79 resultados para plasma light propagation


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Following the quantitative determination of dust cloud parameters, this study investigates the flame propagation through cornstarch dust clouds in a vertical duct of 780 mm height and 160 x 160 mm square cross section, and gives particular attention to the effect of small scale turbulence and small turbulence intensity on flame characteristics. Dust suspensions in air were produced using an improved apparatus ensuring more uniform distribution and repeatable dust concentrations in the testing duct. The dispersion-induced turbulence was measured by means of a particle image velocimetry (PIV) system, and dust concentrations were estimated by direct weighing method. This quantitative assessment made it possible to correlate observed flame behaviors with the parameters of the dust cloud. Upward propagating dust flames, from both closed/open bottom end to open/closed top end of the duct, were visualized by direct light and shadow photography. From the observation of propagation regimes and the measurements of flame velocity, a critical value of the turbulence intensity can be specified below which laminar flame propagation would be established. This transition condition was determined to be 10 cm/s. Laminar flames propagated with oscillations from the closed bottom end to the open top end of the testing duct, while the turbulent flames accelerated continuously. Both laminar and turbulent flames propagated with steady velocity from the open bottom end to the closed top end of the duct. The measured propagation velocity of laminar flames appeared to be in the range of 0.45-0.56 m/s, and it was consistent with the measurements reported in the literature. In the present experimental study, the influence of dust concentration on flame propagation was also examined, and the flame propagation velocity was found weakly sensitive to the variations in dust concentration. Some information on the flame structure was revealed from the shadow records, showing the typical heterogeneous feature of the dust combustion process.


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Electron acceleration from the interaction of an intense short-pulse laser with low density plasma is considered. The relation between direct electron acceleration within the laser pulse and that in the wake is investigated analytically. The magnitude and location of the ponderomotive-force-caused charge separation field with respect to that of the pulse determine the relative effectiveness of the two acceleration mechanisms. It is shown that there is an optimum condition for acceleration in the wake. Electron acceleration within the pulse dominates as the pulse becomes sufficiently short, and the latter directly drives and even traps the electrons. The latter can reach ultrahigh energies and can be extracted by impinging the pulse on a solid target. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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The propagation behaviors, which include the carrier-envelope phase, the area evolution and the solitary pulse number of few-cycle pulses in a dense two-level medium, are investigated based on full-wave Maxwell-Bloch equations by taking Lorentz local field correction (LFC) into account. Several novel features are found: the difference of the carrier-envelope phase between the cases with and without LFC can go up to pi at some location; although the area of ultrashort solitary pulses is lager than 2 pi, the area of the effective Rabi frequency, which equals to that the Rabi frequency pluses the product of the strength of the near dipole-dipole (NDD) interaction and the polarization, is consistent with the standard area theorem and keeps 2 pi; the large area pulse penetrating into the medium produces several solitary pulses as usual, but the number of solitary pulses changes at certain condition. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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By employing pump-probe back longitudinal diffractometry, the electron density and decay dynamics of a weak plasma channel created by a 1-KHz fs laser in air has been investigated. With ultrashort laser pulses of 50 fs and low energy of 0.6 mJ, we observe weak plasma channels with a length similar to 2 cm in air. An analytical reconstruction method of electron density has been analyzed, which is sensitive to the phase shift and channel size. The electron density in the weak plasma channel is extracted to be about 4x10(16) cm(-3). The diameters of the plasma channel and the filament are about 50 and 150 mu m, respectively, and the measurable electron density can be extended to less than 10(15) cm(-3). Moreover, a different time-frequency technique called linearly chirped longitudinal diffractometry is proposed to time-resolved investigate ultrafast ionization dynamics of laser-irradiated gas, laser interaction with cluster beam, etc.


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Nonlinear propagation of fs laser pulses in liquids and the dynamic processes of filamentation such as self-focusing, intensity clamping, and evolution of white light production have been analyzed by using one- and two-photon fluorescence. The energy losses of laser pulses caused by multiphoton absorption and conical emission have been measured respectively by z-scan technique. Numerical simulations of fs laser propagation in water have been made to explain the evolution of white light production as well as the small-scale filaments in liquids we have observed by a nonlinear fluorescence technique. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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The group velocity of the probe light pulse (GVPLP) propagating through an open Lambda-type atomic system with a spontaneously generated coherence is investigated when the weak probe and strong driving light fields have different frequencies. It is found that adjusting the detuning or Rabi frequency of the probe light field can realize switching of the GVPLP from subluminal to superluminal. Changing the relative phase between the probe and driving light. elds or atomic exit and injection rates can lead to GVPLP varying in a wider range, but cannot induce transformation of the property of the GVPLP. The absolute value of the GVPLP always increases with Rabi frequency of the driving light field increasing. For subluminal and superluminal propagation, the system always exhibits the probe absorption, and GVPLP is mainly determined by the slope of the steep dispersion.


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A set of exact one-dimensional solutions to coupled nonlinear equations describing the propagation of a relativistic ultrashort circularly polarized laser pulse in a cold collisionless and bounded plasma where electrons have an initial velocity in the laser propagating direction is presented. The solutions investigated here are in the form of quickly moving envelop solitons at a propagation velocity comparable to the light speed. The features of solitons in both underdense and overdense plasmas with electrons having different given initial velocities in the laser propagating direction are described. It is found that the amplitude of solitons is larger and soliton width shorter in plasmas where electrons have a larger initial velocity. In overdense plasmas, soliton duration is shorter, the amplitude higher than that in underdense plasmas where electrons have the same initial velocity.


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Confinement of electromagnetic energy into a single well-controlled oscillation of light is very important for generation of intense supercontinuum radiation. We find that the pulse breakup of few-cycle ultrashort laser pulses via resonant propagation effects can achieve this aim. By extracting such pulses and then focusing them to drive the He atoms, about 200 eV intense supercontinuum radiation can be generated, which is capable of supporting similar to 20 attosecond isolated pulse generation.


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An analytical fluid model for resonance absorption during the oblique incidence by femtosecond laser pulses on a small-scale-length density plasma [k(0)L is an element of(0.1,10)] is proposed. The physics of resonance absorption is analyzed more clearly as we separate the electric field into an electromagnetic part and an electrostatic part. It is found that the characteristics of the physical quantities (fractional absorption, optimum angle, etc.) in a small-scale-length plasma are quite different from the predictions of classical theory. Absorption processes are generally dependent on the density scale length. For shorter scale length or higher laser intensity, vacuum heating tends to be dominant. It is shown that the electrons being pulled out and then returned to the plasma at the interface layer by the wave field can lead to a phenomenon like wave breaking. This can lead to heating of the plasma at the expanse of the wave energy. It is found that the optimum angle is independent of the laser intensity while the absorption rate increases with the laser intensity, and the absorption rate can reach as high as 25%. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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An analytical fluid model for JxB heating during the normal incidence by a short ultraintense linearly polarized laser on a solid-density plasma is proposed. The steepening of an originally smooth electron density profile as the electrons are pushed inward by the laser is included self-consistently. It is shown that the JxB heating includes two distinct coupling processes depending on the initial laser and plasma conditions: for a moderate intensity (a <= 1), the ponderomotive force of the laser light can drive a large plasma wave at the point n(e)=4 gamma(0)n(c) resonantly. When this plasma wave is damped, the energy is transferred to the plasma. At higher intensity, the electron density is steepened to a high level by the time-independent ponderomotive force, n(e)> 4 gamma(0)n(c), so that no 2 omega resonance will occur, but the longitudinal component of the oscillating ponderomotive field can lead to an absorption mechanism similar to "vacuum heating." (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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We investigate the mechanism of formation of periodic void arrays inside fused silica and BK7 glass irradiated by a tightly focused femtosecond (fs) laser beam. Our results show that the period of each void array is not uniform along the laser propagation direction, and the average period of the void array decreases with increasing pulse number and pulse energy. We propose a mechanism in which a standing electron plasma wave created by the interference of a fs-laser-driven electron wave and its reflected wave is responsible for the formation of the periodic void arrays.


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Self-trapping, stopping, and absorption of an ultrashort ultraintense linearly polarized laser pulse in a finite plasma slab of near-critical density is investigated by particle-in-cell simulation. As in the underdense plasma, an electron cavity is created by the pressure of the transmitted part of the light pulse and it traps the latter. Since the background plasma is at near-critical density, no wake plasma oscillation is created. The propagating self-trapped light rapidly comes to a stop inside the slab. Subsequent ion Coulomb explosion of the stopped cavity leads to explosive expulsion of its ions and formation of an extended channel having extremely low plasma density. The energetic Coulomb-exploded ions form shock layers of high density and temperature at the channel boundary. In contrast to a propagating pulse in a lower density plasma, here the energy of the trapped light is deposited onto a stationary and highly localized region of the plasma. This highly localized energy-deposition process can be relevant to the fast ignition scheme of inertial fusion.


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We investigate the group velocity of the probe light pulse in an open V-type system with spontaneously generated coherence. We find that, not only varying the relative phase between the probe and driving pulses can but varying the atomic exit rate or incoherent pumping rate also can manipulate dramatically the group velocity, even make the pulse propagation switching from subluminal to superluminal; the subliminal propagation can be companied with gain or absorption, but the superluminal propagation is always companied with absorption. (c) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The nonlinear behavior of a probe pulse propagating in a medium with electromagnetically induced transparency is studied both numerically and analytically. A new type of nonlinear wave equation is proposed in which the noninstantaneous response of nonlinear polarization is treated properly. The resulting nonlinear behavior of the propagating probe pulse is shown to be fundamentally different from that predicted by the simple nonlinear Schrodinger-like wave equation that considers only instantaneous Kerr nonlinearity. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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In this paper we describe an experiment on laser cooling of Rb-87 atoms directly from a vapor background in diffuse light. Diffuse light is produced in a ceramic integrating sphere by multiple scattering of two laser beams injected through multimode fibers. A probe beam, whose propagation direction is either horizontal or vertical, is used to detect cold atoms. We measured the absorption spectra of the cold atoms by scanning the frequency of the probe beam, and observed both the absorption signal and the time of flight signal after we switched off the cooling light, from which we estimated the temperature and the number of cold atoms. This method is clearly attractive for building a compact cold atom clock.