52 resultados para spin transport


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GaN can be used to fabricate blue/green/UV LEDs and high temperature, high power electronic devices. Ideal substrates are needed for high quality III-nitride epitaxy, which is an essential step for the manufacture of LEDs. GaN substrates are ideal to be lattice matched and isomorphic to nitride-based films. Bulk single crystals of GaN can be grown from supercritical fluids using the ammonothermal method, which utilizes ammonia as fluid rather than water as in the hydrothermal process. In this process, a mineralizer such as amide, imide or azide is used to attack a bulk nitride feedstock at temperatures from 200 - 500癈 and pressures from 1 - 4 kbar. Baffle design is essential for successful growth of GaN crystals. Baffle is used to separate the dissolving zone from the growth zone, and to maintain a temperature difference between the two zones. For solubility curve with a positive coefficient with respect to temperature, the growth zone is maintained at a lower temperature than that in the dissolving zone, thus the nutrient becomes supersaturated in the growth zone. The baffle opening is used to control the mixing of nutrients in the two zones, thus the transfer of nutrient from the lower part to the upper part. Ammonothermal systems have been modeled here using fluid dynamics, thermodynamics and heat transfer models. The nutrient is considered as a porous media bed and the flow is simulated using the Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer model. The resulting governing equations are solved using the finite volume method. We investigated the effects of baffle opening and position on the transport phenomena of nutrient from dissolving zone to the growth zone. Simulation data have been compared qualitatively with experimental data.


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Silicon carbide bulk crystals were grown in an induction-heating furnace using the physical vapor transport method. Crystal growth modeling was performed to obtain the required inert gas pressure and temperatures for sufficiently large growth rates. The SiC crystals were expanded by designing a growth chamber having a positive temperature gradient along the growth interface. The obtained 6H-SiC crystals were cut into wafers and characterized by Raman scattering spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction, and the results showed that most parts of the crystals had good crystallographic structures.


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Density functional theory/molecular dynamics simulations were employed to give insights into the mechanism of voltage generation based on a water-filled single-walled boron-nitrogen nanotube (SWBNNT). Our calculations showed that (1) the transport properties of confined water in a SWBNNT are different from those of bulk water in view of configuration, the diffusion coefficient, the dipole orientation, and the density distribution, and (2) a voltage difference of several millivolts would generate between the two ends of a SWBNNT due to interactions between the water dipole chains and charge carriers in the tube. Therefore, this structure of a water-filled SWBNNT can be a promising candidate for a synthetic nanoscale power cell as well as a practical nanopower harvesting device.


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Density functional theory/molecular dynamics simulations were employed to give insights into the mechanism of voltage generation based on a water-filled single-walled boron-nitrogen nanotube (SWBNNT). Our calculations showed that (1) the transport properties of confined water in a SWBNNT are different from those of bulk water in view of configuration the diffusion coefficient the dipole orientation and the density distribution and (2) a voltage difference of several millivolts would generate between the two ends of a SWBNNT due to interactions between the water dipole chains and charge carriers in the tube. Therefore this structure of a water-filled SWBNNT can be a promising candidate for a synthetic nanoscale power cell as well as a practical nanopower harvesting device.


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Newfound attention has been given to solute transport in nanochannels. Because the electric double layer (EDL) thickness is comparable to characteristic channel dimensions, nanochannels have been used to separate ionic species with a constant charge-to-size ratio (i.e., electrophoretic mobility) that otherwise cannot be separated in electroosmotic or pressure- driven flow along microchannels. In nanochannels, the electrical fields within the EDL cause transverse ion distributions and thus yield charge-dependent mean ion speeds in the flow. Surface roughness is usually inevitable during microfabrication of microchannels or nanochannels. Surface roughness is usually inevitable during the fabrication of nanochannels. In the present study, we develop a numerical model to investigate the transport of charged solutes in nanochannels with hundreds of roughness-like structures. The model is based on continuum theory that couples Navier-Stokes equations for flows, Poisson-Boltzmann equation for electrical fields, and Nernst-Planck equation for solute transports. Different operating conditions are considered and the solute transport patterns in rough channels are compared with those in smooth channels. Results indicate that solutes move slower in rough nanochannels than in smooth ones for both pressure- driven and electroosmotic flows. Moreover, solute separation can be significantly improved by surface roughness under certain circumstances.


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A pseudo-spin model is intended to describe the physical dynamics of unbound electrons in the wall of cytoskeletal microtubule (MT). Due to the inherent symmetry of the structure and the electric properties in the MT, one may treat it as a one-dimensional ferroelectric system, and describe the nonlinear dynamics of dimer electric dipoles in one protofilament of the MT by virtue of the double-well potential. Consequently, the physical problem has been mapped onto the pseudo-spin system, and the mean-field approximation has been taken to get some physical results.