones can be determined rapidly in plant extracts. LC/MS/MS is a good complementary analytical tool for determination of isomeric saponins. These approaches constitute powerful analytical tools far rapid screening and structural assignment of saponins in plant extracts. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The effect of metal (Li+, Na+, K+, Ag+) cationization on collision-induced dissociation of ginsenosides was investigated by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry combined with multi-stage mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn). The fragments of sodiated and lithiated molecules give valuable structural information regarding the nature of the aglycone and the sequence and linkage information of sugar moieties. However, the number and relative abundances of fragment ions from lithiated ginsenosides are significantly greater than for the sodiated species, The K+ adducts undergo glycosidic cleavages and very limited cross-ring reactions. The silver ion adducts fragment mainly through glycosidic cleavages. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Electrospray ionization (ESI) combined with multiple-stage tandem mass spectrometry (MSn) was used to directly analyze the glycolipid mixture from bacteria Bacillus pumilus without preliminary separation. Full scan ESI-MS revealed the composition of picomole quantities of glycerolglycolipid species containing C-14-C-19 fatty acids, some of which were monounsaturated, Two main components were identified from their molecular masses and fragmentation pathways. The fragmentation pathway of the known compound compared with the investigated compound verified the proposed structure as 1(3)-acyl-2-pentadecanoyl-3(1)-O-[beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->6)-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl]-sn-glycerols. A comparison of the multiple tandem mass spectra of the different alkali-metal cation adducts indicates that the intensity of fragments and the dissociation pathways are dependent on the alkali-metal type, The basic structures of glycerolglycolipids were reflected clearly from the fragmentation patterns of the sodium cations, The intense fragments of the sugar residue from the precursor ions were obtained from the lithiated adduct ions. ESI-MSn spectra of [M + K](+) ions did not provide as much fragmentation as [M + Na](+) and [M + Li](+) adducts, but their spectra allow the position of glycerol acylation to be determined. On the basis of MS2 spectra of[M + K](+) ions, it was established that all components have a C-15:0 fatty acid at the sn-2 position of the glycerol backbone and C-14-C-19 acids at the sn-1 position of the glycerol backbone. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Three triterpenoid saponins in crude extracts from Acanthopanax senticosus Harms have been investigated by use of multi-stage mass spectrometry (MSn) combined with electrospray ionization (ESI), MSn spectra were applied to direct structure elucidation of these saponins in crude plant extracts, in positive and negative ion mode. The characteristic fragmentations of triterpenoid saponins are discussed. The method provides a means of rapid initial screening of crude plant extracts. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We have developed a two-stage growth one-step process for cultivation of Haematococcus using a self-designed system that mimics an open pond in the natural environment. The characteristics of this process are green vegetative cell growth and cysts transformation and pigment accumulation that proceed spontaneously and successively in one open photobioreactor. Four strains of Haematococcus (H. pluvialis 26; H. pluvialis 30; H. pluvialis 34; H. pluvialis WZ) were cultured in this imitation system for a duration of 12 days. The changes in cell density and medium pH were closely monitored, and the astaxanthin content and yield of the four Haematococcus strains were measured at the end of 12 days of cultivation. Two of the strains, H. pluvialis 26 and H. pluvialis WZ, were selected as strains suitable for mass culture, resulting in the astaxanthin yield of 51.06 and 40.25 mg L-1 which are equivalent to 2.79 and 2.50% of their dry biomass respectively. Based on the laboratory work, 6 batch cultures of H. pluvialis WZ were conducted successfully to produce astaxanthin in two 100 m(2) open race-way pond by two-stage growth one-step process. The astaxanthin content ranged from 1.61 to 2.48 g 100 g(-1) dry wt., with average astaxanthin content of 2.10 g 100 g(-1) dry wt. Compared with the one-stage production of astaxanthin based on continuous culture, the superiority of our process is that it can accumulate much more astaxanthin in red cysts. Compared with two-stage production of astaxanthin, the advantage of our process is that it does not need to divide the production process into two parts using two bioreactors. The presented work demonstrates the feasibility for producing astaxanthin from Haematococcus using a two-stage growth one-step process in open pond, culture systems that have been successfully used for Spirulina and Chlorella mass culture. The future of Haematococcus astaxanthin production has been also discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The main light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b -protein complex (LHC II) has been isolated directly from thylakoid membranes of shiphonous green alga, Bryopsis corticulans Setch. by using two consecutive runs of anion exchange and gel-filtration chromatography. Monomeric and trimeric subcomplexes of LHC 11 were obtained by using sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation. Pigment analysis by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography showed that chlorophyll a (Chl a), chlorophyll b (Chl b), neoxanthin, violaxanthin and siphonaxanthin were involved in LHC 11 from B. corticulans. The properties of electronic transition of monomeric LHC II showed similarities to those of trimeric LHC II. Circular dichroism spectroscopy showed that strong intramolecular interaction of excitonic dipoles between Chl a and between Chl b exist in one LHC II apoprotein, while the intermolecular interaction of these dipoles can be intensified in the trimeric structure. The monomer has high efficient energy transfer from Chl b and siphonaxanthin to Chl a similarly to that of the trimer. Our results suggest that in B. corticulans, LHC II monomer has high ordered pigment organization that play effective physiological function as the trimer, and thus it might be also a functional organization existing in thylakoid membrane of B. corticulans.


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The main chlorophyll a/b light-harvesting complex (LHC 11) has been isolated directly from thylakoid membranes of marine green alga (Bryopsis corticulans Setch.) by two consecutive runs of anion exchange and gel-filtration chromatography. LHC 11 proteins in the membrane extracts treated with 3% n-Octyl-b-D-glucopyranoside (OG) obtained specific binding ability on Q Sepharose column, and thus were isolated from the thylakoid membranes in a highly selective fraction. The monomeric, trimeric and oligomeric subcomplexes of LHC 11 have been obtained by fractionation of the LHC 11 mixes with sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation. The SDS-PAGE analysis of peptide composition and absorption spectrum showed that LHC 11 monomers, trimers and oligomers prepared through this work were intact and in high purity. Our report is the first to show that it is possible to purify LHC If directly from thylakoid membranes without extensively biochemical purification.


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peptide composition and arrangement of 4 major light-harvesting complexes LHCP1-3 and LHCP3, isolated from siphonous green algae (Codium fragile (Sur.) Hariot.) were investigated. LHCP1 showed five main peptides, 34.4, 31.5, 29.5, 28.2 and 26.5 kD in SDS-PAGE, the 34.4 and 31.5 kD peptides were never found in higher plants. LHCP3 contained the other four kinds of LHCP1 peptides except 34.4 kD, while LHCP3, consisted of only 28.2 and 26.5 kD peptides. We found that 34.4, 28.2 and 26.5 kD peptides were easy to decompose from LHCP1 when subjected to SDS-PACE without pretreatment. They might be located at the exterior of LHCP1, while the 31.5 and 29.5 kD peptides were at the central part. The 28.2 and 26.5 kD peptides often occurred in CPa, the center complex of PS II. They are possibly the LHC II peptides tightly associated with CC II. According to the results described above, a peptide map of LHCP1 was sketched.