157 resultados para Ca-alginate oxygen diffusivity


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光合放氧研究近十年来已有重要进展,但在该领域仍有很多重要问题待研究。本论文工作主要是对光系统氧化侧与光合放氧密切相关的组分的结构和性能进行理论和模拟研究,工作可概括如下: (一)、放氧中心结构和性能的探索。 1、对放氧中心Mn202单元与配体组氨酸、H2O和Cl等结合方式的理论研究显示:(a)、组氨酸和H20分子均可能与Mn202平面垂直,彼此保持较大的距离,且结合在不同的Mn离子上;(b)、2个H2O分子可能结合在不同Mn202单元上。 2、对Mn簇核心骨架的理论研究显示有必要引入新的Ca、Cl结合方式,以防止因两个Mn202单元线性化而导致2个H2O分子结合位点远离。 (二)、次级电子给体Tyr_z和Tyr_D的结构与功能。 对次级电子给体Tyr_z和Tyr_D进行精确量子化学研究显示:(a)、在中性条件下,Tyr_D和Tyr_z均只与组氨酸通过氢键作用;(b)、当失去电子后,结构发生明显变化,导致正电荷主要集中在组氨酸上,自由基主要集中在Tyr上;(c)、第三组分(H_20分子或羧基等)的引入使中性体系不容易给出电子;(d)、结合最新文献报导,推测Tyr_D~+和Tyr_z~+除与组氨酸作用外还可能分别与水和羧基作用。 (三)、原初电子给体的理论和模拟研究。 1、对紫细菌原初电子给体P_(870)的理论研究显示:(a)、双分子结构比单分子结构稳定;(b)、电荷分离之后,原初电子给体原有的空间结构不再是稳定的构型,它会向能量和化学活性均更低的构型转变。在光合细菌的原初电子给体P870中,这种转变可通过C3位的乙酰基旋转使其氧原子与另一个细菌叶绿素分子的镁原子相互作用使P870+•的总能量和化学活性明显降低。推测这种构型转变对于防止原初反应过程中的电荷重组、维持光能的高效转化有重要意义。提出了原初反应过程中结构动态变化的新观点,利用这一观点可对光合细菌原初反应动力学研究所观测到的慢过程及蛋白质微环境对原初电子给体和原初反应都有重要影响等实验现象给予较好的解释。 2、对光系统II原初电子给体P680的结构进行理论探讨,提出了两个叶绿素a分子平面间夹角为50.0±2.5°时能量最低的夹角模型。 3、采用N-甲基咪唑(C4H6N2)模拟生物体内的组氨酸,通过观测CCL4中的Chla与C4H6N2反应的吸收、CD和MCD光谱得到以下结论:(a)、在纯CCL4中,每个Chla处于5配位状态,Chla形成不对称的双聚体,彼此之间存在较强的偶合作用。提出两个Chla通过不等价的2个Mg-O配位键(O分别来自于C131位的酮基和C17位酯基的C=O)连接为紧密双体结构;(b)、当C4H6N2/Chla = 0.5和1时,其吸收、CD和MCD光谱均发生明显变化,两个Chla之间的偶合作用明显减弱,但此时仍为双聚体。推测C4H6N2首先取代原紧密双体结构中Mg-O酯键,进而取代Mg-O酮键,最后两个Chla分子通过两个Mg…O弱相互作用连接为松弛的双体结构,该模型与理论获得的P_(680)的结构相似。 在上述研究的基础上,提出了包括放氧中心外围配体和TyrZ在内的放氧中心结构新模型。在新结构模型中,2个H2O分子不对称地结合于“C”形结构开口端两个低价的Mn1II和Mn4III上,并保持较大距离;两个组氨酸的咪唑环通过N原子与两个高价的Mn2IV、Mn3IV结合;Cl结合于MB4TM,并与Ca相连;Ca通过O桥和COO-相连使两个Mn202单元保持特定空间构型。TyrZ通过组氨酸(D1-His190)与Mn簇作用。此外,新模型尝试着在O桥上引入质子。放氧中心结构及其邻近环境(包括TyrZ和TyrD)整体处于中性状态。 同时还提出了新的放氧机理,认为电子和质子的释放非同步进行,并首次明确提出两个水分子的不对称氧化和结构动态变化等观点。认为Ca在维持放氧中心的结构方面担负重要作用,C1与Mn离子之间的亲核作用变化是放氧中心结构变化的关键。


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光合水氧化是地球上最重要的生化过程之一。这个过程是在位于类囊体囊腔侧的放氧复合物中完成的。光系统II中的锰簇催化中心在四个连续的氧化还原反应作用下将水裂解为四个质子和氧气。水氧化的催化中心含有四个锰、一个钙离子、一至两个氯离子和一个具氧化还原活性的YZ(D1-Y161)。在光系统II的功能性组装过程中,氧合催化中心的形成是在一个被称作光组装的作用下完成的。光组装是无机锰、钙、氯离子与光系统II蛋白结合并在光驱动下氧化形成功能性放氧中心的过程。到目前为止,放氧复合物(OEC)的结构及水氧化的机理仍不清楚,光组装的研究工作对于阐明放氧复合物的结构与功能具有重要的理论和实际意义。 本论文研究了一系列具有不同配位环璄的锰化合物与去锰的PSII的光组装过程, 同时研究了稀土离子LaCl3和TbCl3及重金属离子Co2+和Ni2+对PSII 放氧活性及光组装的影响。主要结果如下: 1. 选择了咪唑氮配位的锰化合物和非咪唑氮配位的锰化合物与去锰的PSII 颗粒进行重组, 发现化合物中锰的配位结构与其恢复电子传递能力和放氧活性之间有一定关系。 研究结果表明,锰中心为锰-咪唑氮连接的化合物能够有效地恢复去锰PSII的电子传递能力和放氧活性;而非咪唑氮配位的锰化合物恢复电子传递和放氧活性的能力都相应较低甚至没有,由此推测,咪唑氮为放氧中心锰簇的一个配体。 2. 选择了两个不同价态的二核锰化合物和一个带氧桥的三核锰化合物与去锰的PSII 颗粒进行重组。 研究结果表明,三核锰化合物表现出比另外两个二核锰化合物更强的恢复放氧活性的能力,但其作为电子供体的能力比另外两个化合物要差。由此可推测,影响锰化合物恢复电子传递和放氧活性效率的因素是不同的。另外, 三核锰化合物在重组过程中对CaCl2非常敏感,我们推测锰化合物中的羧基与Ca2+之间存在相互作用,而这种作用有助于锰的配位进而促进光组装。三个化合物重组放氧复合物能力的大小顺序为:Mn3(III)锰化合物>Mn(III)Mn(III)锰化合物> Mn(III)Mn(IV)锰化合物。 3. 研究了LaCl3、 TbCl3 对光系统II放氧复合物光组装的影响。研究表明,在光组装过程中,两种稀土离子La3+和Tb3+对光系统II的光组装有很强的抑制作用,这种作用很大程度上依赖于Ca2+的存在,两种稀土离子在Ca2+结合位点是一个混合型竞争抑制剂。 另外,在10 mmol/L Ca2+存在时,抑制50%的光组装活性所需的稀土离子浓度比抑制50%功能性PSII的放氧活性所需的稀土离子浓度小约10倍,这对理解稀土离子对光合作用的影响具有重要的理论意义。 4.本文研究了Ni2+和Co2+两种金属离子对光系统II膜蛋白复合体结构与功能的影响。结果表明,毫摩尔级Ni2+和Co2+可以使完整的光系统II和去除17 kDa、23 kDa外周蛋白的光系统II的放氧活性被一定程度地抑制,而且对后者的抑制作用更强,在上述两种情况下,CaCl2可使抑制作用减轻。两种金属离子对给体侧的完整性有一定影响:5 mmol/L金属离子存在的时,可使17 kDa蛋白解离,10 mmol/L的金属离子存在时可使17 kDa、 23 kDa蛋白解离。两种金属离子在光组装过程中对Mn、Ca的组装无明显的影响。


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本论文研究了一系列具有不同配位环璄的锰化合物与去锰的PSII的光组装过程,得到了以下主要结果: 1. 分别对两组二核锰化合物与去锰的PSII 颗粒进行了重组研究。第一组的两个二核锰化合物中,锰原子具有相同的外围配体、氧化还原状态,但是不同的连接方式;而第二组的两个二核锰化合物中,锰原子具有相同的连接方式、氧化还原状态,但是不同的外围配体。实验结果表明,锰化合物中两个锰原子之间的连接方式及外围配体的不同都可以导致锰簇光组装效率的不同,但这两种因素引起的光组装效率的差异比锰原子的氧化还原状态引起的差别要小的多。因此我们推断,锰原子的氧化还原状态是影响光组装效率最重要的因素之一。 2. 选择了三个四核锰化合物与去锰PSII 颗粒进行重组,测定其电子传递与放氧活性。研究结果表明,具有较少配体和较小分子的两个化合物H568和WM01具有较高的重组活性,而另一个化合物Z342的活性较低。这说明化合物配体的数目以及分子的大小影响了光组装效率。另外, 化合物H568和WM01在重组过程中对CaCl2也比Z342更敏感,推测这可能是因为这两个锰化合物中有更多的的羧基可以与Ca2+发生相互作用,而这种作用有助于锰的配位,进而促进光组装。 3. 研究了Mn/Ca的簇合物与去锰的PSII 颗粒的光重组, 研究发现,尽管化合物wwg-27本身就含有Ca的成分,但它在与光系统II的光组装过程中仍然表现为外源Ca需要的趋势,而且这一化合物也表现了比MnCl2更高的光组装效率。 4. 研究了MnCl2与去锰PSII 颗粒的重组过程中,组氨酸和酪氨酸的存在对光组装效率的影响。 研究结果表明,加入一定量的组氨酸和酪氨酸均可以明显的提高样品的放氧活性,并且这两种氨基酸对光组装效率的影响均与pH值有关。


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以鱼腥藻为材料 ,研究了外源Ca2 +对模拟微重力环境中微藻细胞膜透性的影响。实验结果表明 :提高培养基中的Ca2 +浓度可减轻由模拟微重力造成的膜透性增大 ,有助于稳定细胞膜结构和功能。同时 ,外源Ca2 +降低了藻细胞光系统Ⅱ (PSⅡ )的光化学效率 (以荧光参数Fv/Fm表示 )下降的幅度 ,表明外源Ca2 +对模拟微重力环境下鱼腥藻细胞光合作用的损伤 ,有良好的防护效应。


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A growth trial was conducted to estimate the optimum requirement of dietary available phosphorus (P) for black seabream (Sparus macrocephalus) in indoor net cages (1.5x1.0x1.0 m). Triplicate groups of black seabream (11.45 +/- 0.02 g) were fed diets containing graded levels (0.18, 0.36, 0.54, 0.72, 0.89 and 1.07%) of available P to satiation for 8 weeks. The basal diet (diet 1), containing 0.18% available P, was supplemented with graded levels of monosodium phosphate (NaH2PO4 2H(2)O) to formulate five experimental diets. The fish were fed twice daily (08:00 h and 16:00 h) and reared in seawater (salinity, 26-29 g l(-1)) at a temperature of 28 +/- 1 degrees C. Dissolved oxygen during the experiment was above 5 mg l(-1). The specific growth rate (SGR), weight gain (WG), feed efficiency (FE) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) were all significantly improved by dietary phosphorus up to 0.54% (P<0.05) and then leveled off beyond this level. Hepatosomatic index (HSI) was inversely correlated with dietary phosphorus levels (P< 0.05). Efficiency of P utilization stabled in fish fed diets containing 0.18%-0.54% available P and then decreased dramatically with further supplementation of dietary phosphorus. Body composition analysis showed that the whole-body lipid, ash, calcium and phosphorus contents were all significantly affected by dietary available P concentration (P<0.05), however, no significance were found in whole-body calcium/phosphorus (Ca/P) ratios among all the treatments (P>0.05). Dietary phosphorus levels also affected the mineralization of vertebrae, skin and scale (P<0.05). Ca/P ratios in vertebrae and scale were not influenced by dietary P supplementation, while skin Ca/P ratio increased statistically with dietary available P levels (quadratic effect, P<0.001). The blood chemistry analysis showed that dietary available P had distinct effects on enzyme activities of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and plasma lysozyme (LSZ), as well as contents of triacyglycerol (TG) and total cholesterol (T-CHO) (P<0.05). Broken-line analysis showed maximum weight gain (WG) was obtained at dietary available P concentrations of 0.55%. Quadratic analysis based on P contents in whole fish, vertebrae or scale indicated that the requirements were 0.81, 0.87 and 0.88%, respectively. Signs of phosphorus deficiency were characterized by poor growth, slightly reduced mineralization and an increase in body lipid content. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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When tobacco BY-2 cells were treated with 60 mu g/mL MC-RR for 5 d, time-dependent effects of MC-RR on the cells were observed. Morphological changes such as abnormal elongation, evident chromatin condensation and margination, fragmentation of nucleus and formation of apoptotic-like bodies suggest that 60 mu g/mL MC-RR induced rapid apoptosis in tobacco BY-2 cells. Moreover, there was a significant and rapid increase of ROS level before the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (Delta Psi(m)) and the onset of cell apoptosis. Ascorbic acid (AsA), a major primary antioxidant, prevented the increase of ROS generation, blocked the decrease in Delta Psi(m) and subsequent cell apoptosis, indicating a critical role of ROS in serving as an important signaling molecule by causing a reduction of Delta Psi(m) and MC-RR-induced tobacco BY-2 cell apoptosis. In addition, a specific mitochondrial permeability transition pores (PTP) inhibitor, cyclosporin A (CsA), significantly blocked the MC-RR-induced ROS formation, loss of Delta Psi(m), as well as cell apoptosis when the cells were MC-RR stressed for 3 d, suggesting that PTP is involved in 60 mu g/mL MC-RR-induced tobacco cell apoptosis signalling process. Thus, we concluded that the mechanism of MC-RR-induced apoptosis signalling pathways in tobacco BY-2 cells involves not only the excess generation of ROS and oxidative stress, but also the opening of PTP inducing loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Microcystins are cyclic heptapeptide hepatoxins produced by cyanobacteria. It has been shown that microcystins have adverse effects on animals and on plants as well. Previous researches also indicated that microcystins were capable of inducing oxidative damage in animals both in vivo and in vitro. In this study, tobacco BY-2 suspension cell line was applied to examine the effects of microcystin-RR on plant cells. Cell viability and five biochemical parameters including reactive oxygen species (ROS), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxide (GPX) and peroxide dismutase (POD) were investigated when cells were exposed to 50 mg/L microcystin-RR. Results showed that microcystin-RR evoked decline of the cell viability to approximately 80% after treating for 144 h. ROS levels, POD and GPX activities of the treated cells were gradually increased with a time dependent manner. Changes of SOD and CAT activities were also detected in BY-2 cells. After 168 h recovery, ROS contents, POD, GPX and CAT activities returned to normal levels. These results suggest that the microcystin-RR can cause the increase of ROS contents in plant cells and these changes led to oxidant stress, at the same time, the plant cells would improve their antioxidant abilities to combat mirocystin-RR induced oxidative injury. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A direct method for measuring the 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BODS) of aquaculture samples that does not require sample dilution or bacterial and nutrient enrichment was evaluated. The regression coefficient (R-2) between the direct method and the standard method for the analyses of 32 samples from catfish ponds was 0.996. The slope of the regression line did not differ from 1.0 or the Y-intercept from 0.0 at P = 0.05. Thus, there was almost perfect agreement between the two methods. The control limits (three standard deviations of the mean) for a standard solution containing 15 mg/L each of glutamic acid and glucose were 17.4 and 20.4 mg/L. The precision of the two methods, based on eight replicate analyses of four pond water samples did not differ at P = 0.05. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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It was found that reactive oxygen species in Anabaena cells increased under simulated microgravity provided by clinostat. Activities of intracellular antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase, catalase were higher than those in the controlled samples during the 7 days' experiment. However, the contents of gluathione, an intracellular antioxidant, decreased in comparison with the controlled samples. The results suggested that microgravity provided by clinostat might break the oxidative/antioxidative balance. It indicated a protective mechanism in algal cells, that the total antioxidant system activity increased, which might play an important role for algal cells to adapt the environmental stress of microgravity. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The mechanism of inorganic carbon (C-i) acquisition by the economic brown macroalga, Hizikia fusiforme (Harv.) Okamura (Sargassaceae), was investigated to characterize its photosynthetic physiology. Both intracellular and extracellular carbonic anhydrase (CA) were detected, with the external CA activity accounting for about 5% of the total. Hizikia fusiforme showed higher rates of photosynthetic oxygen evolution at alkaline pH than those theoretically derived from the rates of uncatalyzed CO2 production from bicarbonate and exhibited a high pH compensation point (pH 9.66). The external CA inhibitor, acetazolamide, significantly depressed the photosynthetic oxygen evolution, whereas the anion-exchanger inhibitor 4,4'-diisothiocyano-stilbene-2,2'-disulfonate had no inhibitory effect on it, implying the alga was capable of using HCO3- as a source of C-i for its photosynthesis via the mediation of the external CA. CO2 concentrations in the culture media affected its photosynthetic properties. A high level of CO2 (10,000 ppmv) resulted in a decrease in the external CA activity; however, a low CO2 level (20 ppmv) led to no changes in the external CA activity but raised the intracellular CA activity. Parallel to the reduction in the external CA activity at the high CO2 was a reduction in the photosynthetic CO2 affinity. Decreased activity of the external CA in the high CO2 grown samples led to reduced sensitiveness of photosynthesis to the addition of acetazolamide at alkaline pH. It was clearly indicated that H. fusiforme, which showed CO2-limited photosynthesis with the half-saturating concentration of C-i exceeding that of seawater, did not operate active HCO3- uptake but used it via the extracellular CA for its photosynthetic carbon fixation.


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This paper reports a new method for detection of ROS scavengers including superoxide dismutase, ascorbic acid and glutathione based on a 'probe' of peroxidase-oxidase biochemical oscillator. The oscillation period and amplitude change with different concentrations of scavengers. The linear ranges of superoxide dismutase, ascorbic acid and glutathione are respectively 1.56 x 10(-4)-1.56 x 10(-3) mg mL(-1), 1.75 x 10(-7) -1.75 x 10(-5) mol L-1 and 9.38 x 10(-7) -7.5 x 10(-5) mol L-1. The selectivity, linearity and precision for superoxide dismutase, ascorbic acid, and glutathione are presented and discussed. The results compared well with other standard methods for determination of superoxide dismutase, ascorbic acid and glutathione. Some possible steps in the overall reaction mechanisms are discussed.