54 resultados para wind forcing


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A major problem which is envisaged in the course of man-made climate change is sea-level rise. The global aspect of the thermal expansion of the sea water likely is reasonably well simulated by present day climate models; the variation of sea level, due to variations of the regional atmospheric forcing and of the large-scale oceanic circulation, is not adequately simulated by a global climate model because of insufficient spatial resolution. A method to infer the coastal aspects of sea level change is to use a statistical ''downscaling'' strategy: a linear statistical model is built upon a multi-year data set of local sea level data and of large-scale oceanic and/or atmospheric data such as sea-surface temperature or sea-level air-pressure. We apply this idea to sea level along the Japanese coast. The sea level is related to regional and North Pacific sea-surface temperature and sea-level air pressure. Two relevant processes are identified. One process is the local wind set-up of water due to regional low-frequency wind anomalies; the other is a planetary scale atmosphere-ocean interaction which takes place in the eastern North Pacific.


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Stokes drift is the main source of vertical vorticity in the ocean mixed layer. In the ways of Coriolis - Stokes forcing and Langmuir circulations, Stokes drift can substantially affect the whole mixed layer. A modified Mellor-Yamada 2.5 level turbulence closure model is used to parameterize its effect on upper ocean mixing conventionally. Results show that comparing surface heating with wave breaking, Stokes drift plays the most important role in the entire ocean mixed layer, especially in the subsurface layer. As expected, Stokes drift elevates both the dissipation rate and the turbulence energy in the upper ocean mixing. Also, influence of the surface heating, wave breaking and wind speed on Stokes drift is investigated respectively. Research shows that it is significant and important to assessing the Stokes drift into ocean mixed layer studying. The laboratory observations are supporting numerical experiments quantitatively.


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Ocean color and sea surface temperature data from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard the Terra satellite are used to study the cross-shelf circulation and transport of suspended sediments in the Yellow and the East China Seas. The ocean color images show a significant turbid water plume extending in the southeast direction from the Subei coasts of China to the shelf edge south of Cheju during fall-winter, suggesting significant cross-shelf currents in the Yellow Sea/East China Sea in winter. The currents transport suspended sediments from the area of the old Huanghe mouth into the Okinawa Trough. Part of the turbid plume joins the Yellow Sea Warm Current to enter the Yellow Sea trough in winter. The satellite images suggest that the time scales of cross-shelf transport and surface-to-subsurface descending of the suspended sediments are a few weeks. The turbid plume grows in fall, reaches its maximum expansion and intensity in winter-spring, and subsides in late spring. In summer, the plume becomes coastally trapped. Substantial interannual variations of the intensity and coverage of the turbid plume are indicated by the observations. In comparison, the Changjiang Diluted Water in summer only transports a small amount of the Changjiang suspended sediment to the outer shelf south of Cheju, which does not enter the Yellow Sea owing to the weak intrusion of the Yellow Sea Warm Current in summer. The dynamics of the cross-shelf circulation in the Yellow Sea in winter are hypothesized to be associated with (1) the convergence of the Yellow Sea Coastal Current and the Taiwan Warm Current off the Changjiang mouth and (2) the time-dependent forcing of the northerly wind bursts that drives the intrusion of the Yellow Sea Warm Current. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We compared nonlinear principal component analysis (NLPCA) with linear principal component analysis (LPCA) with the data of sea surface wind anomalies (SWA), surface height anomalies (SSHA), and sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA), taken in the South China Sea (SCS) between 1993 and 2003. The SCS monthly data for SWA, SSHA and SSTA (i.e., the anomalies with climatological seasonal cycle removed) were pre-filtered by LPCA, with only three leading modes retained. The first three modes of SWA, SSHA, and SSTA of LPCA explained 86%, 71%, and 94% of the total variance in the original data, respectively. Thus, the three associated time coefficient functions (TCFs) were used as the input data for NLPCA network. The NLPCA was made based on feed-forward neural network models. Compared with classical linear PCA, the first NLPCA mode could explain more variance than linear PCA for the above data. The nonlinearity of SWA and SSHA were stronger in most areas of the SCS. The first mode of the NLPCA on the SWA and SSHA accounted for 67.26% of the variance versus 54.7%, and 60.24% versus 50.43%, respectively for the first LPCA mode. Conversely, the nonlinear SSTA, localized in the northern SCS and southern continental shelf region, resulted in little improvement in the explanation of the variance for the first NLPCA.


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This review covers the discovery and studies of the year-round northeastward currents off the southeastern China coast, paying special attention to its upwind characteristic in winter, mainly focusing on work by Chinese oceanographers. This current system is a prominent and unique phenomenon in the shelf circulation of the world ocean. The general features of the current system are summarized. The evidence for the existence and the variation of the three parts of the currents-the South China Sea Warm Current, the Taiwan Strait Warm Current and the Taiwan Warm Current-are separately elucidated. The formation mechanisms of the current as a whole are explained using dynamic analysis and numerical simulation results. Some suggestions for further studies are also made.


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In this letter, a new wind-vector algorithm is presented that uses radar backscatter sigma(0) measurements at two adjacent subscenes of RADARSAT-1 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images, with each subscene having slightly different geometry. Resultant wind vectors are validated using in situ buoy measurements and compared with wind vectors determined from a hybrid wind-retrieval model using wind directions determined by spectral analysis of wind-induced image streaks and observed by colocated QuikSCAT measurements. The hybrid wind-retrieval model consists of CMOD-IFR2 [applicable to C-band vertical-vertical (W) polarization] and a C-band copolarization ratio according to Kirchhoff scattering. The new algorithm displays improved skill in wind-vector estimation for RADARSAT-1 SAR data when compared to conventional wind-retrieval methodology. In addition, unlike conventional methods, the present method is applicable to RADARSAT-1 images both with and without visible streaks. However, this method requires ancillary data such as buoy measurements to resolve the ambiguity in retrieved wind direction.


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By using high-resolution laser grain size instrument Mastersizer 2000, the grain size distribution of windblown depositions (loess and sandy dunes), aqueous sediments (lake, river, riverside and foreshore sand), weathering crust, sloping materials and other fine-grain sediments are systemically measured. The multimodal characteristics of grain size distribution of these sediments are carefully studied. The standard patterns and their grain size characteristics of various sediments are systemically summarized. The discrepancies of multimodal distribution among windblown depositions, aqueous sediments and other sediments are concluded and the physical mechanisms of grain size multimodal distribution of various sediments are also discussed in this paper. The major conclusions are followed: 1. The multimodal characteristic of grain size distribution is a common feature in all sediments and results from properties of transportation medium, dynamic intensity, transportation manner and other factors. 2. The windblown depositions are controlled by aerodynamic forcing, resulting in that the median size of the predominant mode gradually decreases form sandy dunes to loess. Similarly, the aqueous sediments are impacted by dynamic forces of water currents and the median grain size of the predominant mode decreases gradually from river to lake sediments. Because the kinetic viscidity of air is lower than of water, the grain size of modes of windblown depositions is usually finer than that of corresponding modes of aqueous sediments. Typical characteristics of sediments grain size distribution of various sediments have been summarized in the paper: (1) Suspended particles which diameters are less than 75μm are dominant in loess and dust. There are three modes in loess’ grain size distribution: fine, median and coarse (the median size is <1μm、1-10μm、10-75μm, respectively). The coarse mode which percentage is larger than that of others is controlled by source distance and aerodynamic intensity of dust source areas. Some samples also have a saltation mode which median size is about 300-500μm. Our analysis demonstrates that the interaction of wind, atmospheric turbulence, and dust grain gravity along the dust transportation path results in a multimodal grain size distribution for suspended dust. Changes in the median sizes of the coarse and medium modes are related to variation in aerodynamic forcing (lift force related to vertical wind and turbulence) during dust entrainment in the source area and turbulence intensity in the depositional area. (2) There is a predominant coarse saltation mode in grain size distribution of sandy dunes, which median size is about 100-300μm and the content is larger than that of other modes. The grain size distribution curve is near axis symmetric as a standard logarithm normal function. There are some suspended particles in some samples of sandy dunes, which distribution of the fine part is similar to that of loess. Comparing with sandy samples of river sediments, the sorting property of sandy dunes is better than of river samples although both they are the saltation mode. Thus, the sorting property is a criterion to distinguish dune sands and river sands. (3) There are 5~6 modes (median size are <1μm, 1-10μm, 10-70μm, 70-150μm, 150-400μm, >400μm respectively) in grain size distribution of lacustrine sediments. The former 4 modes are suspensive and others are saltated. Lacustrine sediments can be divided into three types: lake shore facies, transitional facies and central lake facies. The grain size distributions of the three facies are distinctly different and, at the same time, the transition among three modes is also clear. In all these modes, the third mode is a criteria to identify the windblown deposition in the watershed. In lake shore sediments, suspended particles are dominant, a saltation mode sometimes occurs and the fourth mode is the most important mode. In the transitional facies, the percentage of the fourth mode decreases and that of the second mode increases from lake shore to central lake. In the central lake facies, the second mode is dominant. A higher content of the second mode indicates its position more close to the central lake. (4) The grain size distribution of river sediments is the most complex. It consist of suspension, saltation and rolling modes. In most situations, the percentage of the saltation mode is larger than that of other modes. The percentage of suspension modes of river sediments is more than of sandy dunes. The grain size distribution of river sediments indicates dynamic strength of river currents. If the fourth mode is dominant, the dynamic forcing of river is weaker, such as in river floodplain. If the five or sixth mode is dominant, the water dynamic forcing of rivers is strong. (5) Sediments can be changed by later forcing in different degree to form some complicated deposition types. In the paper, the grain size distribution of aqueous sediments of windblown deposition, windblown sediments of aqueous deposition, weathering crust and slope materials are discussed and analyzed. 3. The grain size distribution characteristics of different sediments are concluded: (1) Modal difference: Usually there are suspended and saltation modes in the windblown deposition. The third mode is dominant in loess dust and the fifth mode is predominant in sandy dunes. There are suspended, saltation and rolling particles in aqueous sediments. In lacustrine sediments, the second and fourth mode are predominant for central lake facies or lake shore facies, respectively. In river sediments, the fourth, or fifth, or sixth mode is predominant. Suspended modes: the grain size of suspended particles of windblown depositions usually is less than 75μm. The content of suspended particles is lower or none in sandy dunes. However, suspended particles of aqueous sediments may reach 150μm. Difference in grain size of suspended modes represents difference between transitional mediums and the strength of dynamic forcing. Saltation modes: the median size of saltation mode of sandy dunes fluctuates less than that of river sediments. (2) Loess dust and lacustrine sediment: Their suspended particles are clearly different. There is an obvious pit between the second and the third modes in grain size distribution of lacustrine sediments. The phenomenon doesn’t occur in loess dust. In lacustrine sediments, the second mode can be a dominant mode, such as central lake facies, and contents of the second and the third modes change reversely. However, the percentage of the third mode is always the highest in loess dust. (3) Dune Sand and fluvial sand: In these two depositions, the saltation particles are dominant and the median sizes of their saltation modes overlay in distribution range. The fifth mode of dune sand fluctuates is sorted better than that of fluvial sand. (4) Lacustrine and fluvial sediments: In lacustrine sediments, there are 5-6 modes and suspended particles can be predominant. The second mode is dominant in central lake facies and the third mode is dominant in lake shore facies. Saltation or roll modes occurred in central lake facies may indicate strong precipitation events. In fluvial sediments, saltation particles (or rolling particles) usually dominant. 4. A estimation model of lake depth is firstly established by using contents of the second, the third and the fourth modes. 5. The paleoenvironmental history of the eastern part of SongLiao basin is also discussed by analyzing the grain size distribution of Yushu loess-like sediments in Jilin. It was found that there is a tectonic movement before 40ka B.P. in SongLiao basin. After the movement, loess dust deposited in Yushu area as keerqin desert developed. In recent 2000 years, the climate became drier and more deserts activated in the eastern part of Song-Liao basin.


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Three eolian deposit formations, including Quaternary loess (QL, Liu et al.3 1985), Hipparion red earth (HRE, also called red clay, Liu et al., 1985) and Miocene loess (ML, Guo et al., 2002) constitute a set of unique paleoclimatic archives in northern China dated back to at least 22Ma ago. The Miocene loess is a recently discovered loess-soil sequence. Detailed investigation has been made on its origin, chronology and paleoclimatic significance (Guo et al., 2002), but further work is still needed to obtain detailed paleoclimate information, and mechanical links behind paleoclimatic changes. In this study, grain size analysis of QL, HRE and ML has been conducted on two sections: Qinan and Xifeng. The objective is focused on comparison of the grain size distribution characteristics (GSDC) among different eolian deposit formations, and reconstruction of the Asian monsoon circulation in the past 22 Ma. Results show that GDSC of ML resembles that of QL and HRE, and GDSC of ML is especially similar to HRE. Both ML and HRE contain a significant proportion of fine fraction, however, QL has a large amount of coarse sediments. This is mainly due to that the wind system transported aeolian dust was weaker in the late Tertiary than that in the Quaternary. Grain size difference between loess and paleosol in ML is much smaller than that in QL, indicating that the climatic fluctuations during the late Tertiary were much smaller than that happened in the Quaternary The grain size records of the past 22 Ma reveal several evolution phases of the Asia winter monsoon. -2.7 Ma BP is the most important boundary in the process of the winter monsoon evolution: the wind strength have significantly enhanced since 2.7 Ma ago. During a period between -22.0 and -3.6 Ma, three periods with relatively stronger winter monsoon are recorded in the QA-I section, between 21.2 and 19.9, and 16.0 and 13.3, and 8.7 to 6.9 Ma, respectively. From 3.6 to 2.7, the winter monsoon was enhanced gradually. In the Miocene time, the intensified winter monsoon phases (between 21.2 and 19.9, and 16.0 and 13.3, and 8.7 and 6.9 Ma) seemed to have a close relationship with the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and/or the ongoing global cooling, but the forcing mechanism behind the Asia winter monsoon evolution need to be further investigated. During the Pliocene-Pleistocene time, the Asia winter monsoon strengthened at 3.6 and 2.7Ma ago are in good agreement with the ongoing global cooling and the Arctic ice sheet development. In the mean time, much evidence suggests that an intense uplift of the Tibetan Plateau occurred at ~3.6 Ma, which is synchronous with a major increase in Asia winter monsoon. Therefore, two major factors may be invoked to explain the winter monsoon enhancement: Arctic ice sheet development and Tibetan uplift. We propose that changes in location and intensity of the Siberian-Mongolian high that were caused by the Tibetan uplift and Arctic ice sheet development might be an important factor for Asian winter monsoon evolution in the Pliocene-Pleistocene.