101 resultados para radar remote sensing


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The Central Yangtze ecoregion in China includes a number of lakes, but these have been greatly affected by human activities over the past several decades, resulting in severe loss of biodiversity. In this paper, we document the present distribution of the major lakes and the changes in size that have taken place over the past 50 years, using remote sensing data and historical observations of land cover in the region. We also provide an overview of the changes in species richness, community composition, population size and age structure, and individual body size of aquatic plants, fishes, and waterfowl in these lakes. The overall species richness of aquatic plants found in eight major lakes has decreased substantially during the study period. Community composition has also been greatly altered, as have population size and age and individual body size in some species. These changes are largely attributed to the integrated effects of lake degradation, the construction of large hydroelectric dams, the establishment of nature reserves, and lake restoration practices.


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Urbanization can exert a profound influence on land covers and landscape characteristics. In this study, we characterize the impact of urbanization on land cover and lacustrine landscape and their consequences in a large urban lake watershed, Donghu Lake watershed (the largest urban lake in China), Central China, by using Landsat TM satellite images of three periods of 1987, 1993 and 1999 and ground-based information. We grouped the land covers into six categories: water body, vegetable land, forested land, shrub-grass land, open area and urban land, and calculated patch-related landscape indices to analyze the effects of urbanization on landscape features. We overlaid the land cover maps of the three periods to track the land cover change processes. The results indicated that urban land continuously expanded from 9.1% of the total watershed area in 1987, to 19.4% in 1993, and to 29.6% in 1999. The vegetable land increased from 7.0% in 1987, 11.9% in 1993, to 13.9% in 1999 to sustain the demands of vegetable for increased urban population. Concurrently, continuous reduction of other land cover types occurred between 1987 and 1999: water body decreased from 30.4% to 23.8%, and forested land from 33.6% to 24.3%. We found that the expansion of urban land has at least in part caused a decrease in relatively wild habitats, such as urban forest and lake water area. These alterations had resulted in significant negative environmental consequences, including decline of lakes, deterioration of water and air quality, and loss of biodiversity.


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A strain of microalgae (Anabaena siamensis) had been cultured in a miniaturized bioreactor during a retrievable satellite flight for 15 days. By means of remote sensing equipment installed in the satellite, we gained the growth curve of microalgae population in space every day in real time. The curve indicated that the growth of microalgae in space was slower than the control on ground. Inoculation of the retrieved microalgae culture showed that the growth rate was distinctively higher than ground control. But after several generations, both cultures indicated similar growth rates. Those data showed that algae, can adapt to space environment easily which may be valuable for designing more complex bioreactor and controlled ecological life support system in future experiment. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Using remote sensing technique, we investigated real-time Nostoc sphaeroides Kiltz (Cyanobacterium) in Closed System under microgravity by SHENZHOU-2 spacecraft in January 2001. The experiments had 1g centrifuges in space for control and ground control group experiments were also carried out in the same equipments and under the same controlled condition. The data about the population growth of Nostoc sp. of experiments and temperature changes of system were got from spacecraft every minute. From the data, we can find that population growth of Nostoc sp. in microgravity group was higher than that of other groups in space or on ground, even though both the control I g group in space and I g group on ground indicated same increasing characteristics in experiments. The growth rate of 1.4g group (centrifuged group on ground) was also promoted during experiment. The temperature changes of systems are also affected by gravity and light. Some aspects about those differences were discussed. From the discussion of these results during experiment, it can be found that gravity is the major factor to lead to these changes. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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横断山区拥有独特的生物区系和丰富的生物多样性,成为研究生物和地学许 多重大理论问题的关键性区域。然而该地区复杂的高山峡谷地形不利于大范围实 地考察工作的开展,而传统的调查方法也较难直接地获取野生动物及其生境的一 些量化数据,如某种或某类生物元素的分布、变化情况以及保护状况等,因此长 期以来对于该地区保护网络的规划和管理效果一直缺乏系统地评价,保护工作的 进一步开展依然面临很多难题。近年来地理信息系统(Geographic Information System, GIS)和遥感技术(Remote Sensing, RS)已经广泛应用于野生动物及其 生境保护的各个方面,为横断山区的保护工作拓展了新的研究思路和方法借鉴。 本研究以位于云南西北部横断山区的四个县(德钦、维西、丽江、香格里拉) 作为核心研究地区,以野生动物的主要栖息地——林地为对象,借助RS 和GIS 手段研究该地区内林地的分布、变化以及受威胁程度;并针对鸡形目鸟类的保护 状况进行了分析,为该地区林地和鸡形目鸟类的保护及评价提供科学的方法指导 和建议。具体如下: (1)林地分布以及针叶林的进一步细分。在地面真实数据的辅助下,通过 对Landsat TM/TM+影像的预处理、分类、分类后处理等过程,将研究地区中的 林地与非林地进行划分;针对暖温性针叶林和寒温性针叶林这两种较难区分的类 别,采用导引聚类(guided clustering)的分类方法,进一步对针叶林进行细分。 精度评估的结果显示,林地与非林地的划分总体精度为94.3%,而针叶林细分为 暖温性针叶林和寒温性针叶林的总体精度为74.8%。该方法可以较为准确地划分 该地区不同的生境类型,为野生动物及其生境的保护奠定基础。(2)林地的受威胁程度评价。通过分析研究地区中的林地在40 多年时间跨 度里(1958-2001 年)的变化情况和保护现状,从而评价其受威胁程度,结果反 映出每个县的林地面积都有不同程度的减少,丽江和香格里拉这两个县的林地受 威胁程度相对较高。进一步对丽江和香格里拉两县在不同海拔带的林地分布和变 化情况进行分析,结果表明,丽江的林地主要分布于2000-3500 米的海拔范围内 (占该县全部林地面积的89.7%),而在香格里拉则主要分布于2500 米以上(占 该县全部林地面积的95.2%);在这两个林地分布较为集中的区域内,都是低海 拔地区林地面积减少程度较高,意味着在开展保护工作时应重点关注这两个县的 低海拔林地。本研究方法可供整个横断山区乃至其他高山峡谷地区借鉴,为保护 网络的完善提供快速的量化参考。 (3)鸡形目鸟类的保护状况分析。借助RS 和GIS 手段描绘研究地区中当 前林地(2001 年左右)以及早期林地(1958 年前后)的分布,针对那些主要以 林地为生境的鸡形目鸟类,在相应限制因子(例如海拔数据)的辅助下对它们当 前和过去的潜在生境进行预测,从而分析它们的保护现状和生境的变化情况。结 果表明研究地区中现有的保护区对这些鸟类的保护尚不完善,并且在过去40 多 年的时间跨度里它们的潜在生境都有不同程度的退化。建议将来的保护工作优先 考虑那些在当前未被充分保护的物种以及潜在生境退化程度相对较高的物种。针 对这些物种,提出在将来的进一步保护工作中的一些建议,为整个横断山区鸡形 目鸟类乃至其他野生动物类群的保护提供参考。


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Asymmetric dark current and photocurrent versus voltage characteristic in the Double Barrier Quantum Wells (DBQWs) photovoltaic infrared photodetector has been studied. A model based on asymmetric potential barriers was proposed. The asymmetric potential thick barrier, which due to the Si dopant segregation during growth makes a major contribution to the asymmetrical I-V characteristic, calculations based on our model agree well with experimental results. This work also confirms the potential use of this DBQWs for infrared photodetector with large responsivity and little dark current under negative bias.


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本文利用中高分辨率遥感影像研究2006年沈阳市三环内城市绿地的空间格局及2001-2006年间的变化,以期对5年的高强度绿化建设进行评价。利用QuickBird高分辨率遥感影像,结合基于知识分类方法提取的植被覆盖信息和目视解译方法提取的土地利用信息,分析了2006年附属绿地的空间分布格局和公园绿地可达性。利用2001、2006年两景Landsat TM影像,基于线性混合分解方法提取的植被盖度信息,分析了5年间的绿化建设强度及其空间分布。 本文得到以下结论: 1) 工业用地和公共设施用地的绿化率均较高,分别是28.9%和32.3%。研究区域多层老式居住用地和道路的绿化率只有近20%。新居住用地中高层片块居住用地的平均斑块面积较小,主要是由小块的街区角落开发而成,绿化率只有10.3%;其余的新居住用地的绿化率均高于多层老式居住用地。居住用地高度类型相同的情况下,花园式居住用地比片块式居住用地拥有更高的绿化率。 2) 附属绿地绿化率随距市中心距离的递增梯度反映了城市内外绿化状况的两极分化现象,在几种主要的城市用地类型之间存在差异:公共设施(4.16%∙km-1)>多层老式居住用地(3.85%∙km-1)>新居住用地(3.05%∙km-1)>道路(2.36%∙km-1)。新居住用地弱于多层老式居住用地,表明随着旧城改造的持续进行,居住用地的内外两极分化现象可以得到缓解。公共设施用地的内外两极分化现象较严重,城市化进程中慎重对待高绿化率的公共设施用地如高校等迫于地价压力的外迁行为。 3) 公园绿地可达性分析的结果表明,只有29.25%的居住用地分布在距最近公园绿地5分钟的步行范围内,43.31%的居住用地在5-15分钟的步行范围内,建议持续增加公园绿地建设,尤其是在工商业密集区。研究区域尚未出现居住用地绿化环境的马太效应(高公园绿地可达性+高附属绿地绿化率)。 4) 2001-2006年,道路、居住用地、公共设施用地、公共绿地及广场的植被盖度均有不同程度的增加(5%-9%),证实了5年间绿化建设力度之大;工业用地的植被盖度几乎没有变化,原因估计是工业用地空间属于非公共空间,不属于公共绿化建设区域。5年间植被增量空间分布均匀,没有针对低绿化覆盖率地区加强绿化建设力度,部分缓解了绿化率的城市内外两极分化现象。


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Decision tree classification algorithms have significant potential for land cover mapping problems and have not been tested in detail by the remote sensing community relative to more conventional pattern recognition techniques such as maximum likelihood classification. In this paper, we present several types of decision tree classification algorithms arid evaluate them on three different remote sensing data sets. The decision tree classification algorithms tested include an univariate decision tree, a multivariate decision tree, and a hybrid decision tree capable of including several different types of classification algorithms within a single decision tree structure. Classification accuracies produced by each of these decision tree algorithms are compared with both maximum likelihood and linear discriminant function classifiers. Results from this analysis show that the decision tree algorithms consistently outperform the maximum likelihood and linear discriminant function classifiers in regard to classf — cation accuracy. In particular, the hybrid tree consistently produced the highest classification accuracies for the data sets tested. More generally, the results from this work show that decision trees have several advantages for remote sensing applications by virtue of their relatively simple, explicit, and intuitive classification structure. Further, decision tree algorithms are strictly nonparametric and, therefore, make no assumptions regarding the distribution of input data, and are flexible and robust with respect to nonlinear and noisy relations among input features and class labels.