144 resultados para trophic segregation
In this paper, single crystal of ytterbium (Yb) doped Ca-5(PO4)(3)F (FAP) has been grown along the c-axis by using the Czochralski method. The segregation coefficients of Yb3+ in the Yb:FAP crystal has been determined by ICP-AES method. The absorption spectrum, fluorescence spectrum and fluorescence lifetime of the Yb:FAP crystal has been also measured at room temperature. In the absorption spectra, there are two absorption bands at 904 and 982 nm, respectively, which are suitable for InGaAs diode laser pumping. The absorption cross-section (sigma(abs)) is 5.117 x 10(-20) cm(2) with an FWHM of 4 nm at 982 nm. The emission cross-section is (sigma(em)) 3.678 x 10(-20) cm(2) at 1042 nm. Favorable values of the absorption cross-section at about 982 nm are promising candidates for laser diode (LD) pumping. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The 2 at.% Sm:GdVO4 crystal was grown by the Czochralski method. The segregation coefficient of Sm3+ ion in this crystal is 0.98. The crystal structure of the Sm:GdVO4 crystal was determined by X-ray diffraction analysis. Judd-Ofelt theory was used to calculate the intensity parameters (Omega(i)), the spontaneous emission probability, the luminary branching ratio and the radiative lifetime of the state (4)G(5/2). The stimulated emission cross-sections at 567, 604 and 646 nm are calculated to be 5.92 x 10(-21), 7.62 x 10(-21) and 5.88 x 10(-21) cm(2), respectively. The emission cross-section at 604 nm is 4.4 times lager than that in Sm: YAP at 607 nm. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
物种形成一直以来是进化生物学的一个中心议题。因为杂交能够快速创造出新的遗传变异和提高基因组重组率,加速物种形成和适应性进化,所以杂交物种形成是其重要的组成部分。但是直到最近几年,人们才逐渐意识到同倍体杂种形成的重要性和普遍性。此外,人工杂交种群结果证实了杂种的适应性起源于亲本基因的超亲分离现象,这些基因之间通过加和效应或上位效应相互连锁,并在杂种后代中逐渐固定,因此,探讨维持这种适应机制的杂种的连锁不平衡模式就显得尤为重要。到目前为止,关于自然杂种的核苷酸多态性和连锁不平衡结构的报道非常稀见,对杂种的进化历史知之更少。高山松能生长于亲本种不能正常繁殖生长的青藏高原上,这种极端环境为杂种的适应性进化和与亲本的生态隔离造就了绝佳的条件,其生态和生殖的稳定性极大地方便了我们研究植物物种形成和适应性进化的遗传机理,对高山松开展的生态学、遗传学的系列分析已使高山松成为同倍体杂种形成的经典范例。 该论文通过随机挑选7个核基因位点对5个高山松群体、3个油松群体和3个云南松群体的164个大配子体单倍体基因组进行了核苷酸多态性分析。研究发现:所有基因座位的单倍型组成和基因谱系的拓扑结构都支持高山松的多次杂交起源。高山松的平均核苷酸多态性与油松相当,θW达到0.0107;比云南松高出一倍;高于已报道的裸子植物类群遗传变异水平。高山松如此高的遗传多态性与其杂交特性和有效群体大有关。我们运用分子钟和共祖模拟分析,推测出高山松的有效群体为7.32 x 105。等位基因共祖时间模拟分析发现,杂交过程早于青藏高原的隆升,也即是说,在杂种稳定成种以前,两个亲本种之间存在广泛的渐渗杂交。此外,高山松杂种的群体间分化严重,并且在不同的群体中,我们找到了多个偏离中性的基因座位。由此说明,高山松复杂的进化历史和适应的策略区域化。 在显著偏离中性的基因座位上,选取群体历史清晰的高山松群体,对其全基因序列多态性和连锁不平衡结构进行了深入调查,以期找到选择作用位点或区域。Ara-like和Dhn1两个基因在高山松与亲本之间都没有发现固定变异。在高山松中,Ara-like基因和Dhn1基因核苷酸多态性式样和连锁不平衡结构存在明显差异,这说明在两个基因上选择作用的程度和方向不尽相同。 我们对Dhn1基因的多态性分布、LD结构和中性偏离水平进行了分析,结果表明,该基因可能在PdNX和PdLZ群体中受到平衡选择的作用。从Dhn1基因谱系结构可以看出有两种来源的等位基因造成这种平衡多态性,一种属于祖先类型,另一种是从云南松继承衍生而来。这两种等位基因之间的分化很大,极有可能造成编码蛋白的亚功能化。事实上,Dhn1编码的脱水蛋白在植物对环境的抗逆过程中发挥着重要作用。由此我们推测高山松在高海拔极端环境中的适应性进化与Dhn1基因的平衡作用有关。 对Ara-like和Dhn1基因进行HKA检测,结果表明,与Dhn1基因相比,在Ara-like基因上,双维管束亚属与单维管束亚属之间存在显著分化,沉默突变位点的分化Ksil达到了0.1392,远远高于平均水平0.0508;在双维管束亚属共发现了43个固定突变位点,其中有6个能导致氨基酸突变,它们有可能导致了Ara-like基因功能的分化。结合裸子植物近缘物种间共享多态性的普遍性,我们推测Ara-like基因可能在单维管束亚属中的进化速率加快,暗示其在单维管束亚属中的适应性进化。 最后,基因内连锁不平衡分析结果显示,随机筛选的基因座位之间不存在连锁不平衡。高山松平均的基因内LD程度非常低,仅有18%的信息位点之间显著连锁。平均基因内LD在油松和高山松中的衰减速率很快,尤其在杂种中下降最快,在不到200bp以内就降到0.1以下。 LD的结果印证了高山松的有效群体大和多次起源特性。另外,我们也怀疑杂交物种形成过程中染色体组的重组和重排频繁发生,也是造成自然杂种现有群体的LD水平低的一个主要原因。 通过LD衰减曲线估计高山松的平均单位重组率,比亲本油松高17倍,比云南松高45倍。这个结果表明,杂种共适应的基因间要维持超亲分离,需要强烈的自然选择压力,才能保持它们之间的连锁不平衡。
世界上最大的大坝—三峡大坝―于2003年6月正式建成并蓄水,三峡水库的水位由蓄水前的84m上升至蓄水后的139m。三峡大坝的修建与蓄水,已经显著地改变了三峡库区陆地生态系统和水域生态系统的生态环境。三峡大坝的修建将如何影响生活在这一区域(包括陆地和水域)的野生动植物资源,是个亟待解决的问题。 对于陆地生态系统,三峡大坝的修建,使三峡库区的生态环境进一步破碎化(Fragmentation)和岛屿化(Island)。为了了解三峡大坝的修建对三峡库区野生动物所产生的影响,我们选择适应性强且对环境变化敏感的啮齿动物为研究对象,在三峡库区选取两个岛屿(洛碛岛和皇华岛)及其对岸为研究点,在野外调查了啮齿动物的群落组成、种群密度与分布,并用胃容物分析和稳定性同位素分析方法研究了两个研究点优势种啮齿动物的食物来源与组成。结果表明,两个研究点间啮齿动物群落组成有很大差异,这主要是由于啮齿动物分布的地域性差异引起的。在同一个研究点,岛屿上的啮齿动物群落组成与对岸的没有差异,但在岛屿上的啮齿动物种群密度却明显高于其对岸的,这说明随着库区水位的大幅度提升,岛屿的面积急剧减小,使原本栖息在水边的啮齿动物不得不向岛屿的中上部迁移,致使岛屿上的啮齿动物的种群密度迅速增加。啮齿动物的食物来源有四种:C3非豆科植物,C3豆科植物,C4植物及水生生物。不同种啮齿动物的食物种类组成也不同,四川短尾鼩(Anourosorex squamipes)的食物中有水生生物的组成成分,但其它啮齿动物食物中不含水生生物。不同食物来源在啮齿动物的整体食物中所占比例也不同,并呈明显的季节性变化,这种变化与田间的农作物种类密切相关。动物组织的稳定性同位素组成不仅可以示踪动物的食物来源,也反映了动物的生存状况。我们的结果显示:对岸啮齿动物的稳定性同位素组成相对集中,并且不同种啮齿动物间没有重叠。这一方面说明对岸啮齿动物的食物来源相对丰富,啮齿动物可以选择各自喜食食物,在此环境下的啮齿动物种间竞争相对较弱,至少是种间食物竞争较弱。岛屿上啮齿动物的稳定性同位素值分布范围远大于在对岸的,并且种间稳定性同位素组成有明显的重叠部分。稳定性同位素组成的重叠意味着有相似的食物来源,也即栖息生境相似。这说明岛上的啮齿动物种间存在较剧烈的食物竞争关系。在资源限制情况下,多种啮齿动物不得不利用共同的食物来源。换句话说,岛屿化过程将加剧岛屿上啮齿动物的种间竞争。 洛碛岛上的四川短尾鼩因为可以利用水生食物来源,这使得它在岛屿化过程中处于有利地位。随着岛屿化进程的加剧,四川短尾鼩在岛屿上的优势将更加明显。而皇华岛屿上的褐家鼠的食物来源单一,会因岛屿面积的进一步减小,食物来源更加缺乏,它们将不得不改其食物组成或面临消失。而白腹巨鼠的栖息环境靠近江边,将因水位的上升进一步上移,它们的栖息环境与普通田鼠的发生重叠,使得白腹巨鼠与普通田鼠发生栖息地的竞争与食物竞争,并面临更多的人为因素干扰。 对于水域生态系统,长江是我国最大的河流,也是我国淡水鱼类最丰富的区域。三峡大坝的修建已经显著改变了三峡库区的水文特征。为了了解三峡大坝的修建是否会改变三峡库区的有机物组成,并进而影响到三峡库区水生生物的食物来源和组成,我们选择了三个水文特征不同的研究点(洛碛江段、皇华城江段和茅坪江段)调查了三峡库区的常见鱼种类组成,并用稳定性同位素方法研究了三峡库区洪水前后的有机物组成变化与鱼类的食物网模型,用稳定性同位素划分了鱼类食物网结构及鱼类体长与其肌肉δ15N值间的关系。结果表明,三峡大坝的修建,已经显著改变了皇华城和茅坪江段的水文特征,同时也“干扰”了生活在这一区域的鱼类。适应于流水环境的鱼类在库区回水处和大坝附近几乎消失,而喜欢静态环境的其它鱼类却得到极大的发展,例如鲢鱼(H. molitrix)和草鱼( C. idellus)。 洪水前后,三峡库区的有机物组成成分有明显改变。洪水前,水中有机物主要以河流自身生产力产生的有机物为主(浮游植物、藻类等);洪水后,水中有机物主要以外来有机物为主(陆地植物、土壤有机物和从上游带来的有机物)。对于三个食物网模型:河流连续体模型(RCC)、脉冲模型(FPC)和河流生产力模型(RPM),河流生产力模型能更好的解释三峡库区的水生生物的食物来源,即三峡库区的水生生物的食物主要来源于河流自身生产力产生的有机物。但外来有机物作为水生生物的一种辅助食物来源,在洪水期间起到不可忽视的作用。 在本研究中,鱼类体长与其δ15N值间的关系与选取鱼的种类有关,比如南方大口鲇(Silurus asotus)的体长与其肌肉的δ15N值呈明显负相关关系(R2≈0.5),而鱖鱼(Siniperca)、铜鱼(Coreius guichenoti)和草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)的体长与其肌肉的δ15N值却呈正相关关系。 三峡库区常见鱼类主要以杂食性和广普性鱼类为主,食物网结构十分复杂。通过胃容物分析和稳定性同位素分析,三峡库区水生生物营养级间的判别值约为3.1‰。依据鱼类肌肉的δ15N值,三峡库区的常见鱼类可以划分为四个营养级:草食性鱼类(herbivorous fish)、初级杂食性鱼类(1ºomnivorous fish)、次级杂食性鱼类(2ºomnivorous fish)和食鱼性鱼类(piscivorous fish)。营养级间没有明确的分界限,鱼类的营养级从2到4.8,是连续分布的营养级结构,从而更真实的反映了自然界中动物的捕食关系和在食物网中的位置。 自然丰度变化的稳定性同位素(Stable isotope)作为一种天然的示踪物,在动物生态学上已经得到广泛应用。动物的稳定性同位素可以清楚的示踪动物的食物来源、食物组成、栖息地情况和生存状况等多种信息,结合传统的胃容物分析,或其它的粪便分析、储藏物分析等,稳定性同位素技术在动物生态学研究方面必将得到更广泛的应用。
在榕树与其传粉小蜂组成的互利阿共生系统中,理解传粉小蜂与各种非传粉小蜂如何共存是解决这一系统稳定性维持机制问题的关键之一.生态位分化被普遍认为是传粉小蜂与各种非传粉小蜂共存的最主要动力.而作为生态位分化中最基础的食性分化在这一系统中如何具体实现尚小清楚.2006年12月至2007年6月.我们以聚果榕(Ficus racemosa)为材料,通过对果内6种榕小蜂进行独立放蜂及两两组合定最放蜂,并对传粉小蜂分别进行不携带花粉和不能产卵的技术处理,研究了寄生在聚果榕果内的5种非传粉小蜂的食性及相互关系,分析了在不同季节下寄生蜂与寄主间的相关系数.研究结果表明:在5种非传粉小蜂中,Platyneura testacea和P mayri是造瘿者,能独立刺激子房发育成瘿花,并使果实发育成熟;而 Apocrypta sp、A.westwoodi和P.agraensis只能寄生于某些已发育的虫瘿,为拟寄生者,它们各自分别与P.testacea,P.mayri和传粉小蜂Ceratosolen fusciceps存在着一对一的寄生关系.拟寄生者与寄主间的相关性在不同季节下会显示出不同的结果,这表明过去文献中用物种间的相关系数推理而确定的食性关系可能是不可靠的.对自然采集榕果内的小蜂群落分析表明,传粉小蜂处于优势地位,这说明在自然情况下非传粉小蜂的种群维持在一个较低水平,对榕树-传粉小蜂系统稳定性影响较小,故能与之长期共存.
Manu National Park of southern Peru is one of the most renowned protected areas in the world, yet large-bodied vertebrate surveys conducted to date have been restricted to Cocha Cashu Biological Station, a research station covering <0.06 percent of the 1.7Mha park. Manu Park is occupied by >460 settled Matsigenka Amerindians, 300-400 isolated Matsigenka, and several, little-known groups of isolated hunter-gatherers, yet the impact of these native Amazonians on game vertebrate populations within the park remains poorly understood. On the basis of 1495 km of standardized line-transect censuses, we present density and biomass estimates for 23 mammal, bird, and reptile species for seven lowland and upland forest sites in Manu Park, including Cocha Cashu. We compare these estimates between hunted and nonhunted sites within Manu Park, and with other Neotropical forest sites. Manu Park safeguards some of the most species-rich and highest biomass assemblages of arboreal and terrestrial mammals ever recorded in Neotropical forests, most likely because of its direct Andean influence and high levels of soil fertility. Relative to Barro Colorado Island, seed predators and arboreal folivores in Manu are rare, and generalist frugivores specializing on mature fruit pulp are abundant. The impact of such a qualitative shift in the vertebrate community on the dynamics of plant regeneration, and therefore, on our understanding of tropical plant ecology, must be profound. Despite a number of external threats, Manu Park continues to serve as a baseline against which other Neotropical forests can be gauged.
The centromere protein A (CENP-A), a histone H3-like protein, provides an essential role for chromosomal segregation during mitosis and meiosis. In this study we identified ten new CENP-A-like genes (excluding the original CENP-A gene) in cow by searching
Data on sexual behavior were collected in six groups of semi-commensal Macaca thibetana along the trail on the slope habitat between 1987 and 1989. Ignoring the common items such as mounting, presenting etc., 20 categories of sexual behavior were described. Most of the descriptions were likely to have enlarged the behavior repertoire reported in macaques, showing a great complexity of sociosexual interactions under the principally natural condition. A great diversity of grouping appeared in the mating season. The copulatory pattern was found to be the serial type contrary to previous speculation, and the mount-to-ejaculation ratio was higher in the central subgroup, as compared with the far-peripheral adult subgroup (FAS) with less male and female rivals. An age-class subdivision of sexually active males made it possible to show that the young adult male immigrants were the most active class in sexual activity. Subgrouping form FAS was a ''space-segregation'' tactic of mating for the losers of both sexes in the competition. Some parameters of copulation were also documented.
Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) which belongs to the secretin/glucagon/ VIP family has been originally isolated from the sheep hypothalamus on the basis of its ability to stimulate cAMP formation in culture rat anterior pituitary cells. Post-translational processing of the PACAP precursor generates two biologically active molecular forms, PACAP-38 and PACAP-27. The primary structure of PACAP has been remarkably conserved during evolution. The sequence of PACAP-27 exhibits substantial similarities with those of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), glucagon and secretin. The gene encoding the PACAP precursor is widely expressed in brain and various peripheral organs, notably in endocrine glands, gastro-intestinal, urogenital tracts and respiratory system. In vivo, and in vitro studies have shown that PACAP exhibits multiple activities especially a trophic activity during ontogenesis, notably in the adrenal medulla and the central nervous system. The biological effects of PACAP are mediated through three distinct receptor subtypes which exhibit differential affinities for PACAP and VIP. The PAC1 receptor, which shows high selectivity for PACAP, is coupled to several transduction systems. In contrast, VPAC1 and VPAC2, which bind with the same affinity for PACAP and VIP, are mainly coupled to the adenylyl cyclase pathway. In conclusion, PACAP is neuropeptide, and it functions as a hypothalamic hormone, neurohormone, neuromodulator, vasodilator, neurotransmitter or trophic factor in the brain and the various organs.
This paper reports on seasonal changes in stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of seston and muscle tissue of silver carp and bighead carp during 2004 and 2005, focusing primarily on the carbon sources and trophic relationships among phytoplankton, zooplankton and silver carp and bighead carp in a large fish pen of Meiliang Bay (Lake Taihu, China). delta C-13 showed a minimal value in March 2005 and a maximal value in August 2005 in seston both inside and outside the pen, whereas delta N-15 of seston showed the minimum in winter and the maximum during algal blooms. A positive correlation between delta C-13 of silver carp and that of seston suggested that temporal variation Of delta C-13 in seston was preserved in fish via the food chain. The differences of delta C-13 among seston, zooplankton and muscle tissue of silver carp and bighead carp ranged only 0.2-1.7%, indicating that plankton production was the primary food source of filter-feeding fishes. According to a mass balance model, we estimated that the contributions of zooplankton to the diets of silver carp and bighead carp were 45.7% and 54.3%, respectively, based on the delta N-15 values of zooplankton and planktivorous fishes. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
Fish introduction, eutrophication and disappearance of aquatic vegetation are important disturbances of aquatic ecosystems, especially in plateau lakes, which are generally considered to be very vulnerable. Fish were introduced to Lake Dianchi, a eutrophic plateau lake in southwest China, in the late 1950s and 1970s. After the introduction, invasive fish became the dominant species, and the total fish yield increased. Meanwhile, the trophic level of Lake Dianchi had a tendency to increase in the past decades because of the increases in human activities in the watershed area. In addition, the area of aquatic vegetation decreased from more than 90 to 1.8% of the lake area from the 1950s to 2000. This study investigated the effects of fish introduction, eutrophication and aquatic vegetation on the diatom community of Lake Dianchi by examining the changes of microfossil diatom assemblage and abundance. Results showed that the absolute abundance and diatom assemblages changed after fish were introduced. The endemic species, Cyclotella rohomboideo-elliptica, disappeared with the introduction of fish and increasing trophic levels after 1958. Fragilaria crotonensis entered into the lake with the introduction of fish and gradually thrived in the lake after 1958. Diatom species numbers also decreased gradually from 21 to 9 from the past to present. Epiphytic diatoms disappeared with the decrease of aquatic vegetation after 1985. Our study indicated that eutrophication was the most important process determining diatom abundance, and fish introduction was a secondary process determining diatom abundance, while aquatic vegetation had a more important role in structuring the diatom community in this eutrophic plateau lake.
The effect of organic matter accumulation on phosphorus release in sediment of Chinese shallow lakes
The effects of organic matter in sediment on phosphorus release were studied by field investigations in eight Chinese shallow freshwater lakes with different trophic status and a laboratory experiment. The sediment organic matter content paralleled the trophic status, ranging from 6.1 to 173.0 g kg(-1) (dry weight), with the mean value of 63.1 g kg(-1) (dry weight). It was positively proportional to Soluble reactive phosphorus concentration in the interstitial water in a form of exponential function, but inversely related to the sediment Fe/P ratio. The sediment alkaline phosphatase activity was significantly related not only to the organic matter content (r = 0.829, P < 0.01, n = 120), but also to the soluble reactive phosphorus concentration in interstitial water (r = 0.454, P < 0.01, n = 42). In the laboratory experiment, the addition of organic matter (dry materials of an aquatic macrophyte) into the sediment significantly enhanced alkaline phosphatase activity and soluble reactive phosphorus release. However, in the treatment with organic matter added and aeration, this release was generally prevented in spite of an increase in APA. Hence, sediment organic matter can effectively accelerate phosphorus release by enzymatic hydrolysis and anaerobic desorption. The latter mechanism seems to be more important.
A 2-year investigation of growth and food availability of silver carp and bighead was carried out using stable isotope and gut content analysis in a large pen in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu, China. Both silver carp and bighead exhibited significantly higher delta 13C in 2005 than in 2004, which can probably be attributed to two factors: (i) the difference between isotopic compositions at the base of the pelagic food web and (ii) the difference between the compositions of prey items and stable isotopes. The significantly positive correlations between body length, body weight and stable isotope ratios indicated that isotopic changes in silver carp and bighead resulted from the accumulation of biomass concomitant with rapid growth. Because of the drastic decrease in zooplankton in the diet in 2005, silver carp and bighead grew faster in 2004 than in 2005. Bighead carp showed a lower trophic level than silver carp in 2005 as indicated by stable nitrogen isotope ratios, which was possibly explained by the interspecific difference between the prey species and the food quality of silver carp and bighead.
Knowledge of the effect of geographic factors on the assemblages of protozoan testate amoebae is still limited, despite there having been a number of studies on this fauna. We applied statistical analyses to data on the distribution of testate amoebae from nine major lakes in the Yunnan Plateau, southwest China. Cluster analysis, based on community structure, separated the lakes into two groups - the oligotrophic/mesotrophic lakes and the hypercutrophic lakes - confirming the idea that the testate amoebae assemblages in lakes are closely related to the trophic status. Additionally, within the oligotrophic/mesotrophic lakes, there was distinct geographic clustering. Linear regression analysis and the Mantel test both revealed that similarity of species composition decreased with increasing geographic distance among the oligotrophic/mesotrophic lakes.
From June 2004 to December 2004, Lake Dianchi, which had large scale of cyanobacterial blooms was investigated in order to study P-fractionation in the suspended matter and the sediment. The investigation improves our understanding of phosphorus in Lake Dianchi and the relationship between phosphorus and cyanobacterial blooms. It contributes to the available literature on the behavior of P in hypertrophic lakes. The distribution of P-fractions in Lake Dianchi was not uniform from northwest to south, but was closely related to the trophic status of the whole lake. The concentrations of total phosphorus, labile P (NH4Cl-P), Organic P (NaOH-NRP) and loss on ignition in suspended matter were positively correlated with the strength of cyanobacterial blooms. Total phosphorus in suspended matter was relatively stable for almost half an year and closely related to Chl. a concentration. The main content of organic phosphorus is in the cyanobacterial blooms. The concentrations of phosphorus bound to metal oxides and carbonates (NaOH-SRP and HCl-P) in sediment were similar to NaOH-SRP and HCl-P in the corresponding suspended matter. The latter two forms of P in suspended matter were not affected by cyanobacterial blooms, indicating that the inorganic phosphorus is derived from the sediment after resuspension from the sediment due to wind and wave action. The contribution of the different P-fractions to TP in sediment and in suspended matter indicates that NH4Cl-P in the suspended matter is an important buffer for maintaining dissolved phosphorus in water.