204 resultados para DNA (Cytosine-5-)-Methyltransferase


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采用15 种限制性内切酶对贵州威宁绵羊和六盘水绵羊各5 只个体的m tD2 NA 多态性进行研究。其中只有BamHÉ 一种酶的酶切类型表现多态, 产生三种酶切 类型。共得到17 种限制性态型, 可归结为三种m tDNA 单倍型, 在威宁绵羊中单倍 型É 所占比较较大(80% ) , 单倍型Ë 只占20% , 而在六盘水绵羊中则单倍型É 和Ê 所占比例相当; 根据单倍型在群体中的分布和单倍型间遗传距离, 推测贵州绵羊的 m tDNA 单倍型É 和Ê 可能代表两个母系祖先的基本单倍型, 其分化时间约有16~ 32 万年之久, 单倍型Ë 则可能是由单倍型É 随机突变而来; 两个地方绵羊群体间的 分化时间大约为613~ 1216 万年, 群体间的m tDNA 遗传多态度较低, 但六盘水绵羊 群体内遗传多态度比威宁绵羊较丰富。


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该试验利用 Apal,BamHI,BclI,BglI,BglⅡ,DraI,EcoRI,EcoRV,HaeⅡ,HindⅢ, KpnI,PstI,PvuⅡ,SacI,SalI,SmaI 和 X hoI 计18种限制性内切酶, 研究了来自欧洲、非洲及国内的5个山羊品种共计33只个体的 mtDNA, 共检测出27种限制性态型,可归结为8种单倍型. 结果表明, 国内2个山羊品种的基本单倍型为 BamHl-A, Bcl, I-B, ClaI-A, EcoRI-A, EcoRV- A, HaeIIA, HindIII-C和PvuⅡ-A, 以及为 BamHl-A,BcII-A,ClaI-A, EcoRI-A, EcoRV-A, HaeⅡ-A, HindIII-C和PvuⅡ-A.II一A, 而欧洲及非洲3个山羊品种基本的单倍型为BamHl-B, BcII-A, ClaI-A, EcoRI-A, EcoRV-A, HaeⅡ-A, HindIII-B和PvuⅡ-A,这一结果提示本研究几个受试山羊品种可能有两种不同的母系来源; 同时, 各品种的分子聚类图也表明国内2个山羊品种间具有较近的亲缘关系, 而欧洲品种和非洲3个品种间的亲缘关系较近, 这一结果也支持上述几个受试山羊品种可能有不同野生祖先的结论, 同时也验证了欧洲品种萨能羊曾引入过奴比羊的事实。


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用20种限制性内切酶分析了我国5个牦牛群体90个个体的限制性片段长度多态性,其中AvaI,AvaⅡ、Bg1Ⅱ、EcoRI.HindⅢ、HpaI6个酶切类型具有多态性, 共发现5种mtDNA单倍型,每种单倍型中检出50-55个位点,并利用双酶切制定出其物理图谱。


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为了解云南保山猪(Baoshan pig)的遗传多样性及其遗传背景,我们测定了19个个体线粒体DNA Dloop高变区1 1 5 363 - 1 5 801片段序列438帅。检测到1。种单倍型,包括8个多态位点,其中5次T/ C转换、1次G/ A转换、1次G/ C颠换和1次A/ T颠换,其A.T.GX碱基的平均含量分别为35.4%.26.9%.13.2%和24.5 %,A+ T含量(62 .3)明显高于G+ C含量(37 .7 %)。对于保山猪的保种及其持续利用有着重要的理论指导意义。


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鼠兔亚属的4个物种与耗兔亚属的红耳鼠兔存在明显的长度变异(1kb), 从而为两亚属的划分提供了新的遗传标记。同时, 甘肃鼠兔和黄河鼠兔的遗传分化已达到明显的物种级别, 因而进一步证实它们均为独立种。在系统树中, 黄河鼠兔与高原鼠兔亲缘关系最近, 然后是藏鼠兔, 最后是甘肃鼠兔与前3种构成一对姊妹群。依据遗传距离计算了分歧年代。两亚属的分歧时间约距今8.8×10~(4)ha, 相当于中国哺乳动物时代的保德期中期; 鼠兔亚属内4种间的分歧发生于约距今(2.5-4.2)×10~(4ha的上新世晚期, 相当于榆社期晚期。


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应用非损伤性取样DNA测序技术测定了4种来自云南白马雪山和1种来自新疆天山的5种珍稀绢蝶的线粒体DNA细胞色素b基因部分DNA序列。PAUP3.1.1(简约法)数据分析软件构建该5个种绢蝶的分子系统树显示,爱珂绢蝶(Parnassius acco)和巴裔绢蝶(Parnassius baileyi)的亲缘关系比较接近,阿波罗绢蝶(Parnassius apollo)、珍珠绢蝶(Parnassius orlears)和西猴绢蝶(Parnassius simo)3种绢蝶均为相对独立的一支,其中西猴绢蝶分化较早,与形态学研究结果相吻合。


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Restriction site mapping of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) with 16 restriction endonucleases was used to examine the phylogenetic relationships of Ochotona cansus, O. huangensis, O. thibetana, O. curzoniae and O. erythrotis. A 1-kb length variation between O. erythrotis of subgenus Pika and other four species of subgenus Ochotona was observed, which may be a useful genetic marker for identifying the two subgenera. The phylogenetic tree constructed using PAUP based on 61 phylogenetically informative sites suggests that O. erythrotis diverged first, followed by O. cansus, while O. curzoniae and O. huangensis are sister taxa related to O. thibetana, The results indicate that both O. cansus and O. huangensis should be treated as independent species. If the base substitution rate of pikas mtDNA was 2% per million years, then the divergence time of the two subgenera, Pika and Ochotana, is about 8.8 Ma ago of late Miocence, middle Bao-dian of Chinese mammalian age, and the divergence of the four species in subgenus Ochotona would have occurred about 2.5 - 4.2 Ma ago, Yushean of Chinese mammalian age. This calculation appears to be substantiated by the fossil record.


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Six sample specimens of Trachypithecus francoisi and 3 of T. leucocephalus were analyzed by use of allozyme electrophoresis and random amplified polymorphism DNA (RAPD) in order to clarify the challenged taxonomic status of the white-head langur. Among the 44 loci surveyed, only 1 locus (PGM-2) was found to be polymorphic. Nei's genetic distance was 0.0025. In total, thirty 10-mer arbitrary primers were used for RAPD analysis, of which 22 generated clear bands. Phylogenetic trees were constructed based on genetic distances using neighbor-joining and UPGMA methods. The results show that T. francoisi and T: leucocephalus are not monophyletic. T. francoisi from Guangxi, China and Vietnam could not be clearly distinguished, and they are not divided into 2 clusters. A t-test was performed to evaluate between genetic distances within and between T. leucocephalus and T. francoisi taxa groups. The statistical test shows that the taxa group within T: leucocephalus and T: francoisi does not significantly differ from that between T: leucocephalus and T: francoisi at the 5% level. Our results suggest that the level of genetic differentiation between T, leucocephalus and T. francoisi is relatively low. Recent gene flow might exist between T. francoisi and T. leucocephalus. Combining morphological features, geographical distribution, allozyme data, RAPD data, and mtDNA sequences, we suggest that the white-head langur might be a subspecies of T. francoisi.


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Previous studies have shown that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) 5178 adenine/cytosine (5178A) polymorphism, which is one of the haplogroup-specific mutations for mtDNA haplogroup D, was apparently associated with aging and longevity in humans. We genotyped the


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To study the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphisms in a total of 232 individuals from five ethnic populations (Daur, n=45; Ewenki, n=47; Korean, n=48; Mongolian, n=48; Oroqen, n=44) in northern China, we analyzed the control region sequences and typed for a number of characteristic mutations in coding regions (especially the region 14576-16047), by direct sequencing or restriction-fragment-length-polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. With the exception of 14 individuals belonging to the European-specific haplogroups R2, H, J, and T, the mtDNAs considered could be assigned into the East Asian-specific haplogroups described recently. The polymorphisms in cytochrome b sequence were found to be very informative for defining or supporting the haplogroups status of East Asian mtDNAs in addition to the reported regions 10171-10659 and 14055-14590 in our previous study. The haplogroup distribution frequencies varied in the five ethnic populations, but in general they all harbored a large amount of north-prevalent haplogroups, such as D, G, C, and Z, and thus were in agreement with their ethnohistory of northern origin. The two populations (Ewenki and Oroqen) with small population census also show concordant features in their matrilineal genetic structures, with lower genetic diversities observed.


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In this report, we studied on a homoplasmic T12338C change in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), which substituted methionine in the translational initiation codon of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 gene (ND5) with threonine. This nucleotide change was originall


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In spite of several classification attempts among taxa of the genus Lepus, phylogenetic relationships still remain poorly understood. Here, we present molecular genetic evidence that may resolve some of the current incongruities in the phylogeny of the leporids. The complete mitochondrial cytb, 12S genes, and parts of ND4 and control region fragments were sequenced to examine phylogenetic relationships among Chinese hare taxa and other leporids throughout the World using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian phylogenetic reconstruction approaches. Using reconstructed phylogenies, we observed that the Chinese hare is not a single monophyletic group as originally thought. Instead, the data infers that the genus Lepus is monophyletic with three unique species groups: North American, Eurasian, and African. Ancestral area analysis indicated that ancestral Lepus arose in North America and then dispersed into Eurasia via the Bering Land Bridge eventually extending to Africa. Brooks Parsimony analysis showed that dispersal events followed by subsequent speciation have occurred in other geographic areas as well and resulted in the rapid radiation and speciation of Lepus. A Bayesian relaxed molecular clock approach based on the continuous autocorrelation of evolutionary rates along branches estimated the divergence time between the three major groups within Lepus. The genus appears to have arisen approximately 10.76 MYA (+/- 0.86 MYA), with most speciation events occurring during the Pliocene epoch (5.65 +/- 1.15 MYA similar to 1.12 +/- 10.47 MYA). (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.