92 resultados para 17-170


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The reaction cross section of B-17 on C-12 target at (43.7 +/- 2.4) MeV/u has been measured at the Radioactive Ion Beam Line in Lanzhou (RIBLL). The root-mean-square matter radius (R-rms) was deduced to be (2.92 +/- 0.10) fm, while the R-rms of the core and the valence neutron distribution are 2.28 fm and 5.98 fm respectively. Assuming a "core plus 2n" structure in B-17, the mixed configuration of (2s(1/2)) and (1d(5/2)) of the valence neutrons is studied and the s-wave spectroscopic factor is found to be (80 +/- 21)%.


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The differential cross-sections for elastic scattering of F-17 and O-17 on Pb-208 have been measured at Radioactive Ion Beam Line at Lanzhou (RIBLL). The variation of the logarithms of differential cross-sections with the square of scattering angles, viz. angulax dispersion plot, shows clearly that there exists a turning point in the range of small scattering angles (6 degrees-20 degrees) for F-17 due to its exotic structure, while no turning point was observed for O-17. The experimental results have been compared with previous data of other groups. Systematical analysis on the available data seems to conclude that there is an exotic behavior of elastic scattering angular dispersion of weakly bound nuclei with halo or skin structure as compared with that of the stable nuclei. Therefore the fact that the turning point of the elastic scattering angular dispersion plot appears at small angle for weakly bound nuclei can be used as a new probe to investigate the halo and skin phenomenon.


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The differential cross-sections for elastic scattering of F-17 and O-17 on Pb-208 have been measured at Radioactive Ion Beam Line at Lanzhou (RIBLL). The variation of the logarithms of differential cross-sections with the square of scattering angles shows clearly that there exists a turning point in the range of small scattering angles (6 degrees-20 degrees) for F-17 having exotic structure, while no turning point was observed in the O-17 elastic scattering. The experimental results have been compared with previous data. Systematical analysis on the available data seems to conclude that there is an exotic behavior of elastic scattering differential cross-sections of weakly bound nuclei with halo or skin structure as compared with that of the ordinary nuclei near stable line. Therefore the fact that the turning point of the logarithms of differential cross-sections appears at small angle for weakly bound nuclei could be used as a new probe to investigate the halo and skin phenomenon.


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The differential cross sections of F-17 and O-17 elastic scattering products on Pb-208 have been measured at the Radioactive Ion Beam Line at Lanzhou (RIBLL). Two angular dispersion plots of ln(d sigma/d theta) versus theta 2 are obtained from the angular distribution of the elastic scattering differential cross sections. The angular dispersion plot exhibits a clear turning point for F-17 in the range of small scattering angles 6 degrees-20 degrees due to its exotic structure, but for O-17, the turning point is not observed in the same angular range. The experimental results have been compared with previous data of other groups. Systematical analysis on the available data supports the above conclusion that there is an exotic behaviour of the angular dispersion plot of weakly bound nuclei with halo or skin structure as compared with that of the ordinary nuclei near stable line. Therefore the turning point of the angular dispersion plot appears at small angle for weakly bound nuclei with halo or skin structure, and can be used as a new probe to investigate the halo and skin phenomena of weakly bound nuclei.


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通过重离子熔合蒸发反应142Nd(32S,1p3nγ)170Re布居了缺中子双奇核170Re的高自旋激发态,识别出了该核的一条转动带并建议了其组态为πh1/2 νi13/2。基于对同中子素能级系统性、旋称反转系统性、带内B(M1)/B(E2)、准粒子Routhians、动力学转动惯量和Total Routhian Surface(TRS)等带结构特征的详细分析和讨论,进一步确认了对A=170核区目前最缺中子双奇核高自旋转动带组态、宇称和自旋值的指定。


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The inelastic component of the key astrophysical resonance (1(-), E-x=6.15 MeV) in the O-14(alpha,p)F-17 reaction has been studied by using the resonant scattering of F-17+p. The experiment was done at REX-ISOLDE CERN with the Miniball setup. The thick target method in inverse kinematics was utilized in the present experiment where a 44.2 MeV F-17 beam bombarded a similar to 40 mu m thick (CH2)(n) target. The inelastic scattering protons in coincidence with the de-excited 495 keV gamma rays have been clearly seen and they are from the inelastic branch to the first excited state in F-17 following decay of the 1(-) resonance in Ne-18. Some preliminary results are reported.


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Efforts have been made in our group to study the band structure of odd-odd nuclei in the A similar to 170 mass region. We aimed at providing new data of high-spin states and searching for the low-spin signature inversion in the 2-qp bands built on the pi h(9/2) circle times nu i(13/2) and pi i(13/2)circle times nu i(13/2) configurations. In this talk, main results of our work will be summarized, and some systematic features of signature inversion discussed. The spin and parity assignments for the pi i(13/2) circle times nu i(13/2) band in (184)An could be regarded as firm providing a good example for systematic and theoretical investigations.


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A series of experiments have been performed by complete kinematics measurements to study two-proton (2p) correlated emission from the excited states of Ne-17,Ne-18 and S-28,S-29 via the Coulomb excitation by bombarding on Au-197 target. 2p and residua coincident events were picked Out under strict conditions. Visible p-p correlations were observed. It is shown that 2p can be emitted from the high-lying excited states. 2p halo may lead to 2p emission with large spectroscopy factor for the states close to or beyond the threshold.


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本文概述了 A > 170 质量区重丰中子同位素研究的主要工作和意义;介绍了 A > 170 重丰中子同位素合成、分离和鉴别方法;详细论述了激光离子源的原理、设计及其同传统离子源相比所具有的优越性;在文章结尾,设计了一个物理实验,实验目的在于:1)寻找 ~(181)Yb新核素;2)揭示天体物理学中~(180m)Ta 的产生问题。我们对反应截面进行了分析,并对产额进行了估计,证明了此实验设计的合理性,进而说明了带激光离子源的同位素分离器适用于产生截面很低的新核素和衰变研究。本文重点讨论了激光离子源的各方面问题:介绍了激光多步共振电离原理和激光离子源原理;具体分析了热毛细管式激光离子源元素选择性的产生及其影响的因素;讨论了在设计、加工过程中的具体问题;描述了所使用的激光技术;通过在线实验验证了热毛细管式激光离子源的元素选择性和分离效率。


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本文概述了关于远离β稳定线研究的进展;分析了A>170新丰中子同位素研究的主要工作和意义。介绍了A>170新丰中子同位素合成、分离和鉴别方法,阐述了在A>170区新核素合成研究中,传统的合成、分离和鉴别手段要比新兴的次级束装置方法更具有优越性,产额中前者有103—104倍的优势,能获得剩余激发能较低的产物,及能进行较长寿命(大于1秒)核研究;激光离子源在线同位素分离器的使用,使之具有很好的元素选择性和质量分辨本领,从而可以使用低本底、高效率的探测方法。 本文侧重介绍了激光离子源在线同位素分离器的研究和使用中的一系列实验和结果:1)激光离子源的研制,得到了501-10000的元素选择性;2)进行了核反应产物从靶中快速释放的研究;3)完成了激光离子源在线同位素分离器的离线实验;4)低本底、高效率的ΔE—ΔEβ探测器的制作及其性能的初步研究;5)实现了激光离子源在线同位素分离器的首次在线实验,获得了良好的元素选择性和一定的分离效率。 最后,对进一步的在线实验和激光的应用做了介绍。


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对长白山北坡海拔 70 0~ 190 0m的 13个森林群落进行了群落组成、结构随海拔上升变化情况的研究。结果表明 ,随着海拔的升高 ,群落的建群种组成、层次结构等 ,都表现出由复杂多样逐渐向简单单一过渡的变化趋势 ,从 70 0m至 170 0m ,针叶树所占的比例随海拔的升高呈明显的增加趋势 ,阔叶树比例随之减少 ,到林线时针阔叶树种均急剧减少 ,沿海拔梯度存在明显的树种更替现象。从群落的平均胸径及胸高断面积和可知 ,最大值出现于 90 0~ 110 0m及 16 0 0m ,这 2个海拔段正是不同森林群落类型间的过渡区。除海拔 180 0m的岳桦林之外 ,其它群落径级结构都呈倒J形分布 ,即各径级树木中 ,更新幼苗、幼树在数量上占绝对优势 ,随着胸径的增大 ,立木株数逐渐减少 ,这种径级结构表明 ,长白山北坡各海拔群落更新良好 ,群落处于稳定的发展状态。


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在对遥感数据进行景观分类和对环境因子进行空间表达基础上 ,在地理信息系统的支持下 ,确定长白山自然保护区森林景观分布的环境 (包括年均温、年降水量、坡度和坡向 )范围 .结果表明 ,从苔原、岳桦、云冷杉到阔叶红松林 ,最适海拔高度范围依次为 1780~ 2 2 12、170 5~ 195 6、10 4 2~ 16 2 5、82 3~ 1184m ;最适温度范围分别为 - 4 .75~ - 2 .4 0℃、- 3.4 2~ - 2 .0 7℃、- 1.4 9~ 1.39℃、0 .71~ 2 .37℃ ;最适降水范围分别为 10 34~ 1110、10 14~ 10 6 0、883~ 10 17、82 4~ 92 5mm ;长白山自然保护区的森林景观主要分布在平、缓坡地上 ,并与坡向关系密切 ,苔原在各个坡向上均有分布 ,且在各个坡向上分布面积的变化不大 ;岳桦、云冷杉林、阔叶红松林、山杨白桦林主要呈现北、西北向分布 ,其次为东北、西向分布 ;落叶松林主要为东北向分布 ,其次为东和北向分布 ;疏林主要为西向分布 ,其次为西南、西北和南向分布 ;风倒区主要为西、西南、西北向分布 .


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采用景观因素赋值法(方法Ⅰ)和主成分分析法(方法Ⅱ)对大相岭山系大熊猫栖息地进行评价,结果表明,方法Ⅰ的结果中中等适宜、适宜等级和最适宜等级所占的面积分别为94.62、45.46和0.21 km2,分别占总面积的4.17%、2.00%和0.01%;而方法Ⅱ的结果中,中等适宜和适宜等级所占的面积分别为623.03和170.27 km2,分别占总面积的27.49%和7.51%。结合实际调查数据和景观因素,发现2种方法均能对大相岭山系大熊猫生境进行评价,但差异较大。方法Ⅰ评判因素较少,各因素所占比重较大,因素对整个评价结果影响很大,评价结果不精确,但所需人力、物力较少;方法Ⅱ所需评判因素较多,野外搜集所需资料困难,累计贡献率很难达到95%,而且需要大量的人力、物力。因此,为了减少评估误差,应将2种方法结合对动物生境进行评估。


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Gadolinium heteropoly complex K-17[Gd(P2W17O61)(2)] has been evaluated by in vitro and in vivo experiments as a potential contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The thermal analysis and conductivity study indicate that this complex has good thermal stability and wide pH stability range. The T-1 relaxivity is 7.59 mM(-1) s(-1) in aqueous solution and 7.97 mM(-1) s(-1) in 0.725 mmol l(-1) bovine serum albumin (BSA) solution at 25degreesC and 9.39 T, respectively. MR imaging of three male Sprague-Dawley rats showed remarkable enhancement in rat liver after intravenous injection, which persisted longer than with Gd-DTPA. The signal intensity increased by 57.1 +/- 16.9% during the whole imaging period at 0.082 mmol kg(-1) dose. Our preliminary in vitro and in vivo studies indicate that K-17[Gd(P2W17O61)(2)] is a potential liver-specific MRI contrast agent.