112 resultados para Arc-melting


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数据是地理信息系统 (GIS)应用的核心。现实世界的数据具有普遍的多样性 ,关于 GIS接受不同数据的研究已成为当前 GIS研究中的一个难点和热点。从常见空间数据类型的格式、GIS接受外部空间数据的方式以及 GIS接受外部空间数据中的数据精度、比例尺、坐标变换等几个方面 ,对外部空间数据处理系统的数据向 GIS转换的问题进行了探讨 ,同时以通用 GIS工具软件 ARC/INFO为例分析了其接受外部矢量空间数据的方式。


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数据是地理信息系统 (GIS)应用的核心。现实世界的数据具有普遍的多样性 ,关于 GIS接受不同数据的研究已成为当前 GIS研究中的一个难点和热点。本文根据通用 GIS工具软件 ARC/INFO接受外部空间数据的方式和图形分析软件 Surfer的数据格式特征 ,运用特定的处理方法实现了由 Surfer格式数据向 ARC/ INFO矢量格式数据 (Coverage)的转换 ,使 ARC/ INFO接受外部数据格式的范围拓宽 ,数据处理能力增强。


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Ultrafine full-vulcanized polybutadiene rubber (UFBR) in particle sizes of ca. 50-100 nm has been used for modifying mechanical and processing performances of polypropylene (PP), and PP-g-maleic anhydride (PP-MA) has been used as a compatibilizer for enhancing the interfacial adhesion between the two components. The results show that PP/UFBR possesses rheological behaviors such as highly branched PP when UFBR content in blends reaches 10 wt%, while in contrast, the much low content of UFBR combining small amount of PP-MA endows the material with rheological characteristics of high melt strength materials like highly branched PP.


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The results obtained for poly(butylene succinate) (PBS) after Co-60 gamma-ray irradiation, studied by wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and polarizing optical microscopy (POM), revealed that the degree of crystallinity, melting temperature and enthalpy decreased with increasing irradiation dose, but that the crystal structure of PBS did not vary when compared to non-irradiated PBS. By using Scherrer equation, small changes occurred in the crystal sizes of L-020, L-110 and L-111. The spherulitic morphology of PBS was strongly dependent on irradiation dose and changed significantly at higher irradiation dosages. The crystallization kinetics of PBS indicated that the Avrami exponent (n) for irradiated PBS was reduced to 2.3, when compared to non-irradiated PBS (3.3).


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The crystallization and melting behavior of poly(beta-hydroxybutyrate-co-beta-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) and a 30/70 (w/w) PHBV/poly(propylene carbonate) (PPC) blend was investigated with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR). The transesterification reaction between PHBV and PPC was detected in the melt-blending process. The interaction between the two macromolecules was confirmed by means of FTIR analysis. During the crystallization process from the melt, the crystallization temperature of the PHBV/PPC blend decreased about 8 degreesC, the melting temperature was depressed by 4 degreesC, and the degree of crystallinity of PHBV in the blend decreased about 9.4%; this was calculated through a comparison of the DSC heating traces for the blend and pure PHBV. These results indicated that imperfect crystals of formed, crystallization was inhibited, and the crystallization ability of PHBV was weakened in the blend. The equilibrium melting temperatures of PHBV and the 30/70 PHBV/PPC blend isothermally crystallized were 187.1 and 179 degreesC, respectively.


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The wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) patterns of isothermally crystallized Nylon 1212 show that gamma-form crystals form below 90 degrees C and the alpha-form crystals call exist above 140 degrees C. In the temperature range of 90-140 degrees C, the a-form gamma-form crystals coexist. Variable-temperature WAXD exhibits that the nylon 1212 gamma-form does not show crystal and transition on heating, while a-form isothermally crystallized at 160 degrees C exhibits Brill transition at a little higher than 180 degrees C on heating. The multiple melting behaviors of Nylon 1212 isothermally crystallized from melt come from a complex mechanism of different crystal structures, dual lamellar population and melting-recrystallization. In polarized optical microscope (POM) observations, Nylon 1212 isothermally crystallized at 175 degrees C shows the ringed banded spherulites. However, at temperatures below 160 degrees C the ringed handed image disappears, and cross-extinct spherulites are formed.


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Isothermal crystallization, subsequent melting behavior and non-isothermal crystallization of nylon 1212 samples have been investigated in the temperature range of 160-171 degreesC using a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). Subsequent DSC scans of isothermally crystallized samples exhibited three melting endotherms. The commonly used Avrami equation and that modified by Jeziorny were used, respectively, to fit the primary stage of isothermal and non-isothermal crystallizations of nylon 1212. The Avrami exponent n was evaluated, and was found to be in the range of 1.56-2.03 for isothermal crystallization, and of 2.38-3.05 for non-isothermal crystallization. The activation energies (DeltaE) were determined to be 284.5 KJ/mol and 102.63 KJ/mol, respectively, for the isothermal and non-isothermal crystallization processes by the Arrhenius' and the Kissinger's methods.


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The isothermal crystallization and melting behaviors of poly(propylene carbonate) end-capped with benzenesulfonyl/poly (vinyl alcohol) (PPC-BS/PVA) blends over rich PVA composition range were first investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). PPS-BS/PVA interaction parameter, chi(12), calculated from equilibrium melting temperature depression was -0.44, revealing miscibility of PPC-BS with PVA in the melt and favorable interactions. The temperature dependence of crystallization rate constant at initial crystallization stage was analyzed using the modified Lauritzen-Hoffman expression. The chain width, a(0), the thickness of a monomolecular layer, b(0), the fold and lateral surface-free energies, sigma(e) and sigma, and the work of chain folding, q, for neat PVA were first reckoned to be 4.50 Angstrom, 4.78 Angstrom, 76.0 erg.cm(-2), and 4.70 kcal.mol(-1), respectively. The values of sigma(e) and q for PVA in PPC-BS/PVA blends exhibited a maximum in the neighborhood of 10/90 PPC-BS/PV, respectively.


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The multiple melting behavior of several commercial resins of isotactic polypropylene (iPP) and random copolymer, poly(propylene-co-ethylene) (PPE), after stepwise isothermal crystallization (SIC) were studied by differential scanning calorimeter and wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD). For iPP samples, three typical melting endotherms appeared after SIC process when heating rate was lower than 10 degreesC/min. The WAXD experiments proved that only alpha-form crystal was formed during SIC process and no transition from alpha1- to alpha2-form occurred during heating process. Heating rate dependence for each endotherm was discussed and it was concluded that there were only,two major crystals with different thermal stability. For the PPE sample, more melting endotherms appeared after stepwise isothermal crystallization. The introduction of ethylene comonomer in isotactic propylene backbone further decreased the regularity of molecular chain, and the short isotactic propylene sequences could crystallize into gamma-form crystal having a low melting temperature whereas the long sequences crystallized into alpha-form crystal having high melting temperature.


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The PVT data of five kinds of biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP) Resins was measured by the PVT-100 apparatus. Thermal expansion coefficients (alpha) and isothermal compressibility (beta) were evaluated from Tait equation in the melting state and then compared with those fitted with the value of experiment. The results showed that it was reasonable to calculate alpha and beta with Tait equation in the melting state. At the same time, it was found that thermal expansion coefficients, isothermal compressibility and the melting temperature (T-m) of one of BOPP melts (S28C) were lower than those of the others in the same test conditions, indicating that the volume deformation of S28C resin is' less so that it could be realized to avoid arising surface defects of the film (biaxially oriented polypropylene film) due to. contracting, thereby decrease damage to the film in the subsequence process. Accordingly superior processing properties of S28C resin are confirmed from PVT. speciality.


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Nonisothermal crystallization and melting behavior of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) and maleated PHB were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry using various cooling rates. The results show that the crystallization behavior of maleated PHB from the melt greatly depends on cooling rates and its degree of grafting. With the increase in cooling rate, the crystallization process for PHB and maleated PHB begins at lower temperature. For maleated PHB, the introduction of maleic anhydride group hinders its crystallization, causing crystallization and nucleation rates to decrease, and crystallite size distribution becomes wider. The Avrami analysis, modified by Jeziorny, was used to describe the nonisothermal crystallization of PHB and maleated PHB. Double melting peaks for maleated PHB were observed, which was caused by recrystallization during the heating process.


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In this work, crystallization and melting behavior of metallocene ethylene/alpha-olefin copolymers were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The results indicated that the crystallization and melting temperatures for all the samples were directly related to the long ethylene sequences instead of the average sequence length (ASL), whereas the crystallization enthalpy and crystallinity were directly related to ASL, that is, both parameters decreased with a decreasing ASL. Multiple melting peaks were analyzed by thermal analysis. Three phenomena contributed to the multiple melting behaviors after isothermal crystallization, that is, the melting of crystals formed during quenching, the melting-recrystallization process, and the coexistence of different crystal morphologies. Two types of crystal morphologies could coexist in samples having a high comonomer content after isothermal crystallization. They were the chain-folded lamellae formed by long ethylene sequences and the bundlelike crystals formed by short ethylene sequences. The coexistence phenomenon was further proved by the AFM morphological observation.


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The overall isothermal crystallization kinetics and melting behavior of poly(beta-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) and maleated PHB with different graft degree were studied by using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The Avrami analysis indicates that the introduction of maleic anhydride results in the decrease in the overall crystallization rate of PHB, but does not affect its nucleation mechanism and geometry of crystal growth. The activation energy of the overall crystallization process increases with the increase in graft degree. The phenomenon of multiple melting endotherms is observed, which results from melting and recrystallization during the DSC heating run.


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Crystallization and melting behavior of short ethylene sequence of metallocene ethylene/alpha -olefin copolymer with high comonomer content have been studied by standard DSC and modulated-temperature differential scanning calorimetry (M-TDSC) technique. In addition to high temperature endotherm around 120 degreesC, a low temperature endotherm is observed at lower temperatures (40-80 degreesC), depending on time and temperature of isothermal crystallization. The peak position of the low temperature endotherm T-m(low) varies linearly with the logarithm of crystallization time and the slope, D, decreases with increasing crystallization temperature T-c. The T-m(low) also depends on the thermal history before the crystallization at T-c, and an extrapolation of T-m(low) (30.6 degreesC) to a few seconds has been obtained after two step isothermal crystallization before the crystallization at 30 degreesC. The T-m(low) is nearly equal to T-c, and it indicates that the initial crystallization at low temperature is nearly reversible. Direct evidence of conformational. entropy change of secondary crystallization has been obtained by using M-TDSC technique. Both the M-TDSC result and the activation energy analysis of temperature dependence suggest that crystal perfection process and conformational entropy decreasing in residual amorphous co-exist during secondary crystallization.


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Multiple melting behavior was observed in the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) scans for the isothermally crystallized poly(iminosebacoyl iminodecamethylene) (PA1010) samples. Coexistence of crystal populations with different lamellar thickness in PA1010 was discussed by means of DSC, wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), and small-angle X-ray scattering techniques. During crystallization of the polymer, a major lamellar crystal population developed first, which possessed a higher melting temperature. However, a small fraction of the polymer formed minor crystal population with thinner lamellae, which was metastable and, upon post-annealing, could grow into more stable and thicker lamellae through melting and recrystallization process. Lamellae insertion or stacks would develop during the post-annealing at a lower temperature for the isothermally crystallized samples; thus, multiple crystal populations with different thickness could be produced. It is the multiple distribution of lamella thickness that gives rise to multiple melting behavior of crystalline polymers. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.