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首次记述了黑叶猴、菲氏叶猴和银叶猴集面部表情肌, 并与其他灵长类作了比较研究。这三种叶猴的面肌大部分与猴超科的共同特征相一致, 但在口三 角肌等方面也有些差异。并与叶猴的姊妹属金丝猴作了比较。图4表1参12
对分布在我国的石貂北方亚种染色体进行了较详细的研究。并对我国石貂染色体的特殊C- 带分布以及和核型进化的关系进行了讨论。图版1表1参23
分析了可能用作研究原始性细胞核的模型的涡鞭毛虫与双滴虫核, 发现实际上只有后者是适用的。认为在真核细胞的原细菌祖先体内就已经有了核骨架; 多个类核体的DNA结合在其上而构成了核区。真核细胞的原细菌祖先很早就有了4种核小体组蛋白和核小体。着重分析了染色体的起源过程并进一步发展了过去提出的核被膜起源于原始性内质网的学说, 并分析记述了原始性细胞核的进化过程。
Elevational and latitudinal patterns of species richness for birds and mammals were compared with human population density in relation to nature reserve designation in two areas of Yunnan Province, China. Results suggest that species richness is not the same for the two areas. In Gaoligongshan Region, species richness is inversely correlated with elevation and altitude, while reserve designation is positively correlated with elevation and latitude. In Jingdong County, reserve designations are positively correlated with elevation, but species richness shows no clear trends. In general, the present situation is strongly influenced by human activities. It appears that reserve designation is mismatched with species richness in Gaoligongshan Region, while there is a better fit between the two in Jingdong County. In both areas, however, it appeared that reserves were located primarily in order to reduce conflict with humans rather than to maximize conservation of biodiversity, probably because humans were responsible for forest-especially primary forest-destruction and degradation in the low-lying areas.