372 resultados para FSH-P


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BACKGROUND: Effects of 17beta-estradiol and progesterone on rhesus monkey oocyte maturation in vitro were evaluated by embryo development subsequent to IVF. METHODS AND RESULTS: In experiment 1, immature cumulus-oocyte complexes collected from unstimulated adult females during the non-breeding season were matured in modified medium CMRL-1066 containing various combinations of gonadotrophins (FSH + LH), estradiol and/or progesterone. Formation of morulae and blastocysts was greatest in oocytes matured in medium containing estradiol and/or progesterone, with or without gonadotrophins (morula 38-46%, blastocyst 14-20%) than in control oocytes matured without estradiol or progesterone (morula 14%, blastocyst 0%). In experiment 2, cumulus-oocyte complexes from unstimulated prepubertal female monkeys were matured in medium with gonadotrophins, estradiol or progesterone. The best development to the morula stage was obtained with oocytes matured with gonadotrophins and estradiol or gonadotrophins and progesterone (43 and 25 morulae, respectively), while control oocytes matured with gonadotrophins but without steroid hormones gave the poorest morula developmental response (12%). However, there was no difference in blastocyst development across all groups (0-3%). CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that during rhesus monkey oocyte maturation in vitro: (i) estradiol or progesterone can improve oocyte developmental competence; (ii) immature oocytes from prepubertal versus adult females have differential responses to challenge with estradiol or progesterone.


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Hemorrhagic toxins are widely distributed in viperid and crotalid snake venoms. Envenomation of Trimeresurus stejnegeri, a member of Crotalidae family, caused potent systemic and local hemorrhage. Up to now, there is no report on hemorrhage toxins from th


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A new metalloproteinase-disintegrin, named Jerdonitin, was purified from Trimeresurus jerdonii venom with a molecular weight of 36 kDa on SDS-PAGE. It dose-dependently inhibited ADP-induced human platelet aggregation with IC50 of 120 nM. cDNA cloning and sequencing revealed that Jerdonitin belonged to the class II of snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs) (P-II class). Different from other P-II class SVMPs, metalloproteinase and disintegrin domains of its natural protein were not separated, confirmed by internal peptide sequencing. Compared to other P-II class SVMPs, Jerdonitin has two additional cysteines (Cys219 and Cys238) located in the spacer domain and disintegrin domain, respectively. They probably form a disulfide bond and therefore the metalloproteinase and disintegrin domains cannot be separated by posttranslationally processing. In summary, comparison of the amino acid sequences of Jerdonitin with those of other P-II class SVMPs by sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis, in conjunction with natural protein structure data, suggested that it was a new type of P-II class SVMPs. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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To search for compounds with superior anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) activity, ten 5,5'-(p-phenylenebisazo)-8-hydroxyquinoline sulfonates (4a-j) were synthesized and preliminarily evaluated as HIV-1 inhibitors in vitro for the first time. Some compounds demonstrated anti-HIV-1 activity, especially 5,5'-(p-phenylenebisazo)-8-hydroxyquinoline p-ethylbenzenesulfonate (4g) and 5,5'-(p-phenylenebisazo)-8-hydroxyquinoline p-chlorobenzenesulfonate (41) showed the more potent anti-HIV-1 activity with 50% effective concentration (EC50) values of 2.59 and 4.01 mu g/ml, and therapeutic index (TI) values of 31.77 and 24.51, respectively.


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为了比较婆罗门牛和BMY牛的雌二醇(E2)、孕酮(P4)水平及胚胎生产潜力,并探讨MOET技术在BMY牛扩繁中的应用前景,采用进口激素(日本产FSH 24~36 mg+美国产PG 35 mg)和国产激素(国产FSH 10~12 mg+国产PG 0.8 mg)对全放牧婆罗门牛和BMY牛进行超排,并于超排前(同期发情第7天)、超排开始、超排第3天、超排发情当天和胚胎回收当天采集血液,采用RIA法分析血浆中的E2和P4水平。结果表明,BMY牛的黄体数和获胚(卵)数、可用胚数分别较婆罗门牛高2.09个和0.95、0.36枚,但差异不显著(P>0.05);BMY牛的排卵率较婆罗门牛高18.46%(P<0.01),而可用胚率则较婆罗门牛低2.55%(P<0.01)。BMY牛在5个处理时段的E2和P4平均值分别较婆罗门牛高0.58 pg/mL(P<0.01)和1.44 ng/mL(P>0.05),在各处理时段的P4水平变化规律几乎与婆罗门牛一致,E2/P4值为婆罗门牛的5.16倍。结果提示,BMY母牛的E2和P4水平高于婆罗门牛,在激素水平和繁殖性能方面表现出一定的杂种优势;E2水平低是婆罗门牛发情微弱和排卵率低的主要原因...


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This study evaluated the effects of different amino acid formulations on supporting meiotic and cytoplasmic maturation of rhesus monkey (Macacca mulatta) oocytes in vitro. Five hundred and forty-six cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) aspirated from unstimulated adult monkey follicles (greater than or equal to 1000 mum in diameter) were cultured in either modified Connaught Medical Research Laboratories 1066 medium (mCMRL-1066) or in one of eight chemically defined media (modified basic medium 5 supplemented with 5.5 mmol glucose l(-1), 0.003 mmol pantothenic acid l(-1) and different amino acid formulations) as below: (1) modified basic medium 5 (mBM5) containing no amino acid; (2) mBM5 + 0.2 mmol glutamine l(-1); (3) mBM5 + 11 amino acids from hamster embryo culture medium 6 (HECM-6) (11 AA); (4) mBM5 + Eagle's non-essential amino acids (NEA); (5) mBM5 + NEA + 0.2 mmol glutamine l(-1); (6) mBM5 + Eagle's essential amino acids (EA) without glutamine; (7) mBM5 + EA + 0.2 mmol glutamine l(-1); (8) mBM5 + Eagle's 20 amino acids (20 AA) + 0.2 mmol glutamine l(-1); and (9) mCMRL-1066 (control). All media contained FSH, LH, oestradiol and progesterone. After maturation, mature oocytes were subjected to the same fertilization and embryo culture procedures. COCs matured in treatment 5 had greater potential to progress to metaphase II (66%; P < 0.05) than did those in treatments 1 (37.3%), 2 (48.3%)f 3 (41%), 6 (41%) and 9 (43%). Oocytes matured in treatment 8 had the best morula (53%) and blastocyst (18%) developmental responses (P<0.05). The lowest (P<0.05) morula and blastocyst developmental responses were obtained from COCs matured in treatments 1 (0%) and 6 (8%). The other media supported intermediate embryonic development (range 11-38% of morula and blastocyst). These results indicate that the choice of amino acids affects the competence of oocyte maturation and that Eagle's 20 AA with 0.2 mmol glutamine l(-1) is more efficient than the other amino acid formulations for maturation of rhesus monkey oocytes.


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首次报道了对黑叶猴和菲氏叶猴的动脉的系统解剖观察, 记述了这二种叶猴 动脉分支的主要特征。并与其他灵长类比较结果表明, 叶猴的动脉除具有猴超 科共同特征外, 有些特征与类人猿相似, 比其他猴类更为进化, 部分特征似为 叶猴所特有。图5参18


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黑叶猴和菲氏叶猴的上肢肌和下腩肌系统解剖结果表明, 大部分与猴超科的 共同特征相一致, 也有一些差异。通过与其他灵长类的比较对存在差异的20条 上肢肌和17条下肢肌作了描述和讨论。参14


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Jerdonitin is a P-II class snake venom metalloproteinase comprising metalloproteinase and disintegrin domains. In this study, we established a high-level expression system in Pichia pastoris and developed a purification strategy for the recombinant Jerdonitin. This recombinant Jerdonitin degraded fibrinogen at a level of activity comparable with its wild type. The effects of recombinant Jerdonitin on inhibiting ADP-induced human platelet aggregation were in a dose-dependent manner with an IC50 of 248 nM. In addition, we reported here that Jerdonitin can significantly inhibit the growth of several cell lines, including human liver cancer cells (Bel7402), human leukemia cells (K562) and human gastric carcinoma cells (BGC823). This study offers recombinant Jerdonitin that will be valuable for further functional and structural studies of Jerdonitin. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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P-糖蛋白是一类能量依赖性的转运蛋白,能将许多结构不同的化合物逆向转运出细胞。P-糖蛋白的过表达与肿瘤细胞的多药耐药性(Multidrug Resistance,MDR)密切相关,是导致肿瘤化疗失败的主要原因。随着对MDR机制认识的深入,已针对P-糖蛋白的结构设计出多种形式的MDR逆转药物。近年研究发现,P-糖蛋白广泛存在于正常的组织和器官,参与药物和内、外源毒素的吸收、分布和排泄,行使解毒和防御保护的功能。因此,通过转植P-糖蛋白基因可有效地降低经济鱼类、虾等水产品和经济作物中有毒污染物的积累,对保护人


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8 63计划 (2 0 0 2AA60 10 2 1); 973计划(2 0 0 2CB412 3 0 9)资助


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通过测定原代培养鲫鱼(Carassius auratus)肝细胞中雌激素受体所介导的卵黄蛋白原(Vtg)生成以及芳香烃受体所介导的CYP1A1基因转录水平的变化, 建立了一种类雌激素体外实验模型. 实验结果表明, Vtg和Vtg mRNA的表达与己烯雌酚(DES)之间均有很好的剂量-效应关系, Vtg和Vtg mRNA均可作为指示类雌激素毒性的生物标志物. TCDD, B[a]P可显著抑制鱼肝细胞中DES诱导的Vtg和Vtg mRNA的表达, 呈明显的抗雌激素效应, 并同时激活了CYP1A1 基因的表达;


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利用实地调查数据模拟保安湖沉水植物分布及水环境生态因子场。应用GIS空间分析功能 ,分别空间选取四种优势沉水植物 (金鱼藻CeratophyllumdemersumL .,穗状狐尾藻MyriophyllumspicatumL .,微齿眼子菜PotamogetonmaackianusA .Benn .,及苦草VallisneriaspiralisL .)的分布水域及无沉水植物分布水域的局部生态因子场。根据得到的局部因子场特征 ,比较分析不同水生植物分布格局对水环境中N、P因子的影响。结果显示四种沉水植物的分


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