77 resultados para Epidermal Permeability
A theoretical model has been developed to investigate the microfluidic transport of the signaling chemicals in the cell coculture chips. Using an epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like growth factor as the sample chemical, the effects of velocities and channel geometry were studied for the continuous-flow microchannel bioreactors. It is found that different perfusion velocities must be applied in the parallel channels to facilitate the communication, i.e., transport of the signaling component, between the coculture channels. Such communication occurs in a unidirectional way because the signaling chemicals can only flow from the high velocity area to the low velocity area. Moreover, the effect of the transport of the signaling component between the coculture channels on the growth of the monolayer cells and the multicellular tumor spheroid (MTS) in the continuous-flow coculture environment were simulated using 3D models. The numerical results demonstrated that the concentration gradients will induce the heterogeneous growth of the cells and the MTSs, which should be taken into account in designing the continuous-flow perfusion bioreactor for the cell coculture research.
Mitochondria dynamics is crucial to many biological processes such as mitochondria fusion and fission, which is highly correlated to the mechanics of single mitochondria. However, the mechanobiological coupling of mitochondria has been poorly understood. Here membrane deformability and membrane tension of individual mitochondria isolated from MtDsRed labeled human embryonic T-Rex-293 kidney cells were measured using a micropipette aspiration assay. The results demonstrated that membrane deformation of isolated mitochondria exhibited an elastic transition phase followed by an equilibrium phase, and mitochondrial membrane tension was proportional to the area compressibility. It was also indicated that mitochondrial membrane deformability was significantly affected by physical chemical factors such as osmotic pressure or pH value, and was further correlated to mitochondrial functionality in different respiratory states and Ca2+ regulation. These findings provide a new insight into understanding the mechanical regulation of mitochondrial physiology.
According to the experimental results and the characteristics of the pressure-sensitive fractured formation, a transient flow model is developed for the deep naturally-fractured reservoirs with different outer boundary conditions. The finite element equations for the model are derived. After generating the unstructured grids in the solution regions, the finite element method is used to calculate the pressure type curves for the pressure-sensitive fractured reservoir with different outer boundaries, such as the infinite boundary, circle boundary and combined linear boundaries, and the characteristics of the type curves are comparatively analyzed. The effects on the pressure curves caused by pressure sensitivity module and the effective radius combined parameter are determined, and the method for calculating the pressure-sensitive reservoir parameters is introduced. By analyzing the real field case in the high temperature and pressure reservoir, the perfect results show that the transient flow model for the pressure-sensitive fractured reservoir in this paper is correct.
A set of experimental system to study hydrate dissociation in porous media is built and some experiments on hydrate dissociation by depressurization are carried out. A mathematical model is developed to simulate the hydrate dissociation by depressurization in hydrate-bearing porous media. The model can be used to analyze the effects of the flow of multiphase fluids, the kinetic process and endothermic process of hydrate dissociation, ice-water phase equilibrium, the variation of permeability, convection and conduction on the hydrate dissociation, and gas and water productions. The numerical results agree well with the experimental results, which validate our mathematical model. For a 3-D hydrate reservoir of Class 3, the evolutions of pressure, temperature, and saturations are elucidated and the effects of some main parameters on gas and water rates are analyzed. Numerical results show that gas can be produced effectively from hydrate reservoir in the first stage of depressurization. Then, methods such as thermal stimulation or inhibitor injection should be considered due to the energy deficiency of formation energy. The numerical results for 3-D hydrate reservoir of Class 1 show that the overlying gas hydrate zone can apparently enhance gas rate and prolong life span of gas reservoir.
We propose a scheme for realizing negative refractive index in a four-level atomic system. It is shown that such a system can simultaneously exhibit negative permittivity and negative permeability in an optical frequency range. Furthermore, by analysing the dispersion property of the left-handed material, we find that the probe beam can be controlled from superluminal to subluminal or vice versa via choosing appropriate parameters.
The effective refractive index of a kind of granular composite, which consists of granular metallic and magnetic inclusions with different radius embedded in a host medium, is theoretically investigated. Results show that for certain volume fractions of these two inclusions, the negative permittivity peak shifts to low frequency and the peak value increases with increasing radius ratio of the radius of magnetic granulae to that of metallic granulae. Simultaneously, peak value of permeability decreases with the radius ratio, and value peak shifts to high frequency with increasing volume fraction of magnetic inclusion. Therefore, the radius ratio can affect the effective refractive index considerably, and it is found that by adjusting the radius ratio, the refractive index may change between negative and positive values for certain volume fractions of the two inclusions. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Within the framework of classic electromagnetic theories, we have studied the sign of refractive index of optical medias with the emphases on the roles of the electric and magnetic losses and gains. Starting from the Maxwell equations for an isotropic and homogeneous media, we have derived the general form of the complex refractive index and its relation with the complex electric permittivity and magnetic permeability, i.e. n = root epsilon mu, in which the intrinsic electric and magnetic losses and gains are included as the imaginary parts of the complex permittivity and permeability, respectively, as epsilon = epsilon(r) + i(epsilon i) and mu = mu(r) + i mu(i). The electric and magnetic losses are present in all passive materials, which correspond, respectively, to the positive imaginary permittivity and permeability epsilon(i) > 0 and mu(i) > 0. The electric and magnetic gains are present in materials where external pumping sources enable the light to be amplified instead of attenuated, which correspond, respectively, to the negative imaginary permittivity and permeability epsilon(i) < 0 and mu(i) < 0. We have analyzed and determined uniquely the sign of the refractive index, for all possible combinations of the four parameters epsilon(r), mu(r), epsilon(i), and mu(i), in light of the relativistic causality. A causal solution requires that the wave impedance be positive Re {Z} > 0. We illustrate the results for all cases in tables of the sign of refractive index. One of the most important messages from the sign tables is that, apart from the well-known case where simultaneously epsilon < 0 and mu < 0, there are other possibilities for the refractive index to be negative n < 0, for example, for epsilon(r) < 0, mu(r) > 0, epsilon(i) > 0, and mu(i) > 0, the refractive index is negative n < 0 provided mu(i)/epsilon(i) > mu(r)/vertical bar epsilon(r)vertical bar. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We deliver the general conditions on the synthetic proportions for a homogeneous mixture of ferro- and nonmagnetic substances to become left-handed. As an alternative for left-handed metamaterials, we consider mixing ferromagnetic materials with nonmagnetic microscopic particles. In the mixture, the ferromagnetic material provides the needed permeability via domain wall resonances at high frequencies, whereas the nonmagnetic material gives the required permittivity. Using the effective medium theory, we have found that when the concentration of the nonmagnetic particles falls into a certain range, the refractive index of the mixture is negative, n < 0, which includes the double negative ( epsilon < 0 and mu < 0) and other cases ( e. g. epsilon < 0 and mu > 0). We finally give the requirements on the microscopic material properties for the ferromagnetic materials to reach the domain wall resonances at high frequencies.
本论文对榧属(TorreyI)的研究历史作了回顾.以形态性状为依据,结合叶片的解剖,花粉表面的电镜观察,以及种子蛋白的电泳等,对榧属的系统分类进行了研究。结果表明: l、支持根据种子胚乳深皱与微皱分榧属为两个组的观点. 2、从叶片气孔带乳突的特征及种子蛋白电泳带的类型,似可支持榧属两组的建立. 3、根据各种榧树叶肉组织中石细胞的观察,不支持将石细胞的有无作为分组的特征。 4、云南榧与巴山榧叶的解剖特征有较多相似性,但在石细胞的含量、栅栏组织细胞层数及结晶大小等方面存在差别.考虑到其他性状及地理分布,认为将云南榧改为巴山榧的变种较为自然。 5、本属植物花粉形态较为一致,种问无明显的差别.对组和种的划分无重要参考价值. 6、经研究订正,榧属共6种2变种和11个栽培变种。其中1新变种(九龙山榧),1改级新组合(云南榧),6个新载培变种。 7、结合前人的研究,作者归纳出红豆杉科植物的进化趋势,支持榧属为进化类群的观点。
本文以跨越漫长地质历史时期的银杏类植物为研究对象,首次尝试在大的时间尺度上利用单一植物类群的气孔频度估测古大气CO2浓度的变化趋势。 一、借助多种研究手段对现代银杏(Ginkgo biloba)和9种化石银杏的叶表皮特征进行调查,并对现代银杏叶片蜡质晶体的形态结构和气孔发育过程进行了研究。应用荧光显微镜观察晚三叠世一种拜拉植物的角质层特征,根据其气孔下生型和平直的表皮细胞垂周壁等特点建 立新种—宁蒗拜拉(Baiera ninglangensis sp. nov.)。 二、在大气CO2浓度相对稳定的条件下,对不同条件下(不同季节,长短枝间,不同冠层间,不同叶片面积,雌雄树间)银杏叶片气孔密度和气孔指数的调查结果表明,其它环境因子对银杏气孔频度的影响很有限,而且通过一定的采样、测量和分析策略,可以排除其他环境和生物因子对气孔特征的影响。 三、74年间,大气CO2浓度上升55μmol•mol-1的同时,银杏的气孔密度降低了27%。而3属8种中生代和新生代银杏类植物在9个时间点的气孔密度和气孔指数都低于现存最近对应种的值,意味着当时的大气CO2浓度都高于目前的水平。根据最新评估标准,以气孔比率定量估算各个地质时代的大气CO2浓度,与前人的工作以及通过地球物理化学方法获得的显生宙大气CO2浓度进行比较。
通过野外观察,发现羽叶铁线莲Clematis pinnata Maxim.在形态上相似于短尾铁线莲C. brevicaudata DC.及大叶铁线莲C. heracleifolia DC.,推测羽叶铁线莲为后二者杂交产生。本文从形态学、解剖学、孢粉学、分子生物学等方面寻找证据,为这一推测寻找证据: 1. 形态学 通过野外观察结合标本馆工作,对这三个种的外部形态性状及其变异进行全面的分析,以探讨羽叶铁线莲C. pinnata在形态上与二假定亲本的异同及其产生原因。发现花、叶、习性等性状,在二假定亲本种种内稳定,但种间差异很大,在羽叶铁线莲中,性状变异的幅度正是处于二假定亲本差异之间。 2.解剖学 在光学显微镜及扫描电镜下,观察了这三种铁线莲的叶表皮特征,结果表明:叶片上表皮均不具有气孔器,下表皮气孔器类型均为无规则型;表皮细胞多为不规则形,仅在短尾铁线莲C. brevicaudata的上表皮中为近多边形;上表皮角质膜均具细条纹,下表皮角质膜均具环状或放射状波状嵴。 在扫描电镜下对瘦果形态及宿存花柱进行观察,结果表明:瘦果均密被长柔毛,并有蜡质颗粒状附属物。 在三个种植物之间叶表皮和瘦果的特征均无明显差别,对解释所讨论的问题意义不大。 3.孢粉学 在扫描电镜下对这三种铁线莲的花粉粒进行观察,结果表明:短尾铁线莲的花粉粒具三沟;大叶铁线莲的杂性株中花粉高度败育,说明其杂性株其实即为雌株;羽叶铁线莲的花粉也高度败育,但本种均为两性株,支持本种为杂交种的推测。 4.等位酶研究 利用莽草酸脱氢酶SKD和苹果酸脱氢酶MDH对采自3个居群的羽叶铁线莲大叶铁线莲和短尾铁线莲进行等位酶试验,结果显示在短尾铁线莲与大叶铁线莲中分别出现种内一致的谱带,而羽叶铁线莲则显示出二者杂合的带型。这一结果有力的支持了羽叶铁线莲是由短尾铁线莲和大叶铁线莲杂交产生的推测。 5.居群遗传结构分析 利用随机扩增多态性DNA标记(RAPD)分别检测三个种的遗传多样性和居群遗传结构。15个随机引物对这三个种共160个个体 (短尾铁线莲C. brevicaudata 五个居群73个个体;大叶铁线莲Clematis heracleifolia五个居群75个个体;羽叶铁线莲Clematis pinnata三个居群12个个体。)进行分析,总共得到123个用于分析的条带。我们对这三个种扩增出的条带按照居群进行了聚类分析,结果表明这三个种在聚类树上能够很好的区分开,但是种内居群间没有表现出地理分布式样方面的信息;个体水平上聚类结果表明,百花山采到的7株无法确定的铁线莲幼苗有6株是短尾铁线莲C. brevicaudata另外一株是羽叶铁线莲Clematis pinnata,这说明在幼苗形态上二者差别不大;我们对这三个种分别进行了居群遗传结构的分析,结果表明:短尾铁线莲C. brevicaudata的多态条带比率为90.65%,遗传变异主要分布在居群内,居群间分化较小,而大叶铁线莲Clematis heracleifolia的多态条带比率为90.76%,居群间遗传变异占30.52%,居群间有明显分化。羽叶铁线莲Clematis pinnata的遗传多样性很低,有可能是由于营养繁殖造成的。 6.DNA序列分析 选取叶绿体基因组的trn L-F序列和核基因组的ITS序列进行了测序分析。发现从三个种十个个体得到的trn L-F序列之间几乎没有差异,在640 bp中只得到了3个信息位点。对ITS测序过程中发现短尾铁线莲可直接用PCR产物测序,而对大叶铁线莲和羽叶铁线莲必须进行克隆测序,由于时间关系,我们得到的序列不足以进行进一步分析。 基于以上研究结果,我们初步认为羽叶铁线莲是通过短尾铁线莲和大叶铁线莲的杂交而起源,并根据我们观察到的变异式样对羽叶铁线莲系的一些种类进行了分类学处理。
土圞儿属(含8种)和旋花豆属(含2种)隶属于豆科、菜豆族、刺桐亚族。土圞儿属呈东亚-北美间断分布,旋花豆属分布于喜玛拉雅地区。传统上,这两个属被认为系统关系非常近。目前对于土圞儿属中种的划分和分类问题缺乏世界范围内的深入研究,因此该属应予以修订。另外,土圞儿属内种间和土圞儿属与旋花豆属间的系统关系也需要进一步研究。本文对这两个属进行了世界范围内的分类学修订。同时,基于形态学、解剖学、孢粉学特征和分子系统学方面的研究,对土圞儿属内部和这两个属之间的系统发育关系进行了探讨。结果如下: 1. 形态学 在标本室研究和野外考查的基础上,对土圞儿属和旋花豆属植物形态性状的变异式样及其分类学意义进行了分析,发现块茎的形态、小叶的大小和形态、花序的类型和花冠的形态等特征在种内稳定,是比较可靠的分类学性状。通过对花序的研究,认为花序的类型可能反映了土圞儿属内各种之间的演化关系,推测肉色土圞儿可能是土圞儿属中较为进化的种类,而云南土圞儿和纤细土圞儿则可能较为原始。 2. 叶表皮特征 首次在光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜下,对土圞儿属和旋花豆属全部8种植物的叶表皮进行了观察。发现这两个属叶表皮的性状,特别是表皮细胞的形状、垂周壁的式样和蜡质纹饰的特征,对于理解土圞儿属内和这两个属之间的系统关系有重要意义。叶表皮的特征支持以下结论:纤细土圞儿是一个独立的种,而不是云南土圞儿之下的一个变种;对于土圞儿属进行亚属的划分是不合理的。 3. 孢粉学 在光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜下,对7种土圞儿属和旋花豆属植物的花粉进行了观察。这两个属的花粉均为三孔沟,三角球形或球形。土圞儿属的花粉可划分为两种类型:肉色土圞儿的花粉外壁为典型的网状纹饰;其他的种花粉外壁较光滑,具颗粒状或短条纹状纹饰。肉色土圞儿花粉外壁纹饰的类型可能反映了其在Apios属中较进化的位置。旋花豆属的花粉特征和肉色土圞儿相似,这也许说明了两者之间的亲缘关系较近。 4. 分子系统学 通过对土圞儿属和旋花豆属6种植物的两个DNA片段ITS和H3D进行简约性分析,构建了这两个属之间的系统关系树。结果如下:土圞儿属和旋花豆属是亲缘关系较近的姐妹群;土圞儿属自身组成一个单系群,是一个自然的类群;北美的土圞儿聚成一支,隐藏在东亚的种里。分子证据和花序类型、花粉形态等重要的形态学证据相吻合。基于上述证据,我们对土圞儿属东亚-北美间断分布的格局及其可能的成因进行了初步探讨。 5. 分类修订 对土圞儿属和旋花豆属进行了分类修订,考证了关于这两个属曾发表过的所有的名称。确认了土圞儿属应包含6种,旋花豆属有2种。排除了5个不包括在土圞儿属内的种名。此外,本文还给出了这两个属各个种的地理分布图、分种检索表、形态描述和插图。
本论文对葛属(Pueraria DC.)进行了形态学、解剖学及植物地理学研究,重点分析了小叶、托叶、花序及花的形态变异规律。首次发现葛属生长习性和种皮纹饰特征在组的划分上具有重要的分类学意义,支持前人运用托叶着生方式、花序类型及每节簇生花的数目等特征划分组的观点。首次在光学显微镜下对葛属植物14种1变种叶表皮性状做了较为全面、深入的观察,发现葛属叶表皮细胞的形状、垂周壁的式样以及气孔大小有一定分类学意义,为葛属的分类修订提供了新资料。首次应用电子扫描显微镜观察了葛属10种1变种和2个外类群广西土黄芪Nogra guangxiensis C. F. Wei和琼豆Teyleria koordersii (Backer ex Koord.-Schum.) Backer的种皮纹饰特征,发现葛属的种皮纹饰有网纹型、断棱型、复网纹型和锐棱型等4种类型,他们与托叶的着生方式具有一定的关联性。托叶背着的类群为网纹型,其中采自中国和越南不同居群的山野葛Pueraria montana (Lour.) Merr.种皮次级纹饰有差别,这显示山野葛分化比较活跃。托叶基着的三裂叶野葛P. phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth.、大花三裂叶野葛P. phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth. var. javanica (Benth.) Baker、苦葛P. peduncularis (Graham ex Benth.) Benth.以及云南野葛P. yunnanensis Franch.的种皮纹饰为断棱形,小花野葛P. stricta Kurz种皮纹饰为复网纹型,喜玛拉雅葛藤P. wallichii DC.种皮纹饰为锐棱型。依据种皮纹饰推断,喜玛拉雅葛藤最原始,黄毛葛藤P. calycina Franch.最进化,与形态学特征演化方向相吻合。广西土黄芪种皮纹饰为网纹型,琼豆种皮纹饰为复网纹型,表明它们与葛属亲缘关系较近。这与形态学和分子证据相吻合。本文首次运用广义线形模型(GLM)结合地理信息系统(GIS)对葛属现有地理分布、潜在分布及50年后潜在分布进行了分析。所预测的潜在分布范围与观察到的地理分布范围一致,说明对特化的气候忍耐性是限制葛属物种地理分布的主要因素。温度、降水和海拔高度对葛属地理分布限制作用比较大。未来潜在分布预测显示葛属有向南、北扩散的趋势。 作者在研究了四千余份腊叶标本及野外形态考察的基础上,结合叶表皮及种皮纹饰资料,确认葛属分为3组,共19种3变种。其中,对Sect. Breviramulae Maesen ex Z. F. Le & X. Y. Zhu进行了合格发表,运用形态学、解剖学及种皮纹饰资料恢复了云南野葛种的地位,并为其指定了后选模式,P. pulcherrima (Koord.-Schum.) Merr. ex Koord.-Schum.正确的学名为P. sericans Schum.,对4个名称进行了归并。本文还给出了组和种的检索表、葛属各个种的形态描述、地理分布图及模式标本照片。
钻地风属(Schizophragma Siebold & Zucc.)和冠盖藤属(Pileostegia Hook. f. & Thomson)隶属于虎耳草科绣球花亚科绣球花族植物,分布于东亚。本论文对钻地风属和冠盖藤属进行了全面的分类学研究:重点分析了钻地风属和冠盖藤属各形态性状的变异式样,确定了二属的性状变异范围;在光学显微镜下,对钻地风属中6种5变种和冠盖藤属中2种共130份材料的叶表皮特征进行了深入、全面的观察和研究;并对二属的叶脉序特征进行了研究。结果显示,苞片存在与否、不育花存在与否、花瓣顶端是否联合、蒴果和种子的形状、叶片质地、生长习性、表皮细胞垂周壁加厚与否、气孔器分布、类型、气孔大小、保卫细胞轮廓、外拱盖是否双层、二级脉、三级脉、高级脉及网眼等特征在属的水平上具有重要的分类学意义,这些性状特征支持将钻地风属和冠盖藤属作为两个独立的属处理。根据形态性状及叶脉序特征推测,冠盖藤属较原始,钻地风属较进化。在钻地风属中,叶片毛被的有无及类型、叶片形状和叶缘的形状等特征可作为可靠的分种依据;叶表皮特征在种及种下等级具有重要的分类学意义;叶脉序多呈现环节曲行羽状脉式样,二级脉具分枝,在种间存在细微差别。根据形态性状及叶脉序特征推测,厚叶钻地风S. crassum Hand.-Mazz.和白背钻地风S. hypoglaucum Rehder可能为钻地风属中较原始的类群,秦榛钻地风S. corylifolium Chun和绣球钻地风S. hydrangeoides Siebold & Zucc.可能较进化。在冠盖藤属中,叶片毛被的有无及类型、叶片形状等特征可作为可靠的分种依据;该属中叶表皮特征相似,2个种间叶表皮特征无差异;叶脉序多呈现环节曲行羽状脉式样,二级脉无分枝,在种间差异极小。 作者在研究了近2000份腊叶标本的基础上,结合叶表皮特征和叶脉序特征,认为钻地风属和冠盖藤属为两个独立的属。首次对钻地风属和冠盖藤属进行了世界性的分类学修订,确认钻地风属含7个种、5个变种,冠盖藤属含2个种。对钻地风属中的5个名称和冠盖藤属中的2个名称进行了归并;为钻地风属中的1个名称和冠盖藤属中的2个名称指定了后选模式;发现被命名为维西钻地风S. crassum Hand.-Mazz. var. hsitaoianum (Chun) C. F. Wei的类群其正确名称为S. crassum Hand.-Mazz. var. ellipticum J. Anthony;恢复了变种小粉绿钻地风S. integrifolium Oliv. var. minus Rehder;重新界定了白背钻地风和小粉绿钻地风的变异范围,澄清了中国文献中记载的粉绿钻地风S. integrifolium Oliv. var. glaucescens Rehder长期存在的名实混乱问题。本论文对各个分类群进行了详细的形态描述,给出了分种检索表,并附分布资料及地理分布图。