102 resultados para Freshwater ecology


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Surveys of macroinvertebrates were carried out in the Xiangxi River system during July of 2001. Among the 121 taxa collected, Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, and Diptera dominated (41.7, 26.0, and 24.5% of the total relative abundance, respectively). Two-way indictor species analysis and detrended correspondence analysis divided the 49 sites into four groups based on species composition and relative abundance. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that elevation, SiO2, pH, conductivity, hardness, and NO2-N were significant environmental factors affecting the distribution of macroinvertebrates.


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Rotifer assemblage in the subtropical eutrophic Lake Chaohu was investigated monthly from September 2002 to August 2003. Forty-nine species belonging to 18 genera and 14 families were recorded. The highest densities of rotifer were observed during summer when there were heavy cyanobacterial blooms. There was a significant positive correlation between total rotifer density and the biomass of cyanobacteria. However, no correlations were found between the densities of rotifer and crustacean zooplankton, possibly owing to the paucity of large-bodied planktonic crustaceans. It is likely that the occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms not only caused the shift of dominant crustacean zooplankton from large species to smaller ones but also weakened the negative interaction between crustaceans and rotifers.


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We evaluated the toxic effect of Microcystis aeruginosa on Daphnia carinata King using survival rate, population growth rate, and body length. When fed Microcystis aerugionsa PCC7820 and liberated colonial Microcystis spp., all D. carinata died within five days. When fed a mixture of M. aeruginosa PCC7820 and the green alga Scenedesmus obliquus, the survival rate, population growth rate, and body length of D. carinata generally increased. The survival rates were all above 80% after ten days. However, with liberated colonial M. aeruginosa, the toxic effect on D. carinata was more pronounced, and only at higher concentration of S. obliquus did that toxic effect abate. Our results indicated that green algae could greatly weaken the toxic effect of cyanobacteria.


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From June 2000 to June 2002, four sites on the mainstem of the Xiangxi River and one site on each of its major tributaries were sampled 16 times each for benthic algae. All total, 223 taxa (most to species and variety levels) were found (193 Bacillariophyta, 20 Chlorophyta, nine Cyanophyta and one Xanthophyta). The diatoms Cocconeis placentula, Achnanthes linearis, and Diatoma vulgare dominated the system, with relative abundance of 33.3%, 18.8%, and 6.4%, respectively. The abundances of all the other taxa were under 5%, and 210 taxa collectively contributed less than 1% of the total abundance. Taxa diversity peaked in winter and reached a minimum in summer. Species richness varied considerably but was not significantly different over time. Maximum algal density occurred in later winter/spring (1.4 x 10(9) ind./m(2)) but was not significantly different from the minimum density, which occurred in August. Chlorophyll a showed similar seasonal fluctuation but also was not significantly different over time. Canonical correspondence analysis demonstrated that water hardness, depth, conductivity, and alkalinity had important influences on variation of epilithic algae in the Xiangxi River system.


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Compared with other approaches for modeling and predicting, artificial neural networks are more effective in describing complex and non-linear systems. The occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms has been a continuous and serious problem over the past decades in hypereutrophic Lake Dianchi. Yet, the main factor(s) initiating these blooms remain(s) unclear. During 2001-2002 at 40 sampling sites in Lake Dianchi, physicochemical parameters possibly relating to the blooms were measured. Parameters directly or indirectly relating to the cyanobacterial blooms were used as driving factors in a back-propagation network to model the concentration of chlorophyll a. According to sensitivity analysis, chemical oxygen demand was identified as a very significant environmental factor for algal growth in Lake Dianchi.


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The summer diel variation of methane (CH4) flux was investigated in a eutrophic, subtropical lake in China. The CH4 concentration was always supersaturated, and the emission rate ranged from 0.24 to 45.51 mg m(-2) h(-1). The diel variations of CH4 flux in June and August showed a single peak in early afternoon and a minimum in the morning, while the pattern varied irregularly in May. There was a moderate relationship between water and sediment temperature and CH4 emission rate in some months.


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Food web structure was studied by using carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in a hypereutrophic subtropical Chinese lake, Lake Donghu. High external nutrient loading and the presence of abundant detritus from submersed macrophytes were responsible for the high sediment delta(15)N and delta(13)C, respectively. C-13 was significantly higher in submersed macrophytes than in other macrophytes. The similar delta(13)C values in phytoplankton, zooplankton, zoobenthos, and planktivorous fish indicate that phytoplankton was the major food source for the consumers. By using a delta(15)N mass balance model, we estimate that the contributions of zooplankton to the diet of silver carp and bighead carp were 54% and 74%, respectively, which is in agreement with previous microscopic observations on intestinal contents of these fishes.


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A fingernail clam, Sphaerium lacustre, was studied in subtropical Lake Donghu from June 1999 to May 2000. The S. lacustre population was characterized by a single annual reproduction period starting in March and ending in October; the population comprised three size groups, of which the 1999 cohort was dominant. The annual average density and biomass were 100.2 ind./m(2) and 12.11 g/m(2), respectively The annual production was 43.02 wet weight g/m(2), and the corresponding annual production/biomass ratio was 3.55.


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Gomphonemaceae and Cymbellaceae from Jolmolungma Mountain region of China, comprised 79 taxa belonging to five genera. The dominant species were Gomphonema angustatum var. productum, G. gracile var. gracile, G. parvulum var. parvulum, G. hedini, Cymbella aequalis var. pisciculus, C. delicatula, C. cistula, C. cistula var. hebetata, C. cesatii, C. cymbiformis, C microcephala, C. minuta var. minuta., C. minuta var. silesiaca, C. pusilla, C. affinis. Some arctic and alpine forms also occurred, and the following taxa were unique to this region: Cymbella delicatula, C. naviculiformis, C. gracilis, C. minuta var. minuta, C. affinis, C. cistula, C. cymbiformis, C. cistula var. hebetata, C. arctica, Didymosphenia geminata, Gomphonema hedinii, G. olivaceum. Numbers of taxa in each samples varied greatly, It appears that species diversity of diatoms is related not only to macro-environments (e.g., geographic zonation) but also to microenvironments (e.g., microhabitats and microclimates). Cymbella spp. are not only comparatively widespread in the region but also outnumber Gomphonema spp. A large number of species found in the Jolmolungma Mountain region are also found in Tibet and the headwaters of Yangtze River.


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The reproductive traits of Gymnocypris selincuoensis from Selincuo Lake and its tributaries were investigated in 1997 and 1998. The youngest mature male was age 7 with a standard length (SL) of 172.0 mm, and the youngest mature female was age 8 with a SL of 194.0 mm. The L(50)s Of SL and age at first maturity were respectively 250.32 mm and age 9 for males and 224.71 mm and age 8 for females. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) significantly changed with seasons for mature individuals but not for immature individuals. GSIs of mature females at stages IV and V of ovary development increased with SL and reached a maximum value at the SL range from 370 mm to 390 mm; the GSIs of mature males were negatively correlated with SL. The breeding season lasted from early April to early August. Egg size did not significantly change with SL but increased with the delay of spawning. The individual absolute fecundity varied from 1,341 to 28,002 eggs (mean 12,607+/-7,349), and the individual relative fecundity varied from 6.4 to 42.0 eggs.g(-1) (mean 25.5+/-9.7). The individual fecundity increased with total body weight; it also increased with SL for those of SL less than 370 mm. There was a rest of spawning for mature individuals.


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Acute biochemical responses of Potamogeton crispus L. to high external ammonium were investigated in an aquarium experiment. Shoots of P. crispus were incubated in aquaria for 24 h or 48 h at five treatments of ammonium-0, 1, 5, 10 and 20 mg/L NH4-N. Soluble sugar content of the shoots declined markedly with increasing ammonium levels, whereas soluble amino acid content increased dramatically. Responses of two antioxidant enzymes as well as soluble protein content fit a lognormal distribution with increasing ammonium levels. High ammonium levels (NH4-N greater than or equal to 5 mg/L) caused significant acute biochemical changes in P. crispus, which potentially could lead to significant biochemical damage.


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A year-round comparison was made of the picophytoplankton populations in three lakes of different trophic status (oligotrophic, mesotrophic, and hypereutrophic), as well as in experimental enclosures stocked with various densities of fish. Picophytoplankton abundance was significantly different between the hypereutrophic lake and the oligotrophic lake (P<0.018) and between the hypereutrophic lake and the mesotrophic lake (P<0.021), whereas the difference between the mesotrophic and oligotrophic lakes was not significant (P<0.745). The effect of total nitrogen:total phosphorus ratio on the abundance of picophytoplankton was demonstrated in the oligotrophic lake, but such effect did not manifest itself in the other lakes or in the experimental enclosures. The average annual picophytoplankton population sizes in the three lakes in 1995-1998 were correlated with estimated fish abundance (r=0.824, n=9, P=0.006). The results of enclosure experiments demonstrated that the abundance of picophytoplankton increased with the stocking density of fish (r=0.619, n=8, P=0.100).


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Surface, overlying, and interstitial waters were collected at monthly intervals at three experimental stations in a shallow Chinese eutrophic lake (Lake Donghu) to assess the occurrence, distribution, and status of UV-sensitive phosphorus compounds (UVSP) and phosphatase hydrolyzable phosphorus (PHP), coupled with kinetics of alkaline phosphatase activity (APA). Orthophosphate (o-P) concentrations were generally the highest at Station 1, where chlorophyll a (chl a) was a function of o-P at temporal scale. The V-max/K-m of APA obtained by Michaelis-Menten approach paralleled the chlorophyll data at two stations. These facts imply that the development of phytoplankton may be attributed to APA induced by PHP. The potentially available UVSP and PHP peaked in interstitial, overlying, and surface water simultaneously sometimes in 1995 to 1996 and 1997 to 1999. It is postulated that they may arise from the bottom. UVSP peaked in interstitial water at the 12-16 cm layers in sediment cores. Moreover, in interstitial water, UV irradiation resulted in an elevated o-P concentration and decreased APA in a timeseries analysis. Therefore, the mechanism that APA involved in the process of photorelease of o-P was not demonstrated. UVSP is most likely a functional group of labile phosphorus distinct from the enzymatic substrate in this shallow eutrophic lake.


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The feeding rate of the copepod Mesocyclops notius on two species of cladocerans (Daphnia carinata and Ceriodaphnia cornuta) decreased with increasing environmental concentration of 64-122 mum colonial Microcystis spp. Rate of copepod feeding on Moina micrura was unaffected by the presence of Microcystis spp. Mesocyclops notius rarely preyed on Diaphanosoma brachyurum.


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Body length, instar duration, fecundity, and survival rate of Moina irrasa from a subtropical Chinese lake were studied at three food concentrations (4, 8, and 40 mg/L, wet weight) and six temperatures (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35degreesC) in the laboratory. Body length tended to decrease with increase of temperature, while the trend was reversed as food concentration rose. M. irrasa had three juvenile instars, except there were four at 10degreesC, and the number of adult instars showed great variation (3-15). Water temperature and food concentration both affected the duration time of adult instars. The largest broods were from the third to sixth adult instars, depending on food and temperature, and the mean highest number of offspring per brood was 56 at 25degreesC. A significant relationship between body length and brood size appeared at high (40 mg/L) and medium (8 mg/L) food concentrations, while there was no significant relationship at low food concentration except at 25 degreesC. The intrinsic rate of population increase ranged between 0.104 and 1.825 ind./day.