179 resultados para perylene carboximides, molecular rotor, single molecule spectroscopy, optoelectronic devices


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A controllable silver nanoparticle aggregate system has been synthesized by adding different amounts of ethanol to cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) capped silver nanoparticles (Ag-nps), which could be used as highly efficient surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) active substrates. This ethanol-induced aggregation can be attributed to preferential dissolution of CTAB into ethanol, which leads a partial removal of the protective CTAB layer on Ag-nps. The optical and morphological properties of these aggregates under various volumes of ethanol were explored via UV-vis spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy.


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In this report, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) labeled by Raman reporters (AuNPs-R6G) were assembled on glass and used as the seeds to in situ grow silver-coated nanostructures based on silver enhancer solution, forming the nanostructures of AuNPs-R6G@Ag, which were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and UV-visible spectroscopy. More importantly, the obtained silver-coated nanostructures can be used as a surface enhancement Raman scattering (SERS) substrate. The different SERS activities can be controlled by the silver deposition time and assembly time of AuNPs-R6G on glass. The results indicate that the maximum SERS activity could be obtained on AuNPs-R6G when these nanostructures were assembled on glass for 2 h with silver deposition for 2 min.


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A universal metal-molecule-metal sandwich architecture by the self-assembly of Ag nanoparticles (NPs) and Au NPs of various shapes interconnected with 4-aminothiophenol (4-ATP) molecules was presented. These Ag NPs/4-ATP/Au NPs sandwich structures were characterized by surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) using an off-surface plasmon resonance condition. Enhancement factors (EF) on the order of 10(8) for 9b(b(2)) vibration mode were observed for the 4-ATP self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) in such sandwich structures. The factors are 2 orders of magnitude larger than that on the monolayer of Au NPs of various shapes under similar condition. More importantly, remarkable increase in the intensity of b(2) vibrational modes, which is characteristic of the charge transfer (CT) behavior between metal NPs and 4-ATP molecules, was observed in these sandwich structures under 1064 nm excitation. The obtained EF on these sandwich structure for 9b(b(2)) is larger than that for 7a vibration mode by a factor of similar to 10(2), demonstrating the importance of the contribution of the CT mechanism and the CT behavior of metal contacts, which play a significant role in metal-molecule-metal nanosystems.


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The complex protein folding kinetics in wide temperature ranges is studied through diffusive dynamics on the underlying energy landscape. The well-known kinetic chevron rollover behavior is recovered from the mean first passage time, with the U-shape dependence on temperature. The fastest folding temperature T-0 is found to be smaller than the folding transition temperature T-f. We found that the fluctuations of the kinetics through the distribution of first passage time show rather universal behavior, from high-temperature exponential Poissonian kinetics to the relatively low-temperature highly nonexponential kinetics. The transition temperature is at T-k and T-0, T-k, T-f. In certain low-temperature regimes, a power law behavior at long time emerges. At very low temperatures ( lower than trapping transition temperature T< T-0/(4&SIM;6)), the kinetics is an exponential Poissonian process again.


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The identification of kinetic pathways is a central issue in understanding the nature of flexible binding. A new approach is proposed here to study the dynamics of this binding-folding process through the establishment of a path integral framework on the underlying energy landscape. The dominant kinetic paths of binding and folding can be determined and quantified. In this case, the corresponding kinetic paths of binding are shown to be intimately correlated with those of folding and the dynamics becomes quite cooperative. The kinetic time can be obtained through the contributions from the dominant paths and has a U-shape dependence on temperature.


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Four different sizes of citrate-protected silver nanoplates with the corresponding in-plane dipole resonance band at 530, 619, 778, and 858 nm, respectively, are synthesized for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) study. Their aggregation behaviors are monitored by use of UV-vis spectroscopy. During the aggregation process, a marked red shift of the in-plane dipole resonance of silver nanoplates is observed, whereas other resonance modes of them only have small alterations in the site or intensity. Aggregated silver nanoplates can serve as active SERS substrates with an enhancement factor of about 4.5 x 10(5) using 2-aminothiophenol as a probing molecule. The SERS performance of silver nanoplates is even superior to the commonly used Lee-Meisel silver colloid, making them very attractive for SERS applications.


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We study the dynamics of protein folding via statistical energy-landscape theory. In particular, we concentrate on the local-connectivity case with the folding progress described by the fraction of native conformations. We found that the first passage-time (FPT) distribution undergoes a dynamic transition at a temperature below which the FPT distribution develops a power-law tail, a signature of the intermittent nonexponential kinetic phenomena for the folding dynamics. Possible applications to single-molecule dynamics experiments are discussed.


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Immobilization of protein molecules is a fundamental problem for scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) measurements with high resolution. In this paper, an electrochemical method has been proved to be an effective way to fix native horseradish peroxidase (HRP) as well as inactivated HRP from electrolyte onto a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) surface. This preparation is suitable for both ex situ and in situ electrochemical STM (ECSTM) measurements. In situ STM has been successfully employed to observe totally different structures of HRP in three typical cases: (1) in situ ECSTM reveals an oval-shaped pattern for a single molecule in neutral buffer solution, which is in good agreement with the dimension determined as 6.2 x 4.3 x 1.2. nm(3) by ex situ STM for native HRP; (2) in situ ECSTM shows that the adsorbed HRP molecules on HOPG in a denatured environment exhibit swelling globes at the beginning and then change into a V-shaped pattern after 30 min; (3) in situ ECSTM reveals a black hole in every ellipsoidal sphere for inactivated HRP in strong alkali solution. The cyclic voltammetry results indicate that the adsorbed native HRP can directly catalyse the reduction of hydrogen peroxide, demonstrating that a direct electron transfer reduction occurred between the enzyme and HOPG electrode, whereas the corresponding cyclic voltammograms for denatured HRP and inactivated HRP adsorbed on HOPG electrodes indicate a lack of ability to catalyse H2O2 reduction, which confirms that the HRP molecules lost their biological activity. Obviously, electrochemical results powerfully support in situ STM observations.


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ZnO nanotetrapods with hexagonal crown were synthesized on a silicon wafer by vapor transport process at a low temperature of 630 °C and normal pressure without the presence of catalysts. The results demonstrated that the as-synthesized products with slender legs and regular hexagonal crown are single crystal with wurtzite structure and preferentially grow up along 001 direction. Photoluminescence spectra revealed that the green emission originated from oxygen vacancies overwhelmed that of the near-band-edge ultraviolet peak, which suggests the peculiar-shaped nanotetrapods may have potential applications in multichannel nano-optoelectronic devices.


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Modeling of fluid flows in crystal growth processes has become an important research area in theoretical and applied mechanics. Most crystal growth processes involve fluid flows, such as flows in the melt, solution or vapor. Theoretical modeling has played an important role in developing technologies used for growing semiconductor crystals for high performance electronic and optoelectronic devices. The application of devices requires large diameter crystals with a high degree of crystallographic perfection, low defect density and uniform dopant distribution. In this article, the flow models developed in modeling of the crystal growth processes such as Czochralski, ammonothermal and physical vapor transport methods are reviewed. In the Czochralski growth modeling, the flow models for thermocapillary flow, turbulent flow and MHD flow have been developed. In the ammonothermal growth modeling, the buoyancy and porous media flow models have been developed based on a single-domain and continuum approach for the composite fluid-porous layer systems. In the physical vapor transport growth modeling, the Stefan flow model has been proposed based on the flow-kinetics theory for the vapor growth. In addition, perspectives for future studies on crystal growth modeling are proposed. (c) 2008 National Natural Science Foundation of China and Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Limited and Science in China Press. All rights reserved.


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We measured noninvasively step velocities of elementary two-dimensional (2D) islands on {110} faces of tetragonal lysozyme crystals, under various supersaturations, by laser confocal microscopy combined with differential interference contrast microscopy. We studied the correlation between the effects of protein impurities on the growth of elementary steps and their adsorption sites on a crystal surface, using three kinds of proteins: fluorescent-labeled lysozyme (F-lysozyme), covalently bonded dimers of lysozyme (dimer), and a 18 kDa polypeptide (18 kDa). These three protein impurities suppressed the advancement of the steps. However, they exhibited different supersaturation dependencies of the suppression of the step velocities. To clarify the cause of this difference, we observed in situ the adsorption sites of individual molecules of F-lysozyme and fluorescent-labeled dimer (F-dimer) on the crystal surface by single-molecule visualization. We found that F-lysozyme adsorbed preferentially on steps (i.e., kinks), whereas F-dimer adsorbed randomly on terraces. Taking into account the different adsorption sites of F-lysozyme and F-dimer, we could successfully explain the different effects of the impurities on the step velocities. These observations strongly suggest that 18 kDa also adsorbs randomly on terraces. Seikagaku lysozyme exhibited a complex effect that could not alone be explained by the two major impurities (dimer and 18 kDa) present in Seikagaku lysozyme, indicating that trace amounts of other impurities significantly affect the step advancement.


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长期以来,远场光学荧光显微镜凭借其非接触、无损伤、可探测样品内部等优点,一直是生命科学中最常用的观测工具。但由于衍射极限的存在,使传统的宽场光学显微镜横向和纵向的分辨率分别仅约为230 nm和1000 nm。为了揭示细胞内分子尺度的动态和结构特征,提高光学显微镜分辨率成为生命科学发展的迫切要求,在远场荧光显微镜的基础上,科学家们已经发展出许多实用的提高分辨率甚至超越分辨率极限的成像技术。例如,采用横向结构光照明提高横向分辨率到约100 nm,利用纵向驻波干涉效应将纵向分辨率提高5~10倍。然而,直到在光学荧光显微镜中引入非线性效应后,衍射极限才被真正突破,如受激荧光损耗显微镜利用非线性效应实现了30~50 nm的三维分辨率。另外应用荧光分子之间能量转移共振原理以及单荧光分子定位技术也可以突破衍射极限,甚至可以将分子定位精度提高到几个纳米的量级。


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Al2O3/SiO2 films have been prepared by electron-beam evaporation as ultraviolet (UV) antireflection coatings on 4H-SiC substrates and annealed at different temperatures. The films were characterized by reflection spectra, ellipsometer system, atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Xray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), respectively. As the annealing temperature increased, the minimum reflectance of the films moved to the shorter wavelength for the variation of refractive indices and the reduction of film thicknesses. The surface grains appeared to get larger in size and the root mean square (RMS) roughness of the annealed films increased with the annealing temperature but was less than that of the as-deposited. The Al2O3/SiO2 films maintained amorphous in microstructure with the increase of the temperature. Meanwhile, the transition and diffusion in film component were found in XPS measurement. These results provided the important references for Al2O3/SiO2 films annealed at reasonable temperatures and prepared as fine anti-reflection coatings on 4H-SiC-based UV optoelectronic devices. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we present a novel growth of grade-strained bulk InGaAs/InP by linearly changing group-III TMGa source flow during low-pressure metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy (LP-MOVPE). The high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) measurements showed that much different strain was simultaneously introduced into the fabricated bulk InGaAs/InP by utilizing this novel growth method. We experimentally demonstrated the utility and simplicity of the growth method by fabricating common laser diodes. As a first step, under the injection current of 100 mA, a more flat gain curve which has a spectral full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of about 120 nm was achieved by using the presented growth technique. Our experimental results show that the simple and new growth method is very suitable for fabricating broad-band semiconductor optoelectronic devices. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.