165 resultados para Cyanobacterial bloom


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The frequency and scale of Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) and marine algal toxin incidents have been increasing and spreading in the past two decades, causing damages to the marine environment and threatening human life through contaminated seafood. To better understand the effect of HAB and marine algal toxins on marine environment and human health in China, this paper overviews HAB occurrence and marine algal toxin incidents, as well as their environmental and health effects in this country. HAB has been increasing rapidly along the Chinese coast since the 1970s, and at least 512 documented HAB events have occurred from 1952 to 2002 in the Chinese mainland. It has been found that PSP and DSP toxins are distributed widely along both the northern and southern Chinese coasts. The HAB and marine algal toxin events during the 1990s in China were summarized, showing that the HAB and algal toxins resulted in great damages to local fisheries, marine culture, quality of marine environment, and human health. Therefore, to protect the coastal environment and human health, attention to HAB and marine algal toxins is urgently needed from the environmental and epidemiological view.


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N isotope fractionation (epsilon) was first determined during ambient NO3- depletion in a simulated diatom spring bloom. After 48 h of N-starvation, NH4+ was resupplied to the diatoms in small pulses to simulate grazer-produced N and then epsilon was determined. Large variations in epsilon values were observed: from 2.0-3.6 to 14-0 parts per thousand during NO3- and NH4+ uptake, respectively. This is the first study reporting an epsilon value as low as 0 to 2 parts per thousand for NH4+ uptake and we suggest that greater N demand after N-starvation may have drastically reduced NH3 efflux out of the cells. Thus the N status of the phytoplankton and not the ambient NH4+ concentration may be the important factor controlling epsilon, because, when N-starvation increased, epsilon values for NH4+ uptake decreased within 30 h. This study may thus have important implications for interpreting the delta(15)N of particulate N in nutrient-depleted regimes in temperate coastal oceans.


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The effects of fresh thalli and culture medium filtrates from two species of marine macroalgae, Ulva pertusa Kjellm (Chlorophyta) and Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Bory) Dawson (Rhodophyta), on growth of marine microalgae were investigated in co-culture under controlled laboratory conditions. A selection of microalgal species were used, all, being identified as bloom-forming dinoflagellates: Prorocentrum donghaiense Lu sp., Alexandrium tamarense (Lebour) Balech, Amphidinium carterae Hulburt and Scrippsiella trochoide (Stein) Loeblich III. Results showed that the fresh thalli of either U. pertusa or G. lemaneiformis significantly inhibited the microalgal growth, or caused mortality at the end of the experiment. However, the overall effects of the macroalgal culture filtrates on the growth of the dinoflagellates were species-specific (inhibitory, stimulatory or none) for different microalgal species. Results indicated an allelopathic effect of macroalga on the co-cultured dinoflagellate. We then took P. donghaiense as an example to further assess this hypothesis. The present study was carried out under controlled conditions, thereby excluded the fluctuation in light and temperature. Nutrient assays showed that nitrate and phosphate were almost exhausted in G. lemaneiformis co-culture. but remained at enough high levels in U pertusa co-culture, which were well above the nutrient limitation for the microalgal growth, when all cells of P. donghaiense were killed in the co-culture. Daily f/2 medium enrichment greatly alleviated the growth inhibition on P. donghaiense in G. lemaneiformis co-culture, but could not eliminate it. Other environmental factors, such as carbonate limitation, bacterial presence and the change of pH were also not necessary for the results. We thus concluded that allelopathy was the most possible reason leading to the negative effect of U. pertusa on P. donghaiense, and the combined roles of allelopathy and nutrient competition were essential for the effect of G. lemaneiformis on P. donghaiense. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cyanobacteria possess a delicate system known as the carbon concentrating mechanism (CCM), which can efficiently elevate the intracellular inorganic carbon (Ci) concentration via active transportation. The system requires energy supplied by photosystems; therefore, the activity of the Ci transporter is closely related to light intensity. However, the relationship between CCM and light intensity has rarely been evaluated. Here, we present an improved quantitative model of CCM in which light is incorporated, and developed a CCM model that modified after Fridlyand et al. in 1996. Some equations used in this model were inducted to describe the relationship between transport capacity and light intensity, by which the response of the CCM to light change is simulated. Our results indicate that the efficiency of the carbon concentrating system is sensitive to light intensity. When the external Ci concentration was low, CO2 uptake dominated the total Ci uptake with increasing light intensity, while under high external Ci concentrations HCO3- uptake primarily contributed to the total Ci uptake. Variations in the ratio of energy allocated between the transport systems could markedly affect the operation of CCM. Indeed, our simulations suggest that various combinations of Ci fluxes can provide a possible approach to detect the way by which the cell distributes energy produced by the photosystems to the two active Ci transport processes. The proportion of the energy consumed on CCM to the total energy expenditure for the fixation of one CO2 molecule was determined at 18%-40%.


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Interactions between Prorocentrum donghaiense and Alexandrium tamarens, two bloom-forming dinoflagellates, were investigated using bi-algal cultures. All R donghaiense died, but A. tamarense was hardly affected by the end of the experiment when the initial cell density was set at 1.0 X 10(4) cells mL(-1) for P. donghaiense and 0.28 x 10(4) cells mL(-1) for A. tamarense. However, significant growth suppression occurred in either species when the initial cell density of P donghaiense increased to I. 0 X 105 Cells mL(-1) in the bi-algal culture, but no out-competement was observed. The simultaneous assay on the culture filtrates showed that P donghaiense filtrate prepared at a lower initial density (1.0 X 10(4) cells mL(-1)) stimulated growth of the co-cultured A. tanzarense (0.28 x 10(4) cells mL(-1)), but filtrate at a higher initial density (1.0 x 10(5) cells mL(-1)) depressed its growth. The filtrate of A. tamarense at a density of 0.28 x 10(4) cells mL(-1) killed all R donghaiense at a lower density (1.0 x 10(4) cells mL(-1)), but only exhibited an inhibitory effect on it at a higher density (1.0 x 10(5) cells mL(-1)). It is likely that these two species of microalgae interfere with each other mainly by releasing allelochemical substance(s) into the culture medium, and a direct cell-to-cell contact was not necessary for their mutual interaction. The allelopathic test further proved that A. tamarense could affect the growth of co-cultured P. donghaiense by producing allelochemical(s); moreover, A. tamarense culture filtrate at the stationary growth phase (SP) had a strongly inhibitory effect on P donghaiense compared to that at the exponential phase (EP). Results also demonstrated a dose-dependent relationship between the microalgal initial cell density and the degree of the allelopathic effect. The growth of R donghaiense and A. tamarense in the bi-algal cultures was simulated using a mathematical model to quantify the interaction. The estimated parameters from the model showed that the inhibition exerted by A. tamarense on P. donghaiense was about 17 and 8 times stronger than the inhibition P. donghaiense exerted on A. tamarense, when the initial cell density was set at 1.0 X 10(4) and 1.0 X 10(5) cells mL(-1) for P donghaiense, respectively. and 0.28 x 10(4) cells mL(-1) for A. tamarense in the bi-algal cultures. A. tamarense seems to have a survival strategy that is superior to that of P. donghaiense in bi-algal cultures under controlled laboratory conditions. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Combining some information from field investigation of algae along the coastal areas in China and a few pictures materialized from the western Yellow Sea in 2008, authors analyze the necessary conditions and possible water area in China producing a large biomass, some reasons for firestorm, and the possibility of the reappearance of marine bloom green alga Enteromorpha prolifera. The change of habitats and the increase of nutritional levels related to the water area could be considered as direct reasons. It was transferred northward by the combination of the flow of rainwater, wind and alongshore marine current. The original region of large biomass produced is possibly located in the southwestern Yellow sea. It will possibly be appearing again in the coming years or in the future. A summary is also given referring to its reproduction, development and distribution worldwide.


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谷氨酰胺酶是催化谷氨酰胺分解为谷氨酸的氨基酸水解酶。它广泛存在于真核生物和原核生物中,在许多微生物和哺乳动物的氮代谢过程中起重要作用。但蓝藻中谷氨酰胺酶的酶学特征及生理功能尚不清楚,仅在一些蓝藻的基因组中发现有假定谷氨酰胺酶基因,这些基因编码的未知功能蛋白中有谷氨酰胺酶功能结构域,如集胞藻6803基因组中的slr2079基因。因此,本研究以模式蓝藻集胞藻6803 为研究对象,研究蓝藻谷氨酰胺酶的酶学特征及其生理功能。 为研究蓝藻谷氨酰胺酶的酶学特征,本研究克隆了集胞藻6803 slr2079基因,并在大肠杆菌中融合表达,经Ni-NTA亲合柱纯化后,通过对重组蛋白进行酶活测定及动力学分析,发现Slr2079蛋白是以谷氨酰胺为唯一催化底物的谷氨酰胺酶。 重组酶Slr2079的最适反应pH为9;最适反应温度为37C - 42C。该酶和绝大多数微生物源性的谷氨酰胺酶一样均为非磷酸依赖型。有趣的是该酶活性受Na+调节,而这种调节是通过提高对底物的亲和力来实现的。 为研究蓝藻谷氨酰胺酶在细胞内的生理功能,本研究通过基因插入失活,构建了缺失slr2079基因的集胞藻6803突变体,并对其进行生理、生化研究。在正常生长条件下,突变体和野生型蓝藻的生长未见差异,表明该基因不是集胞藻6803生长所必需的基因。但在700 mM NaCl胁迫条件下,突变体的生长速率比野生型快1.25倍。半定量RT-PCR结果显示,几个盐胁迫相关基因在突变体与野生型中的表达有所不同:与耐受盐胁迫的相关基因slr1608 (gdhB) 和slr1751 (prc)在突变体中表达提高,而盐敏感的基因sll0262 (desD) 和 slr0213 (guaA)在突变体中表达下降。由于重组的Slr2079具有谷氨酰胺酶活性,因此我们试图通过检测在蓝藻中参与氨同化作用的关键酶谷氨酸合成酶和谷氨酰胺合成酶在集胞藻6803中的表达情况来揭示Slr2079在集胞藻6803谷氨酰胺代谢中的生理功能。半定量RT-PCR结果显示,仅谷氨酸合成酶在突变体中表达提高,而谷氨酰胺合成酶表达未见明显变化。这些研究结果表明,在集胞藻6803中,Slr2079可能是通过调节与盐胁迫相关基因的表达来参与应对盐胁迫,而在氮代谢中起次要作用。


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<正> 1.材料和方法参照Goodpasture的Ag-As法和Bloom,Lau等的Ag法,我们稍加改良应用于研究鱼类的NORs,可获得较好的银染效果.具体方法如下: ①Ag-As法:将干燥后15天左右的片子加4滴AgNO_3溶液(20-30%),盖上长方形的玻片,放在底部铺有润湿滤纸的培养皿中,放于60℃恒温箱中15小时后用自来水


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Silver and bighead carp were stocked in a large pen to control the nuisance cyanobacterial blooms in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu. Plankton abundance and water quality were investigated about once a week from 9 May to 7 July in 2005. Biomass of both total crustacean zooplankton and cladocerans was significantly suppressed by the predation of pen-cultured fishes. There was a significant negative correlation between the N:P weight ratio and phytoplankton biomass. The size-selective predation by the two carps had no effect on the biomass of green alga Ulothrix sp. It may be attributed to the low fish stocking density (less than 40 g m(-3)) before June. When Microcystis dominated in the water of fish pen, the pen-cultured carps effectively suppressed the biomass of Microcystis, as indicated by the significant decline of chlorophyll a in the >38 mu m fractions of the fish pen. Based on the results of our experiment and previous other studies, we conclude that silver and bighead carp are two efficient biomanipulation tools to control cyanobacterial (Microcystis) blooms in the tropical/subtropical eutrophic waters. Moreover, we should maintain an enough stocking density for an effective control of phytoplankton biomass. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved


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The physiological differences for three bloom-forming cyanobacteria (Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, Microcystis aeruginosa, and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) were investigated. In comparison with M. aeruginosa and A. flos-aquae, C. raciborskii exhibited a significantly higher concentration of carotenoids, higher values in maximum photosynthesis rate (P-m), apparent photosynthetic efficieny (a), and maximum electron transport rate (ETRmax) during the growth period. In addition, higher extracellular alkaline phosphatase activities and lower light compensation point (I-c) were also detected in C raciborskii (p < 0.05, ANOVA). Therefore, it is suggested that the higher photosynthetic activities, more effective uptake and utilization to phosphate, and low light requirements might play important roles in the occurrence and invasive behavior of C. raciborskii. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigated dynamics of the phytoplankton community and abiotic factors in Xiangxi Bay of the Three-Gorge Reservoir, China, by daily sampling, a specific site during a spring algal bloom (February 23-April 28, 2005). Among the 76 taxa observed, Asterionella formosa and Cyclotella spp. were the dominants, accounting for 47.2% and 29.9% of the total abundance, respectively. We determined the five distinct developing phases of the bloom by analyzing the dissimilarity of physicochemical parameters. Simultaneously, six phytoplankton community groups were distinguished by TWINSPAN classifications. The pattern for algal community succession was similar to that for the bloom phase shift, and the structural complexity of communities significantly decreased over time. Water temperature and silicate were the main factors that related to the development of the bloom and the shifts of the phytoplankton community.


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A previously unknown cyanophage, PaV-LD (Planktothrix agardhii Virus isolated from Lake Donghu), which causes lysis of the bloom-forming filamentous cyanobacterium P. agardhii, was isolated from Lake Donghu, Wuhan, China. PaV-LD only lysed P. agardhii strains isolated from Lake Donghu and not those isolated from other lakes. The PaV-LD particle has an icosahedral, non-tailed structure, ca. 70 to 85 nm (mean +/- SD = 76 +/- 6 nm) in diameter. PaV-LD was stable at freezing temperature, but lost its infectivity at temperatures >50 degrees C. Lysis of host cells was delayed about 3 d after the PaV-LD treatment with chloroform, and the virus was inactivated by exposure to low pH (<= 4). The latent period and burst size of the PaV-LD were estimated to be 48 to 72 h and about 340 infectious units per cell, respectively. The regrowth cultures of surviving host filaments were not lysed by the PaV-LD suspension. To our knowledge, this is the first isolation and cultivation of a virus infectious to the filamentous bloom-forming cyanobacterium Planktothrix from a freshwater lake.


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To explore the potential grazing effects of mussels on Microcystis aeruginosa, a common bloom-forming phytoplankton, Unio douglasiae and Corbicula fluminea were fed with Scenedesmus obliquus, toxic and non-toxic strains of Microcystis aeruginosa as single food and as mixtures in the laboratory. When fed with single foods, U. douglasiae has similar clearance rates on the three algae populations, while C. fluminea has significantly lower clearance rate on toxic M. aeruginosa than those on the other two algae populations. When fed with mixture foods, both the mussels show significantly higher clearance rates than on single foods. The clearance rates of U. douglasiae on the different food mixtures are not significantly different, and C. fluminea has a significantly lower clearance rate on the toxic food mixtures than that on non-toxic food mixtures. Although the relative lower clearance rates of C. fluminea on toxic food, we may still deduce that both the mussels can exert grazing pressure on phytoplankton. The deduction is supported by the composition of the excretion products. The excretion products (faeces and pseudofaeces) of both mussels contained mainly S. obliquus. In both mixed-food treatments, the ratios of S. obliquus to M. aeruginosa in the excrete products are significantly higher than those in the foods. Therefore, it can be concluded that both mussels prefer M. aeruginosa to S. obliquus, and can cause grazing pressure on M. aeruginosa.


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Microcystins (MCs) are cyanobacterial toxins in water blooms that have received increasing attention as a public biohazard for human and animal health. Previous studies were mainly focused on the toxic effects on adult fish, rather than juvenile or larvae, and the response of fish immune system were usually neglected. This paper presents the first data of the effects of microcystin-LR (MC-LR) on transcription of several genes essential for early lymphoid development (Rag1, Rag2, Ikaros, GATA1, Lck and TCR alpha) and heat shock proteins (HSP90, HSP70, HSP60, HSP27) in zebrafish larvae. Relative changes of mRNA transcription were analyzed by real time PCR. The transcription of Rag1, Rag2, Ikaros, GATA1, Lck and TCR alpha were up-regulated when following exposure to 800 mu g/L MC-LR, which may indicate that specific lymphocytes differentiation and TCR/lg arrangement are induced to counteract the toxic effects of MC-LR. It was also interesting to note the dramatically increased transcription of HSP90. HSP70, HSP60 and HSP27, which may indicate their important roles as molecular chaperones under oxidative stress. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.