74 resultados para Cfd


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The slender axis-symmetric submarine body moving in the vertical plane is the object of our investigation. A coupling model is developed where displacements of a solid body as a Euler beam (consisting of rigid motions and elastic deformations) and fluid pressures are employed as basic independent variables, including the interaction between hydrodynamic forces and structure dynamic forces. Firstly the hydrodynamic forces, depending on and conversely influencing body motions, are taken into account as the governing equations. The expressions of fluid pressure are derived based on the potential theory. The characteristics of fluid pressure, including its components, distribution and effect on structure dynamics, are analyzed. Then the coupling model is solved numerically by means of a finite element method (FEM). This avoids the complicacy, combining CFD (fluid) and FEM (structure), of direct numerical simulation, and allows the body with a non-strict ideal shape so as to be more suitable for practical engineering. An illustrative example is given in which the hydroelastic dynamic characteristics, natural frequencies and modes of a submarine body are analyzed and compared with experimental results. Satisfactory agreement is observed and the model presented in this paper is shown to be valid.


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建立了柔性杆件在非均匀流作用下的涡激振动响应预测模型, 考虑了涡激振动锁频阶段流体附加质量的变化, 以及振动响应和来流简缩速度的非线性关系. 该模型通过经验公式结合迭代求解的方式, 计算方便、速度快, 避免了数值计算(CFD)的繁琐, 较为适合于海洋工程实际应用. 与试验和数值结果的比较表明采用该文提出的计算模型, 可以更合理、准确地给出结构涡激振动响应. 最后, 结合实际平台参数, 进行了柔性立管在非均匀流场的作用下的涡激振动响应分析, 并研究了立管的预张力、流场分布等参数的影响. 分析结果表明: 随着立管张力和流场分布的改变, 各阶模态锁频区域发生了变化, 从而改变了结构的总体响应


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Based on improving the wake-oscillator model, an analytical model for vortex-induced vibration (VIV) of flexible riser under non-uniform current is presented, in which the variation of added mass at lock-in and the nonlinear relationship between amplitude of response and reduced velocity are considered. By means of empirical formula combining iteration computation, the improved analytical model can be conveniently programmed into computer code with simpler and faster computation process than CFD so as to be suitable to application of practical engineering. This model is validated by comparing with experimental result and numerical simulation. Our results show that the improved model can predict VIV response and lock-in region more accurately. At last, illustrative examples are given in which the amplitude of response of flexible riser experiencing VIV under action of non-uniform current is calculated and effects of riser tension and flow distribution along span of riser are explored. It is demonstrated that with the variation of tension and flow distribution, lock-in region of mode behaves in different way, and thus the final response is a synthesis of response of locked modes.


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A new methodology based on the use of CFD is proposed to estimate the energy consumptions in a DTS (DOUBLE-TUBE-SOCKET) pneumatic conveying. A simple computational program based on this methodology is developed. It can directly give the lowest energy consumption and the compatible gas consumption by only input the distance of conveying and the conveying tonnage. This computational program has been validated through our experimental work.


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为了辅助水下机器人控制系统的研究和开发,论文第一部分研究和建立水下机器人多功能仿真平台。基于现代仿真技术,先后研制成“7000米载人潜水器”多功能仿真平台HOV7000,“CR-02”6000米自主水下机器人多功能仿真平台CR6000和远程自主水下机器人多功能仿真平台LAUV。该种平台具有缩短研制水下机器人周期、减少试验成本、提高系统安全性和可靠性等特点。该平台的创新点在于水下机器人控制系统的硬件和软件与真实系统的硬件和软件完全一致,在多功能仿真平台上调试后的程序直接作为真实系统的控制程序运行。 论文第二部分针对7000米载人潜水器工作环境的复杂性,水下机器人本身参数摄动、外界扰动、传感器、执行机构、控制器不同程度存在不确定性、非线性和延迟,常规的控制方法一定程度上难以克服上述不确定性的影响等问题,研究了可以克服上述多环节不确定性、适合7000米载人潜水器水下作业场合的强鲁棒控制方法。其创新点为将运算量较大的多输入多输出鲁棒控制算法通过选择适当的加权函数应用于实际的水下机器人控制系统。本论文研究内容如下: 1、利用现代仿真技术研究水下机器人多功能仿真平台的实现方法。深入研究了水下机器人动力学模型、推进系统、海洋环境中海流、海底地形和水下机器人传感器等模型。利用机理仿真法,研究了水下机器人分立件推进系统模型和动力学模型;基于电子海图数据采用曲线/曲面拟合法建立了海流数据库模型,并提出了DTTCGSFD的海底地形生成方法;基于随机仿真法研究了水下机器人传感器的模拟方法;采用相似仿真法研究了基于势流理论、水面进行波、CFD的海流模拟方法和视觉传感器模拟方法;采用综合仿真法建立了一体化推进系统的模型。 2、研制成的水下机器人仿真平台具有下述9个方面的功能:基本原理、设计思想和方法的验证;控制系统软件和硬件的静态和动态调试;系统性能的测试与评价;下水前使命可实现性的全程实时验证;水下使命执行过程的伪在线监视;实时运行过程的离线重现;示教与训练;故障可能原因的仿真分析;演示与汇报。现场试验结果表明,多功能平台上的控制效果与现场湖试和海试的试验结果基本吻合。水下机器人多功能仿真平台的研制成功对于水下机器人的研究开发工作具有很大的实际意义,它使我们的研究工作从基于实际环境研究开发向基于虚拟环境研究开发转变,大大缩短了研究工作的周期,节省了大量的人力、物力和经费。 3、研究了基于MLQG的7000米载人潜水器控制方法。将7000米载人潜水器看作慢时变线性系统,采用带遗忘因子的递推最小二乘辨识算法及平方根算法辨识出水下机器人系统的时变参数,利用LQG控制具有克服零均值白噪声的特点设计2种MLQG鲁棒控制器。仿真试验结果表明MLQG控制算法对水下机器人系统存在海流扰动和参数时变两种不确定性均具有较好的鲁棒性。 4、研究基于混合灵敏度的H∞水下机器人鲁棒控制方法。由于水下机器人系统的模型摄动加权函数、输入加权函数、性能指标加权函数等加权函数的选择是水下机器人系统鲁棒稳定性和鲁棒性能的核心。深入研究并设计出适合于7000米载人潜水器的各加权函数后,将混合灵敏度问题转化为标准H∞问题,采用代数Riccati方程或LMI方法设计了可克服水下机器人多环节同时存在不确定性的鲁棒控制器。通过对频域和时域分析表明H∞鲁棒控制对于提高7000米载人潜水器系统快速性、减小系统稳态误差和克服系统不确定性具有更好的效果。在HOV7000多功能仿真平台上进行的控制系统试验——阶跃响应试验、动力定位试验以及H∞鲁棒控制和PID控制的比较试验验证了上述控制效果。 5、为了克服基于H∞鲁棒控制理论设计的控制器具有保守性的缺点,研究了基于结构奇异值µ的水下机器人鲁棒控制方法。在对结构奇异值µ理论深入研究后,讨论基于结构奇异值µ鲁棒控制和基于混合灵敏度的H∞鲁棒控制在系统模型摄动加权函数、输入加权函数、性能指标加权函数等加权函数的选择方面的区别与联系。设计出各相应加权函数后,采用D-K迭代方法设计了可克服水下机器人多环节同时存在不确定性的控制器参数。频域和时域内的理论分析结果,和HOV7000多功能仿真平台上的试验——系统阶跃响应试验、动力定位试验以及基于结构奇异值µ鲁棒控制与PID控制比较试验结果,表明采用基于结构奇异值µ的水下机器人鲁棒控制方法比基于H∞混合灵敏度的鲁棒控制方法具有更好的鲁棒稳定性和鲁棒性能。


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The topic of this study is about the propagation features of elastic waves in the anisotropic and nonlinear media by numerical methods with high accuracy and stability. The main achievements of this paper are as followings: Firstly, basing on the third order elastic energy formula, principle of energy conservation and circumvolved matrix method, we firstly reported the equations of non-linear elastic waves with two dimensions and three components in VTI media. Secondly, several conclusions about some numerical methods have been obtained in this paper. Namely, the minimum suitable sample stepth in space is about 1/8-1/12 of the main wavelength in order to distinctly reduce the numerical dispersion resulted from the numerical mehtod, at the same time, the higher order conventional finite difference (CFD) schemes will give little contribution to avoid the numerical solutions error accumulating with time. To get the similar accuracy with the fourth order center finite difference method, the half truncation length of SFFT should be no less than 7. The FDFCT method can present with the numerical solutions without obvious dispersion when the paprameters of FCT is suitable (we think they should be in the scope from 0.0001 to 0.07). Fortunately, the NADM method not only can reported us with the higher order accuracy solutions (higher than that of the fourth order finite difference method and lower than that of the sixth order finite difference method), but also can distinctly reduce the numerical dispersion. Thirdly, basing on the numerial and theoretical analysis, we reported such nonlinear response accumulating with time as waveform aberration, harmonic generation and resonant peak shift shown by the propagation of one- and two-dimensional non-linear elasticwaves in this paper. And then, we drew the conclusion that these nonlinear responses are controlled by the product between nonlinear strength (SN) and the amplitude of the source. At last, the modified FDFCT numerical method presented by this paper is used to model the two-dimensional non-linear elastic waves propagating in VTI media. Subsequently, the wavelet analysis and polarization are adopted to investigate and understand the numerical results. And then, we found the following principles (attention: the nonlinear strength presented by this paper is weak, the thickness of the -nonlinear media is thin (200m), the initial energy of the source is weak and the anisotropy of the media is weak too): The non-linear response shown by the elastic waves in VTI media is anisotropic too; The instantaneous main frequency sections of seismic records resulted from the media with a non-linear layer have about 1/4 to 1/2 changes of the initial main frequency of source with that resulted from the media without non-linear layer; The responses shown by the elasic waves about the anisotropy and nonlinearity have obvious mutual reformation, namely, the non-linear response will be stronger in some directions because of the anisotropy and the anisotropic strength shown by the elastic waves will be stronger when the media is nonlinear.