115 resultados para First-principles calculation


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First-principle calculations are performed to investigate the structural, elastic, and electronic properties of ReB2 and WB2. The calculated equilibrium structural parameters of ReB2 are consistent with the available experimental data. The calculations indicate that WB2 in the P6(3)/mmc space group is more energetically stable under the ambient condition than in the P6/mmm. Based on the calculated bulk modulus, shear modulus of polycrystalline aggregate, ReB2 and WB2 can be regarded as potential candidates of ultra-incompressible and hard materials. Furthermore, the elastic anisotropy is discussed by investigating the elastic stiffness constants. Density of states and electron density analysis unravel the covalent bonding between the transition metal atoms and the boron atoms as the driving force of the high bulk modulus and high shear modulus as well as small Poisson's ratio.


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Based on the idea that the hardness of covalent crystal is intrinsic and equivalent to the sum of the resistance to the indenter of each bond per unit area, a semiempirical method for the evaluation of hardness of multicomponent crystals is presented. Applied to beta-BC2N crystal, the predicted value of hardness is in good agreement with the experimental value. It is found that bond density or electronic density, bond length, and degree of covalent bonding are three determinative factors for the hardness of a polar covalent crystal. Our method offers the advantage of applicability to a broad class of materials and initializes a link between macroscopic property and electronic structure from first principles calculation.


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In the past decade density functional theory (DFT) has made its way from a peripheral position in quantum chemistry to center. Of course the often excellent accuracy of the DFT based methods has provided the primary driving force of this development. This dissertation is devoted to the study of physical and chemical properties of planetary materials by first-principle calculation. The concerned properties include the geometry, elastic constants and anisotropy. In the first chapter, we give a systematic introduction to theoretical background and review its progress. Development of quantum chemistry promotes the establishment of DFT. Theorem of Hohenberg-Kohn is the fundament of DFT and is developed to Kohn-Sham equation, which can be used to perform real calculations. Now, new corrections and extensions, together with developed exchange-correlation, have made DFT more accurate and suitable for larger systems. In the second chapter, we focus on the calculational methods and technical aspects of DFT. Although it is important to develop methods and program, external package are still often used. At the end of this chapter, we briefly some widely used simulation package and the application of DFT. In the third chapter, we begin to focus on properties of real materials by first principles calculation. We study a kind of minerals named Ca perovskite, investigate its possible structure and anisotropy at Earth’s mental condition. By understanding and predicting geo-physically important materials properties at extreme conditions, we can get the most accurate information to interpret seismic data in the context of likely geophysical processes.


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Using first-principles methods, we studied the extrinsic defects doping in transparent conducting oxides CuMO2 (M=Sc, Y). We chose Be, Mg, Ca, Si, Ge, Sn as extrinsic defects to substitute for M and Cu atoms. By systematically calculating the impurity formation energy and transition energy level, we find that Be-Cu is the most prominent extrinsic donor and Ca-M is the prominent extrinsic acceptor. In addition, we find that Mg atom substituting for Sc is the most prominent extrinsic acceptor in CuSCO2. Our calculation results are expected to be a guide for preparing n-type and p-type materials through extrinsic doping in CuMO2 (M=SC, y). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The origin of ferromagnetism in d(0) semiconductors is studied using first-principles methods with ZnO as a prototype material. We show that the presence of spontaneous magnetization in nitrides and oxides with sufficient holes is an intrinsic property of these first-row d(0) semiconductors and can be attributed to the localized nature of the 2p states of O and N. We find that acceptor doping, especially doping at the anion site, can enhance the ferromagnetism with much smaller threshold hole concentrations. The quantum confinement effect also reduces the critical hole concentration to induce ferromagnetism in ZnO nanowires. The characteristic nonmonotonic spin couplings in these systems are explained in terms of the band coupling model.


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Intervalley GAMMA-X deformation-potential constants (IVDP's) have been calculated by use of a first-principles pseudopotential method for the III-V zinc-blende semiconductors AlP, AlAs, AlSb, GaP, GaAs, GaSb, InP, InAs, and InSb. When the calculated IVDP's of LA phonons for GaP, InP, and InAs and of LO phonons for AlAs, AlSb, GaAs, GaSb, and InSb are compared with results of a previous calculation that used the empirical pseudopotential method (EPM) and a rigid-ion approximation, good agreement is found. However, our ab initio pseudopotential results on IVDP's of LA phonons for AlAs, AlSb, GaAs, GaSb, and InSb and of LO phonons for GaP, InP, and InAs are about one order of magnitude smaller than those obtained by use of EPM calculations, indicating that the electron redistribution accompanying crystal-lattice deformation has a significant effect on GAMMA-X intervalley scattering for these phonon modes when the anions are being displaced. In our calculations the LA- and LO-phonon modes at the X point have been evaluated in the frozen-phonon approximation. We have also obtained the LAX- and LOX-phonon frequencies for these materials from total-energy calculations, which agree very well with experimental values for these semiconductors. We have also calculated GAMMA-X hole-phonon scattering matrix elements for the top valence bands in these nine semiconductors, from which the GAMMA-X IVDP's of the top valence bands for the longitudinal phonons and transverse phonons are evaluated, respectively.


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Longitudinal zone boundary X phonon frequencies have been calculated by a first principles pseudopotential method for III-V zincblende semiconductors AlP, AlAs, AlSb, GaP, GaAs, GaSb, InP, InAs and InSb. The phonon frequencies have been evaluated from total energy calculations in the frozen phonon approximation. The calculated phonon frequencies agree very well with the experimental values.


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Nanocrystals of SrAl2O4:Eu2+ have been prepared by combustion synthesis. The results of XRD indicated that the resulting SrAl2O4:Eu2+ nanocrystals have a reduced and distorted monoclinic lattice compared with bulk materials. Both the excitation and emission spectra of SrAl2O4:Eu2+ nanocrystals shifts to higher energies in contrast to the bulk materials. The band structure calculation is performed using first-principles full potential-linearized augmented plane wave method within density functional theory. The calculated results are in reasonable agreement with our experimental results.


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Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and first-principles calculations are carried out to analyze the stability of both newly discovered and previously known phases of ZnO under loading of various triaxialities. The analysis focuses on a graphite-like phase (FIX) and a body-centered-tetragonal phase (BCT-4) that were observed recently in [0 1 (1) over bar 0]- and [0 0 0 1]-oriented nanowires respectively under uniaxial tensile loading as well as the natural state of wurtzite (WZ) and the rocksalt (RS) phase which exists under hydrostatic pressure loading. Equilibrium critical stresses for the transformations are obtained. The WZ -> HX transformation is found to be energetically favorable above a critical tensile stress of 10 GPa in [0 1 (1) over tilde 0] nanowires. The BCT-4 phase can be stabilized at tensile stresses above 7 GPa in [0 0 0 1] nanowires. The RS phase is stable at hydrostatic pressures above 8.2 GPa. The identification and characterization of these phase transformations reveal a more extensive polymorphism of ZnO than previously known. A crystalline structure-load triaxiality map is developed to summarize the new understanding. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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探索和建立不同尺度理论之间的关联模式是科学研究的重要课题,本文基于跨尺度模型着重探讨了金属陶瓷界面的凝聚能和原子结构问题。本文遵循原始Peierls-Nabarro模型的基本思想,提出了一种处理一维界面失配位错组的新方法。在这个推广的Peierls-Nabarro模型中,本文得到了一个简单而且准确的解析解,此解反映了失配位错的核结构、能量与失配度、剪切模量之间的依赖关系。当界面剪切模量较强而失配度较小时,界面的结构可以用一组奇导师Volterra位错来描述,这与一些原子模拟结果一致。采用这一简单的模型,引入第一原理计算得到的数据,此模型可以估算金属陶瓷界面的凝聚能。一维界面失配位错组的Peierls-Nabarro模型还被解析推广描述一大类较宽的位错。在模型中我们引进了一个参数a,通过控制参数a,我们可以系统地改变失配位错芯的宽度、剪切应力的分布和弹性恢复力。随着a增加,位错宽度增加,同时弹性恢复力和失配位错应力的幅度减少。当界面剪切模量强和失配度小时,失配位错的宽度近似线性反比于弹性恢复力的幅度大小。同时当界面剪切模量和失配度固定时,失配能、弹性能和总的界面能随a的增加而减少。界面能和恢复力律形式密切相关,当界面剪切模量弱和失配度大时,这种依赖关系更强。考虑到界面常常是在晶格两个方向都有失配,本文还引进了描述界面周期失配位错的二维广义Peierls-Nabarro模型,使得我们能够定量地研究界面的结构和能量。文中定量分析了广义堆垛能γ面对界面失配位错的结构和能量的影响,分析了位错网中两种位错组的相互作用。当界面剪切模量τ_0变大和失配度f变小时,随着位错核区占整个界面的比重下降,γ面的形状对界面能量和结构影响减弱,结果两种位错组之间的相互作用也减弱。此外γ面的变化还有可能导致位错网结构的转变,也就是导致界面结构的转变。应用此模型,本文还研究了金属-陶瓷Ag/MgO(100)界面,给出了界面的能量和原子结构。文中得出结论:在Ag/MgO(100)界面将会形成{1/2<110>; <110>}类型的位错网。此外由于界面失配位错的形成,Ag/MgO(100)界面凝聚能的理论值900mJ/m~2将减少214mJ/m~2,最终成为686mJ/m~2。基于第一原理赝势平面波的总能计算,文中给出了金属陶瓷Al/MgO(100)界面弛豫和未弛豫时的广义堆垛能面。然后结合第三章发展的广义二维Peierls-Nabarro模型,详细研究了金属陶瓷Al/MgO(100)界面的原子结构和界面能。文中得出的“在Al/MgO(100)界面将会形成{1/2<110>; <110>}类型位错网”的推论,证实了Vellinga等的猜测;文中还预测了凝聚能的理论是在600mJ/m~2(未弛豫情形)和670mJ/m~2(弛豫情形)之间。这个应用表明此方法能够容易地建立连续介质理论和第一原理计算之间的联系,实现理论上的跨尺度。本文最后提出了一种得到界面原子有效对势的反演方法。通过反演金属-MgO陶瓷界面的第一原理计算的凝聚能曲线,我们得到了一些金属原子和陶瓷离子之间的对势,此对势反映了金属陶瓷键合的特性。本文的反演方法提供了通过第一原理计算数据来拟合界面原子对势的一种可行性途径。这种方法可归结为第一类尺度关联理论,即单向的跨尺度关联模式。


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Codoping of p-type GaN nanowires with Mg and oxygen was investigated using first-principles calculations. The Mg becomes a deep acceptor in GaN nanowires with high ionization energy due to the quantum confinement. The ionization energy of Mg doped GaN nanowires containing passivated Mg-O complex decreases with increasing the diameter, and reduces to 300 meV as the diameter of the GaN nanowire is larger than 2.01 nm, which indicates that Mg-O codoping is suitable for achieving p-type GaN nanowires with larger diameters. The codoping method to reduce the ionization energy can be effectively used in other semiconductor nanostructures. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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The crystal structure, mechanical properties and electronic structure of ground state BeH2 are calculated employing the first-principles methods based on the density functional theory. Our calculated structural parameters at equilibrium volume are well consistent with experimental results. Elastic constants, which well obey the mechanical stability criteria, are firstly theoretically acquired. The bulk modulus B, Shear modulus G, Young's modulus E, and Poisson's ratio upsilon are deduced from the elastic constants. The bonding nature in BeH2 is fully interpreted by combining characteristics in band structure, density of states, and charge distribution. The ionicity in the Be-H bond is mainly featured by charge transfer from Be 2s to H 1s atomic orbitals while its covalency is dominated by the hybridization of H 1s and Be 2p states. The Bader analysis of BeH2 and MgH2 are performed to describe the ionic/covalent character quantitatively and we find that about 1.61 (1.6) electrons transfer from each Be (Mg) atom to H atoms.


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Using first-principles band structure methods, we investigate the interactions between different donors in In2O3. Through the formation energy and transition energy level calculations, we find that an oxygen-vacancy creates a deep donor level, while an indium-interstitial or a tin-dopant induces a shallow donor level. The coupling between these donor levels gives rise to even shallower donor levels and leads to a significant reduction in their formation energies. Based on the analysis of the PBE0-corrected band structure and the molecular-orbital bonding diagram, we demonstrate these effects of donor-donor binding. In addition, total energy calculations show that these defect pairs tend to be more stable with respect to the isolated defects due to their negative binding energies. Thus, we may design shallow donor levels to enhance the electrical conductivity via the donor donor binding.


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We perform first-principles calculations of electronic structure and optical properties for UO2 and PuO2 based on the density functional theory using the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) + U scheme. The main features in orbital-resolved partial density of states for occupied f and p orbitals, unoccupied d orbitals, and related gaps are well reproduced compared to experimental observations. Based on the satisfactory ground-state electronic structure calculations, the dynamical dielectric function and related optical spectra, i.e., the reflectivity, adsorption coefficient, energy-loss, and refractive index spectrum, are obtained. These results are consistent with the available experiments.


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It is revealed from first-principles calculations that polarization-induced asymmetric distribution of oxygen vacancies plays an important role in the insulating behavior at p-type LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface. The formation energy of the oxygen vacancy (V-O) is much smaller than that at the surface of the LaAlO3 overlayer, causing all the carriers to be compensated by the spontaneously formed V-O's at the interface. In contrast, at an n-type interface, the formation energy of V-O is much higher than that at the surface, and the V-O's formed at the surface enhance the carrier density at the interface. This explains the puzzling behavior of why the p-type interface is always insulating but the n-type interface can be conducting.