65 resultados para sulfur-containing molecules


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The influence of HCl on CO and NO emissions was experimentally investigated in an entrained flow reactor (EFR) and an internally circulating fluidized bed (ICFB). The results in EFR show the addition of HCl inhibits CO oxidation and NO formation at 1073 K and 1123 K. At the lower temperature (1073 K) the inhibition of HCl becomes more obvious. In ICFB, chlorine-containing plastic (PVC) was added to increase the concentration of HCl during the combustion of coal or coke. Results show that HCl is likely to enhance the reduction of NO and N2O. HCl greatly increases CO and CH4 emission in the flue gas. A detailed mechanism of CO/NO/HCl/SO2 system was used to model the effect of HCl in combustion. The results indicate that HCl not only promotes the recombination of radicals O, H, and OH, but also accelerates the chemical equilibration of radicals. The influence of HCl on the radicals mainly occurs at 800-1200 K. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report on the conversion of near-ultraviolet radiation of 250-350 nm into near-infrared emission of 970-1100 nm in Yb3+-doped transparent glass ceramics containing Ba2TiSi2O8 nanocrystals due to the energy transfer from the silicon-oxygen-related defects to Yb3+ ions. Efficient Yb3+ emission (F-2(5/2)-> F-2(7/2)) was detected under the excitation of defects absorption at 314 nm. The occurrence of energy transfer is proven by both steady state and time-resolved emission spectra, respectively, at 15 K. The Yb2O3 concentration dependent energy transfer efficiency has also been evaluated, and the maximum value is 65% for 8 mol % Yb2O3 doped glass ceramic. These materials are promising for the enhancement of photovoltaic conversion efficiency of silicon solar cells via spectra modification.


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We investigate experimentally the high-order harmonic generation from aligned CO2 molecules and demonstrate that the modulation inversion of the harmonic yield with respect to molecular alignment can be altered dramatically by fine-tuning the intensity of the driving laser pulse for harmonic generation. The results can be modeled by employing the strong field approximation including a ground state depletion factor. The laser intensity is thus proved to be a parameter that can control the high-harmonic emission from aligned molecules.


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The ionization rate of molecules in intense laser fields may be much lower than that of atoms with similar binding energy. This phenomenon is termed the ionization suppression of molecules and is caused by the molecular inner structure. In this paper, we perform a comprehensive study of the ionization suppression of homonuclear diatomic molecules in intense laser fields of linear and circular polarizations. We find that for linear polarization the total ionization rate and the ionization suppression depend greatly on the molecular alignment, and that for circular polarization the ionization suppression of molecules in the antibonding (bonding) shells disappears (appears) for laser intensities around 10(15) W/cm(2). We also find that the molecular photoelectron energy spectra are greatly changed by the interference effect, even though the total ionization rate of molecules remains almost the same as that of their companion atoms.


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We address the influence of the orbital symmetry and the molecular alignment with respect to the laser-field polarization on laser-induced nonsequential double ionization of diatomic molecules, in the length and velocity gauges. We work within the strong-field approximation and assume that the second electron is dislodged by electron-impact ionization, and also consider the classical limit of this model. We show that the electron-momentum distributions exhibit interference maxima and minima due to electron emission at spatially separated centers. The interference patterns survive integration over the transverse momenta for a small range of alignment angles, and are sharpest for parallel-aligned molecules. Due to the contributions of the transverse-momentum components, these patterns become less defined as the alignment angle increases, until they disappear for perpendicular alignment. This behavior influences the shapes and the peaks of the electron-momentum distributions.


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Photoelectron angular distributions (PADs) from above-threshold ionization of O-2 and N-2 molecules irradiated by a bichromatic laser field of circular polarization are Studied. The bichromatic laser field is specially modulated such that it can be used to mimic a sequence of one-cycle laser pulses. The PADs are greatly affected by the molecular alignment, the symmetry of the initial electronic distribution, and the carrier-envelope phase of the laser pulses. Generally, the PADs do not show any symmetry, and become symmetric about an axis only when the symmetric axis of laser field coincides with the symmetric axis of molecules. This study shows that the few-cycle laser pulses call be used to steer the photoelectrons and perform the selective ionization of molecules. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) of Rhodamine 6G (R6G) adsorbed on colloidal silver clusters has been studied. Based on the great enhancement of the Raman signal and the quench of the fluorescence, the SERRS spectra of R6G were recorded for the samples of dye colloidal solution with different concentrations. Spectral inhomogeneity behaviours from single molecules in the dried sample films were observed with complementary evidences, such as spectral polarization, spectral diffusion, intensity fluctuation of vibrational lines and even "breathing" of the molecules. Sequential spectra observed from a liquid sample with an average of 0.3 dye molecules in the probed volume exhibited the expected Poisson distribution for actually measuring 0, 1 or 2 molecules. Difference between the SERRS spectra of R6G excited by linearly and circularly polarized light were experimentally measured.


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Coherent population accumulations of multiphoton transitions induced by an ultrashort pulse train in a two-level polar molecule are investigated theoretically by solving the density-matrix equations without invoking any of the standard approximations. It is shown due to the effects of permanent dipole moments, that the population accumulation of multiphoton transitions can be obtained in the polar molecule. Moreover, the population accumulations depend crucially on the relative phase between two sequential pulses, and the period in which the maximum population accumulation occurs is 2 pi/N in N-photon transitions.


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The interaction between integrin macrophage differentiation antigen associated with complement three receptor function (Mac-1) and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), which is controlled tightly by the ligand-binding activity of Mac-1, is central to the regulation of neutrophil adhesion in host defense. Several "inside-out" signals and extracellular metal ions or antibodies have been found to activate Mac-1, resulting in an increased adhesiveness of Mac-1 to its ligands. However, the molecular basis for Mac-1 activation is not well understood yet. In this work, we have carried out a single-molecule study of Mac-1/ICAM-1 interaction force in living cells by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Our results showed that the binding probability and adhesion force of Mac-1 with ICAM-1 increased upon Mac-1 activation. Moreover, by comparing the dynamic force spectra of different Mac-1 mutants, we expected that Mac-1 activation is governed by the downward movement of its alpha 7 helix. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Broadband near-infrared (IR) luminescence in transparent alkali gallium silicate glass-ceramics containing N2+-doped beta-Ga2O3 nanocrystals was observed. This broadband emission could be attributed to the T-3(2g) (F-3) -> (3)A(2g) (F-3) transition of octahedral Ni2+ ions in glass-ceramics. The full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the near-IR luminescence and fluorescent lifetime of the glass-ceramic doped with 0.10 mol% NiO were 260 nm and similar to 1220 mu s, respectively. It is expected that transparent Ni2+-doped beta-Ga2O3 glass-ceramics with this broad near-IR emission and long fluorescent lifetime have potential applications as super-broadband optical amplification media.


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Transparent Ni2+-doped beta-Ga2O3 glass-ceramics were synthesized. The nanocrystal phase in the glass-ceramics was identified to be beta-Ga2O3 and its size was about 3.6 nm. It was confirmed from the absorption spectra that the ligand environment of Ni2+ ions changed from the trigonal bi-pyramid fivefold sites in the as-cast glass to the octahedral sites in the glass-ceramics. The broadband infrared emission centering at 1270 nm with full width at half maximum (FWHM) of more than 250 nm was observed. The fluorescence lifetime was about 1.1 mu s at room temperature. The observed infrared emission could be attributed to the T-3 (2g) (F-3) -> (3)A (2g) (F-3) transition of octahedral Ni2+ ions. It is suggested that the Ni2+-doped transparent beta-Ga2O3 glass-ceramics with broad bandwidth and long lifetime have a potential as a broadband amplification medium.