299 resultados para 197-1206
水分条件不仅影响半干旱区群落的组成,而且在一定程度上决定了群落的功能。处于不同水分条件生境下群落的优势物种在水分利用和同化物利用效率方面的功能特征会存在差异,这些差异将导致群落对于气候变化产生不同的响应,进而影响到景观和区域尺度上对于全球变化下碳动态和格局的分析。本研究选取了锡林河流域典型草原区沿水分梯度的四个代表群落,在野外实验测定并结合长期定位研究成果基础上,利用BIOME-BGC模型对代表群落的长期净初级生产力(NPP)动态进行了模拟和模型验证。通过分析该地区1953~2005年气候变化趋势,推测了未来可能的气候变化情景,进而模拟了气候变化下四个群落长期NPP动态的响应。 野外实验分析表明,在四个群落中,净光合速率与光合有效辐射呈单峰曲线关系,与温度和蒸气压亏损(VPD)成反比,叶片氮含量和比叶面积也会影响到光合能力。四个群落由于水分与土壤条件的差别,净光合速率随VPD与温度的变化表现出不同的增减幅度。将日变化分为四个阶段,分别为大致在6:00~8:00左右的低温高湿阶段,10:00~16:00的高温低湿阶段,16:00以后的低温低湿阶段和低温高湿阶段变为高温低湿阶段过程中的适温适湿阶段。在每个阶段中,影响羊草光合速率的主导因子是不同的。在不同的水分与土壤状况下,羊草的光合特性表现出明显差异,但总体说来水分仍是光合作用的主导因子。 模型模拟结果表明,当前气候条件下,羊草群落NPP平均值为197.76 gC m-2 (SE=7.11),大针茅群落NPP平均值为198.95 gC m-2 (SE=6.41),贝加尔针茅群落NPP平均值为210.41 gC m-2 (SE=7.87),克氏针茅群落NPP平均值为144.92 gC m-2 (SE=4.64),四个群落NPP平均值为188.01 gC m-2 (SE=3.72)。 日最高温度与最低温度在1953~2005年间都明显增加,而降水变化很大。温度增加下(P0T1)NPP平均下降14.2%,降水增加下(P1T0)NPP平均增加13.2%,温度与降水都增加情景下(P1T1)NPP平均下降2.7%。在半干旱区,降水是NPP变化的主要限制因子,而温度通过影响了植物的呼吸与蒸散作用对NPP产生影响。 由于生境水分条件差别和优势物种功能特征差异,四个群落在气候变化中表现出对温度与降水不同的敏感程度,这与水分胁迫系数WSI、碳胁迫系数CSI变化密切相关。克氏针茅群落由于所处生境水分条件差,水分胁迫系数高,对降水的依赖程度最大;贝加尔针茅群落一方面处于较好的水分生境,具有相对较小的水分胁迫系数,另一方面,由于具有高碳氮比,维持呼吸消耗的光合产物比例低,碳胁迫系数远低于其它三个群落,未来气候变化下NPP较其它三个群落仍较高。
杜鹃花属(Rhododendron)植物种间有着丰富的遗传变异,表型变异并不能完全或真实地反映遗传变异,需要利用信息大分子(DNA)的变化来评价其亲缘关系及系统发育。当年生小枝作为一个独立的构件单元,是植物体上最有活力的部分之一,具有重要的生态学意义。本文以杜鹃为材料,首先全面分析了杜鹃花属种间亲缘关系和小枝功能性状间的关系(异速生长),然后对小枝水平功能属性间的关系进行系统独立比较分析研究,同时验证小枝异速生长关系。 选取23种杜鹃花属植物为材料,利用ISSR分子标记手段对其种间的亲缘关系进行研究和评价,结果发现:1) ISSR位点变异丰富。通过10条ISSR随机引物对供试的混合DNA样品进行分析,共检测到207个标记,其中多态性标记为197个,多态百分率为95.17%,种间表现出丰富的遗传多样性;2) 对ISSR产物进行统计分析的聚类分析结果同传统分类的结果基本一致。说明,ISSR分子标记技术在构建系统发育树方面具有较高的成熟性和可靠性。 本研究还对42种杜鹃花属植物小枝的功能属性进行了异速生长分析,结果发现:1)小枝大小对叶片生物量分配比率的影响不显著,SMA斜率为1.040 (95%的置信区间(CI)=0.998~1.085);但是,小枝越大,叶柄生物量分配比例越高(SMA斜率为1.245,显著大于1.0,呈显著的异速生长关系);2)小枝越小,单叶面积越小(支持Corner法则),单位质量小枝所支持的叶面积越大,即具有较小枝条和较小叶片的物种可能具有较高的叶面积支持效率。结果有助于更好地理解亲缘关系十分接近的杜鹃花属植物,在不同生境条件下叶片大小的差异,以及在胁迫生境条件下小叶物种更为常见的原因。 此外,本文利用系统独立比较方法结合传统种间比较方法对23种杜鹃植物小枝进行异速生长分析,其中这23种杜鹃是前两方面研究的共有材料。系统独立比较分析分别依据ISSR得出的系统关系和中国植物志提供的系统关系构建两种系统树。结果表明:1)系统独立比较与种间比较分析得出的相关性结果一致;2)两种系统树所得的独立比较分析结果基本一致,相关性均达到极显著水平,即这两种方法作为构建系统树的依据是一致的。
CpG islands (CGIs) are often considered as gene markers, but the number of CGIs varies among mammalian genomes that have similar numbers of genes. In this study, we investigated the distribution of CGIs in the promoter regions of 3,197 human-mouse ortholo
线粒体 DNA (mtDNA)已被广泛用于动物群体遗传学和进化生物学的研究, 并取得了许多有意义的结果. 有效的 mtDNA 提取方法无疑是开展这方面研究的前提. 关于动物 mtDNA 的提取方法, 国内外已有不少报导. 概括起来, 可分为: 1)氯化铯超速离心法, 2)柱层析法, 3)DNase法, 4)碱变性法. 该文报道了一种改进的碱变性提取法, 与其它方法相比, 具有应用范围广、简便、经济等优点。
Quantitative analysis of land mammal zoogeographical regions in China and adjacent regions. Zoological Studies 43(1): 142-160. In this paper, our aim was to determine, by means of quantitative analysis, the distribution patterns of the land mammals in China and, adjacent regions using physiographical regions as operative geographical units (OGUs). Based, on the pre-sence or absence of 11 orders, 42 families, 197 genera, and 577 species of land mammals in their zoogeographical regions, which were used as OGUs, we studied the biotic boundary between the Oriental Region (OR) and the Palaearctic Region (PR), as well as subregion boundaries. The boundary's statistical significance was tested by G-test as described by McCoy et al. A significantly strong biotic boundary was found to separate the PR from the OR, and there is a weak biotic boundary in the PR, which divides it into 2 subregions. We concluded that the biotic boundary which separates the PR and OR is a strong boundary. We suggest that the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau should be regarded as a subregion of the PR, which can embody its characteristics of high elevations and a frigid climatic, which is called the Qing-Zang subregion of the PR (QZSP).
以小鼠原核期胚胎为对象, 以胚胎的存活率、卵裂率、囊胚率以及囊胚细胞数作为检测指标, 在M2 液的基础上添加8 种浓度(0 , 2 , 4 , 8 , 16 , 32 , 64 , 96 mg/ mL) 牛血清白蛋白(BSA) 配置防冻液, 探讨防 冻液和玻璃化冷冻后对胚胎发育的影响。BSA 防冻液对胚胎发育影响的实验结果表明, 8 个浓度组间以及与对 照组间胚胎的卵裂率、囊胚率以及囊胚细胞数无显著差异( P > 0105) , 说明在防冻液中加入一定浓度的BSA 对小鼠胚胎无毒性作用。防冻液经玻璃化冷冻后对胚胎发育影响的实验表明, 8 个浓度组间冷冻胚胎复苏后的 存活率、卵裂率、囊胚率及囊胚细胞数无显著差异( P > 0105) 。表明BSA 在这种防冻液中没有明显的保护作 用。从经济、实用、生物安全角度考虑, 不支持在玻璃化防冻液中添加BSA。
下载PDF阅读器目的 利用功能磁共振(fMRI)和局部一致性(regional homogeneity,ReHo)探讨抑郁症首次发病(以下简称首发)患者在静息态脑功能是否存在异常及异常部位.方法 对34例符合美国精神疾病诊断与统计手册第4版诊断标准的首发抑郁症患者(抑郁症组)和34名性别、年龄、文化程度匹配的健康志愿者(对照组)进行静息态fMRI扫描.结果 抑郁症组静息态脑血氧水平依赖信号的ReHo高于对照组的脑区有左侧额叶眶回、顶下小叶、颞上回,右侧额内侧回、顶下小叶、小脑后叶;低于对照组的脑区有左颞下回、右颞上同和胼胝体、双侧后扣带回(P<0.005,K≥10).结论首发抑郁症患者在静息态存在多个腩区功能活动的异常,并可能和抑郁症的病理机制有关.
The characterization of acid-sensing ion channel (ASIC)-like currents has been reported in hippocampal neurons in primary culture. However, it is suggested that the profile of expression of ASICs changes in culture. In this study, we investigated the properties of proton-activated current and its modulation by extracellular Ca2+ and Zn2+ in neurons acutely dissociated from the rat hippocampal CA1 using conventional whole-cell patch-clamp recording. A rapidly decaying inward current and membrane depolarization was induced by exogenous application of acidic solution. The current was sensitive to the extracellular proton with a response threshold of pH 7.0-6.8 and the pH(50) Of 6.1, the reversal potential close to the Na+ equilibrium potential. It had a characteristic of acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) as demonstrated by its sensitivity to amiloride (IC50 = 19.6 +/- 2.1 muM). Either low [Ca2+](0) or high [Zn2+](0) increased the amplitude of the current. All these characteristics are consistent with a current mediated through a mixture of homomeric ASIC1a and heteromeric ASIC1a + 2a channels and closely replicate many of the characteristics that have been previously reported for hippocampal neurons cultured for a week or more, indicating that culture artifacts do not necessarily flaw the properties of ASICs. Interestingly, we found that high [Zn2+] (>10(-4) M) slowed the decay time constant of the ASIC-like current significantly in both acutely dissociated and cultured hippocampal neurons. In addition, the facilitating effects of low [Ca2+](0) and high [Zn2+](0) on the ASIC-like current were not additive. Since tissue acidosis, extracellular Zn elevation and/or Ca2+ reduction occur concurrently under some physiological and/or pathological conditions, the present observations suggest that hippocampal ASICs may offer a novel pharmacological target for therapeutic invention. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Quantitative data on early mother-infant relationships in the Tibetan macaque was collected during the first 23 weeks of infant life in spring, 1987, at Mt. Emei, China. During the first week of life, infants spent 98.3% of their time in ventroventral contact with their mothers. This contact rapidly decreased to 33.8% by the 4th week and thereafter to 0.85% by the 23rd week. Nipple contact decreased relatively slowly from 89.7% to 62.9% within the first 4 weeks of infant life and to 19.8% by the 23rd week. Ventrolateral and ventrodorsal contact appeared by the 2nd week, mean-while, maternal restraining behavior appeared, and reached a peak by the 3rd week. The mother neither encouraged nor discouraged her infant's independence during 4-8th weeks. Maternal rejection of the infant was first observed when the infant was 11 weeks old and continued thereafter.