177 resultados para Confined Placental Mosaicism


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This paper presents a funnel external potential model to investigate dynamic properties of ultracold Bose gas. By using variational method, we obtain the ground-state energy and density properties of ultracold Bose atoms. The results show that the ultracold Bose gas confined in a funnel potential experiences the transition from three-dimensional regime to quasi-one-dimensional regime in a small aspect ratio, and undergoes fermionization process as the aspect ratio increases.


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We demonstrate the guiding of neutral atoms with two parallel microfabricated current-carrying wires on the atom chip and a vertical magnetic bias field. The atoms are guided along a magnetic field minimum parallel to the current-carrying wires and confined in the other two directions. We describe in detail how the precooled atoms are efficiently loaded into the two-wire guide. We present a detailed experimental study of the motional properties of the atoms in the guide and the relationship between the location of the guide and the vertical bias field. This two-wire guide with vertical bias field can be used to realize large area atom interferometer.


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Low loss index enhanced planar waveguides in Nd3+-doped silicate glass were fabricated by 3.0 MeV C+ ion implantation. The enhancement of the refractive index confined the light propagating in the waveguide. The prism-coupling method was used to measure dark modes in the waveguide. The effective refractive indices of the waveguide were obtained based on the dark modes. The moving fiber method was applied to measure the waveguide propagation loss. Loss measured in non-annealed samples is about 0.6 dB/cm. And the waveguide mode optical near-field output at 633 nm was presented. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The black muntjac (Muntiacus crinifrons, 2n = 8 female/9 male) is a critically endangered mammalian species that is confined to a narrow region of southeastern China. Male black muntjacs have an astonishing X1X2Y1Y2Y3 sex chromosome system, unparalleled i


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The Hainan gibbon (Nomascus hainanus) is one of the most endangered primates in the world, confined to mature natural forest in Hainan Island, China. We assessed changes in habitat condition on the island between 1991 and 2008, using vegetation maps generated by remote-sensing images. We defined forest suitable for gibbons based on composition, tree size and canopy cover. During the 17-year period, the area of suitable gibbon forest decreased by 540 km(2) (35%) across the whole island, and by 6.3 km(2) (7%) in the locality of the sole remaining gibbon population at Bawangling National Nature Reserve. The forest patches large enough (>1 km(2)) to support a gibbon group decreased from 754 km(2) to 316 km(2) in total area, and from 92 to 64 in number. Suitable natural forest was mainly replaced by plantations below 760 m, or degraded by logging, grazing and planting of pines above 760 m. Meanwhile, forests in former confirmed gibbon areas became more fragmented: mean area of patches decreased by 53%. We mapped the patches of natural forest in good condition which could potentially support gibbons. We recommend a freeze on further expansion of plantations between core patches at Bawangling, Jiaxi-Houmiling and Yinggeling Nature Reserves in accordance with forest protection regulations; establishment of nature reserves in currently unprotected natural forest patches elsewhere in line with the local government's nature reserve expansion policy; and active natural-forest restoration between remaining fragments at Bawangling. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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采用PCR 方法从4 个灵长目物种中获得了泌乳刺激素(Prolactin, PRL)基因的第2~5 外显子的序 列, 结合GenBank 中已有的序列, 计算了PRL 基因在灵长目中的氨基酸替换速率. 对异义替换速率和 同义替换速率进行比较的结果显示, 在灵长目进化的过程中未发现任何一个枝系有正选择作用的迹象. 此外, 用最大似然(Maximum-Likelihood, ML)法没有检验到任何一个受到正选择作用的位点; 在快速 进化时期内发生的所有32 个氨基酸替换中, 只有2 个位点包含在功能重要的40 个氨基酸之内, 提示所 发生的氨基酸替换主要集中在功能上并不是很重要的位点上. 此外, 在PRL 基因的快速进化过程中, PRL 的部分功能被胎盘泌乳刺激素(placental lactogen, PL)所替代. 基于以上原因, 推测发生在灵长目 PRL 基因的快速进化很可能是选择压力的放松, 而不是正选择作用的结果.


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An analysis of the nuclear beta-fibrinogen intron 7 locus from 30 taxa representing 12 placental orders of mammals reveals the enriched occurrences of short interspersed clement (SINE) insertion events. Mammalian-wide interspersed repeats (MIRs) are present at orthologous sites of all examined species except those in the order Rodentia. The higher substitution rate in mouse and a rare MIR deletion from rat account for the absence of MIR in the rodents. A minimum of five lineage-specific SINE sequences are also found to have independently inserted into this intron in Carnivora, Artiodactyla and Lagomorpha. In the case of Carnivora, the unique amplification pattern of order-specific CAN SINE provides important evidence for the "pan-carnivore" hypothesis of this repeat element and reveals that the CAN SINE family may still be active today. Particularly interesting is the finding that all identified lineage-specific SINE elements show a strong tendency to insert within or in very close proximity to the preexisting MIRs for their efficient integrations, suggesting that the MIR clement is a hot spot for successive insertions of other SINEs. The unexpected MIR excision as a result of a random deletion in the rat intron locus and the non-random site targeting detected by this study indicate that SINEs actually have a greater insertional flexibility and regional specificity than had previously been recognized. Implications for SINE sequence evolution upon and following integration, as well as the fascinating interactions between retroposons and the host genomes are discussed.


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In the present study, we obtained exon 2-5 of prolactin (PRL) gene from four primate species by PCR and sequencing. Adding other genes available in GenBank, we calculate amino acid substitution rates for prolactin gene in primate. Comparison of nonsynonymous substitution rate to synonymous substitution rate ratios shows no evidence of positive selection for any lineage of primate prolactin gene. According to this and the facts that (i) no sites under positive selection are inferred by using maximum-likelihood method; (ii) among 32 amino acid replacement that occurred along the rapid evolutionary phase, only two are included in the 40 functionally important residues, indicating that amino acid replacement tends to occur in those functionally unimportant residues; (iii) partial of prolactin function is replaced by placental lactogen in primate at the rapid evolutionary phase of prolactin gene, we thus deem that it is relaxation of purifying selection to some extent rather than positive selection that enforces the rapid evolution of primate prolactin gene.


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Background: Giardia are a group of widespread intestinal protozoan parasites in a number of vertebrates. Much evidence from G. lamblia indicated they might be the most primitive extant eukaryotes. When and how such a group of the earliest branching unicellular eukaryotes developed the ability to successfully parasitize the latest branching higher eukaryotes (vertebrates) is an intriguing question. Gene duplication has long been thought to be the most common mechanism in the production of primary resources for the origin of evolutionary novelties. In order to parse the evolutionary trajectory of Giardia parasitic lifestyle, here we carried out a genome-wide analysis about gene duplication patterns in G. lamblia. Results: Although genomic comparison showed that in G. lamblia the contents of many fundamental biologic pathways are simplified and the whole genome is very compact, in our study 40% of its genes were identified as duplicated genes. Evolutionary distance analyses of these duplicated genes indicated two rounds of large scale duplication events had occurred in G. lamblia genome. Functional annotation of them further showed that the majority of recent duplicated genes are VSPs (Variant-specific Surface Proteins), which are essential for the successful parasitic life of Giardia in hosts. Based on evolutionary comparison with their hosts, it was found that the rapid expansion of VSPs in G. lamblia is consistent with the evolutionary radiation of placental mammals. Conclusions: Based on the genome-wide analysis of duplicated genes in G. lamblia, we found that gene duplication was essential for the origin and evolution of Giardia parasitic lifestyle. The recent expansion of VSPs uniquely occurring in G. lamblia is consistent with the increment of its hosts. Therefore we proposed a hypothesis that the increment of Giradia hosts might be the driving force for the rapid expansion of VSPs.


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The Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti), an endangered species in China, has received more protection in theory than in practice. Therefore it is on the very verge of extinction. The population of the species was estimated less than 2,000 individuals spread in 19 distinct groups. It was confirmed that the monkey was confined to the Yunling Mountain System, the area between the Yangtze River (Changjiang, aka Jinshajiang) to the east and the Mekong River (Lancangjiang) to the west. We further concluded that a lowland belt to the east, about 100 km long and 20 - 30 km wide was not suitable habitat for the monkeys, and appeared to serve as the natural ecogeologic barrier for the species. Our results indicated that the southern limit of the distribution was at Longma (26-degrees 14'N), and that the northern limit of the distribution was at Xiaochangdu (29-degrees 20'N). The distribution area of the species was substantially smaller than previously estimated. There were substantial ecological differences between the southern and northern parts of the species range. The monkey was found only in fir-larch forest.


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Generally it has not been recognized that salamanders of two distinctive color morphs currently are assigned to Tylototriton verrucosus Anderson. One form is uniformly dark brown dorsally, with bright orange coloration confined to the ventral edge of the tail; the other has a dark brown to black dorsal ground color with orange dorsolateral warts, an orange vertebral crest, and orange lateral and medial crests on the head. In addition, the limbs and ventrolateral surfaces of the second form have a variable pattern of orange coloration. The brown form occurs in northeastern India, Nepal, northern Burma, Bhutan, northern Thailand, the type locality in extreme western Yunnan, and perhaps in northern Vietnam. The orange-patterned form occurs only in western Yunnan Province, People's Republic of China. The two forms appear to be allopatric but occur close together in the area of the type locality near the Burma border in western Yunnan. There is no evidence of color intergradation in specimens from this region. Analyses of morphometric and meristic characters, however, suggest the possibility of limited genetic exchange between adjacent populations of brown and orange-patterned forms in western Yunnan. The genetic and taxonomic relationships between the two forms is not fully resolved. However, these two highly distinctive forms obviously have evolved along independent trajectories and merit taxonomic recognition. We therefore propose to restrict the concept of Tylototriton verrucosus to the brown form and designate a neotype for that purpose, and we describe a new species to receive the orange-patterned form.


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The southeastern region of Yunnan province is a key site for drug trafficking and HIV-1 infection spread from the west of Yunnan and Laos to southeastern China. To investigate the prevalence of HIV-1 infection and hepatitis C virus (HCV) coinfection among injection drug users (IDUs) in southeastern Yunnan, three cohorts of 285 addicts, including 242 IDUs and 43 oral drug users, living in the cities of Gejiu and Kaiyuan and the county of Yanshan were studied. HIV-1 and HCV infections were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and/or polymerase chain reaction. Data on the age, sex, risk behavior, drug use history, employment, ethnic background, and marriage status were obtained by interview. The overall prevalence of HIV-1 infection was 71.9%. The rate of HCV coinfection among 138 HIV-1-infected IDUs was 99.3%. Most HIV-infected IDUs were 20 to 35 years old (86.7%) and were ethnic Han (75.9%), suggesting that the epidemic in Yunnan is no longer confined to non-Han ethnic minorities, HIV prevalence in female IDUs (81.2%) was significantly higher than in male IDUs (68.2%) (p <.05). The prevalence of HIV infection reached 68.4% after 1 year of injection drug use. Needle/syringe sharing is the major high risk factor for the spread of HIV-1 and HCV infections. Large-scale educational campaigns are urgently needed to reduce the spread of HIV and HCV infection in these regions.


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Anterior gradient 2 (Agr2) genes encode secretory proteins, and play significant roles in anterior-posterior patterning and tumor metastasis. Agr2 transcripts were shown to display quite diverse tissue distribution in different species, and little was known about the cellular localization of Agr2 proteins. In this study, we identified an Agr2 homologue from gibe[ carp (Carassius auratus gibelio), and revealed the expression patterns and cellular localization during embryogenesis and in adult tissues. The full-length cDNA of CagAgr2 is 803 nucleotides (nt) with an open reading frame of 510 nt encoding 169 amino acids. The Agr2 C-terminus matches to the class I PDZ-interacting motif, suggesting that it might be a PDZ-binding protein. During embryogenesis, CagAgr2 was found to be transcribed in the mucus-secreting hatching gland from tailbud stage and later in the pharynx region, swim bladder and pronephric duct as revealed by RT-PCR and whole mount in situ hybridization. In the adult fish, its transcription was predominantly confined to the kidney, and lower transcription levels were also found in the intestine, ovary and gills. To further localize the Agr2 protein, the anti-CagAgr2 polyclonal antibody was produced and used for immunofluorescence observation. In agreement with mRNA expression data, the Agr2 protein was localized in the pronephric duct of 3dph larvae. In adult fish, Agr2 protein expression is confined to the renal collecting system with asymmetric distribution along the apical-basolateral axis. The data provided suggestive evidence that fish Agr2 might be involved in differentiation and secretory functions of kidney epithelium. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Studies on the colonization of environmentally extreme ground surfaces were conducted in a Mars-like desert area of Inner Mongolia, People's Republic of China, with microalgae and cyanobacteria. We collected and mass-cultured cyanobacterial strains from these regions and investigated their ability to form desert crusts artificially. These crusts had the capacity to resist sand wind erosion after just 15 days of growth. Similar to the surface of some Chinese deserts, the surface of Mars is characterized by a layer of fine dust, which will challenge future human exploration activities, particularly in confined spaces that will include greenhouses and habitats. We discuss the use of such crusts for the local control of desert sands in enclosed spaces on Mars. These experiments suggest innovative new directions in the applied use of microbe-mineral interactions to advance the human exploration and settlement of space.