129 resultados para 512


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利用能量为125140MeV的27Al束流,通过重离子核反应152Sm(27Al,5n) 研究了双奇核174Re的高自旋态能级结构。实验进行了射线的激发函数、X-和-符合测量。基于实验测量结果,拓展了174Re的能级纲图,纲图中包括五条转动带。本工作拓展了原有的三条转动带,并新发现了两条内禀组态分别为π9/2[514]⊗ν5/2[512]与π1/2[541]⊗ν5/2[512]的转动带。通过对实验数据的分析,建议了各能级的自旋、宇称,并对各转动带的内禀组态进行了指认。在二准粒子-转子模型的基础上,从邻近核各组态能级信息出发,估算了174Re的带头能量。建议π1/2[541]⊗ν5/2[512]为174Re基态的内禀组态。根据纲图中出现的转动带间交叉跃迁,在带混合理论基础上提取与分析了相关组态的相互作用强度与跃迁电四极矩比。用准粒子形状驱动效应解释了不同组态转动带间跃迁电四极矩的显著差别。最后,讨论了174Re中出现的旋称反转现象


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在不同角度测得的 33 4MeV/u17N +9Be反应中 ,发射中子的能谱具有复杂的形式 ,而且随着角度的增大显示出有规律的变化 发射中子至少来源于靶弹核间的核子 -核子碰撞、17N的破裂反应以及熔合热核的统计蒸发三种不同起源 分析结果表明 :反应体系三种起源的发射中子截面分别为 4 4 9,0 4 4和 5 5b


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Human hepatoma (SMMC-7721) and normal liver (L02) cells were irradiated with c-rays, 12C6+ and 36Ar18+ ion beams at the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL). By using the Calyculin-A induced premature chromosome condensation technique, chromatid-type breaks and isochromatid-type breaks were scored separately. Tumor cells irradiated with heavy ions produced a majority of isochromatid break, while chromatid breaks were dominant when cells were exposed to c-rays. The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for irradiation-induced chromatid breaks were 3.6 for L02 and 3.5 for SMMC-7721 cell lines at the LET peak of 96 keVlm 1 12C6+ ions, and 2.9 for both of the two cell lines of 512 keVlm 1 36Ar18+ ions. It suggested that the RBE of isochromatid-type breaks was pretty high when high-LET radiations were induced. Thus we concluded that the high production of isochromatid-type breaks, induced by the densely ionizing track structure, could be regarded as a signature of high-LET radiation exposure.


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High-spin states in Pt-187 were studied via the Yb-173(O-18, 4n) reaction. Rotational bands based on the vi(13/2), v7/2(-)[503], vi(13/2)(2)vj, v3/2(-)[512] and v1/2(-)[521] configurations were observed, and interpreted within the framework of the cranked shell model. The TRS calculations show that the vi(13/2) band has an appreciable negative gamma deformation, and the negative-parity bands tend to have a near prolate shape with small positive gamma values. Experimental values of B(M1)/B(E2) ratios have been extracted and compared with theoretical values from the semi-classical Donau and Frauendof approach, strongly suggesting a low frequency pi h(9/2) alignment in the v7/2(-)[503] band.


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A 320 kV high voltage (HV) platform has been constructed at Institute of Modern Physics (IMP) to satisfy the increasing requirements of experimental studies in some heavy ion associated directions. A high charge state all-permanent magnet ECRIS-LAPECR2 has been designed and fabricated to provide intense multiple charge state ion beams (such as 1000 e mu A O6+, 16.7 e mu A Ar14+, 24 e mu A Xe27+, etc.) for the HV platform. LAPECR2 has a dimension of 0 650 mm x 560 mm. The powerful 3D magnetic confinement to the ECR plasma and the optimum designed magnetic field for the operation at 14.5 GHz makes it possible to obtain very good performances from this source. After a brief introduction of the ECRIS and accelerator development at IMP, the conceptual design of LAPECR2 source is presented. The first test results of this all-permanent magnet ECRIS are given in this paper.


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High spin states in Re-174 are investigated via the Sm-152(Al-27, 5n gamma)Re-174 reaction and gamma-gamma coincidence relationships are analysed carefully. A new band is identified due to its spectroscopic connection with the known pi 1/2(-)[541] circle times nu 1/2(-)[521] band. This band is proposed to be the ground-state band built on the pi 1/2(-)[541] circle times nu 5/2(-)[512] configuration in view of the low-lying intrinsic states in the neighbouring odd-mass nuclei. It is of particular interesting that the new band exhibits a phenomenon of low-spin signature inversion, providing a new situation for theoretical investigations.


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High-spin states in Pt-187 have been studied experimentally using the Yb-173(O-18, 4n) reaction at beam energies of 78 and 85 MeV. The previously known bands based on the nu i(13/2),nu 7/2(-)[503], and nu i(13/2)(2)nu j configurations have been extended to high-spin states, and new rotational bands associated with the nu 3/2(-)[512] and nu 1/2(-)[521] Nilsson orbits have been identified. The total Routhian surface calculations indicate that the transitional nucleus Pt-187 is very soft with respect to beta and gamma deformations. The band properties, such as level spacings, band crossing frequencies, alignment gains, and signature splittings, have been compared with the systematics observed in neighboring nuclei and have been interpreted within the framework of the cranked shell model. The rotational bands show different band crossing frequencies, which can be explained by the alignment either of i(13/2) neutrons or of h(9/2) protons. Importantly, evidence is presented for a pi h(9/2) alignment at very low frequency in the nu 7/2(-)[503] band. The proton nature of the band crossing is strongly suggested by comparing the measured B(M1;I -> I-1)/B(E2;I -> I-2) ratios with the theoretical values from the semiclassical Donau and Frauendof approach.


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利用在束γ谱学技术和 173Yb(18O, 4n) 熔合蒸发反应研究了 187Pt 的高自旋态能级结构。在 78 和 85 MeV 束流能量下进行了X-γ-t和γ-γ-t符合测量。实验观测到基于νi13/2,ν7/2−[503],νi213/2νj, ν3/2−[512] 和ν1/2−[521] 组态的转动带,并且利用推转壳模型(CSM) 和总Routhian面(TRS) 模型对这些转动带的带交叉,形状共存等性质进行了解释。总Routhian面(TRS)计算表明νi13/2转动带具有显著的负γ形变;负宇称带具有近似长椭球的形变。通过比较带内B(M1)/B(E2)比率的实验值和由 Dönau 和 Frauendorf 的半经典公式得到的理论值,发现ν7/2−[503] 转动带在低转动频率下的带交叉是由一对 h9/2 质子顺排引起的


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本论文分为两部分,分别沿自旋和同位旋自由度开展研究工作。第一部分介绍原子核高自旋态研究的相关背景知识、基础理论等,描述在束γ谱学研究的实验技术和方法,分析和讨论形变核179Pt转动带能级结构的特性,并采用相关理论对其进行分析。通过融合蒸发反应149sm(35cl,P4n)布居奇A核179Pt的高自旋激发态。指认179Pt的组态为1/2-[521],5/2-[512〕和7/2+〔633〕的三条转动带。在hco=0.27 Mev附近,观测到1/2-〔521]带内顺排角动量突然增大,建议该现象是由一对113/2中子发生顺排造成的。另外观察到在7/2+〔633]带中出现较大的旋称劈裂。建议由于三轴形变加强了波函数中来自几=1/2轨道的组分,从而导致较大的旋称劈裂的出现。论文第二部分介绍重丰中子核衰变性质研究以及新核素合成、鉴别工作的相关背景知识、理论基础及实验技术。并对相关的研究工作分别进行阐述。通过快中子反应合成并鉴别了新核素19705和新的同核异能素186rnTa,利用γ(x)谱学方法首次建立了19705的部分衰变纲图。测得它们的半衰期分别为2.8士0.6 min和1.50.1 min,并与理论计算结果进行了比较;进行了原子核基态β延发裂变(pDF)的实验研究,经测量首次发现了230Ac的两个pDF事件,测得23OAc的pDF几率为(1.19±0.40)