132 resultados para Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712
A phenol-degrading. microorganism, Alcaligenes faecalis, was used to study the substrate interactions during cell growth on phenol and m-cresol dual substrates. Both phenol and m-cresol could be utilized by the bacteria as,the sole carbon and energy sources. When cells grew on the mixture of phenol and m-cresol, strong substrate interactions were observed. m-Cresol inhibited the degradation of phenol, on the other hand, phenol also inhibited the utilization of m-cresol, the overall cell growth rate was the co-action of phenol and m-cresol. In addition, the cell growth and substrate degradation kinetics of phenol, m-cresol as single and mixed substrates for A. faecalis in batch cultures were also investigated over a wide range of initial phenol concentrations (10-1400 mg L-1) and initial m-cresol concentrations (5-200 mg L-1). The single-substrate kinetics was described well using the Haldane-type kinetic models, with model constants of it mu(m1) = 0.15 h(-1), K-S1 = 2.22 mg L-1 and K-i1 = 245.37 mg L-1 for cell growth on phenol and mu(m2) = 0.0782 h(-1), K-S2 = 1.30 mg L-1 and K-i2 = 71.77 mgL(-1), K-i2' = 5480 (mg L-1)(2) for cell growth on m-cresol. Proposed cell growth kinetic model was used to characterize the substrates interactions in the dual substrates system, the obtained parameters representing interactions between phenol and m-cresol were, K = 1.8 x 10(-6), M = 5.5 x 10(-5), Q = 6.7 x 10(-4). The results received in the experiments demonstrated that these models adequately described the dynamic behaviors of phenol and m-cresol as single and mixed substrates by the strain of A. faecalis.
In last 10 years,extensive field inventories were carried out to investigate Polypore species, the major wood decaying fungi in the Changbaishan Nature Reserve of Northeastern China. The following 27 species were treated as rare or threathened species: Amylocystis lapponica (Romell) Singer, Anomoporia albolutescens (Romell) Pouzar, Anomoporia bombycina (Fr.) Pouzar, Anomoporia vesiculosa Y.C. Dai & Niemel, Antrodia carbonica (Overh.) Ryvarden & Gilb., Antrodia crassa (P. Karst.) Ryvarden, Antrodiella citrinella Niemel & Ryvarden, Diplomitoporus flavescens (Bres.) Dománski, Donkioporia expansa (Desm.) Kotl. & Pouzar, Gloeophyllum carbonarium (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Ryvarden, Haploporus odorus (Sommerf.) Bondartsev & Singer, Inonotopsis subiculosa (Peck) Parmasto, Nigroporus ussuriensis (Bondartsev & Ljub.) Y.C. Dai & Niemela, Oxyporus sinensis X.L. Zeng, Parmastomyces taxi (Bondartsev) Y.C. Dai & Niemela, Phellinidium sulphurascens (Pilat) Y.C. Dai, Phellinus vaninii Ljub., Polyporus vassilievae Thorn, Pycnoporellus fulgens (Fr.) Donk, Skeletocutis brevispora Niemela, Skeletocutis ochroalba Niemela, Skeletocutis perennis Ryvarden, Trechispora candidissima (Schwein.) Bondartsev & Singer, Wolfiporia dilatohypha Ryvarden & Gilb., Wolfiporia curvispora Y.C. Dai, Wrightoporia avellanea (Bres.) Pouzar and Wrightoporia lenta (Oveh. & J. Lowe) Pouzar. Polypores are richer in East Asia than in Europe and North America, not only because of destructive galciations and fewer hosts in the latters, but also because of the geography. NE Asia is a link between Europe and North America. Changbaishan Nature Reserve is very rich in polypores, and over 260 species were recorded in the reserve. Some rare species in North America and Europe, for instance, Anomoporia albolutescens, Antrodia crassa, Diplomitoporus flavescens, Inonotopsis subiculosa and Skeletocutis ochroalba etc. were found in Changbaishan Nature Reserve as well, and these species are in fact rare in the earth. Most of the 27 species occurred on fallen trunks or rotten wood in the reserve, but some of them grew on living trees. 18 species occured on substrate of gymnosperms, and 9 species grew on wood of angiosperm.Among the 27 species, 7 species caused a brown rot,and 20 species produced a white rot. The morphology, substrate and ecology of each species were briefly discussed. The most important tool for polypore conservation is the conservation of their habitats, and it is necessary to study the ecology of the rare and threathened species of polypores in the Changbaishan Nature Reserve. Because most of polypores live on the substrate of fallen trunks and rotten wood, it is very important to keep such substrate in the ecosystem.
We report a novel method termed matrix suppressed laser desorption/ionization to improve the analysis of low-mass molecules by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. In this method, the surfactant of cetrimonium bromide (CTAB) is added to the conventional matrix of alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid solution to prepare the MALDI samples. During the MALDI process, the presence of CTAB could substantially or even completely suppress the matrix-related ion background. As a result, very clean mass spectra can be routinely obtained in the low-mass range. In addition, the presence of CTAB can significantly improve the mass resolution of low-mass molecules. It is seen that high-quality spectra were routinely obtained at a matrix/CTAB ratio of 1000:1. This method has been successfully used to analyze a variety of low-mass molecules.
利用树木径向生长仪研究了黄土丘陵区6年生油松(Pinus tabulaef ormis)、山杨(Populus davidiana)和辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)及林下灌木胡颓子(Elaegnus umbellata)4种林木整个生长季茎干的径向变化,发现4种林木的径向变化表现为膨胀收缩旋回增长的模式。在整个生长季中,山杨从5月到10月径向持续增长,增长时间最长;而油松和胡颓子的径向生长主要发生在7月份,从8月份开始其增长速率变缓;辽东栎在整个生长季节的径向生长最小。在整个生长季内,山杨径向增长了2.63 mm,胡颓子为0.64 mm,油松和辽东栎则分别为0.40 mm和0.26 mm。辽东栎日收缩量与膨胀量明显大于其他树种。通过对影响林木径向生长的15种环境因子进行主成分分析后,将主要环境因子归结为温度影响因子、湿度影响因子和降水影响因子3个主成分,并提取了影响该区几种林木生长的主要环境因子:日大于0℃的积温、最低6 h相对湿度和日降雨量。采用线性逐步回归方法,建立了日膨胀量与日收缩量与3个主要环境因子之间的关系。发现日收缩量与日大于0℃的积温成正相关,而与最低6 h相对湿度和日降雨...
为了揭示黄土高原南部地区不同质地类型土壤剖面坚实度的变化及其与土壤含水率的定量关系,以黄墡土、土娄土、裸露在地表的粘化层耕作剖面为研究对象,定位观测其0~45 cm土壤坚实度与含水率的变化。结果表明,黄墡土、土娄土、裸露在地表粘化层耕作剖面的犁底层平均坚实度均大于耕层,犁底层平均坚实度较耕层分别高194.8%,87.3%,10.4%;剖面土壤质地越粘其平均坚实度越大;土壤坚实度与含水率呈负相关关系;土壤坚实度变化速率为0时,以上3种土壤剖面临界含水率分别为0.1712,0.1757,0.1835;质地不同的土壤剖面坚实度时空变化特征有差异,其中黄墡土剖面0~20 cm土层土壤坚实度为350~500 kPa,受土壤含水率变化的影响较小;20~30 cm土层土壤的坚实度为500~1400 kPa,不易受外界环境影响;30 cm以下土层土壤坚实度为700~1600 kPa,受土壤含水率变化影响较大。土娄土剖面0~40 cm土层土壤坚实度为600~1200 kPa,受含水率变化影响较大;40 cm以下土层土壤坚实度稳定在1 800 kPa左右。粘化层剖面0~15 cm土层土壤坚实度在2000 kPa左右,受环境影响较...
<正> "绿色食品"系指经"中国绿色食品发展中心"认定,许可使用"绿色食品"标志的无污染、安全、优质、营养类食品。它具有三个显著的特点:1.出自良好的生态环境; 2.有规范的"从土地到餐桌"全程质量控制措施和标准;3.其标志受法律保护,是集社会效益、环境效益和经济效益为一体的产物,赋予极强的时代特征和浓厚的食品文化内涵.1.绿色食品的开发是社会与经济发展的必然产物,有重要的现实意义现代大工业和城市的发展和进
Qianyanzhou(QYZ) Ecological Station established in 1983 with an area of 204 hm~2 is affiliated to the Chinese Ecosystem Research Network.Before 1982,herbs had been dominant,sparsely dotted with shrubs.After 20-year restoration of the vegetation,the vegetation showed significant changes in both forest coverage and species diversity.Forest coverage had increased to 93.3% in 1999 from 0.4% in 1982.The vegetation could be broadly classified into two groups: artificial forest,accounting for the most percent,and natural secondary forest.These two groups could be subdivided into 12 types.Based on the 2003 field work,The authors studied plant community composition and vertical structure.The results were as follows: 1) On the study plots were there about 150 species,of which 100,49,and 47 grew in arbor layer and shrub layer and herb layer,respectively.Of 12 community types,the amount of species in shrub layer was larger than that of other two layers.As to the species richness in the different community types,Liquidambar formosana community showed the highest and Imperata cylindrical var.major community the least.The amount of species in arbor layer of artificial forest was smaller than those of natural Pinus massoniana forest,but no difference in understory.2) Loropetalum chinense,Quercus fabric and Vaccinium bracteatum were dominant shrub species with a wide distribution.Three ferns Woodwardia japonica、Dryopteris atrata and Dicrannepteris dichotoma were dominant herb species.Lianas were sparse,but Milletlia reticulata were found in all forest types.3) Up to now some natural regeneration species,such as Eurya muricata、Quercus fabri、Vaccinium bracteatum、Rhus chinensis、Adinandra bockiana,had grown in the arbor layer of artificial forests.Some herb species,such as Arundinella setosa、Miscanthus floridulus、Isachne globosa、Scirpus triqueter,which were dominant ones in the herb layer before the restoration of vegetation,disappeared now.4) The vertical structure of natural Pinus massoniana community and Liquidambar formosana community showed more complex comparing with artificial forests.For the artificial forests,the conifer and broad-leaves mixed forest had a more complex structure.In both natural Pinus(massoniana) community and Liquidambar formosana community,it was dominated by individuals with height of 3~4 m,while 10~12 m in the artificial forests.
The prevention and control of tomato plant diseases were conducted in protective ground using Vc fermentation waste residue treated by enzymolysis and ultrasonic wave. The results showed that the seedlings planted for 3 weeks on the protective ground soil continuously cropped tomato plant for 9 years and fertilized 75, 150 and 300 kg·hm -2 grew well. Their biomass were increased by 123%, 164% and 182%, and the disease incidence rates were decreased by 59%, 78% and 85%, respectively. Under application of 300 kg·hm -2 Vc fermentation waste residue, the products of tomato grown for 10 weeks on the soil continuously cropped tomato plant for 9, 6 and 2 years were increased by 60%, 43% and 14%, respectively, and the disease incidence rates were all decreased by 50%.
Polyporus moluccensis was newly reported from Hainan Province,Southern China,and its illustrated description was given according to the Chinese specimens.Macroscopically it resembled Polyporus tenuiculus(Beauv.) Fr.,but differed by its smaller basidiospores(5.9~8 × 2.3~3.2 μm vs 8.9~11 × 2.9~4 μm),and by having cystidioles.Polyporus moluccensis grew on rotten angiosperm wood and caused a white rot.
The genus Leucogyrophana Pouz.was found from Yunnan Province,southwest China,and it was the first report from China.Accordingly,Leuogyrophana pseudomollusa(Parm.)Parm.was the first record of the Chinese fungal flora.L.pseudomollusa grew on rotten wood of Pinus.The present paper provided a detailed description and illustration based on the Chinese material.
By controlling the surface effects during droplet evaporation of imogolite solutions, imogolite nanotubes were dispersed individually and directly observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and the structure evolution of imogolite nanotubes in the synthetic process was investigated. It was found that the number of imogolite nanotubes continuously increased with time in the whole reaction. The average length grew slowly over time after a remarkable increase in the initial 24 h, and the length distribution experienced a similar variation with the polydispersity index always below 2. No appreciable changes in tube diameters were detected under TEM observation.
Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) film of stearic acid was used as template to induce the nucleation and growth of KCl crystals when the KCl solution was cooled from 50 to 25 degrees C. When the LB film template was vertically dipped into the solution, only induced crystals with (1 1 0) orientation were formed. However, if the template was horizontally placed into solutions, both the induced nuclei at the solution/film interface and spontaneous nuclei formed in solution were simultaneously absorbed onto the LB film, and then grew further to form crystals. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns and optical microscopy images showed that the orientation and morphology of the crystals were controlled properly by changing the orientation and position of the LB films in the solutions.