171 resultados para Didymos, ho Areios.


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We report on the room-temperature continuous-wave (CW) operation of a Ho:YAlO3 laser that is resonantly end pumped at 1.94 mu m by a diode-pumped thulium-doped laser in the same host. Through the use of a 1 at % Ho3+-doped 20-mm-long YAlO3 crystal (b cut), the Ho:YAlO3 laser generated 1 W of linearly polarized (E//c) output at 2118 nm and 0.55 W of E//a output at 2128.5 nm for an incident pump power of 5 W, with an output coupler transmission of 14 and 3%, respectively. An optical-to-optical conversion efficiency of 20% and a slope efficiency of 33% were achieved at 2118 nm corresponding to an incident pump power.


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An Ho3+-doped YAlO3 (Ho : YAP) single crystal has been grown by the Czochralski technique. The polarized absorption spectra, polarized fluorescence spectra and fluorescence decay curve of the crystal are measured at room temperature. The spectroscopic parameters are calculated based on Judd-Ofelt theory, and the effective phenomenological intensity parameters Omega(2,eff), Omega(4,eff) and Omega(6,eff) are obtained to be 2.89 x 10(-20), 2.92 x 10(-20) and 1.32 x 10(-20) cm(2), respectively. The room-temperature fluorescence lifetime of the Ho3+ 5I(7) -> I-5(8) transition is measured to be 8.1 ms. Values of the absorption and emission cross-sections with different polarizations are presented for the I-5(7) manifold, and the polarized gain cross-section curves are also provided and discussed.


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稻属(OryzaL.)隶属禾本科(Poaceae)之稻族(OryzeaeDUmort.),广布于全球热带与亚热带地区。目前认为该属约含20个野生种和2个栽培种,中国产4个种。亚洲栽培稻(O. sativaL.)是世界上最重要的粮食作物之一,而在中国则为第一粮食作物。在稻种基因库中,发掘野生稻中丰富的遗传多样性是解决当今人口与粮食矛盾的必由之路。因此,保护野生稻的遗传多样性举世瞩目。针对热带与亚热带地区的环境恶化而导致野生稻居群的大量绝灭与急剧萎缩的状况,制订有效的策略,最大限度地保护野生稻的遗传多样性已迫在眉睫。然而,目前对野生稻种内遗传多样性的知识十分贫乏,缺乏制订保护策略的科学基础。这一问题在中国尤为突出。本文基于1994-1995年对中国三种野生稻濒危状况的调查结果,利用等位酶分析对普通野生稻26个居群,药用野生稻8个居群和疣粒野生稻l7个居群进行了遗传多样性的研究,并重点对目前育种价值最大而濒危程度最高的普通野生稻从五个方面作了进一步的探讨。最后根据遗传多样性的研究结果讨论了它们的濒危原因,并提出了初步的保护策略。主要结果如下: 一.普通野生稻D.rufipogon Griff. 在中国的三种野生稻中,普通野生稻的遗传多样性水平最高(A=1.33,P= 0.227,Ho=0.033和He=_0.068),遗传分化水平较低(Fst=0,310)。广西与广东的居群较其它地区的居群具有较丰富的遗传变异。因此,华南可能是中国普通野生稻的遗传多样性中心;云南现存的所有三个居群的遗传多样性水平偏低(A=1.10.p=0.148,Ho=0.007和He=0.079),与该地区栽培稻丰富的遗传多样性形成鲜明对照,普通野生稻居群间的遗传一致度与地理距离无明显相关。 1.通过14个中央居群与5个边缘居群的对比研究表明了边缘居群的遗传结构明显不同于中央居群:其遗传多样性水平与遗传分化均低予中央居群,杂合子比中央居群更为不足。而且,从中央居群到边缘居群,位点的多态性逐渐丧失,遗传多样性水平递减,一些多态位点的等位基因频率逐渐地发生变化。 2. 通过7个受栽培稻基因渗入的居群与5个隔离较好居群的对比研究表明,被渗入居群虽然在形态上表现出复杂的变异式样,但遗传多样性水平并无相应的增高。栽培稻基因流对野生居群遗传结构的影响可能主要是遗传同化,即阻止其居群内与居群间的遗传分化。 3. 通过对2个低纬度居群与2个北缘居群两个生活史阶段的遗传多样性研究表明繁育系统是影响普通野生稻居群遗传结构的因素之一。在低纬度居群中种子阶段的遗传变异高于植株阶段,在高纬度居群中则相反。 4.通过对北缘居群(江西东乡)1980年,1985年和1994年的居群遗传结构的研究,发现该居群的遗传结构逐渐在发生变化,表现为遗传多样性水平不断下降,居群越来越偏移哈迪一温伯格平衡和杂合子变得越来越缺乏。 5.通过对一个典型的普通野生稻居群(元江居群)的居群内遗传结构的研究,表明遗传变异在3个亚居群间分布不均衡,基因型里聚集分布,使得亚居群间有一定的遗传分化。导致其居群遗传结构的亚划分的主要原因可能是有限的基因流(Nm=0.964Ho- 0.022和He=O.O16)在三种野生稻中最低,但居群遗传分化却很高(FsT=0.859)。海南的遗传多样性水平与云南差别不大。剧烈的遗传分化不仅发生在海南与云南之间,而且还发生在地区内,甚至在很小地区内的居群阍。对每个地区来说,居群间的遗传一致度与地理距离明显相关,符合“隔离一距离”模型。该物种是克隆植物,遗传变异贫乏但居群遗传分化剧烈是这类植物的特征。 四. 对保护中国野生稻遗传资源的启示 中国的三种野生稻是居群水平上而非物种水平上的的濒危。人类的剧烈干拢和生境遭受破塥是导致它们濒危的主要原因。对普通野生稻和药用野生稻来说,人为的干扰导致了它们现存的居群变小且相互隔离,居群间的基因流受阻,遗传漂变的作用在小群体中显得尤为突出,并与严重的近交相交织,导致遗传多样性大量丧失,居群的遗传结构也进一步改变,从而产生真正遗传学上的濒危,甚至灭绝。对于普通野生稻的大多数居群来说,栽培稻频繁的基因流带来的遗传同化,也会直接或间接地引起濒危甚至消亡。 鉴于普通野生稻有69.0%的遗传多样性存在于居群内,收集种质资源时应在遗传变异丰富的居群中,特别在其遗传多样性中心的居群中取较多数量的个体,还应在不同的地理区域选择2~3个遗传变异丰富、彼此遗传差异大的居群作为代表,捕获存在于居群间的遗传变异。原位保护点的设置应优先考虑以下类型的居群:a.与栽培稻基因流隔离好的居群;b.边缘居群;c.严重受威胁的居群;原位保护区应在其遗传多样性中心设立,选择有数个相邻的较大居群。 鉴于药用野生稻有21.2%的遗传多样性存在于居群内,在收集种质资源时原则上应选择较多的居群,而在每个居群中取较少的个体。海南与大陆居群间的遗传差异较大,故两地的居群都必须收集;药用野生稻的居群通常较小,建议设立原位保护点即可。海南与大陆均须设立保护点,而且在每个地区内应保护尽可能多的居群。对地区间或地区内的居群间进行人工移植,促进基因流,对增强各居群的适应能力会有裨益。 鉴于仅有14.1%的遗传变异存在予疣粒野生稻的居群内,取样的原则是在云南和海南均取尽可能多的居群,而对每个居群取少数个体即可;该种的居群有时较大,其居群内往往有一定的遗传分化,故收集遗传资源时应按亚居群取样;建议在云南与海南各设置2~3个原位保护区,其中可优先考虑我国分布面积最大的云南思茅地区的居群。


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普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogon Griff.)和尼瓦拉野生稻(O. nivara Sharma et Shastry)是亚洲栽培稻的最近缘野生种,是亚洲栽培稻育种和遗传改良的重要基因库。由于人类的破坏、生境片段化及亚洲栽培稻的遗传渐渗等因素,这两种野生稻处于濒危状态而急需保护。本文用微卫星标记研究中国普通野生稻居群的遗传多样性和居群分化,用核基因序列研究了全分布区的普通野生稻和尼瓦拉野生稻的遗传变异及模式,同时发现了巴布亚新几内亚普通野生稻的特殊分子变异。主要结果如下: 取自中国普通野生稻四个主要分布区的12个天然居群,共237份个体材料,利用10对微卫星引物对遗传多样性进行比较研究。结果表明这些居群的遗传多样性处于中高水平,其中每个位点的等位基因数之在2至18之间不等,平均10.6个,多态位点比率P从最低40.0%最高100%,平均为83.3%。观察杂合度在 (HO) 0.163-0.550变化,平均为0.332, 期望杂合度(HE) 在0.164- 0.648,平均 0.413,从地区来看,广西居群的遗传多样性水平是最高的,其次是广东、海南居群,江西的最低。这些结果与以前用其他分子标记得到的结果基本一致。但是本研究得到的居群间遗传分化却相对较高,分化系数RST为 0.5199,θ为 0.491,这表明一半左右的遗传变异存在于居群之间。两两居群之间的分化系数(pairwise θ)与地理距离呈正相关(r = 0.464),这表明中国普通野生稻居群之间的遗传分化是由于地理的隔离造成的。造成目前这种遗传结构和分化模式的主要原因在于普通野生稻生境的破坏和生境的片段化。 选择6个普通野生稻居群,5个尼瓦拉野生稻居群共11个居群105个个体材料为研究对象,取样覆盖两个野生稻的主要分布区,用核基因片段Lhs1研究了这两种野生稻的序列水平的变异,探讨了它们的遗传结构和基因流方向。结果表明,普通野生稻的核苷酸多样性,无论在居群还是物种水平上,均显著高于尼瓦拉野生稻的。在居群水平上,普通野生稻的核苷酸多样性(Hd = 0.712; θsil = 0.0017)是尼瓦拉野生稻的2-3倍(Hd = 0.306; θsil = 0.0005)。AMOVA的结果表明,尼瓦拉野生稻居群之间的遗传分化(78.2%)显著高于普通野生稻居群间的分化(52.3%)。造成这种不同层次的遗传多样性和完全不同的遗传分化模式的原因在于这两种野生稻差异显著的生活史和交配系统。普通野生稻是多年生、异交的野生种,营养与有性繁殖混合,尼瓦拉野生稻为一年生的自交种,靠种子繁殖。模拟分析表明,二者之间的基因流方向是单向的,明显是从自交的尼瓦拉野生稻到异交的普通野生稻,基因流在这两个野生 稻遗传多样性模式的形成上,扮演至关重要的角色。 对于稻属A基因组物种的进化和多样性来说, 巴布亚新几内亚(PNG)是个很重要的地方。我们用两个核基因和一个叶绿体基因,对巴布亚新几内亚的普通野生稻样品进行了序列分析,结果发现来自巴布亚新几内亚北部Sepik河谷的普通野生稻样品在核基因Os0053位点和叶绿体基因序列上与其他地区的样品有很大的差异。巴布亚新几内亚北部的普通野生稻在Os0053位点上杂合的,其中一条等位基因与普通野生稻基本一致,另一条等位基因则与A基因组的另一个物种O. meridionalis基本一致,证明巴布亚新几内亚北部的普通野生稻实际上是亚洲典型普通野生稻与澳洲野生稻O. meridionalis种间进行天然渐渗杂交的后代。这个结果从分子序列上验证了前人有关巴布亚新几内亚北部的普通野生稻是比较特殊的观点。


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用B am H É、B g lÉ、B g lÊ、D raÉ、E coR É、E coR Í、H indË、Kp nÉ、 P stÉ、P vuÊ、S acÉ、S a lÉ、Sm aÉ、S tuÉ、X hoÉ 15 种识别6 碱基的限制性内 切酶对黔东南小香羊和贵州原有3 个地方山羊品种的93 只个体的m tDNA 进行分 析表明, B am H É、H indË 和S a lÉ 3 种酶表现多态性; 共检出18 种限制性多态型, 归纳得到3 种单倍型, 以单倍型É 和Ê 为基本单倍型。根据此2 种基本单倍型在所 比较各品种中的不同分布比例, 以及遗传距离分析和品种间的聚类关系, 表明黔东 南小香羊的群体遗传构成与贵州省原有其它3 个山羊品种不同, 从而为进一步确认 其为一独立的品种提供了必要的分子生物学依据。


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Recordings of neuronal activity in freely moving rats are common in experiments where electrical signals are transmitted using cables. Such techniques are not common in monkeys because their prehensile abilities are thought to preclude such techniques. Ho


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Aims: Repeated exposure to heroin, a typical opiate, causes neuronal adaptation and may result in anatomical changes in specific brain regions, particularly the frontal and limbic cortices. The volume changes of gray matter (GM) of these brain regions, ho


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采用ISSR分子标记对中国水域隶属于不同江豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides)亚种的两个群体即长江群体和渤海群体的遗传多样性进行分析。用19条ISSR引物及3对引物组合对两个群体共36个样品的基因组DNA进行PCR扩增,共得到115个清晰的扩增位点,其中多态性位点48个,多态位点百分率(PPL)为41.71%。POPGENE分析结果表明:两个江豚群体的总体遗传多样性水平相对较低(He=0.1643;Ho=0.2413);长江群体的遗传多样性水平(He=0.1530;Ho=0.2223)稍


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利用已发表的鲤微卫星引物在草鱼中进行PCR扩增 ,结果有 5对引物 (6个座位 )能成功扩增并且有较高多态性 ,等位基因数在 3— 7个之间。这些异种扩增的草鱼微卫星符合孟德尔遗传规律。测序证明草鱼中的微卫星核心重复序列部分与鲤中的原始核心序列相似 ,也有一些变化。随后用这 6个多态微卫星座位研究了来自长江水系的四个草鱼群体的遗传结构 ,结果显示每个群体的平均等位基因数在 3 8与 4 8之间 ,平均观测杂合度 (Ho)在0 4 0 0 0与 0 5 74 1之间 ,平均期望杂合度 (HE)在 0 4 7


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Organisms living in water are inevitably exposed to periods of hypoxia. Environmental hypoxia has been an important stressor having manifold effects on aquatic life. Many fish species have evolved behavioral, physiological, biochemical and molecular adaptations that enable them to cope with hypoxia. However, the molecular mechanisms of hypoxia tolerance in fish, remain unknown. in this study, we used suppression subtractive hybridization to examine the differential gene expression in CAB cells (Carassius auratus blastulae embryonic cells) exposed to hypoxia for 24 h. We isolated 2100 clones and identified 211 differentially expressed genes (e-value <= 5e-3; Identity > 45%). Among the genes whose expression is modified in cells, a vast majority involved in metabolism, signal transduction, cell defense, angiogenesis, cell growth and proliferation. Twelve genes encoding for ERO1-L, p53, CPO, HO-1, MKP2, PFK-2, cystatin B, GLUT1, BTG1, TGF beta 1, PGAM1, hypothetical protein F1508, were selected and identified to be hypoxia-induced using semi-quantitive RT-PCR and real-time PCR. Among the identified genes, two open reading frames (ORFs) encoding for CaBTG1 and Cacystatin B were obtained. The deduced amino acid sequence of CaBTG1 had 94.1%, 72.8%, 72.8%, 72.8%, 68.6% identity with that of DrBTG1, HsBTG1, BtBTG1, MmBTG1 and XIBTG1. Comparison of Cacystatin B with known cystatin B, the molecules exhibited 49.5 to 76.0% identity overall. These results may provide significant information for further understanding of the adaptive mechanism by which C. auratus responds to hypoxia. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Heme oxygenase-1 is the rate-limiting enzyme in the degradation of heme into biliverdin, carbon monoxide and free divalent iron. In this study, we cloned heme oxygenase isoform 1 (CaHO-1) from a hypoxia-tolerant teleost fish Carassius auratus. The full-length cDNA of CaHO-1 is 1247 bp and encodes a protein of 272 amino acids. RT-PCR and real-time PCR analysis indicated that CaHO-1 was predominantly transcribed in posterior kidney, head kidney, gill and intestine, and induction of gene transcription was observed predominantly in posterior kidney under hypoxic stress. Moreover, the hypoxia-induced transcription was confirmed in goldfish larvae and in in vitro cultured CAB cells. Fluorescence of the HO-1-GFP fusion protein revealed a cytoplasmic and plasma membrane localization, which was consistent with the putative transmembrane structure. Subsequently, we established a stably transfected CAB/pcDNA3.1-HO-1 cell line and a control CAB/pcDNA3.1 cell line, and found that the number of dead cells was obviously reduced in the pcDNA3.1-HO-1-transfected group following 4 days of hypoxic (1% O-2) treatment in comparison with numerous detached dead cells in the control pcDNA3.1-transfected cells. Furthermore, a significant cell viability difference between the two kinds of transfected cells during hypoxia-reoxygenation was revealed. Therefore, the data suggest that fish HO-1 might play a significant protective role in cells in response to hypoxic stress.


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A total of 14 perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) were quantified in river water samples collected from tributaries of the Pearl River (Guangzhou Province, south China) and the Yangtze River (central China). Among the PFCs analyzed, perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) were the two compounds with the highest concentrations. PFOS concentrations ranged from 0.90 to 99 ng/1 and < 0.01-14 ng/1 in samples from the Pearl River and Yangtze River, respectively; whereas those for PFOA ranged from 0.85 to 13 ng/l and 2.0-260 ng/l. Lower concentrations were measured for perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS), perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS), perfluorooctanesulfoamide (PFOSA), perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA), perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA), perfluorononaoic acid (PFNA), perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA), and perfluoroundecanoic acid (PFUnDA). Concentrations of several perfluorocarboxylic acids, including perfluorododecanoic acid (PFDoDA), perfluorotetradecanoic acid (PFTeDA), perfluorohexadecanoic acid (PFHxDA) and perfluorooctadecanoic acid (PFOcDA) were lower than the limits of quantification in all the samples analyzed. The highest concentrations of most PFCs were observed in water samples from the Yangtze River near Shanghai, the major industrial and financial centre in China. In addition, sampling locations in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River with a reduced flow rate might serve as a final sink for contaminants from the upstream river runoffs. Generally, PFOS was the dominant PFC found in samples from the Pearl River, while PFOA was the predominant PFC in water from the Yangtze River. Specifically, a considerable amount of PFBS (22.9-26.1% of total PFC analyzed) was measured in water collected near Nanjing, which indicates the presence of potential sources of PFBS in this part of China. Completely different PFC composition profiles were observed for samples from the Pearl River and the Yangtze River. This indicates the presence of dissimilar sources in these two regions. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.