90 resultados para push-pull chromophores
In order to optimize the loading of 3-(1, 1-dicyanothenyl)-1-phenyl-4, 5-dihydro-1H-pryazole (DCNP) in polyetherketone (PEK-c) guest-host polymer films, ten kinds of DCNP/PEK-c thin films, in which the weight per cent of DCNP changes from 5 to 50, were prepared. Their second-order nonlinear optical coefficients chi(33)((2)) at 1064 nm were measured by Using Maker fringe method after poling under the optimal poling condition. Their optical waveguide transmission losses were measured at 632.8 nm. Optimal weight per cent of the chromophore for the DCNP/PEK-c guest-host polymer system has been determined as about 20 for use in the integrated optical devices.
The polyetherketone (PEK-c) guest-host polymer films doped with (4'-nitro)-3-azo-9-ethyl-carbazole (NAEC) were prepared. The films were poled by corona-onset poling at elevated temperature (COPET). The orientational order parameter of the chromophores NAEC in poled polymer film was determined by measuring the absorption spectra of the films before and after being poled. By using the two-level model, the measured dispersion of the refractive index of the polymer film, and the dispersion of the first hyperpolarizability of chromophore NAEC, the dispersion of the macroscopic second-order nonlinear optical (NLO) and linear electrooptic (EO) coefficients was evaluated for the NAEC/PEK-c guest-host polymer film. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The polyetherketone (PEK-c) guest-host system thin films in which the range of the weight percent of 3-(1,1-dicyanothenyl)-1-phenyl-4, 5- dihydro-1H-pryazole (DCNP) is from 20% to 50% were prepared. The predicted high value of electro-optical (EO) coefficient gamma(33) = 48.8 pm/V by using two-level model was obtained when the weight percent of DCNP in the polymer system is 40%, whereas EO coefficients are attenuated at higher chromophore loading then 40%. The temporal stability of the EO activity of the guest-host polymer was evaluated by probing the decay of the orientational order of the chromophores in the polymer system.
The simple reflection technique is usually used to measure the linear electro-optic (EO) coefficient (Pockels coefficient) in the development of EO polymer thin films. But there are some problems in some articles in the determination of the phase shift between the s and p light modes of a laser beam waveguided into the polymer film while a modulating voltage is applied across the electrodes, and different expressions for the linear EO coefficient measured have been given in these articles. In our research, more accurate expression of the linear EO coefficient was deduced by suitable considering the phase shift between the s and p light modes. The linear EO coefficients of several polymer thin films were measured by reflection technique, and the results of the Linear EO coefficient calculated by different expressions were compared. The limit of the simple reflection technique for measuring the linear EO coefficient of the polymer thin films was discussed.
本论文主要由3 个相对独立的部分组成: 西夫韦肽抗HIV 活性机制研究及其 联合用药和耐药性研究,盐肤木提取物及其化合物抗HIV 活性机制研究和精子 顶体反应抑制剂AGB 抗HIV 活性及机制研究。 HIV 侵入抑制剂是抗HIV 药物研发的热点。该类抑制剂靶定在病毒复制周 期早期,为HARRT 疗法提供了更多新的药物组合,且该类抑制剂对临床中已产 生的耐药毒株也有较好的抑制作用。目前FDA 批准上市的侵入抑制剂仅有T-20, 急需开发新一类的HIV-1 侵入抑制剂。西夫韦肽是由36 个氨基酸组成的多肽, 我们对西夫韦肽进行了一系列体外抗HIV 药效学的实验来研究西夫韦肽体外抗 HIV 活性以及作用机制。实验结果表明西夫韦肽对多种HIV 宿主细胞毒性小, 可以有效抑制HIV-1IIIB 诱导的C8166 细胞的病变效应,EC50 值仅为7.8ng/ml , TI 值大于 384,615;在不同的检测方法中,西夫韦肽均表现出了比T-20 更好的抑 制活性,EC50 值低了13-42 倍。在对HIV-1 临床分离株、耐药株、两株HIV-2 毒株和SIVmac239 的抑制活性研究表明西夫韦肽也可以很好地抑制 HIV-1 临床株 HIV-1KM018 的复制,EC50 值低至4.4ng/ml,对耐药株HIV-174V、HIV-2 和 SIVmac239 的复制也均有较好的抑制作用。 在机制研究中,我们发现西夫韦肽极有效地抑制HIV-1慢性感染H9细胞与 正常C8166细胞间的融合作用,EC50 低至0.4ng/ml,表明西夫韦肽可以以极低的 浓度有效抑制HIV进入宿主细胞。用GST-pull down 实验进一步验证了西夫韦肽 和T-20可以很好地与HR1结合而不能与HR2结合,作用机制就是特异地与gp41的 HR1结合从而抑制了6-Helix的形成,阻断了HIV的融合过程。由于HIV的高变异 性,单一药物治疗容易产生耐药性,最终导致治疗失败。因此在新药开发中进行 药物与作用靶不同的已上市药物体外联合用药和耐药性研究是非常必要的,将对 临床应用有指导意义,我们的实验结果表明西夫韦肽与AZT联合用药体外抗HIV-1作用较单独用药好,不同检测方法联合用药比单独使用西夫韦肽的效果好 8.3-9.4倍;耐药性研究表明其体外诱导耐药性产生的时间与T-20相仿,与T-20有 交叉耐药。 我国传统的中医药是个巨大的宝库,有丰富的临床经验,中医药治疗艾滋病 有着一定的潜力。从我国国情出发,利用中医药的独特性及经济性,开发传统的 具有我国特色的艾滋病治疗天然药物成为AIDS 防治工作的当务之急。盐肤木是 中国的本土植物,在我国民间用作传统医药有着悠久的历史。盐肤木茎提取物尤 其是石油醚提取部分RC-1 具有较好的抗HIV 活性,且作用于病毒复制周期的后 期,从中分离得到的化合物1、2、4、5 和6 都是RC-1 的活性成份;盐肤木茎 提取物乙酸乙酯提取物RC-2 中也有较好的抗HIV 作用,其中的化合物8、9、 10 和13 是抗HIV 的活性成分,且作用机制各不相同,这些有效化合物的抗HIV 机制值得进一步的研究。 杀微生物剂是一种局部用药于阴道或宫颈的药物制剂,由女性自主控制防止 性传播疾病病原体包括HIV 的感染,是近年来的研究热点之一。AGB(4`-乙酰胺 苯基 4-胍基苯甲酸酯)是顶体酶的抑制剂,我们的实验表明AGB 有很好的杀精 子作用,还具有体外抗HIV-1 的作用,作用机制主要是阻断HIV-1 进入细胞。
This paper proposes a novel loadless 4T SRAM cell composed of nMOS transistors. The SRAM cell is based on 32nm silicon-on-insulator (SO1) technology node. It consists of two access transistors and two pull-down transistors. The pull-down transistors have larger channel length than the access transistors. Due to the significant short channel effect of small-size MOS transistors, the access transistors have much larger leakage current than the pull-down transistors,enabling the SRAM cell to maintain logic "1" while in standby. The storage node voltages of the cell are fed back to the back-gates of the access transistors,enabling the stable "read" operation of the cell. The use of back-gate feedback also helps to im- prove the static noise margin (SNM) of the cell. The proposed SRAM cell has smaller area than conventional bulk 6T SRAM cells and 4T SRAM cells. The speed and power dissipation of the SRAM cell are simulated and discussed. The SRAM cell can operate with a 0. 5V supply voltage.
An arch-shaped beam with different configurations under electrostatic loading experiences either the direct pull-in instability or the snap-through first and then the pull-in instability. When the pull-in instability occurs, the system collides with the electrode and adheres to it, which usually causes the system failure. When the snap-through instability occurs, the system experiences a discontinuous displacement to flip over without colliding with the electrode. The snap-through instability is an ideal actuation mechanism because of the following reasons: (1) after snap-through the system regains the stability and capability of withstanding further loading; (2) the system flips back when the loading is reduced, i.e. the system can be used repetitively; and (3) when approaching snap-through instability the system effective stiffness reduces toward zero, which leads to a fast flipping-over response. To differentiate these two types of instability responses for an arch-shaped beam is vital for the actuator design. For an arch-shaped beam under electrostatic loading, the nonlinear terms of the mid-plane stretching and the electrostatic loading make the analytical solution extremely difficult if not impossible and the related numerical solution is rather complex. Using the one mode expansion approximation and the truncation of the higher-order terms of the Taylor series, we present an analytical solution here. However, the one mode approximation and the truncation error of the Taylor series can cause serious error in the solution. Therefore, an error-compensating mechanism is also proposed. The analytical results are compared with both the experimental data and the numerical multi-mode analysis. The analytical method presented here offers a simple yet efficient solution approach by retaining good accuracy to analyze the instability of an arch-shaped beam under electrostatic loading.
人类的载脂蛋白A5(apolipoprotein A5,APOA5)是一个新近发现的载脂蛋白家族成员。它在血浆中的含量比其他载脂蛋白低1-2个数量级,但能显著影响血浆三酰甘油水平,对血脂代谢具有重要意义,可以作为降血脂药物治疗中一个强有力的潜在靶标。 由于APOA5在血浆中含量低,直接从血浆中分离纯化很困难,国内一直没有报道简易可靠的纯化方法。为进一步研究APOA5的生物学特性,探讨其与TG代谢中的其它关键成分之间的相互关系,揭示其在脂类代谢相关疾病中的重要地位,必须有大量的蛋白和抗体用于基础研究。因此本研究首先利用基因工程技术,诱导表达纯化APOA5蛋白,免疫动物制备多克隆抗体,为进一步研究人肝脏细胞中APOA5的相互作用蛋白,研究APOA5蛋白在肝脏细胞中的功能奠定基础。 为了深入研究APOA5在肝脏中如何行使功能,我们采用细菌双杂交技术寻找与APOA5相互作用的蛋白因子。并采用Pull-down技术,免疫荧光及免疫共沉淀技术进一步确证其在体外和体内的相互作用关系,为进一步阐明APOA5在体内的生理功能提供了新的线索。 第一部分 APOA5基因的克隆、原核表达、纯化及其多克隆抗体的制备 本研究首先应用基因克隆技术,从人肝癌细胞系SMMC-7721的cDNA中扩增出1.1 kb的ApoA5基因全长序列。然后将其克隆至表达载体pThioHisD,构建原核表达载体pTH-APOA5。该重组质粒转化至大肠杆菌 BL21(DE3),成功实现人APOA5融合蛋白在大肠杆菌中的表达。经发酵得到高效表达的融合蛋白。 融合蛋白在 IPGT 诱导下以包涵体的形式大量表达。利用融合蛋白上的一段组氨酸序列,用镍离子亲和柱进行纯化和复性后,获得较高纯度的人APOA5融合蛋白。利用该融合蛋白免疫新西兰大耳白兔,获得了高效价的兔抗人APOA5多克隆抗体,Western Blot结果显示此多克隆抗体与APOA5特异性结合。 第二部分 细菌双杂交筛选与APOA5相互作用的蛋白 本实验首先构建了pBT-APOA5重组质粒,经双酶切、PCR和测序鉴定证明重组诱饵质粒构建成功,并进行了表达、自激活鉴定。Western Blot鉴定证实报告菌株中表达了分子量为 68 kD左右的重组融合蛋白,与预测的分子量APOA5(41 kD)/lamda cI (27 kD)一致。自激活实验证明诱饵蛋白不能单独激活报告基因,可用于筛选人肝脏cDNA文库。经过双重抗性筛选和回复筛选,分离出10个阳性克隆。对结果进行生物信息学分析,得到7个与APOA5相互作用的蛋白,其中BI1为细胞凋亡调节因子;ATP6、CYTB、ND2、COX-1为线粒体表达蛋白; ALB、TTR为血清蛋白。 第三部分 APOA5与BI1相互作用的确证 首先构建了BI1的原核表达载体pGEX-5X-3-BI1,利用Pull-down实验检测了APOA5与BI1在体外具有相互作用。然后构建了BI1的真核表达载体pCDNA3.1-HA-BI1和APOA5的真核表达载体pCDNA3.1-APOA5,并验证其表达。通过免疫荧光细胞内共定位研究发现,靶蛋白APOA5主要分布于胞浆,与BI1在HEK293细胞有共定位,即APOA5与BI1存在相互作用的可能。最后利用免疫共沉淀手段,在HEK293细胞中确证了靶蛋白APOA5与BI1在体内的相互作用。 上述研究结果,为深入研究APOA5在体内的生物学功能提供了新的思路。 Apolipoprotein A5 (APOA5) is a newly discovered protein belongs to apolipoprotein family. APOA5’s concentration is 1-2 orders of magnitude lower than other apolipoproteins in the circulation. APOA5 significantly affected plasma triglyceride levels, which is important on lipid metabolism. APOA5 has strong potential to be used as a hypolipidemic drug target. Large amount of APOA5 protein and antibodies are needed in basic research, such as biological characteristics study of the APOA5, its relationship with other key components in TG metabolism, its role played in Lipid metabolism-related diseases. Due to its low concentration in plasma, separation and purification of APOA5 from the plasma is very difficult. Until now no report on simple and reliable method for purification has been published in China. In this study, we firstly got APOA5 recombinant protein using genetic engineering technology. The purified recombinant protein was used to immunize rabbits to get antiserum. It is important for further study of the APOA5 protein-interacting protein. And it lays the foundation for studing APOA5 function in liver. In order to study APOA5 function in liver, we used bacterial two-hybrid technology to find the APOA5 protein interactor. Pull-down, immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation techniques were used to further confirm the interaction between APOA5 with its interactor in vitro and in vivo. All of these stdudies provided new clues on its physiological functions in vivo. Part I: Cloning, prokaryotic expression, purification and polyclonal antibody preparation of APOA5 First of all, we amplified APOA5 CDS sequence from the human hepatoma cell line SMMC-7721, and subcloned into Expression vector pThioHisD, and got the recombinants named pTH-APOA5. The plasmid was transformed to BL21 (DE3). E. coli BL21(DE3) cells bearing the pTH-APOA5 plasmid were cultured and APOA5 protein synthesis was induced by the addition of IPTG. Recombinant protein was expression in the form of inclusion. Inclusion bodies were dissolved in phosphate-buffered saline containing 8 M urea and 40 mM imidazole, then applied to a Ni2+ affinity column, and were eluted in a buffer containing 4 M urea and 200 mM imidazole. Fractions containing the APOA5 protein were pooled and dialyzed against buffer containing phosphate-buffered saline. Antiserum to recombinant human APOA5 was generated by immuning rabbit. Western Blot showed that this antiserum specific binding with APOA5. Part II Two-hybrid system screening protein interactions with the APOA5 The coding sequence of human APOA5 was amplified using synthetic oligonucleotide primers from pTH-APOA5 vector and was subcloned into the pBT plasmidc to yield pBT-APOA5 vector. DNA sequencing was performed to verify that no unwanted mutations occurred during the process of plasmid vector construction. We verified recombinant protein expression and tested self-activation by pBT-APOA5 prior to screening. Western Blot verified inducing a 68 kD band, consistent with the predicted molecular weight (APOA5 41 kD, lamda cI 27 kD). pBT-APOA5 can be used for screening human liver cDNA library because it can not self-activation. Totally 10 positive clones were isolated. The nucleotide sequence of the positive clones were determined and compared to NCBI nucleotide sequence databases. We got 7 protein which interact with APOA5, included BI1(Apoptosis regulator); ATP6, CYTB, ND2, COX-1(Mitochondrial protein) and ALB, TTR(Serum protein). Part III Confirming of interaction between APOA5 with BI1 pGEX-5X-3-BI1 vector was subcloned at first. Pull-down experiments were used to detect the interaction between APOA5 with BI1 in vitro. Later, pCDNA3.1-HA-BI1 and pCDNA3.1-APOA5 were subcloned. Through immunofluorescence co-localization study, we found APOA5 mainly distributed in the cytoplasm. APOA5 is co-localization with BI1 in HEK293 cells. Finally, we verified interaction between APOA5 with BI1 in vivo through immunoprecipitation.
By means of the improved quantum molecular dynamics model, the incident energy dependent dynamical fusion potential barriers for heavy nucleus reaction systems are investigated. It is found that with decrease of incident energy the lowest dynamic barrier is obtained which approaches to the adiabatic static barrier and with increase of the incident energy the dynamic barrier goes up to the diabatic static barrier. Based on the dynamical study a microscopic understanding of the extra-push in fusion reactions of heavy systems and a new explanation of tunneling process for the fusion at the incident energy below the static and above the lowest dynamic barrier are presented. In order to understand the energy dependence of the dynamical barrier we also pay a great attention to study the neck formation and shape deformation during the dynamic lowering of the barrier.
The conformation of bovine serum albumin (BSA), as well as its interactions with negatively charged mica surfaces in saline solutions of different pH values, have been studied by small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and chemical force microscopy (CFM), respectively. A new approach to extract the contribution of elementary interactions from the statistically averaged force-extension curves through self-consistent fitting was proposed and used to understand the effects of pH on the interactions and conformation of BSA in saline solutions. When pH increases, the SANS results reveal that the sizes of BSA molecules increase slightly, while the statistical analysis of the CFM results shows that the averaged pull-off force for the elongation monotonously decreases. The decrease of pull-off force with the increase of pH results from the decrease in the strength of hydrogen bonding and the number of interaction pairs, as well as the slight increase of the strength of van der Waals interaction. When pH approaches the isoelectric point (pI) of BSA, results from both SANS and CFM suggest a loss of long-range interactions in BSA molecules. Our results also suggest that the force-extension curve is mainly contributed by the van der Waals interaction. The combination of SANS and CFM provides new insight to understand the interactions and conformation of BSA molecules
The synthesis, structures, photophysics, electrochemistry and electrophosphorescent properties of new red phosphorescent cyclometalated iridium(III) isoquinoline complexes, bearing 9-arylcarbazolyl chromophores, are reported. The functional properties of these red phosphors correlate well with the results of density functional theory calculations
The synthesis, structures, photophysics, electrochemistry and electrophosphorescent properties of new red phosphorescent cyclometalated iridium(III) isoquinoline complexes, bearing 9-arylcarbazolyl chromophores, are reported. The functional properties of these red phosphors correlate well with the results of density functional theory calculations. The highest occupied molecular orbital levels of these complexes are raised by the integration of a carbazole unit to the iridium isoquinoline core so that the hole-transporting ability is improved in the resulting complexes relative to those with I-phenylisoquinoline ligands. All of the complexes are highly thermally stable and emit an intense red light at room temperature with relatively short lifetimes that are beneficial for highly efficient organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs).
A series of novel red-emitting iridium dendrimers functionalized with oligocarbazole host dendrons up to the third generation (red-G3) have been synthesized by a convergent method, and their photophysical, electrochemical, and electroluminescent properties have been investigated. In addition to controlling the intermolecular interactions, oligocarbazole-based dendrons could also participate in the electrochemical and charge-transporting process. As a result, highly efficient electrophosphorescent devices can be fabricated by spin-coating from chlorobenzene solution in different device configurations.
A series of cyclometalating platinum(II) complexes with substituted 9-arylcarbazolyl chromophores have been synthesized and characterized. These complexes are thermally stable and most of them have been characterized by X-ray crystallography. The phosphorescence emissions of the complexes are dominated by (MLCT)-M-3 excited states. The excited state properties of these complexes can be modulated by varying the electronic characteristics of the cyclometalating ligands via substituent effects, thus allowing the emission to be tuned from bright green to yellow, orange and red light. The correlation between the functional properties of these metallophosphors and the results of density functional theory calculations was made. Because of the propensity of the electron-rich carbazolyl group to facilitate hole injection/transport, the presence of such moiety can increase the highest occupied molecular orbital levels and improve the charge balance in the resulting complexes relative to the parent platinum(II) phosphor with 2-phenylpyridine ligand.